A/N: I said I would post within a week and here we are (it's before midnight here, so it still counts). Yes, this is the last chapter and I sincerely hope you all enjoy it followers, reviewers, and lurkers alike! Thank you SO FREAKING MUCH for making this such an awesome story to write! You're all amazing and I'm so grateful for all your guys' support. Speaking of which, OVER 100 REVIEWS! GAH! Special shout out to Rosycat for being the 100th review. In fact, I'd dare say I've made some friends while writing this story.

So yeah. Thank you all, and without further ado, Chapter 16: Tales and Light

"Unbelievable," Hiro cried as his brother divebombed the microbots. Did his brother want to die? What did he think he was doing? In no time, Tadashi had disappeared behind the curtain of bots. Muttering under his breath, Hiro ran back over to the statue where he had left his pack and started rummaging around in it. He looked up in time to see Honey throw something and a second later, heard the explosion. The bots were momentarily useless and his friends took that moment to press forward as much as they could. Glimpses of Callaghan and his brother could be seen now and for the moment Tadashi was holding his own.

"Aha!" Hiro triumphantly pulled out a headband, similar to the one he had originally made for the showcase. He knew time was short, so he quickly pulled out his laptop and the plugged the headband in. His fingers flew across the keys as he tried to latch onto Callaghan's signal. If he could do that, his would be the only headband that work, which would give him control of the microbots and the fight.

His head snapped up at the sound of a terrible scream. Scrambling in his pocket for his earpiece, he put it on just in time to hear Tadashi say, "Me…" Hiro's blood ran cold as another scream rent the air, coming from the center of the fight.

"Tadashi!" Hiro yelled, panic in his voice. His computer dinged, signalling that the first headband had been located and was in the process of being hijacked. When it was done, Hiro's would be the only one that worked.

"Hurry up, hurry up," he urged. It dinged again. Now all he had to do was put it on and-

He yelped in surprise and terror as something grabbed him around the waist and lifted him into the air.

"No! NO!" he screamed and struggled against the black tendrils that were quickly encircling him, but it was no use. In no time, he was bound fast, the unactivated headband lying on the ground below. Also lying on the ground below, was his brother, sprawled on his side with blood pooling around him.

"Tadashi!" Hiro screeched. "Tadashi!" What had Callaghan done? What. Had. He. Done?

He didn't see the professor on the ground anywhere, so he turned to scan the sky and yelped as he found Callaghan perched directly in front of him.

Fear and anger battled within him for dominance as he struggled against his bonds, whether to get away from or get at Callaghan, even he didn't know.

Suddenly, Callaghan gripped his jaw in his hand, forcing him to stop moving. Hiro could feel himself starting to hyperventilate.

"You should be dead," Callaghan told him. "You and your brother," he said, with a meaningful glance below them.

That did it. With an impetuous tug, Hiro pulled his head free and smashed it into Callaghan's mask, then spit on him for good measure. Hiro thought he heard Travis cheer.

Callaghan growled as he wiped it off.

With the professor distracted for a moment, Hiro glanced around, looking for a new angle and a way out. Honey and Fred were on the ground next to Tadashi, trying to stop the bleeding. Wasabi was helping Baymax with Kamiko, but Gogo, Shizuko, and the rest of them were trying to get to him and Yokai, but the villain managed to keep them at bay. Hiro's rage induced adrenaline started to leech away as he realized that he was on his own.

A flash of silver caught his eye and suddenly a knife was at his throat. He found himself forced to stare into the dark holes of the mask and immediately started to shiver.

"Cold, boy?"

At that moment, Hiro's life was saved by the sound of squealing tires below. A woman hopped out of hastily parked car, and dashed over, stopping next to Hiro's laptop.

"Dad!" Abigail yelled. Callaghan's head whipped around, but he kept the knife at Hiro's throat.

"Abigail? She's… alive?"

That's what we've been trying to tell you! a tiny voice in Hiro's mind screamed. He managed to keep his tongue though, and nodded carefully, ever aware of the proximity of the blade.

Part of him was desperately relieved though. Abigail was here; that would make everything better, right?

He was wrong. Callaghan was gripping his head and muttering things under his breath, trying to come to terms with this new development. As the words grew louder, Hiro realized that they hadn't doused the fire, but rather lit the fuse.

"No, no. She's dead. He killed her. I'll kill him. I'll kill Krei." His gaze snapped back to Hiro. "But you," he growled. "You first."

"Abigail!" Hiro cried, trying to shy away from Yokai. "The headband by your foot, put it on!"

Abigail looked around and spotted the headband. She picked it up, pressed a small button on the side, and put it on.

Immediately the pillars of microbots started to crumble. Hiro started to fall, but was quickly caught under the arms by Travis.

"Thanks," he breathed as the headed towards the ground.

"Don't sweat it."

No one made a move to catch Callaghan. Abigail threw out her arm and the microbots obeyed, catching her father before he hit the ground.

Two ambulances pulled up to the scene, quickly followed by a number of police cars.

Hiro watched the organized chaos from the sidelines in muted silence. All the fight had left him and he felt absolutely exhausted.

In the center of the rushing paramedics and flashing lights stood Abigail and her father. With tears streaming down her face, she gently removed his mask. Hiro saw him say something, but couldn't hear the words. She wrapped him in a giant hug and a moment later, the police escorted him away.

"Hiro!" The voice broke his stupor and he saw Honey beckoning him. Some paramedics had put Tadashi on a stretcher and were loading him into an ambulance. His heart skipped a beat and he ran over and hopped in the back as Honey explained to the paramedics who he was and why he was there. He noticed Shizuko standing next to the other ambulance as the medics worked furiously to stabilize her sister.

"Excuse me." Hiro's head snapped up as he realized there was a police officer who had been standing there for a while.

"Sorry. Can I help you?" The officer smiled kindly.

"I'm gonna need to ask you a few questions sir." In the background, one of the paramedics said they were ready to go.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell you everything you need to know, but can we do it at the hospital? I need to go there with my brother." The officer peered into the back of the ambulance and nodded.

"Sure. We'll be there anyway to keep an eye on the Fujita Sisters."


"You do realize that all of these people are criminals, right?" Behind him, Hiro could see the rest of Callaghan's team being cuffed and taken away while his friends argued with the other police officers.

"But, they saved my life! You can't arrest them!"

"Hm. We'll have to hear more about that later. See you at the hospital."



Tadashi groaned. It couldn't be time to get up yet, could it? He blearily opened his eyes and blinked against the harsh light. Where was he?

"Look who finally decided to wake up." Hiro's smiling face popped into view. "Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty."

"Shut up..." he groaned. "What... Why..."

"You got stabbed, knucklehead."

"Oh...yeah. So hospital then?"

"Yep. Again," Hiro added forcefully. Tadashi hummed in response as he started to doze off again. But then his eyes widened as everything came rushing back.

"Are you okay? What about the others? Callaghan?"

"Calm down," Aunt Cass said. She was sitting on his other side. "Everyone's fine," she smiled, but it didn't quite convince her nephew. They might both be acting unconcerned, but lines of worry we're etched in their faces. He felt a twinge of guilt at being the cause of that worry. Again, he reminded himself.

Hiro quickly filled him in on what else had happened.

"I'm glad you guys are all right," he said when his brother was done.

"Well, trust us. We're happier that you're okay. You lost a lot of blood."

"How long was I out?"

"43 hours," Cass replied, checking the clock.


"Judging by the bags under your eyes, you needed it," Hiro pointed out.

"So what happened to Callaghan's team?"

"Kamiko's still in intensive care, but the doctor's think she'll make it. Shizuko hasn't left her side at all and just glared whenever the officers tried to talk to her. Travis, Blake, Ryan, and Kenta are in custody. They're going on trial at the same time as Callaghan next week. I'm testifying," Hiro said. "They're hoping you'll give a statement as well."

"Of course."

"We may have also used some of your scholarship money to hire a really good lawyer for them." Tadashi rubbed a hand over his face.



Callaghan's trial was all over the news. He was charged with two cases of attempted murder, multiple cases of destruction of property, kidnapping, and child abuse, and after all of Big Hero 6 (though that information wasn't made public) and Big Villain 6's testimonies, there was no doubt in the jury's mind that he was guilty. He was sentenced to forty years to life in prison.

As for the others, Kenta couldn't escape his previous crimes and was given twenty years in prison, cut down from the original thirty due to his help in defeating Callaghan.

As for Travis, Blake, and Ryan, their lawyer had managed to get them straight onto parole due to their previous military service and their instrumentation in Callaghan's defeat and helping Hiro. Shizuko and Kamiko would be getting the same thing, but with the addition of tracker bracelets and a hefty fine.

And of course with the revelation that Professor Callaghan was alive, came the inevitable reveal that Tadashi had survived as well.

"So. Much. Paperwork," he groaned, smacking his head on the table in time with the words. Honey Lemon rubbed his back sympathetically.

"Quit whining. This is less than what we had to do to get into SFIT in the first place," Gogo said. Tadashi grumbled in response.

There was a knock at the door and Cass got up to open it.

Everyone called out greetings as Blake, Travis, and Ryan entered the shop. They'd brought, or rather forced, Shizuko to leave the hospital for a bit and come with them and she gave everyone a tiny wave. There was another woman that had her arm linked with Travis. Her skin was a warm brown and she had beautiful long black hair and dark eyes.

"Everyone," Travis said, getting people's attention. "I'd like you all to meet my fiance, Marcie."

"Hello," she said with a friendly smile and a slight Indian accent. Travis quickly introduced the others while Hiro and Wasabi helped Cass bring dinner from the kitchen; they'd invited everyone over as a way to celebrate this whole thing finally being over. Cass had made hot wings (Hiro's favorite) and sushi (Tadashi's favorite) and Marcie had been kind enough to bring dessert for everyone.

"I don't know about you guys," Blake said. "But I haven't had sushi like this since-"

"Maine '98," they all chorused and broke into laughter.

"What?" Hiro asked them.

"Well you see there was this one time, in the circus..." Blake and Ryan were laughing too hard to even try and stop him. By the time he was done, everyone was in tears from laughing so hard.

"And that was the time I accidentally ate the lion's food," he finished.

"Even I've never heard that one!" Marcie cried.

"Wait, you told her our circus stories?" Blake asked, offendedly.

"How could you?" Ryan cried.

"I'm gonna marry her!" Shizuko chuckled and smacked him lightly upside the head. He rubbed it and faked glared at her.

More stories were told by the trio and they soon got in a competition with the SFIT students over which stories were crazier, circus stories or lab stories. By the time they were done, Hiro was really looking forward to going to SFIT again and was extremely glad he'd never joined the circus.

Overall though, it was a great night. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Fred, Tadashi, and Travis got along famously as did Wasabi, Blake, and Gogo. Ryan and Honey Lemon got into a conversation while Cass jumped from one to another. Hiro sat in comfortable silence with Shizuko.

"Thanks," he said finally. She looked at him quizzically. He shrugged. "For everything. For being nice to me on the island and, y'know, helping me get out and taking down Yokai. Just… thanks." Shizuko smiled brightly and ruffled his hair. He smiled a bit in response.

"How's Kamiko?" he asked. Shizuko sobered up a bit, but gave him a hopeful look. "That's good," he replied. "Tell her thanks for me." Before he could say anything else, Shizuko had him wrapped in a giant hug. Hiro laughed and hugged her back.

He looked around the table and couldn't help but smile. Maybe something good had come from this after all.


"So, you excited to go back to school?" Hiro asked his brother. Tadashi had just reentered the room from brushing his teeth and Hiro was sitting on the edge of his bed. His arm and his face were still bandaged, but other than that, he was looking a lot better than he had a week ago.

The same could be said for Tadashi. He was three pounds away from reaching his previous weight and his stab wound was healing nicely.

As for their mental health, it was still pretty bad, but they were getting better everyday.

"Yeah, I am. I'm excited to do something normal." He sat down next to Hiro and nudged him. "How 'bout you? You excited to start?" Hiro nodded.

"Yeah. I'm ready to move forward. And from what I heard in those stories tonight, it's gonna be a blast. Literally." Tadashi laughed.

"I guarantee it will be." He ruffled Hiro's messy hair. "'Night Hiro." He went to stand up, but his younger brother stopped him with a hug. Though he was kinda confused, he returned it.

"Thanks," Hiro said.

"For what?"

"Coming back." Tadashi didn't know if he meant coming back from the dead, coming back to rescue him, or coming back from his latest injury, but he supposed it didn't really matter.

"You're welcome," he replied. His mind quickly flashed through the moments before and after the fire and the long, dark days that followed. Then just as quickly, memories from tonight and working with his friends and family again came rushing in. "I'd do it all over again y'know." Hiro nodded against his chest.

"I know." He let his brother go. "Don't forget to turn the nightlight on."

"Yup. Baymax."

"Nightlight activated." The robot's charging station (where he was currently deflated), in the corner began to emit a soft yellow glow.

"'Night Hiro," Tadashi said as he climbed into bed.

"'Night Dashi," Hiro replied. The young inventor snuggled under the covers, relishing in the warmth and comfort of the blankets. He glanced over at his brother, who was already snoring away, and relished the fact that he was alive and there. They'd fought through pain and heartache and darkness, not to mention actual bad guys, and come out on top.

When Hiro thought about it, the whole thing was pretty unbelievable.