If there was ever anything Ruby truly dreaded, it was her period. There was just some things she hated with a passion and that was one of those things for sure. But then again, what person that could menstruate didn't hate it?

One of the things that she dreaded the most about the cursed time was the cravings. They were all over the place, and her stomach almost never agreed with her choices. Usually it was cookies. Sweet stuff was in abundance around her dorm so she didn't really mind it so much when she did crave something sweet.

However, if there was one sweet thing that was hard to come by at Beacon, it was the sweet confectionary delight known as doughnuts. Alas, the sweet, fluffy, perfectly round bits of heaven were nowhere to be found unless she went into Vale. And this was assuming she had the money to even buy some.

Thankfully, Ruby had someone special to her. Someone near and dear to her heart that she knew she could count on for anything and everything. Someone who had come through for her when she had been craving much stranger things, and fortunately had no problem buying the necessary supplies to help her period pass by as smoothly as possible.

Her boyfriend.

Ruby jumped up happily as she heard the Knocks on her dorm's door, and she nearly tripped as she could swear she already smelled the delicious things he was bringing with him. She threw the door open and all but ripped his arm off as she pulled him in. He let out a somewhat girlish Yelp as she hugged him closely.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cheered out as she pulled away and grabbed the box of donuts out of his hands. She laid it down on her desk and threw it open, much like the door, grabbing a random doughnut and shoving it into her mouth.

"You want to slow down there?" asked Jaune, opening a bottle of milk and setting it down on the desk beside the doughnuts. Ruby sent him a glare that basically meant 'shut up' and he did so without hesitation, reaching in and grabbing a doughnut for himself. Ruby stopped wolfing down her own and reached for the milk, taking a big, exaggerated gulp and making the most satisfied face and sound as she swallowed it all down.

"You have no idea how much I love you, right now…" she said quietly, grabbing another doughnut and sitting down in the chair in front of the desk. Though less exaggerated and ravenous now, it was still clear to Jaune that she was enjoying the doughnut just as much as she did the first one. He took a small sip of the milk and just took a second to appreciate the smile on her face as she finished off her second.

"I think I can guess," he said with mirth. "I'm guessing you would have died if I hadn't of been in Vale, right?"

"YES, oh my god, yes. Jaune you're a freaking lifesaver." She giggled happily, and Jaune hoped to be able to always hear that exact sound. "Thank you so much… I love you!" Jaune could practically hear the hearts flying up in the air as she said it.

"I love you too, Ruby!"