A Game of Thrones
Season 7
The Fanfiction
The Queen of The Seven Kingdoms strides through the streets of King's Landing with her Queensguard, the royal crown shining in the sunlight atop her cropped, blonde hair. Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, lumbers in his golden armor with reserved menace, bloodshot eyes glaring out the slits of his helm. Slinking in the Queen's shadow is Qyburn, his slick, black haired head held higher than usual, the Hand of the Queen's badge pinned to his chest. Crowds of peasants part to the sides of the streets and alleyways. The Knights under Cersei's command push people aside who got in the way, spitting insults and threats. Even a pregnant woman is shoved onto her side in the gutter to make way for the Queen. As they pass, Ser Jaime Lannister steps over and helps the dirty pregnant woman back up. She shoots him a scared, child-like look without thanking him before waddling away. Queen Cersei notices her brother's act of kindness, and a smirk crawls across her face.
The Commonfolk are held in captive silence. Not even a whisper escapes them but Cersei can sense the fear in their hearts. Behind her the rattling of chains is the only sound on the street, followed by the occasional whimper and moan of pain from Septa Unella. The once proud torturer for the High Sparrow is dragged by a heavy, clinking chain wrapped around her throat. Her body is bare and covered with long whip-lashes, bruises, and burns. She had once owned an attractive, shapely body, but no more. Septa Unella had been shaved completely, like Cersei had been, her nakedness and baldness a sight for the city to behold. Unlike Cersei's walk of shame, however, there is no chanting of "Shame." and there is no outburst from the people watching. Everyone they pass by witnesses the septa and how her face hardly resembles a face anymore. None dare raise a hand or say a word. The Mountain drags the Septa the whole way down to the ruins of the Sept of Baelor where a crowd of thousands await.
Smoke from the wildfire explosion is still swirling up into the heavens from the rubble beyond, clouding the sky and giving the air a smell of putrid flesh and fire. Upon arrival Qyburn points to a wooden beam protruding from the side of a destroyed tower. "We can use that, my Queen. It should suffice." He gestures for The Mountain to bring Septa Unella forward. The giant of a man forces Unella toward the beam, who grunts and stumbles in response. Qyburn turns to the crowd of on-lookers and says in a loud, clear voice, "The woman you see before you has committed crimes against The Royal Family. Under Queen Cersei's rule, such criminals will not be granted a trial and will be sentenced to death."
Septa Unella trips and falls to her knee, landing in the rubble of stone, and the crowd gasps. Cersei watches with a bulge of enjoyment as The Mountain unmercifully tugs the Septa along, tossing the chain up and over the wooden beam. Nothing could take away from the sweet satisfaction Cersei feels as her loyal Knight pulls down hard on the chain and yanks Unella off her feet. Suspended in mid-air, Septa Unella gasps, gargles, and flails about, her eyes bulging with fear. Several people in the crowd turn away. Cersei never looks away, her eyes connected with the Septa who had once tortured and humiliated Cersei. My face will be the last thing you see before you die. A Lannister always pays their debts.
Murmurs from the crowd follow the execution. Disapproving glares, fearful grimaces, and sheepish scowls compose the sea of people surrounding her. Their fear is all that matters to me. These peopleā¦ they're the very same people who once mocked me during my Walk of Shame. I hear their hateful screams in my nightmares even now, when I have all the power and they have none. Fear is the only way to control them. Cersei notices Jaime watching her with the same look he gave her when he first returned to King's Landing on the day of her coronation.
Once back in the Red Keep, away from the public eye, Jaime goes to Cersei's room where The Mountain stands guard. He tells the giant to stand aside. The Mountain doesn't listen, his penetrating red stare bears down into his. Jaime growls with impatience, "Move or I'll have the Queen know you stood in my way."
The door opens behind him and Cersei appears, garbed in a red and gold night gown, without her crown. She commands Ser Gregor to step aside and he does so. "We need to talk." Jaime tells her as he sweeps past, the door groaning behind him.
"Clearly." Is all the Queen says and when he turns around her expression is that of cold resolve.
"What happened while I was gone? Tell me the truth." Jaime asks. I wondered when he would. "I've heard the rumors and I've seen the Sept for myself but I won't believe any of that until I hear it from you. Tell me what happened."
"Rumors?" Cersei smiles, her eyes shining, "Let me clear your conscience. You should believe them. I blew up the Sept and everyone in it without batting an eye. I had The Mountain keep Tommen here in the keep where he was safe. When it was all over I found our son with his face caved in on the steps outside. He jumped before I could speak with him, no doubt after witnessing his wife and precious cult go up in green flames."
"How can you say that with such indifference? Our last son is dead!" Jaime steps away from her, head turning side to side, unable to believe his ears. "He knew you were responsible for murdering his wife and everyone else. Innocent people under his rule, and he couldn't protect them from his own mother. I wish I had been here to stop him because you clearly did not care enough to try!"
Cersei cocks her eyebrows at him. "Are you seriously accusing me of purposefully allowing our son to commit suicide?"
"You say you had The Mountain keeping Tommen safe while you blew up the Sept. Well where was The Mountain when he jumped? Why weren't you or your monster with him when he needed you most?!"
"He outlawed trial by combat after you left." She tells him, "Our son would've seen me dead so he could keep fucking his little whore. But if you are asking me if I foresaw Tommen leaping from his window then let me tell you I did not so we can put the matter behind us." She draws closer to him then, dropping her cold persona.
Jaime can't look at her. "The Sept blows up, the King dies, and his mother takes the throne. Do you have any idea how this looks? Do you know what the rest of the world will say about you now?"
"I don't care what they have to say about me. Would you have it any other way?" She snaps at him, sliding closer and closer to him. "You weren't here. I did what our father would've done. And I'd do it again a thousand times over. Don't you see? It's like you said, we don't need anyone but each other. Tyrells, Martells, Tullys, Starks, it doesn't matter who they are, they can all burn! All we need is each other just as it's always been!" She grabs his arms and forces his chin up with her fingers, faces mere inches apart. "You've been gone a terribly long time, Ser Jaime, and a Queen has her needs." The swell of her breasts presses against his chest, her leg slides between his crotch, and her lips latch onto his with the ferocity of a hungry lioness.
Jaime pushes his sister but she doesn't relent. "Stop." He grumbles weakly, tearing his lips away, "Just stop." She digs her nails into his clothes, ripping them off. He is weak to me. Cersei shoves him onto her bed. He tries to get back up but she's already on top of him, straddling his hips. He realizes he is afraid, too afraid to stop and too afraid to keep going. "I don't want this." He tells her as she undoes his belt.
"I don't care." The Queen answers, forcing him inside of her.