Author has written 18 stories for One Piece, RWBY, and Naruto. Hi, there! So, after about 4 years of being on this website, I finally decide to update my profile, tell a little bit about my self. Why? No particular reason, really. Just felt like it, mostly. Anyways, I guess I'll start with a tad bit of info of myself. Age-21 Sex-Male Occupation-Used to work in a sawmill, but now am currently searching for other job. I used to attend university as well some time ago, but dropped it after realizing I wasn't sure at all about my choice of faculty. Hobbies-Well, writing would be the most obvious one. I used to draw as well, but not so much nowadays. I do plan to come back to it years later, am sure I will. I also like sports, or at the very least like to keep myself in shape. Listen to tons of music and enjoy anime. My current, ongoing stories are 'Light within you' and 'Father's heart' Unfortunately, 'Father's heart' is a work I'm really unsure about. Will I continue to work on it or just let it quietly go into the sunset is a question to which I don't the answer. Maybe I'll add a chapter or two and then let it go, but really, I don't know. 'Light within you' however, is a bit more certain. I am quite hopeful I'll be able to finish it and see how it grows during the process. Not just by word count, but getting slightly bigger audience with each new chapter. Or...well, have some who will always crave for more. That is a wonderful, lovely thing is well. That being said, hope I have at least a single story to your taste, and if not, hopefully, you'll find someone whose work you enjoy and appreciate. Have a nice one;) |