Konnichiwa, minna-san! I am here to bring more of SasuNaru in action for your satisfaction.

Warning: Rated M. Definitely not for the weak-hearted or those who like mild homophobic relationships. Contains lots of cursing and swearing and death as well. So, if you can't handle it, you might as well leave.

Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me.

Words in 'italic' are thoughts.

Words in 'bold' are just to catch your attention if you're not paying attention.

Words in brackets ( ), well, just a side note…(not from me)



Prologue: Reborn





Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Was that the sound of a clock? Maybe it was just being imagined?


The world seemed to have stopped.


But time is still ticking away as if nothing had happened.


The lone figure sitting amidst the ruins of a collapsed building was staring at nothingness, probably wondering why he was there. The sky was dark, derived of the pale light from the moon and the twinkling of stars.

No crickets, no rodents scurrying around for food, no cockroaches scuttling here and there…

There was just complete silence. It was as if silence itself was mocking the still figure of a human boy. Tears and blood have long mingled together along the boy's whiskered scars on his face. The blue orbs once shone with purity, innocence…now turned into desolate emptiness…

The thought of death seemed alluring.


Another long stretch of silence became his answer. The sound of footsteps was faint but was becoming louder by the seconds, moving towards him at its own tempo. It echoed of someone powerful and proud. Someone that he'll never be no matter how hard he worked because he is of no importance.


No one ever dared to talk to talk to him.

Greeted him.

Comforted him.

Loved him.

He was the demon child…

Until now he could hear screams of death itself being flung into his face.

He was destined to be alone.

Isolated from anything and everything until…

A pair of arms opened before him, beckoning him…

"Come, Naruto."

When he looked up at the figure, he was greeted with eyes as black as night itself before it became red…

…like blood.




The prologue that that I put up here sure has a lot of angst but that's the whole purpose! Though I can't really say I have a thing for angsty stories, but I can't seem to help myself from writing it.

Somehow, I like the idea of poor Naruto being tortured by none other than Sasuke (I would have settled for Orochimaru but Sasuke is more suitable, don't you think?) OMG, I think I'm beginning to turn into some sadistic monster…

Well, this sadistic monster of a writer is gonna drown herself in producing the next chappie. Before that, you! Yes, YOU! Tell me what you think of this fic whether it is a compliment or a flame (if it's stupid, I'll throw it into the dustbin!) by pressing the review button on your left.

'Kay, I gotta go now.

Signing off.