I got pretty stoked when I saw those new images from "Dawn of Justice" and decided that I wanted to write out how I figured one particular scene might go down because...well why not right? It'll be interesting to see how close (or completely, completely far) I get it after all.

So with that in mind, here's what I would have put in the script if I was Chris Terrio, based off the vague hints given to us by Ben Affleck and the like. For example; I have no idea how the "Diana Prince" alter ego is going to fit into the movie, so I wrote her as a separate identity for Wonder Woman that lets her blend in a bit, kinda like what identity turned into in the Pre-52 comics after Circe messed around with it. It's a little dialogue heavy, but then again it's supposed to be a movie scene, so it's be weird if there was only like 4 lines.

Also, since I'm assuming Lex is going to be a lot younger in this that his mainstream portrayal, I based his personality off Zuckerberg from "The Social Network", since I figured it might fit. Possibly. We'll see, like I said this is just me being inspired by an image and all that.

Hope you all enjoy, and be sure to leave a review or two!

Dance in the Pale Moonlight

The ballroom was alive with a gentle symphony of laughter, chatter and the slight clicking of expensive shoes against the polished floor as she entered through its large doors. Bright golden light immediately flooded her eyes, illuminating her glistening silver dress and ruby red lipstick. The hum of classical music hung over the crowd like a peaceful mist, the swaying bodies of dancers synced up to its cords. Her eyes trained over the crowed intently; no one rushed to maul her with questions nor curse at her for whatever transgression they thought her people had wrought on Man's World. She was completely incognito; merely a distinguished looking member of an equally distinguished, high society crowd.

She smiled as she always did when Diana Prince managed to slink by unnoticed. The evening was hers to enjoy, a pleasure she was rarely ever granted.

A server, balancing a set of drinks on a silver platter, strode by her in a reserved hurry, desperate to clear the floor as cautiously as possible. With her enhanced senses, she could immediately pick up the scent of the drinks; Terra Prima Reserve Port, an interesting choice for an event like this. The server noticed her out of the corner of his eye and promptly stopped, turning slowly towards her.

"Would you like a drink, Miss?" he asked politely.

"I'm alright." She responded in kind. "Thank you though."

He nodded curtly before disappearing further into the crowd, leaving her alone again just outside the bustling of the dancing couples.

Or so she thought…

"I always figured you weren't much of a port drinker…" whispered a low baritone voice in her left ear. It startled her slightly, that and the warm breath on the nape of her neck. After all, it was almost impossible to catch her by surprise. That is, except for one individual, who coincidentally happened to be the owner of that ever familiar growl.

She turned her head slightly. "Mr. Wayne…managed to sneak up on me again. How do you do that?"

The famous billionaire stepped out from behind her as their eyes met, a smile creeping across both their faces.

"Special rubber soles." He replied. "Great for moving around in halls that echo like a Cathedral and all that."

He took her hand in his and lightly kissed it. "It's nice to see you again, Ms. Prince. You look ravishing as usual."

"And you as well, though I think you've earned the right to call me Diana. Especially if you're going to throw compliments around like that." She responded with another warm smile and a confident flash in her eyes. She swayed her hips slightly, her hands placed on either side. "Those shoes wouldn't happen to help your dancing at all, would they?"

"Only if you insist on torturing me." He deadpanned, though his smile never faded from his lips. She took his arm in hers and sauntered towards the centre of the ballroom, deftly squeezing between couples of various levels of inebriation. Reaching a somewhat secluded spot, they stopped and locked hands, remaining still only for a second before they both picked up the rhythm. Diana broke the silence as they leaned closer together.

"You're not mad that you didn't get to rescue me from some lecherous CEO this time, are you? You do enjoy that chivalrous Knight routine after all."

"I only did that because the French are notorious for their inaction." He responded lightly as she spun in his arms. "Though I suppose the Head of Security for Wonder Woman would know that better than I."

"Every rumour you've heard is just about true. Though I hardly think I had much to fear from them."

"Oh I wasn't worried about you. I just wanted to prevent an international incident. They hardly take kindly to being punted through the desert table after all."

"And you wouldn't have paid for my bail?" she asked with an exaggerated pout.

"Well you never paid for mine when those…parties got out of control now did you?"

"Don't try to kid yourself; you're allergic to accepting help."

"Well I did give you my number for a very specific reason…"

She feigned a hurt look again. "And here I thought it was just because you liked me Bruce…"

They chuckled in harmony. Diana spun Bruce outwards with her right arm as the tempo of the song picked up slightly. They met again halfway, moving closer together as Bruce's arm wrapped around her waist.

"So what brings you to Metropolis? Is your…boss making you run errands again?" he asked with a quirked brow and a playful smirk.

"You make her sound like a tyrant."

"I've worked with her; she's a real hardass when she wants to be."

"Must be why you like her so much." she smiled slyly, twirling him around rougher than before. He stumbled slightly as he tried to regain his footing, all the while keeping that same smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh it's certainly endearing alright, even if it makes the lives of us honest businessmen slightly harder."

"That's an oxymoron Bruce."

He feigned offense as they quickly diverted their course, nearly bumping into a distracted couple in the process. They ignored their glare as Bruce continued. "I said honest, not good. I'm very open about my desire to rule the world. Besides, I find it impossible to not tell the truth around you for some clearly unexplainable reason."

Twisting around, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head just above his neck, their heads so close that they nearly touched. "You still haven't answered my question."

"Wonder Woman is…concerned about this 'Superman' that just appeared and wants me to look into him." She replied, making sure to keep her voice as low as possible. "The international political scene is messy enough as is, so she wants to make sure that someone with that amount of power isn't going to muddy the waters further. Intentional or not."

Spinning out of his embrace, they continued to glide towards the centre of the ballroom, discretely aware of the increasing stares from the couples around them.

"Sounds like she thinks he's a security risk."

"Wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh absolutely, but then again us billionaires are paranoid by nature so…"

"Really? How so?" she asked playfully, placing her hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Well I am in town because some new player has decided to dip his toes in the water. I want to make sure he's everything he says he is. Frankly, I don't trust the guy." He paused for a moment, letting her twirl under his arm and nearly clip the rear of an obnoxiously loud banker next to them.

"That and I need to finalize some business transactions that can only be done here. At least it…gets me out of the house."

"So you're not here to just have a good time?" she teased, bumping into his hips. "Gone are the days of the sybarite Bruce Wayne?"

He missed a cue on the next move, accidentally spinning on his heel at the wrong instant. She felt his shoulders slouch as a weary sigh escaped his lips. For the first time in all the years she had known him, he looked…tired, old even.

"Bruce…" she asked, concern now replacing the light, jovial tone of before, "is everything alright?"

Stubbornly, he said nothing, though his eyes wandered from hers to the now dissipating crowd around them. After a brief second on indecision, she decided to risk pushing further.

"Still won't talk about it? Not even to me?"

There was no indignation in her tone, only concern, and it was enough to draw his gaze back towards her. He smiled, draping his hand back over her shoulder.

"I suppose that depends whether or not you'll admit I'm a better dancer than you." He joked, a little bit of life returning to his movements. She opened her mouth again, but he interrupted her with a chuckle, dipping her closer to the floor. "I know, I know, better men than me have tried…"

"It's hard to call anyone a better man than you, Bruce." She replied once upright, drawing out a larger smile on his stubble covered face. "But I can think of a few who are better at letting people help them. Especially through tough the tough times."

"I know Diana, believe me I know…" he sighed, "and there's no one I'd trust more with that then you. But I…"

A tap on his shoulder interrupted him, drawing an annoyed grunt from the grizzled billionaire. Diana peeked over his shoulder and immediately lost her glowing smile, prompting Bruce to turn around as well.

Only to find himself staring at the sharp glare reflecting off the head of Lex Luthor.

"Mind if I interrupt?" he asked with the type of faux friendliness Diana and Bruce had become accustomed too. This elicited another grunt from Bruce as Diana crossed her arms over her chest.

"I hope you're not looking for a dance, Mr. Luthor…"

"Please, it's Lex, Bruce."

"…because I think we're both about to call it a night…" Diana finished for him.

"And that's Mr. Wayne to you." Bruce added with a growl. Lex seemed completely unfazed.

"No dancing, no none of that. I just want to talk." He motioned towards Diana, her arms still crossed tightly. "…privately, if it's all the same to you Miss…?"

"She can stay." Bruce interjected quickly. "If she can't hear what you have to say, then frankly I'm not interested."

Lex let out his own weary sigh as he moved closer to Bruce, his eyes trained on the floor. He spoke with a near whisper, though Bruce could tell he was trying to puff his chest out more in a vain attempt to look looming.

"I figured she should leave for your own benefit, but whatever."

"What's this about, Luthor?"

He tapped his chin with his pointed finger, grimacing slightly at the Gotham billionaire. "Well let's just say that I remember you saying something about not wanting to step on people's toes, and…well I think you've done a really good job stepping on mine, if you catch my meaning."

Bruce's brow furrowed. "You mean the…"

"Daily Planet, yes." Lex finished for him.

"It was for sale."

"And I think I made it clear that I was…interested in purchasing it. To you. Directly. Many times over."

Bruce shrugged. "And I wanted it more. That's capitalism."

Lex's hand shook in the air as an exasperated chuckle escaped his lips, serving on to amuse Diana as the slinking owner of LexCorp quickly began to lose his patience. "That's not…no it's not capitalism when I have all the paperwork and legal bullshit, excuse me, legal proceedings finalized for the purchase, and you come in and take the rug out from under me like none of that matters. No, I think stealing is a more appropriate term in this scenario. You know, at least from my perspective but hey, what do I know."

Diana shook her head as she stepped next to Bruce. "The contract is in limbo until ink touches the dotted line, Luthor. That's how civil cases work."

"So clearly you know very little." Bruce added, playing up a condescending tone. He could see Luthor's fist clench as his ego struggled against the two-pronged assault.

"I didn't realize you were trying to court a lawyer."

"Not trying too…"

"And I'm not, but I deal with enough legal proceedings to know that what Bruce did was completely legal. No matter how slighted you feel."

"Fine, fine fine…" Luthor shook his head while uncrossing his arms. His fake smile returned. "I…sorry, clearly I'm just a little upset since I was looking forward to adding the Planet to the LexCorp brand. Just…excited, nothing more."

His face darkened as he closed the distance between himself and Bruce, their faces nearly nose to nose as he whispered with a low voice. "But…I think you know enough about how I work to figure out that if I want something, you know, really bad, that'll I'll eventually get it."

"And you should know that I don't like people getting in my personal space, Luthor." He spat back with a growl. Lex quirked his head.

"Oh…sorry, am…am I intimidating you?" he asked with insincere concern.

"No. You're just stepping on my toes…" Bruce leveled a piercing glare at the bald man in front of him. Diana had to keep herself from smiling as Lex began to chaffe under Bruce's infamous glare, more and more sweat seemingly forming on the younger man's forehead with each passing second. Finally, he relented, and, noticing that he was indeed stepping on Bruce's expensive shoes, he pushed himself off of the other billionaire. Fidgeting nervously with his tie, Lex attempted to gracefully slide towards his exit.

"Ah, my apologizes Mr. Wayne. I hope…I hope you have a good evening. You as well Miss…?"

"Keep walking." She demanded forcefully. With a curt nod, he obliged her, disappearing into the throngs of the crowd with a huff and a curse that she was easily able to pick up. She turned back to Bruce, both of their faces still serious.

They had both shifted into their work phases.

"There's a connection with the Planet, isn't there?"

"Yes." He replied, his voice lower now. "And Lex knows that too."

"That's why he's so torn up about you outbidding him?"

Bruce nodded in conformation as he took her arm, leading them both into a more secluded corner. Reaching their destination, he took out a small device from his pocket and handed it to her. Names and faces began to flash across its screen.

"Lois Lane. She's the best link I have to this Superman right now. She was with him both on the ground and in the alien ship, so presumably she has extensive experience with him. They might even be friends at this point, maybe more."

"Clark Kent…he's the new Staff Writer for them, right?" she stared at the screen intently. "You don't think it's coincidence that he started working there after Superman killed Zod, do you?"

"No, I don't. The telemetry data you recovered for me had both Zod and Superman meeting in Smallville. Same town this Kent was supposedly born in…" he paused. "Thank you for that, by the way."

"My pleasure," Diana replied with a smile. Her gaze fell to the screen again. "Do you think he just took Clark Kent's identity?"

"It's possible. Or maybe he was planted there from the start. Or none of those options, it's too early to tell." Diana handed him the device. He slipped it back into his pocket as he glanced around the room, dong another sweep to make sure no one was listening in. "The fact remains that he and Zod destroyed over half of Metropolis without so much as breaking a sweat, even if Superman ostensibly was fighting on our side. We can't be sure that Superman is fully under control of his powers yet; especially since he's still new to this."

"It's in my nature to be trusting…" Diana sighed, "he seems grossly inexperienced, and that in itself is dangerous, but I'm not sure if that warrants your usual level of paranoia. Simply reaching out to him might be better."

"This isn't just about what he's like now, it's about what he could become." Bruce retorted. "If he ever went rogue…or fell under someone's control…or even if there was just another Zod somewhere out there…" he paused, still looking at Diana, hoping that she could fish the answer he was looking for out of his own murky thoughts.

"I'm hoping I'm wrong. But if not…I'd never forgive myself if something happened that I could have prevented…"

"Bruce…" she lightly patted his cheek. "You're only human. Don't try to shoulder a burden like this by yourself. You're far too special to me to be consumed by this."

He placed his hand over hers, enjoying the warmth of her touch. "Thank you, Diana…I just…"

A loud explosion tore through the hum of the crowd, nearly shattering the grandiose windows of the ballroom in the process. A fearful hush flooded over the crowd as a fiery mushroom cloud clawed its way into the night sky. Both Diana and Bruce stood rigid, their faces steely.

Only a few seconds later, a red and blue blur shot past the window, rocking it with a sonic blast as it darted towards the site of the explosion. A second one soon shot out through the towering skyscrapers, followed by a third that fully incited panic in the crowd.

"There might be people in trouble, we need to move." Diana barked through the cacophony of screams and crying as she rushed towards the exit. She turned back towards the tailing billionaire, a small smirk again appearing on her lips. "I'll drive."

The billionaire, his face previously dark and foreboding, lightened slightly as he responded.

"Lead the way, Princess…"

Hope everyone enjoyed it! And be sure to throw money at the screen until we get what we want! It's how life works, apparently...