Credit to Rooster Teeth for the show, the characters, and the setting. Credit to Coeur Al'Aran for the history. This is an AU based on his Relic of the Future. I highly recommend it, as every one of these shorts will be based on that fanfiction. Which reminds me: Spoilers Eminent.

Emerald Ashari shifted in her seat, eyes glued to the ground. She took a deep breath. Her dad rarely denied her, but then, she rarely asked for things like this. Jaune had talked to her a while back about boys, but at the time she had never thought she'd ever care.

Then he showed up. Sun Wukong, with his messy hair and bright smile. He reminded her of Daddy.

Maybe that was why she liked him.

It had been a surprise when he asked her out. Yang had freaked. But despite herself, Emerald had been interested. So, she said told him she'd ask her dad. After all, if Jaune said no, there's no way she would do it. Sun had acquiesced after that, and now the pair was sitting on their couch, waiting for Jaune to come in so they could introduce him to Sun.

He had been busy, probably talking to Junior, Emerald mused. But he had said he'd come talk right after.

"So," Sun began amiably, trying to erase the silence, "This is your place, huh? It's nice. Very homey."

She didn't normally speak to people she didn't know well. She preferred to let others do the talking. She now wished she had put in the practice, at least. Talking to a boy was hard. He was nothing like Whitley, and she couldn't really ignore him. He was too bright – too warm.

She nodded, about to comment about the small abode Jaune had purchased when he learned Weiss and Whitley Schnee would be their houseguests.

"Hey, Em. So, this is the friend you mentioned?" Jaune interrupted them casually, taking note of the familiar faunus boy on his couch. The very familiar faunus boy. "Sun?"

The two blondes blinked at each other.

"Jaune?" Sun asked, incredulous. He turned to the green haired girl beside him. Emerald was staring at him with the most bemused look on her face, "Jaune is your dad?"

Emerald nodded slowly, watching from the sidelines as Jaune and Sun caught up. From what she gathered from their conversation, the two had met years ago, before she had even been adopted. And apparently, they had met in a similar way, too. Sun had tried to pickpocket the man just as she had that day.

"Wait, when I do it," Sun had replied, "I just get a couple thousand lien, but she gets a new life?"

Jaune shrugged, "You said you had friends to look after in Vacuo."

That got Emerald's attention. Not what was said, but rather what wasn't.

"You would've adopted Sun?"

Jaune smiled as Sun blinked at him, "Yep. You might've been siblings."

"Whoa, wild." Sun breathed, looking at Emerald again.

Emerald was staring at her dad, who was staring right back.

The man shrugged.

"Well," Sun added, sensing a growing tension, "I'm glad you didn't. That would've made it awkward when I asked her out."

In an instant, Emerald's face went red, and Jaune's eyes widened.

"You what?"

Based on Chapter 3. Jaune considers taking Sun with him, but decides against it because Sun has others to look after.