Author has written 18 stories for Wolf Lake, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, and Game of Thrones. What can I say? I love to write and I love to read. The supernatural interests me: werewolves, vamps, witches, wizards, dragons, etc... I'm a huge Anne Rice fan and Tolkien as well. I've written some screenplays and I'm really enjoying fan fiction writing. My style is to not be too set on the details before starting. I have a general idea in my head and then I just start typing and let it flow. Just like all of us who write a story, I love feedback! So if you take the time to read something, let someone know. It only takes a minute! I'd also like to add that I also write under the name of Petalsoft on other sites - mostly Harry Potter fanfiction. Also, those of you looking for The Age of Temptation can find it on AFF (Adult Fanfiction) under Petalsoft as well. Unfortunately, it was removed from this site for being too 'descriptive' if you know what I mean;p I'll try putting the link here, hopefully it will work: |