A/N: Finally another installment for you. I hope it is worth the wait. Let me know. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from the writing of this fiction.

The Figment of the Fragment

Harry paused a moment, staring at Delores Umbridge who was already seated at the dining table. Why had Voldemort invited that woman? Harry quickly glanced at Regulus who seemed to be watching Harry for any reaction.

Harry decided he would not make a scene, no matter how much he hated that woman. He took a breath and said, "Yes, of course. Good evening."

Delores did not meet Harry's eyes as she stared down at her empty plate and replied, stiffly, "Good evening."

When Harry returned his attention to Lord Voldemort, he could see his interest and amusement in their strained exchange. It seemed the Dark Lord wanted to get a rise out of Harry.

"Please, have a seat," the Dark Lord motioned to the seat directly across from Umbridge. Voldemort sat at the head of the table and Regulus took a seat on his right. "There seems to have been a bit of excitement at school since we last met, Harry," Voldemort continued as house elves ran about, filling their soup bowls with the first course.

Harry tried not to look at Umbridge, but he couldn't help doing so. She seemed to be avoiding Harry's gaze, in fact, she looked downright frightened. Harry had the feeling that she really didn't want to be here tonight, but she couldn't refuse.

He tore his gaze away from the headmistress, looking at Voldemort once again. "I reckon so, sir," Harry replied, slipping easily into parseltongue.

"You know, Harry, during my own time at Hogwarts, I worked more discreetly than you. I loathed making a scene in public, though I did my share of mischief secretly," Voldemort shared, a small grin lifting the corner of his mouth as he reminisced. "I truly do understand the need to punish those who do not live up to your expectations."

Delores' spoon clattered nervously on the edge of her soup bowl.

"Manners, woman!" Voldemort snapped angrily at her.

She dropped her spoon with a squeak and bowed her head, "I'm sorry, my Lord." She kept her head bowed and did not look up, nor did she attempt to eat again.

The three men ate their soup silently for a few minutes. Then Harry said, "My Lord, may I ask you a question?"

"You may," Voldemort replied, dabbing the corner of his mouth neatly with his napkin.

"Why is she here?"

Voldemort looked pleased at question. "To answer that, Harry, you need to ask yourself, why did I invite you here tonight?"

"I believe you wished to see what my abilities are."

"Precisely. And what better way to do so than to present you with your "trigger," I think Regulus called it."

Harry glanced at Regulus, who had no idea what they had been saying with their snake language. He couldn't help but feel a little betrayed that Regulus had shared that bit of information with Voldemort. He remembered telling Regulus that Umbridge triggered him.

"Don't be upset with him, Harry. There are no secrets between us."

Harry shrugged, knowing differently. "It's all right," he replied, trying to pretend he didn't care.

"Good," the Dark Lord nodded. The house elves scurried in and cleared off the soup bowls, replacing them with plates of roasted lamb, potatoes and carrots.

They ate in silence again and Delores also picked daintily at her food. Harry knew she was deathly afraid of Voldemort and didn't dare make another move to upset him.

"It's very good," Harry complimented, hoping to interrupt the awkward silence.

"I'm happy you think so," Voldemort replied, "though I know you eat very well at Hogwarts. At least, the Slytherins do, yes? I hear the other houses aren't so fortunate."

Harry, who had been successfully bottling his anger tonight, felt it gnawing up out of the depts. So this was the game - getting Harry angry enough to strike out. But what did Voldemort expect Harry to do? Attack Umbridge again, or him, or Regulus? Was he planning on prodding and poking at Harry's dark side until it reared its ugly head?

Yes, that was exactly the plan, wasn't it? And here Regulus and Umbridge sat, unaware of what they were discussing in parseltongue. "I don't understand what you want me to do," Harry said, tightly.

"I'm giving you this opportunity to address your grievances, Harry. Make your case as to why you are unsatisfied at Hogwarts and what changes you would like to see." He nodded toward Umbridge. "Tell her."

Harry remember what Regulus said earlier. These things are sanctioned by our Lord. We can't afford a rebel in the family. He knew he had to be careful. He couldn't just say that the other houses are their equals and needed to be treated as such. He had to come up with something even Voldemort might agree with. He had to use logic.

Harry turned his face to Umbridge so that he would speak in English again, releasing a breath. Even though she did not raise her eyes to his, Harry knew she was at least listening.

"I'm appalled at the conditions the other houses have to live under. All three houses are stuffed in the dungeon, with no beds of their own. It's cold, damp and miserable down there. The bathrooms made me physically ill. Has anyone even fixed one toilet or sink down there in the last ten years?"

Delores stiffened, her nostrils flaring, though she did not meet Harry's eyes.

"Answer him," the Dark Lord ordered.

Delores cleared her throat, nervously. "I… I merely am following the directions of our Lord who informed me over a decade ago to elevate Slytherin house over all others."

Harry glanced at Voldemort. "May I speak freely?"

"Of course," Voldemort nodded, folding his hands together, and looking intrigued by what Harry might say. Regulus paled, and Harry knew he had to tread carefully.

Harry took a calming breath. "First, I'd like to say, that I understand why you would have gave that order back then, my Lord. My father informed me that Slytherins use to be looked down upon before the war. It was right that the other houses experience what that may have felt like."

Voldemort gave a small nod.

"However," Harry continued, "the students attending Hogwarts today were either not born yet or just infants during the war. If they continue to get punished for the sins of their parents, what does that bode for the future of the magical world? They will hate Slytherins more than ever and you may even experience a rebellion down the line."

"I do not fear them, Harry. I am stronger than ever."

"All right, but the other point I'd like to make is that who will run our shops, sweep our streets, and do the jobs the rich do not want to bother with? If the lower classes are ill and dying off, then who will do these jobs? And if we treat them badly and as slaves in order to keep things running, how well will they do these jobs for us?"

"I will not pamper the underclasses," Voldemort stated.

"No, not pamper them, but at least keep them healthy enough to work for us. Give them some rewards and something to strive for to better their situations and you will create loyalty."

Delores finally looked up from her meal, shock in her eyes. Harry could tell that no one else had ever dared to tell the Dark Lord how things should be run. It wasn't exactly what Harry wanted to say. He wanted to yell about equality and human rights, but he knew that could be his, and his family's, death knell. No, he had to still agree Slytherins were superior while trying to better the living conditions of others.

Voldemort shifted his attention to Delores. "I gave you free reign to carry out my wishes at Hogwarts, Delores. And you did. I never bothered to question the degree to which you decided to punished the underclasses. I left those decisions entirely up to you."

Umbridge nodded, "Yes, my Lord."

"Are they ill and dying, Delores?"

"We do treat the ill, my Lord. They are allowed a special room in the infirmary."

"One room? For all the ill?" Harry interrupted, feeling his anger start to rise.

She shot an irritated glance at Harry. "We do not allow the underclasses to be mixed with the Slytherins! We do not want you to catch their diseases."

Harry shook his head in disgust. "Are there at least beds in that room?"

Delores squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. "They are not to be pampered!"

Voldemort looked pleased at the building tension. "And deaths? How many died last year, Delores?"

"Five," she stated, her chin rising in defiance as she kept her eyes on Harry.

Harry stood so quickly his chair fell backwards.

"Harry!" Regulus scolded.

But Voldemort placed his hand over Regulus'. "It's all right, Regulus. Let Harry express himself." He smirked at Harry who was glaring at Umbridge, his anger making his chest rise and fall quickly. "Harry, five unfortunate children have died last year alone because the headmistress does not care for their well being. How does that make you feel?"

"What?! My Lord?" Delores sputtered, wondering why Voldemort suddenly seemed to be against her policies. "I only live to serve you."

"SILENCE," Voldemort snapped at her. "I did not address you, woman. I asked Harry how he felt."

"I feel very angry," Harry replied, feeling the darkness rise in him. This wasn't going well. He didn't want this to happen, but seeing Umbridge defend her atrocities was pushing him over the edge.

"Did you know, Harry, that she fired Severus Snape, your favorite professor, because of what you did to her?" Voldemort goaded.

Harry glared from one to the other. "It wasn't his fault!" Harry thought about Snape having to go home and tell Lily he would no longer have access to Harry, and his anger grew even more hot. Wasn't her life already bad enough?

"Then whose fault was it, Harry?" Voldemort asked, enjoying the build up of Harry's ire.

"Hers!" Harry snapped, making Delores gasp. "I hate the fucking bitch!"

Regulus shut his eyes and turned his head slightly. He couldn't stand seeing Harry this way, but the Dark Lord was obviously enjoying every moment.

Voldemort smiled. "Show me, Harry, show me how you punished her. She deserves it, you know."

Delores yelped and stood, her mouth wide with outrage. "Don't you dare!" she yelled at Harry.

"I command you to punish her, Harry," Voldemort said smoothly. But Harry didn't need asking, the dark soul fragment had taken over, enjoying the power he had over Umbridge. The fear and outrage on her face making him want to hurt her more. She was weak. Weak! And he was strong.

Before he could think about it, he had his wand in his hand. "Crucio!"

Delores fell to the floor, screaming and writhing, while Voldemort's smile grew.

Regulus turned his face away, disturbed. He had seen many horrible things over the years, but watching Harry torture another was the most disturbing of all. This was not the boy he knew and loved. It was as if Harry was possessed by an evil demon. Never would he be able to tell James and Sirius of this. Never!

"Enough," Voldemort stated. Harry lowered his wand, still breathing hard as he observed the woman moaning and crying on the ground.

Regulus turned his head and noticed Voldemort was not looking at the others. His gaze was fixed on Regulus, observing his distaste for the event. "You wish to leave?" Voldemort asked softly, yet unemotionally.

Regulus nodded, not wanting to look at Harry, the stranger he no longer knew.

Voldemort leaned toward Regulus, lowering his voice. "Because you are dear to me, I will allow you to leave - just this once. Go and contemplate this softness you have. Then get rid of it."

Regulus swallowed and nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

Harry cast his eyes down as Regulus passed behind him. Why had he allowed his anger to rise like this? He felt horrible for shocking Regulus, but strangely, not for hurting Umbridge. Maybe he was a monster. He looked at Voldemort who was rising from his chair and stepping toward Delores, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Well done, Harry. You see, sometimes my followers get too full of themselves and need to be put in their places. It was time for Delores to be taught a lesson." He turned his face toward Harry who was still breathing hard. "I don't completely agree with the points you made tonight, but I will give them more thought."

Voldemort walked around the table, ignoring Delores' whimpering gasps and weeping. "You're strong, Harry. I knew you'd be. But you're too much of an idealist. I understand that the young are often so. I won't hold it against you. You are still a student, after all, and have much to learn about the world. When you are done with school, you will come live with me. I will teach all you need to know."

"Yes, my Lord," Harry replied, knowing he'd be long gone before that could ever happen. "May I make a request?"

Voldemort lifted his brows in surprise. "You may."

"I request that Severus Snape be reinstated. I have learned much from him and I feel I have more to learn."

Voldemort lifted his wand and pointed it at Delores, lifting her weeping form off the floor and placing it back in her chair. She moaned with pain as she was put down and her head slumped onto the table.

"You will have Severus Snape returned to his position, Delores. Is that clear?"

"Yes," she managed to mutter through her sobs.

"And," Voldemort continued, with a small smile for Harry, "my relative will not be punished for this evening, or for the past incidence. Harry is now under my jurisdiction. I am the only one who will decide if and when he gets punished for anything he does in the future. Is that clear?"

"Yes, my Lord," she replied, trying to raise her head off the table with little success.

He snapped his fingers and a house elf came running in. "Take her back to her quarters at Hogwarts."

"You may return home as well, Harry. I will contact you when I wish to meet again."


As Harry stepped through the floo into Grimmauld Place, he came face to face with James and Sirius, both waiting for him eagerly.

"Harry!" James exclaimed. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Harry reassured them.

They looked him over. "What happened?" Sirius asked. "Regulus came home a bit ago and wouldn't say a word to us. He looked so troubled, it made us frantic with worry."

Harry tried to smile reassuringly. "I reckon he saw me at my worst."

"What did he have you do?"

"I… um… had to demonstrate what I did to Umbridge."

James and Sirius glanced at one another. "Who did you do it to, Harry?" Sirius asked.

"To Umbridge… again."

"My God," James said, falling back onto a chair. "He brought that poor woman over there to get tortured again?"

"Poor woman?" Harry said, frowning. "She's not exactly a saint."

James shook his head. "Harry…"

"No," Harry interrupted. "I don't want to hear it. I did what I had to do to keep this family from suspicion. Please don't start getting judgmental on me."

"I'm sorry, son," James said. "It's not easy for me to sit here and wonder what he's doing to you every time you go to him."

"I understand," Harry sighed, rubbing a tired hand over his eyes. "I'm going to bed."

James nodded. "All right. Good night, then."

As Harry left the room he knew James would take comfort in Sirius' arms, and for once he was glad that they had each other. It was a hard world to live in alone.

He entered his bedroom to find Regulus sitting in a chair, staring out at the stars. Harry had no idea what to say to him. He knew he was shocked at what he saw at Riddle Palace. Harry took off his tie and dress robe and sat down on the edge of his bed nearest to Regulus.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Harry said, simply.

Regulus' brows furled in and he turned his head to Harry. "Who are you?"

Harry was taken aback by the question. Did he really blow his cover? "I'm Harry James Potter, son of James Potter and Lilly Evans."

Regulus shook his head slowly. "Who are you really?"


"No!" Regulus interrupted. "You can't be the same boy I helped raise. Nothing makes sense anymore. You have changed too much."


"Remember Ginger?"

Harry sat silent. Then he finally said, "What about Ginger?"

"So you do remember? You were only five, maybe six years old."

Harry shrugged. "I remember a little," he lied.

"Why didn't you speak Parseltongue to Ginger? Why didn't you speak it back then?"

So, Ginger was a snake. Wonderful, Harry thought. How was he going to explain that away? "I don't know."

"Something's happened to you lately. Something has made you… different. Were you hexed? Or, perhaps, you are an imposter. Were you sent by the Dark Lord to test me? If so, what did you do with the real Harry?"

It was the perfect moment to come clean, to share with Regulus who he really was. Only one thing hindered him from doing so, however, and that was the answer to the last question. He didn't have the heart to tell him that his Harry was dead and he wasn't sure how badly Regulus would act toward him if he did find out. Perhaps he could tell him a small part of the truth.

"I am Harry, but there is someone else inside me too."

Regulus stared in confusion. "Tell me."

"It's a fragment - a fragment of a dark soul from a very dark wizard."

Regulus squinted in suspicion. "Are you making up a story, Harry?"

"I wish I was."

"How did this soul fragment get into you?"

Harry knew he'd have to make up this part. "During the summer I visited a friend. And I won't tell you who it was, so don't ask. I swore a wizard's oath I wouldn't tell. My friend has an uncle who practices very dark magic. He was making objects called horcruxes."

"What are these horcruxes?"

"They are objects that you can put a piece of your soul in so that if you die, you can be resurrected with a certain ritual."

Regulus stood, fists clenched. "By Gods, he made you into one of those objects! I shall kill him!"

"He didn't mean to make me one. It was an accident. And, besides, you can't kill him because I can't tell you who he is or I'll die. Wizard's oath, remember?"

"And this soul fragment, this is what has been making you act out lately?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, when I get angry."

"And the parseltongue? Where did that come from?"

"I don't know. Maybe he is the true relative of Lord Voldemort, not me. Maybe it's from the soul fragment as well."

Regulus began pacing the floor, muttering, "My Gods!"

"Are you going to tell the Dark Lord?" Harry finally asked.

Regulus stopped pacing. "Are you daft? He would demand to know who his real relative is and he would not care if you died breaking your oath. No, unfortunately, Harry, you are going to have to go on with this ruse."

"I'm sorry," Harry said.

Regulus shook his head, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "It's not your fault. Give me your foot."


"Just do it," Regulus said, impatiently.

Harry sat on the edge of the bed and put one foot in the air. Regulus took it and pulled the sock off. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small ring.

"A toe ring?" Harry asked.

Regulus nodded as he fitted it on Harry's smallest toe. "It will serve the same purpose as my ring. You won't have to rely on potions anymore to shield your memories from the Dark Lord. And he won't see it when it is on your toe, covered by your boots. You have no idea how many favors I had to call in to get this. It is more important than ever that all you have revealed to me remains a secret. You haven't told anyone else, have you?"

He started to shake his head, but then said, "Wait, I did confide a bit in Tally. That's why I sent her off - to help me find a solution."

Regulus nodded. "I'm not worried about house elves. They would rather die than break their loyalty. Do you think this soul fragment can be removed?"

"It might be possible. But if I end up not being able to speak Parseltongue anymore, well, you know…"

Regulus stepped forward and hugged Harry. "We'll find a solution, somehow."

Harry nodded against his shoulder. "When Tally returns, it's very important that you send her directly to me, all right?"

"I shall," Regulus promised.


The following week was strange for Harry. The headmistress had not shown up for any meals until Wednesday evening and she avoided looking at Harry at all. Even when he passed her in the halls, she turned her face away, ignoring him with a pinched, stressed expression on her face.

Severus Snape showed up for class on Monday as usual. Harry believed that no one else was even aware that he had been fired last week. Snape said nothing outside of class to Harry, though Harry had tried to catch his attention on multiple occasions to talk. Snape would leave the room directly after dismissing the class, leaving Harry to wonder what the hurry was. Was he avoiding him?

Even his group of Slytherin friends were more subdued, asking how his weekend went yet avoiding the nag session they pulled on Harry last time. For that, Harry was grateful, but it did make him wonder why they had changed their behavior toward him. After a very quiet few days, Harry pulled Draco aside as they were walking back from the Great Hall after dinner.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Draco replied.

"Why is everyone acting so strangely around me?"

"Are they?"

"You know they are. What has changed?"

Draco sighed, glancing off in both directions. Then he took Harry's hand and pulled him into an empty classroom, closing the door behind them.

"There is talk, Harry, that you are now the Dark Lord's heir. No one wants to take the chance of getting on your bad side. They believe you have a direct line to the Dark Lord's ear and can ruin their families with a word."

"That's ridiculous!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm not some cry baby, running to Voldemort with complaints. Do you honestly believe that I enjoy meeting with him? Do you want to know what he had me do Saturday night?"

Draco cast his eyes down. "I'm not sure that I do."

Harry took a step closer. "And what about us?"

Draco swallowed, raising his gaze back to Harry's. "I don't know. What if it doesn't work between us, Harry? What if I let you down in some way? Then what would happen to me? To my family?"

"You don't trust me, then? Is that what you're saying?"

"No, I'm not saying that. But you have to admit that you have had plenty of secrets lately. Even I could tell something is very different about you."

Harry looked away, disappointed. Draco was right. He couldn't give him an honest relationship. His life wasn't 'honest,' not in this dimension. Then he laughed to himself and shook his head. "I never did realize that about you."

"Realize what?" Draco asked, confused.

But Harry was thinking of the other Draco in his world. He wondered if they were at all similar.

"Nothing," Harry shook his head. He took another step toward Draco. "Look, if I could promise that I'll never complain to Voldemort about you or any of our other friends, could we end this cold shoulder stuff?"

"Wizard's oath?" Draco asked.

Harry shrugged and nodded. "Sure, why not? Like I said, I don't have that type of relationship with him in the first place. Most of the time, I just want to leave his presence as fast as possible."

Draco nodded. "I'll talk to the others."

"Thanks," Harry replied. "And… you, are you still interested in me?" Harry felt shy about asking this, his heart began hammering in his chest.

Draco cast his eyes down, a small smile on his lips, before meeting Harry's eyes again. "It seems so. I'll see you later."

He began to pass Harry on his way to the door, but Harry reached out and grabbed his wrist, tugging him back and against his body. Their faces were centimeters apart. "Don't go yet," Harry whispered, closing his eyes and moving his lips onto Draco's.

Draco moaned slightly and wrapped his arms around Harry, kissing him back with building passion. Harry moved him against the wall, keeping their lips locked together. He pressed his body more fully onto Draco, feeling the excitement building in both their trousers. "I want you," Harry rasped, moving his lips down Draco's neck, licking a hot trail.

Draco moved his hands down over Harry's backside, grasping his buttocks and pressing him even more tightly against him. "I want you too," Draco rasped back.

Harry tugged Draco's shirt out of his pants and moved his hands over the blond's hot, smooth back under his shirt. "Let's go back to my room," Harry whispered, lost in the moment.

Draco moaned and nodded. "Yes, let's."

They grinned at one another, hurrying out the door and made their way quickly up the tower. Ignoring the looks of their friends, they rushed through the common room and into Harry's bedroom. Harry locked the door while Draco practically leapt on the bed.

Then the blond sobered a bit and said, "Wait! The oath first, Harry."

"I thought you wanted all our friends to be present for that."

"You can make it without them. I'm your witness. I don't want them getting in our way tonight."

Harry smiled at Draco's eagerness as he felt the same way.

"All right. Let's get this over with." He pulled out his wand and said, "I, Harry James Potter, vow never talk negative about Draco, Vincent, Blaise, Gregory, Theodore and their families to Lord Voldemort. I will hold all they say to me in complete confidence or suffer a horrible death instantly."

Draco looked surprised at how easy it seemed for Harry to make this vow, but he touched the tip of his wand to Harry's and nodded. "It's done."

They stared at one another for a bit and then smiled, tossing their wands aside. Harry leapt onto the bed, straddling Draco, while unbuttoning the blond's shirt. "I want you naked," Harry said, lustily.

Draco grinned sexily, allowing Harry to pull off his shirt and unfasten his trousers. After Harry had tugged the last article of clothing off, his gaze swept approvingly over Draco, making him harden instantly.

Draco yanked Harry down against his body, snogging him madly and slipping his own long fingers under Harry's shirt, tugging it up and off. Harry's hair was mussed in the process and Draco thought it most adorable. He growled and turned Harry over so that he was now straddling Harry, pulling at his belt and zipper.

Harry teased by grasping Draco's erection and moving his hand with just the right amount of friction. But Draco didn't want to climax yet so he moved off Harry, scooting down his legs and pulling the rest of Harry's pants off. He couldn't help but pause to admire Harry's tan, fit body - something he'd been dreaming about since Harry's birthday party. "Merlin, Harry, you're perfect."

Harry blushed a bit. "Stop, that's not true."

Draco laid himself over Harry, skin against skin - such a delightful sensation. "Oh, yes, it is," he smiled.

This was almost too much for Harry, these sensations, these feelings. The look of admiration on Draco's face… it did something to Harry. It made his pulse race and his nerves tingle. These feelings were something he had never experienced before and it was so exciting. And then Draco's face turned more serious as his face hovered over Harry's and his eyes searched Harry's eyes. And in that moment, Harry knew this was much more than sex. It was true intimacy. And Harry wanted this. He craved this.

Then Draco kissed him, a sweet yet passionate kiss, that expressed this new intimacy between them better than any words would ever be able to do. In the back of Harry's mind a little cry of panic hit in that moment. This couldn't be happening now, not here in this dimension. He shouldn't be letting himself fall deeply for someone that he would have to leave. His hands pushed a bit at Draco's shoulders, breaking the kiss.

"What's the matter?" Draco asked, breathing heavily and searching Harry's eyes.

"I…," he only managed to say in return.

"You what?"

"I have lots of homework tonight," he responded, lamely.

Draco shook his head. "You idiot. Tonight we're skiving off on homework. Tonight is for us." And he wouldn't hear anymore excuses. He resumed kissing Harry in the most delicious manner that Harry forgot any concerns he had. Nothing mattered anymore but this moment.

And when Draco began moving his mouth down the length of Harry's body, Harry forgot anything else existed but this moment. And if Harry had thought the blow job he received from the whore at the Gentlemen's Club was pleasant, it was nothing compared to what he now felt when Draco's hot mouth slid over him, taking him completely in as if he was a god to be worshiped. Maybe it was so much better because of how he felt about Draco and how Draco felt about him.

Harry's fingers tangled in Draco's smooth hair as his eyes closed and sensations shot through every nerve in his body. "Merlin, Draco," he moaned. And Harry was lost in the pleasure of it all, the movement of mouth and tongue, fingers caressing and stroking. It was a delirious feeling and he couldn't wait to make Draco feel this way in return.

Harry's eyes flew open when his climax was upon him and he tried to tug Draco's head back in time. "I'm coming," he warned.

But Draco wouldn't leave him. He only grinned and continued. "I know," he practically purred, licking and swallowing all of Harry's release.

When it was over, Harry lay panting on the bed as Draco moved up next to him, grinning knowingly. "That was incredible," Harry managed to say.

"Yes, it was," Draco's smiled widened.

Harry's eyes traveled down Draco's body and noticed that he was sporting a very excited erection. "My turn," Harry announced, pushing Draco down onto his back and leaning over him to kiss. He could only hope that he knew what he was doing since he had never done this before. But one had to start sometime, didn't they?

Harry did his best to mimic what Draco had done for him, kissing him down his body and stroking him. When he took Draco into his mouth, he had not known what to expect. But when Draco began squirming and writhing, moaning and groaning, Harry took that as encouragement that he was indeed doing it well. It was very exciting making the blond react so strongly that Harry didn't mind at all when Draco shot his release into his mouth, exhausting every drop.

When Harry moved to lay next to him, Draco turned and slung an arm over his chest. "That was fantastic," he smiled softly. "Shall we take a little nap?"

Harry was exhausted after all that. "Sound's great," he sighed contentedly, closing his eyes. He felt Draco lean in and place a soft kiss over his eyelids.

By gods, Harry was a goner. How was he ever going to leave this?


Draco awoke a hour later, and studied Harry's sleeping face in the candlelight. Filled with happiness, he kissed him softly on the cheek before rising carefully to use the restroom.

As Draco was finishing up in the restroom, he heard voices coming through the door from Harry's room. He pressed his ear to the crack, wondering who had come to visit Harry. It didn't sound like another bloke. The voice was that of a house elf.

"Master Harry, wake up. Tally is here, sir, wake up."

He could hear Harry's drowsy reply. "Tally?" And then more strongly, as if Harry had a shock. "Tally! Thank Merlin! Where have you been all this time? I've been waiting so long."

"Tally was on her journey for you, Master, like you said to go."

"Of course. And did you find it, Tally? Do you have it?"

It? What on Earth was Harry so anxious for?

"I'm sorry, Master, Tally cannot find a Kortle Seed. I've search and search."

Draco sensed fear in her voice. She was scared of Harry's reaction to this news. There was a long pause before Draco heard Harry speak again.

"You have to keep trying. You have to find one, Tally. It's a matter of life and death. I hope you understand what will happen if I don't go home. I must! Maybe I should just come with you and help you."

"Oh, no, Master, you must not leave school. Let Tally keep searching. Tally will try harder."

Draco could hear Harry sighing in frustration. What on Earth was this Kortle seed and why was it so important to Harry? Why wouldn't he be able to go home without one? None of this made sense.

"You've got one more week, Tally. Return to me in a week. If you haven't found one by then, I'm leaving to search on my own, consequences be damned."

"Yes, Master. Tally will try harder."

Draco backed away from the door. He flushed the toilet and turned the faucets on as to let Harry know he was still about.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him with a blank expression. The house elf was nowhere in sight.

"I thought I heard voices," Draco said, innocently. "Did someone come to visit?"

"How much did you hear?"

"Nothing really, just someone talking with you. Is there a problem?"

Harry nodded. "It was my house elf with bad news. I'm sorry, but I think I need to be alone for a bit. Don't take this personally."

"Are you going to be all right? We can talk about it if you need to."

Harry shook his head. "I just need to think about some things."

Draco nodded, trying to be understanding. It was clear Harry was very upset about this Kortle seed for some reason, but this was not the time to pry. He walked over and kissed Harry's cheek. "Good night, then. Let me know if you need me."

"Good night," Harry replied, a bit morosely.

Draco left Harry's room but did not return to his own. He went straight to the library and strolled up to the librarian behind the desk. "I need to see anything you have on Kortle seeds," he stated.

The librarian consulted the rows of scrolls behind her. "Kortle seeds…. Kortle seeds…" she muttered over and over as she searched. "I've never heard of anything with that name… I'm sorry, but there is nothing in this library concerning a seed with that name. Where did you hear of such a thing?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't remember, but I was curious when I did hear it. I never heard of it either."

"You may want to consult with the herbology instructor, Professor Growley. If such a seed does exist, he would certainly know."

Draco nodded. "Thank you." He would indeed consult Professor Growley in the morning. If this Kortle seed was that important to Harry, he needed to know why.


A/N: Yay! I've finished another chapter. This was longer than usual, but a lot is happening in the story. Will Draco find out the truth? You'll find out next time. Please let me know your thoughts. I love hearing from you. ~Till next time…