![]() Author has written 2 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey just wanted to tell all you guys out there that have been reading and reviewing That's Amore I am not giving up on it! Right now I'm having a bit of trouble getting the next chapter up because it's all in my co-author's brain and refuses to leap onto paper obediently for us like a good little story should. And since I feel bad anyways and it's been sitting in my notebook for several mounths now I will be putting up a new story soon. It's being Beta'd as I write this (well, not right now seeing as it's just past 2:30 in the am) and will be up soon. It's called Family Night and as soon as we come up with a summery for it I'll put it here to keep you drooling for it . Thank you and a sincere apology for the delay of my (as of now) only story. Good night and thanks 'yall! Hi, my name is... basically whatever, I've been called loads of things over the years. I'm a bit of a perfectionist (but you wouldn't know it, looking at my room), I like to correct my friends spelling and pronounciation 'cause I read a lot and know more words than most of them... or weirder one's anyways and I really enjoy bugging Amber, my twin and all-time favourite, and only, sister! My alias is Nisha Tsukino. She's rather weird, and very ditzy, but we love her just the same. Especially her "Master" Sabotage Makari... don't ask. In a callback to Roa Michiyo: Thanks for the Jasarama-dingdong, Muffin-chan! Seeing as how my muses are sarcastic and abusive it'll take me a while to get stuff done and I'm the Queen of Procrastination so i might need a kick in the pants about every week, but be warned that I don't check my email all that much (must change that bad habit) So... should I say some stuff about myself? SURE! Let's see: Gender: Think of the name. If your still confused, ask! You might not get a realistic answer but hey, you tried! Species: This one might answer its self, but who knows? Hobbies: I am a semi-antisocial weirdo. I like to read, write, draw, hang out with friends/fiends and go on the computer for more than 12 hours a day. Don't believe me, that's your problem. Loves: Anime, manga, sushi, cosplay, friends, t.v., my room, drawing, dancing, singing, making up the weirdest shit you've ever seen and passing it off as fanfiction. Heh heh heh. Fear for your minds! Fave Songs: "If I Were Gay" - Stephen Lynch "There Is Life Outside Your Apartment" - Avenue Q "It Sucks To Be Me" - Avenue Q "The Internet Is For Porn" - Avenue Q "Walky Talky Man" - Steriogram "Harder, Faster, Stronger, Better" - Daft Punk "Crazy" - Se7en "Tipsy" - J-Kwon "Fallen Leaves" - Billy Talent "Devil In A Midnight Mass" - Billy Talent "Can You Keep A Secret?" - Utada Hikaru "Candy" - Koda Kumi Feat. Mr.Blistah "White And Nerdy" - Weird Al "Welcome To The Black Parade" - My Chemical Romance "Moto" - Boa Kwon (Starts humming along "Wanna get time for watching you...". I'm only slightly addicted) "Girls On Top" - Boa Kwon "Move Your Dead Bones" - Dr.Reanimator Pretty much anything by Billy Talent, Simple Plan (What, you got a problem?) and Sum 41 too. I have recently become acquainted with the bands Rasputina and The Dresden Dolls which totally rule, as girl bands most often do. My fave songs by each band are; Mandy Goes To Med School - Dresden Dolls and Saline The Salt Lake Queen - Rasputina. I also like a lot of older songs. I love anything by Billie Holiday, Eddie Cantor, The Big Bopper, Jerry Lee Lewis and songs from the soundtrack for Stand By Me. I also love J-pop, J-rock, K-pop and anything Morning Musume, Mini Moni, Utada Hikaru (my all-time fave!), Judy and Mary, Koda Kumi, Boa Kwon and some SMAP songs (Woot "Lion Heart"!) You're a 90's kid if: You can finish this 'ice ice _" (I remember WAY too many of these things.) My sister and I laughed at so many of them and I feel old 'cause I know most kids'll have no clue what they are. I stole this from Unwritten.25's Profile page. Read her stuff! Fave Quotes: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, it was not like he ment to fall, eggs break and shit happens" "Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned" "Sharingan, bet you didn't see that coming!" "Byakugan! Your clothes mean nothing!" "Jijo de punta!" (my dad) "Just smile and nod." (my sister) "To err is human, to forgive is against company policy" "Get your mind outta the gutter! It's blocking my view!" "If you don't have anything nice to say at least have the decency to be vague" "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts, Deedly, Deedly There They Are A Bouncing Up And Down Bum, Bum, Bum Big Ones, Small Ones, Some As Big As Your Head Give 'em A Twist, A Flick Of The Wrist, A Different Colour Instead!" (Thank You Roa-chan!!) "If it sniffs your bra, it likes you. If it's human, hurt it." (Thanx Kyle!) "And I really like Jack Sparrow-" "CAPTAIN! Captain, Jack Sparrow." (My friend who's obsessed with PoTC and I back in Gr.8, she's scary!) "Auta miqula orqu." (Go kiss an Orc) "Llie n’vanima ar’ lle atara lanneina." (You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny) "The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is: No." () "His name is Speedy, him being a drug addict was pretty much a foregone conclusion. "Honistly Ocifer I'm not under the alcoflice of incohol 'cause the drinker I stand here the longer I get, I've only had tee martunies and I've got all day sober to Sunday up in, so sis on you pister you ain't so mucking futch, hut in the well makes you think you're so smuckn' fart!?"(Random Invader Zim vid on some website I can't remember right now) "Why were clarinets invented? "Why were oboes invented? "Why were flutes invented? "Q: Why is a conductor like a condom? "Q: What's the difference between a bull and an orchestra? "Q: If most musicians are either high or low, what does that make an orchestral third clarinetist? "How do you know when a clarinet player is at your house? (Just so you know I'm a clarinetist and I have friends that play the other instruments in these jokes so I am allowed to make them.) "Don't think of it as losing, think of it as getting beaten by a girl." "Home isn't where the heart is, home is a place you go where they have to let you in." "The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has been known to pursue other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for spare vocabulary." (No clue) My mom died on September 12th 2010. I love you Nancy, I hope you're as happy as you can be where you are. I miss you. |