Chapter XI.
Author's Note- Thanks for the reviews, as always I appreciate it. Jon and Dany go and treat with the Tyrell's as things begin to fall into place and Jon finds out some rather shocking news. Will the Roses take a shine to the Wolves and Dragons?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The assembled group that was slowly turning into the something resembling a royal court, was making their way south through the Riverlands and into the Reach. In the end, Jon had relented to Arya's pleas, and she was allowed to join them as well. Truthfully, he could never deny the girl who would always be his little sister anything. He had dedicated part of each day to help instruct her in swordsmanship. Much to Lady, no now she was Princess Catelyn's dismay, Arya brought her needle near everywhere she went. His sister Rhaenys as well as his mother would help with Arya's lessons as well. Catelyn had eventually agreed to the arrangement when Arya also promised to take deportment lessons with Lyanna and Rhaenys as instructors. They showed her how to behave like a proper lady while still being a fierce she-wolf.
The night before they left, Dany had given him the shock of his life. She was with child. Jon was still quite anxious over his decision of allowing Dany to still accompany them. The selfish part of him realized he simply didn't wish to be parted from her. She brought him strength and had become the rock he needed when the world around him felt as if it would swallow him whole. Everyone around him noticed how extremely attentive and protective Jon was acting; no one however commented on the matter. He had questioned Maester Vyman, and he had told him it would still be safe for Dany to ride for a while yet, so he had reluctantly consented as none of the women in his party were the type to travel by wheelhouse. Once the shock and worry wore off though, Jon had been overjoyed. He was going to be a father! He now had that much more of a reason to fight. He would do whatever it took to make damn sure that his growing family was safe and secure. If he had to give the Lannisters a second Field of Fire to end this war, then so be it. His son or daughter would not know the troubles and hardships their parents endured.
Jon had been shocked when they entered the Stoney Sept. He had thus far not seen too much of the small folk. The welcome they accorded him and his family and men was a complete surprise. They were cheering heartily and waving home-made Targaryen banners everywhere. Jon and Dany both had been truly touched; especially as this was once the town that had sheltered and hidden Robert Baratheon from Jon Connington during the Rebellion. He sat in court with Dany and together they listened to the many and varied grievances of the local people. Jon tried his best to render fair and proper judgment. He also did what he could to alleviate any troubles they had if he was at all able. It had truly been an eye-opening experience for Jon and Dany both. These were also the people that they were fighting for. When he sat the Iron Throne, he would make sure that the various lords of the realm treated their small folk fairly, and that the crown's aid was properly distributed.
When Jon's company approached the Gold Road, they found Lords Grandison, Cafferen, and Fell with their hosts from the Stormlands had blocked the Lannister's most direct route from the Westerlands to supply the Capitol. From now on, they would either have to somehow force their way through the Riverlands or sail around nearly the entirety of Westeros; which would be decidedly difficult with the various enemy navy's they were sure to encounter. Jon and the others met with the Stormlords and they all swore their fealty. They also brought him a letter from Lord Caron and Lord Swann. Everyone was surprised that Lord Gulian Swann was offering his support, as he was known to be an overly cautious man. However, he was also the head of the second most powerful family in the whole of the Stormlands. Lord Grandison urged Jon to accept Lord Swann and Caron's terms as they were not asking for much. They truthfully wanted little more than security against Stannis Baratheon and his Red Witch. Jon wrote back to the both of them with positive resposes. With them added to his supporters, Jon now held the support of near all the Marcher lords. They would be adding nearly another ten thousand men. That brought the total amount of Jon's forces throughout the Seven Kingdoms to almost one hundred thousand men-at-arms. They were most assuredly in a rather powerful position to negotiate with the Tyrell's.
As they continued the journey southwards, Jon encountered what could only be described as a welcoming party when they entered the Reach. Lord Tarly had asked for and received permission from Mace Tyrell to journey northwards to meet Jon's entourage and escort them through the Reach. They had crossed the Gold Road three days previously when Randyll Tarly approached them with a five thousand man escort. While Mace Tyrell believed himself to be letting Lord Tarly go forward in an effort to flatter and impress the young King his mother insisted they ally with, Lord Tarly was of another mind entirely. He had received word just like the rest of the realm of the victories of the young Dragonwolf, as the realm had taken to calling him affectionately. He had waited decades to serve a high lord or king that he could respect. He had placed a great many hopes in the boy's father, but Robert Baratheon had killed him. Every victory he won, one way or another, Mace Tyrell found a way to take the credit for it. He was tired of standing in Mace Tyrell's shadow as the fat oaf squandered his hard earned work. He had always, always been a Targaryen loyalist. As a devout man, the oaths he took to the Targaryen dynasty as a very young man had always remained true in his heart. He had never regarded Robert Baratheon as anything other than a child killer and an usurper. He was determined to show his young king the loyalty that the Fat Flower would rather extort. There were many men of the Reach that held their loyalty far more true than the Flowers did.
When he approached the King's party, he had been shocked to his core to see three very alive. and very large dragons flying overhead. He had assumed those rumors to be merely tall tales. Apparently not, as they looked very much real. He had brought his son's with him. Even Samwell, though of what use he could possibly be, Randyll knew not. He had been of a mind to have the boy go to the Wall, but in the end, he had relented to his wife's pleas. It had been a rather easy matter to get the boy to sign a document replacing him as heir with his brother Dickon. Dickon was the son and heir Randyll had hoped his gentle craven of a son Samwell would always be. Mayhaps the young King could find some use for his first-born as they were of an age together, and Randyll had to admit that whatever the boy lacked in martial skills, he was surprisingly intelligent.
He was brought to the Kings tent. He was seated next to a beautiful young girl that could only be his Queen Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of Aerys. His Uncle Prince Eddard of the North and sister the Princess Rhaenys were with them.
"Your Graces, I am Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill, and have come to swear to you the fealty I gave your late father. I recognize you as the one and true King of the Seven Kingdoms and do pledge to Your Grace the fealty of myself and House Tarly. I am yours to command Your Grace," he told the King.
"Rise Lord Tarly. I thank you for your fealty and the loyalty you have shown myself and House Targaryen. Your reputation precedes you, and I welcome your fealty and service gladly. Now, please come sit, and join us for lunch Lord Tarly," the King told him.
Randyll bowed his head and joined the royal couple as they made their way to another tent where a luncheon had been prepared. They discussed many various topics, especially concerning the state of things as they currently stood in the Reach. Eventually, he brought up the topic of the Tyrells and the alliance they intended to broker. The young King was apparently not one for dissembling and asked Randyll straight out what he thought.
"What advice would you give me Lord Tarly, concerning Lord Mace? I understand he can be a rather difficult sort of fellow." The King inquired.
Randyll thought over his response for a moment. While he was a bannerman of the Tyrells, he was also determined to prove his loyalty to his King.
"Your Grace, I would be cautious when treating with the Tyrells. It is the Lady Olenna that is the power in that family, and she is ambitious to the extreme. They do not call her the Queen of Thorns for nothing, and I know for a fact that she has her own network of spies around the realm. When she received reliable evidence of the truth concerning Your Grace as well, or rather most especially the fact that Your Grace had living dragons; that is what undoubtedly persuaded her to force her son to remain neutral until Your Grace had come out in to the open. However cautious you should be around her, she is also a realist. As far as Lord Mace is concerned, I would advise Your Grace to be firm and make a strong show of power. Between the massive numbers Your Graces forces already represent, as well as the dragons, I doubt their would be little trouble intimidating the man. I would allow a full display of Targaryen might to show Lord Mace that although Your Grace is young, you are not to be trifled with. Mayhaps simply keeping the dragon of yours near would do alot of the persuading in itself," he told the King.
Prince Oberyn as well as Prince Eddard agreed with him. The King and Queen, whom Randyll had come to understand was far more than just a pretty young face herself, had agreed that they would meet with the Tyrells in full pomp and what extravagance there was to be had. Though Randyll could tell that the idea of the display did not sit well with the King, and he cared not for such displays, he would do what he needs must to ensure their success.
As they traveled further into the Reach, Randyll got to know the young King better and found that he was right to pledge his fealty to this King. He firmly believed he was exactly what the realm needed. Randyll saw a great deal of his father Rhaegar in him, but he also was not possessed of the dreaming quality that plagued his father. No, this King was firmly grounded in reality. Randyll had also finally found some use for his first-born son. The King had met with Samwell several times that Randyll had been unawares of and had apparently taken a liking to the boy. He had taken Samwell on as his scribe, something that amounted to being the King's private secretary. That had been a rather large shock to Randyll, but if the King liked the boy, he was welcome to make use of him. Perhaps his son would make something of himself after all.
Several days after Randyll Tarly and his men had met up with their group, Jon had gone on a walk to clear his mind of the constant issues being brought before him. He did this every so often, and found it a great means of relaxation. He always made sure he was dressed as a common man so he could talk to people he encountered without them knowing who he really was. He found it a good means of learning what regular people thought about things. This quiet afternoon he was walking around the edge of a wooded area, Ser Barristan cloaked a discrete distance away, ever one of his Kingsguard shadows.
He heard the sounds of what sounded like a scuffle up ahead. He unsheathed his sword as he quietly approached. What he found disgusted him. Three young squires he knew to be under Lord Tarly's employ were kicking and punching a rather fat young boy around Jon's age who was begging for them to stop as he curled in on himself.
"Don't you think you've embarrassed our Lord enough. You should have taken the Black like Lord Randyll wanted," one of the bullies said as he laid a particularly vicious kick to the fat boys gut.
"Stop. Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the boy yelled.
Jon had heard enough, he always despised bullies. Some had attempted to bully him when he was younger. Jon however, had always been prepared to fight back against those that would think to harm him. Not that there had ever been many in the first place. He quietly approached them with Blackfyre held out in front of him.
"Enough," Jon said loudly.
The three boys turned to him.
"Why do you wish to help this craven? Is he your boy friend? Hey, Fat Sam, is this your boyfriend? His long curly hair, he looks like he might like the Piggy," said an exceptionally arrogant squire.
Samwell Tarly had looked up to see who his saviour was and his eyes had gone as large as saucers. He may have been wearing the clothes of a common man, but Sam could well recognize the King himself. Oh, these idiot boys were in for it now. Mayhaps him too.
The boys looked a might confused when Jon merely chucked at their words, at the fact they had not the least bit of meaning to him or that he would be intimidated in the slightest.
Jon advanced on the three idiots.
"Well, I must say 'gentleman', that you three have to be perhaps the poorest example of squires I have ever beheld. To beat up on someone that you know cannot defend themselves is the height of dishonour. No, I say it is you three who are the cravens to attack an unarmed man three to one. Now, if you know what's good for you, you will apologize to the lad here, and report your shameful actions to your commanders. Do you understand me?" Jon demanded.
"Who in the Seven Hells do you think you are to demand anything of us pretty boy? You are no knight! You are nothing!" Bastard number two, as Jon had mentally labeled the troublemakers had the nerve to say to him.
Perhaps he unnerved them however, when all he did in reply was give them a menacing smile.
Jon brought out Blackfyre to the light so as the rabble could actually see his famed Valyrian blade. Then his ever faithful Ghost stepped out of the wood and came to stand in front of Jon as he was then joined by Ser Barristan Selmy who through off his cloak exposing the white of his Kingsguard uniform.
The three boys had a look of abject terror as they realized it was the King they had talked about and been about to attack. They all three immediately dropped to one knee and bowed their heads in shame. Jon however payed them not the slightest bit of mind as he went to help up the boy he now recognized as Lord Tarly's eldest son up from the ground.
"What's your name?" Jon asked the boy curiously after he got him to his feet.
He could tell the boy was exceedingly nervous as he stuttered out his response.
"S..S..Sam...Samwell T..Tarly of H..Horn Hill Your G...Grace," Samwell replied.
"There is no need to be nervous Sam," Jon told him with a grin.
"You've done nothing wrong," said Jon.
T..Thank you, Your Grace," Sam managed to say this time without stumbling.
"Your most welcome. Now, let me deal with this bunch, and we'll get you cleaned up and back to your tent." Jon told him.
Jon turned to the three squires.
"Now, what to do with you three," Jon mused.
Jon could hear them all mumbling out apologies, but he just wanted them to realize their behavior was wrong and be done with it.
"Alright, for the remainder of this journey, the three of you will be on latrine duty as punishment. However, what I want is for the three of you to realize that the behavior I saw is totally unbecoming and unacceptable of anyone who wants to be a knight. Now, if you wish to be the kind of knights like the filth the Lannister hold to, then by all means, go and join them. Is that what you wish, is that the type of craven knights you wish to be?" Jon asked them
They appeared too scared to reply.
"You are men of the Reach; the heart of chivalry. Answer me! Is that the type of knight you wish to be?" He demanded.
"No, Your Grace," all three replied in firmer voices simultaneously.
"Very well then. You will accept your punishment with good grace. You will prove to your King that you are the type of men a Knight ought to be, good and honourable, for the remainder of your days. Will you do this? Will you prove to your people and to your King that you are to be men and knights the realm can be proud of?" Jon asked them.
"Yes, Your Grace. We swear it," the squires swore.
"Very well then. Apologize to Samwell here, and accept your punishment and become the kind of knights the realm needs; and we shall forget this incident and think no further on it."
"Is that acceptable?" He inquired.
"Yes, Your Grace. We swear to serve the Your Grace and the realm with pride," they each swore to him.
They apologized to Sam, and went on their way. Jon hoped what he said to them would change them, for they sorely needed it.
As Jon, Samwell, and Ser Barristan made their way back to the tents Ser Barristan spoke, and their was a great amount of pride in his voice when he addressed his King.
"That was most well done Your Grace. I think you truly got through to those three and I daresay Your Grace has made a permanent impression on them. Your Father would be most proud of you," Ser Barristan told him sincerely.
"I thank you for that Ser Barristan. Sometimes people are not brought up the correct way, or do not have anyone to show them what honour truly means. If they can be shown the correct way, they may realize how much better of a man it can make them. Sometimes men only need be shown the right of a thing...or maybe I'm just naive and overly optimistic, who knows?" Jon replied.
"No, Your Grace has the right of it. Besides, sometimes the world needs some degree of optimism," Ser Barristan said strongly.
Samwell spoke up then.
"He...He's rrright, Your Grace. I think you d..did more for them then you know."
Jon smiled at him in thanks. For Some reason, he felt at ease with the other boy, it was almost as if he'd known him in some other time or place.
"So, tell me Sam. I understand you are rather well read and knowledgeable. Have you read much of history?" Jon asked him.
"Y..Yes, Your Grace. You cccould say I am. I have spent mmost of my time studying, aand history was always one of my favorite things to learn," Sam said.
Curious despite himself of why the King of all people wanted to know what he had learned. Though it was certainly true that he had studied a great deal.
"Well, if you were me; if I gain the support of the Reach; what would your next move be?" Jon asked of him.
Sam thought on his King's request. He had read extensively of the Targaryen conquest in the past, as well as others. He knew this King however liked to avoid the shedding of blood whenever possible.
"I...I, well, were I you Y..Your Grace, I should think I would gather as troops as possible and cut off the Lannister hold on K..Kings Landing. Surround them. Your dragons will continue to get bigger. Take the West from them, and they are nothing. The people of Kings Landing mahaps open the gates for you," he told the King; his knowledge of history overcoming his nerves.
Jon thought on his advice for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of such a move, and found it to be sound advice. He then decided to offer the boy the idea that had come to him.
"I have an offer for you Sam. I am in need of a scribe; someone to help me with correspondence and such as well as someone to help me organize my papers and keep track of my appointments. I would have you take that position in my personal household. At the moment it would involve alot of traveling as we are at war, but you would be in no real danger. Though, it would most likely take you away from your father and family a good amount of time. Would you take such a post?" Jon asked him.
He knew the boy to be extraordinarily intelligent, and hoped he could find his place in the world with such a job. Besides, for some unknown reason Jon liked the other boy, and felt he could be trusted.
Sam meanwhile, was overwhelmed with the King himself offering a craven like him such a position. Even if it was only a secretary, he would be working with the King himself. Such an opportunity was more than he could have ever hoped for in life.
"I..I would be honoured Your Grace, truly. Th..Thank You." Sam said.
And with that, Jon had gained a secretary and as the days passed he began to wonder how he had gotten by without him. Sam was beginning to lose some of his horrible shyness, and coming out of his shell. Through little bits and pieces of information Sam let slide about his upbringing, his personal opinion of Lord Randyll Tarly had gone down some. He had always known the Tarly Lord was a hard and martial man, but he did not think much of the man as a father. However the man was proving to be an exceptionally loyal lord, and Jon knew him to be one of the best field commanders in the whole of Westeros; so Jon kept his opinions to himself. Besides, the man had in the end not forced his son to take the Black, merely had him switch positions with his other son Dickon. Although Lord Tarly did appear to be somewhat confused by Jon's favoring of his all but disowned son, he could not deny that his son had finaly done something to please him in gaining an appointment in working so close with the monarch. Jon also found himself highly amused by how discomfited Sam became in his wife and sister's presence. Even Jon's mother Lyanna flustered the boy, much to Lyanna's amusement.
They were in full royal pomp and regalia as they entered Bitterbridge, much to Jon's displeasure as he did not care for what he sometimes called a 'mummer's farce'. Jon rode through the gates on his black stallion completely decked out in Targaryen red and black. He was wearing the armor that had once belonged to his father Prince Rhaegar. Varys had had it sent to him. Apparently, his father had a second set of his famous black armor set in blood red rubies. Personally Jon found it a bit much, but he at least knew the value of the performance he must put on. He had insisted that Dany be at his side on her own silver mare. She looked stunning in her black and red gown. Her head was adorned with a crown that once belonged to her mother Queen Rhaella, with golden dragons made of onyx, rubies, and diamonds. Jon still marvelled that Varys was able to hide so many of the Targaryen jewels away from the Usurper, and had sent them to them when they lived in the Neck. Jon himself was wearing the crown of one of his favorite ancestors, Daeron II Targaryen. Daeron the Good was a king that Jon had great respect for and one he did his best to honour. His was actually one of the names he and Dany were considering if they had a son. For a girl, they had already agreed on Rhaella, for Dany's mother and Jon's grandmother.
Behind Jon and Dany rode his sister Rhaenys and his mother Lyanna as the only actual members of the Royal Family. They were followed by all four knights of the Kingsguard in full regalia. Behind them came Prince Oberyn of Dorne and Prince Eddard of the North; the rest of the Stark family following. The rest of Jon and Dany's court followed them in order of precedence. When their procession came to a halt in front of what Jon assumed to be the Tyrell family; Jon, Dany, and Rhaenys' dragons made what appeared to be an almost choreographed descent from the air and landed beside the three Targaryens. The dragons themselves put on quite a show of power as Jon, Dany, and Rhaenys dismounted, the dragons all three raised their heads high let out a torrent of flames. To onlookers it seemed as if the dragons themselves were heralding their masters arrival. While Dany and Rhaenys's dragons were about the size of a small horse each, Jon's black beast Aegarion was by far the largest as he was already larger than Jon's stallion, (which was saying something as his horse was huge as it was). It would not be all that long and Aegarion would be large enough to ride. Jon could hardly wait for that day to arrive, as he grew more and more eager to mount his dragon and take to the skies as his ancestors once did.
In front of them, the Tyrell family looked on in various states of shock, fear, and awe at both the Targaryen dragons and even the Targaryens themselves. Dany and Rhaenys gave him a look, as if to say they told him all this show was necessary. He had to admit; it most likely was. Considering the statement of power had been made, Jon decided to put the Tyrell's at their ease somewhat. He had Aegarion join his she-dragons and handed his horse to a waiting groom as the rest of his court began to dismount. Jon went to his wife and sister and offered an arm to each, before walking as confidently as he could towards the Tyrells who had begun to collect themselves. He was pleased to see they showed very little hesitation in dropping to one knee and giving them a deep bow and curtsy. Alright, he conceded. Perhaps they were definitely correct and the show of power had been worth it.
"Your Graces," the Tyrells all greeted them.
Jon made a smooth motion with his hand for them to rise.
"Let me be the first to welcome Your Graces to Bitterbridge and the Reach," Mace Tyrell began.
"We have all eagerly awaited your return Your Grace, and that of your most Royal House," the Fat Flower told them in an overly obsequious voice.
Jon already disliked the man. Nonetheless he replied.
"We thank you for the loyalty shown now and in the past Lord Tyrell. Highgarden has long proved themselves loyal friends and allies to House Targaryen," Jon said; though he despised the courtly language he was forced to use.
"Allow me to introduce my queen, Her Grace Queen Daenerys Targaryen, and Our sister Rhaenys, the Princess Royal," he said by way of introduction of his beloved and sister.
Lyanna joined them next.
"And this is my lady mother; Lyanna, the Dowager Princess of Dragonstone," he said.
"Prince Oberyn, I'm sure you know. My Uncle; Eddard, Prince of the North and my lady aunt, the Princess Catelyn. Their son and heir; Robb, the Prince of Moat Cailin. My cousins, the Princesses Sansa and Arya of Winterfell," Jon said as he introduced Prince Oberyn and his Stark relations.
"We are most pleased to receive you all. Allow me to introduce my lady wife; Lady Alerie Hightower Tyrell. My mother; the Lady Olenna Redwyne Tyrell. My son and heir; Willas Tyrell. My son Ser Loras Tyrell. Lastly, but certainly not least my only daughter; the Lady Margaery of House Tyrell- the Rose of Highgarden. My son Garlan is with the army at present, but he shall join us later," Lord Mace said, introducing his family.
Jon had to admit, they were an attractive family; all light golden skin, light brown hair, and rosy cheeks. Lady Margaery was a beauty to be sure, not that she could possibly compete with his Dany in his eyes. He thought that if all went well, she and Robb would make a most handsome pair. He was actually more interested Lord Mace's heir Willas. He had an air around him that was different from his siblings. While all three were exceptionally good looking, Jon could feel an aura of vanity surrounding Loras and Margaery that could not be found with Willas. From first glance, Jon could also see kindness in his eyes that put him at his ease, but did not detract from the intelligence he could sense as well.
Dinner that evening was a rather tedious affair, that involved even more pomp and ceremony than Jon preferred. He was pleased however to see most everyone getting on quite well with one another. Dany seemed to be enjoying Margaery's company, and he was very pleased to see Rhaenys and Willas were interacting wonderfully with one another. Jon could tell his sister was truly enjoying herself and not merely putting on a show. This pleased him.
Margaery seemed rather admiring of Robb, and he was halfway smitten with her already. That was no great surprise as she certainly enticing. She was definitely rather flirtatious; and Jon couldn't help but notice some of the looks she sent his way. Jon however was merely coldly pleasant as to give no thought that would encourage any scheme that involved him. No matter how unobservant he was about such things normally, it still amazed his just how many woman that wouldn't have paid him the slightest bit of attention when he was the 'Bastard of Winterfell', now did everything they could to gain his notice. He had found however, that his beautiful wife, sister, cousins, mother, and the Lady Ashara made rather excellent shields to keep the grasping types at bay. It thoroughly amused him how some young women took one look at Dany, and did not even attempt to compete.
There was one guest at Bitterbridge that Jon was surprised to see, Peytr Baelish. Apparently, he had been sent by Lord Tywin and Cersei to secure an alliance by way of a marriage between Margaery and Joffrey the Ilborn. Jon was delighted to see the little worm though. The evidence Lord Varys had forwarded to Jon had been enlightening to say the least. Of course they already knew Baelish had betrayed his Uncle in Kings Landing, which could have very well led to his death had he not been rescued. Knowing he had purposefully lied to Brandon Stark, and essentially was the catalyst for the entire Rebellion, was a crime on a whole other level. After he made sure to conclude the Tyrell alliance, Jon would be making damned sure Littlefinger burned. That however must wait for the moment.
The next couple of days was spent doing little but going from one entertainment to the next. Little was said on the matter of alliances. Most of the time was spent allowing Rhaenys and Robb to get to know their prospective matches. He didn't even have to ask Robb to know that he was more than prepared to offer for the Lady Margaery's hand. Jon's sister was harder to understand. While Rhaenys and Willas seemed to be getting along famously, he did not want her to feel pressured in the slightest amount. The Tyrell alliance was of paramount importance, this he knew. His sister was also well aware of how important this was. That was part of Jon's concern though. He didn't wish his sister an unhappy marriage, just to gain this alliance. As his troops numbers stood, he could win the war without them; it would certainly be prolonged though.
So it was on the third full evening after their arrival Jon asked Rhaenys so accompanys him on a walk with their dragons. He needed to understand what she truly felt before he met with the Lady Olenna by himself; something he was supremely apprehensive about. They had ventured to a meadow not far from the keep.
"Alright, tell me truly Rhae, what do you think about Lord Willas? Don't tell me what people expect, what do you truly think sister?" Jon asked Rhaenys.
She was silent for a long moment, apparently collecting her thoughts.
"Jae, you know how isolated I've lived for most of my life. I mean, I loved Greywater Watch and growing up with Lya and Aunt Ashara, but this is the first time I've ever really experienced much of what the world has to offer since I was very small. I always used to picture the man I would one day wish to marry, if I was ever able to live outside of the Usurper's shadow that is. I think every girl dreams of such things growing up; of their knight in shining armor and all. I was no different."
Jon had no idea where she was going with this.
"Lord Willas will never be a knight in shining armor. His joust with Uncle Oberyn as a young boy ensured that. For a man with a handicap such as his though, he has pushed himself in other ways that are just as noble and interesting than most men would have ever been capable of. His bad leg is no bother to me. His other attributes more than make up for it. He has so many and varied interests that you can't help but be somewhat in awe of him. War will never be his forte, but he is very passionate about a great many other things. I actually think you would quite like him Jae. He's studied so many different subjects that their are few men more well rounded than he." She explained.
"Alright, I understand all that. Is it enough though? Is he someone you could see yourself being happy with?" Jon inquired.
Again, she was silent for a while; gathering her thoughts.
Jon was quite surprised to see her actually blushing lightly. That was certainly interesting. It took a great deal to fluster his normally composed older sister.
"Yes," she stated strongly.
"Yes, I do believe I can easily imagine spending my days with him. He also has a kindness to him that I know well is not common. I do think I could be very happy with Lord Willas, brother. He and I are well suited, and I know he is fond of me. I have to marry someone appropriate, and I can think of none I would be better suited towards in all respect. Plus, he is quite nice to look upon as well." Rhaenys explained.
"Alright Rhae, I shall ask for an audience with Lady Olenna. I have never really done this before, but at least I know she won't mince words and we can at least speak plainly. I shudder to think if I had go over this with that damned Mace Tyrell. Frankly, I can barely stand to be in the same room as the man." Jon told her.
She gave a very un-ladylike snort at that.
"Yes, I can certainly believe that. I'm glad you're just going to deal with her. It shall make things so much simpler." she said.
"Well, just make sure she doesn't hatch any plots to off me and Dany, if you would." Jon said...only somewhat joking.
"I'd burn anyone who even so much as thought of harming you two. I've watched how hard you've worked these past months. You couldn't give me the throne under any circumstances. No, you leave that to me; they'll know the repercussions of plotting against the Targaryens." Rhaenys said fiercely.
Jon brought his sister into his arms. He had never felt as connected and protective about any of his female relatives as he was Rhaenys and Arya. He would do anything to ensure their happiness.
"I love you Rhae. I just want you to be happy." Jon told her.
Rhaenys gave him a beaming smile.
"I love you too little brother."
Next- An alliance is made, and Littlefingers end as the Lannister hold on the throne is further shaken.