I am a man of ideas, mad ones that don't really make sense a lot of the time but ideas nonetheless. Now I have many ideas for stories in the RWBY world, I literally have a list that is 30 ideas long in my notebookand that's not even including the ones that reside purely in my brain. This is one of those ideas, it came to mind sometime in December. When exactly, I don't know, my memory isn't that good I'm afraid. The premise is that Raven has a soft spot for children and this changes her, if you didn't actually read the description and just decided to choose something at complete random, a stupid iudea oin most cases. Anyway, there will be other changes, most of which will be apparent later on. But, I've rambled on long enough, enjoy.

Raven was a person honour-bound by the idea that the weak die and the strong survive, often phrased as 'survival of the fittest'. She wasn't evil by any stretch of the imagination, at least hers and her teammates, but her methods could easy be considered dark, as she viewed the world in a dark manner.

But as she looked into the eyes of her newborn daughter, something awakened within her, something she had never known about herself. Yang was her child and she would protect her and raise her and-

"What's happening to my brain? I don't understand-", her daughter took this opportune moment to start crying.

"Shit, how do I deal with this? Think Raven, what did they teach you in sex-ed?", she searched for the cause, no damp or dark stains so not anything to do with waste.

"Is she hungry?", she muttered to herself.

Tentitavely, she raised the tiny blonde baby to her breasts and uncovered one of them. Almost instantly, Yang started suckling, instantly quieting down.

"Good", it was at this point that Taiyang Xiao-Long, father of her child, decided to enter their area and took one look at the scene before him and then averted his gaze. Sure he had seen her naked but that was during what Raven called a 'reproductive necessity', in reality that was to hide her secret love for sexual activity.

"Tai, don't be so prudish", Raven was amused, Tai was pretty percerted but never wanted to see the nipples of a woman unless he wanted to have sex with them.

"Sorry Raven it's just that this is completely unfamiliar to me, -wait, are you smiling?", Tai had looked back at Raven again as Yang had stopped suckling and Raven's breast had been covered up once again.

It was indeed true, Raver was smiling, something that she only did if she got some vengeance against Qrow, if she got to kill a lot of Grimm, if she had her favourite food or if she was doing some sort of sexual act. "I am?"

"Yes, yes you are, I have got to tell Qrow and Summer, they'll go mental", Raven's eyes widened.

"You wouldn't", it would be ammo used against her by pair and their Machiavellian schemes. To further her aim of getting Taiyang to not tell their teammates, she glared at him.

"Fine, I won't tell them, though, let's be honest. They would probably find out anyway, "I'm still confused how they do that, I had never even mentioned to anyone about the stash of cookies I had hidden, not even a subtle reference or anything."

Raven's small but very noticeable smile had returned, "How long until they get here?"

"Not long- oh wait, there already here", Taiyang, while he liked to pull pranks, looked genuinely surprised.

"How can you tell?", Raven was even more surprised and slightly worried, if they saw her smile, she would be relentlessly teased. That was not something she wanted to deal with after giving birth.

"I can hear Summer's giggling", Summer had this very distinct laughing that was often described as if a hedgehog somehow ended in a human body. Very adorable.

"I can't hear anything."

"It's rather faint and getting louder, they're getting nearer."

Raven was internally panicking, "Is the smile still there?"

"Yeah, I don't think you're to get rid of it. Good luck."


"Rae, watch your language, we're in a public place. Do you can want us to get in trouble."

Raven faltered, all she could do now was brace herself for the inevitable mockery about her smile. As while she could be considered a scary person, her smile was often described as cute, her greatest shame.

"Tai, I can hear them now. It sounds like Qrow's telling her something hilarious, it better not be anymore embarrassing childhood stories."

A sneeze cane from the direction their teammates were in, "Looks like he is Rae."

Raven sighed, "I'll berate him later, right now is a different matter."

The curtains that sectioned off their area where drawn and through the gap came a fairly tall and slightly drunk man wearing a somewhat tattered red cape and woman of average height with brown hair that appeared red towards the tips and a white hooded cape that was in a much better condition than the one that belonged to the man to the left of her.

These were their teammates and they immediately took notice of one thing that wasn't really that important in the long run. Raven's smile.

"Summer, please tell me I'm not imaginating that thing on Raven's face where a scowl should be", Qrow soon fell into raucous laughter with Summer not far behind.

"No Qrow, I see it too", Summer gasped out the words in between laughs, her very adorable giggling.

"Laugh it up why don't you?", Raven was frowning by that smile still hadn't left her face, "What does it take to get rid of this smile? And why am I so happy in the first place? It couldn't be because of Yang could it? But that's the only option."

Once Raven had finished her train of thoughts, she looked up to see that Tai had confronted their teammates, "Guys, stop it. I gert why we do it, we rarely see Rae smile-"

"Understatement", Summer cut in while gasping for breath, her giggle fit over.

"-But this is an important and momentous occasion-"

"You've been reading that dictionary Tai, you remember what we told you about doing that", Qrow wasn't struggling for breath unlike his white caped companion and was instead smirking.

"Qrow, Summer, shut up and let me finish, we've had a child. The first descendants of Team STRQ, would like to meet Yang?"

Summer almost instantly recovered from her lack of air and grabbed the little blonde girl from Raven's arm and started fawning over her. "Aw, hi Yang, I'm Summer. I could end up being your Aunt Summer. Hey Rae, can I be her Aunt?"

"Well if those rumours about you and Qrow are true then you will be, with or without my clearance."

Summer went red and Qrow started awkwardly coughing, prompting Tai to laugh and Raven's smile grew larger.

After all, turnabout was fair play.

Sorry if there's any inaccuracies in here, especially about post-birth procedures. Medicine isn't much of a study of interest for me. I like astronomy more.

Also it is quite short but I thought that this was a good place to end it and it is technically just the Prologue, it doesn't need to be long. Not to mention that really wanted to get this out.

So this is my first foray into the world of RWBY, if any of you somehow know me for my Naruto stories, don't expect anything for Like Glass anytime soon, I'm not abandoning it though.

See ya
