Warning: There should be a lemon in here...



-*The Shackled Stallion*-

To say Naruto was surprised would be an insufficient way to describe it.

Shocked out of his mind would be more appropriate to what he felt when, after the cage-dancing, he had emerged from the stairway to be met with a darkly smiling Sasuke who hooked his leash back on and then hauled him forward so he could kiss him to within an inch of his life.

Brainlessly horny would also be on the mark.

One look into the black eyes confirmed that this was no game. So what was he playing at?

Not that he minded. Sasuke hadn't let up kissing him ever since they had somehow gotten back into the booth. The still-playing bass music was drumming up and down his spine, raising goose bumps along his skin, but it was a mere distraction compared to the fingers that were actually on him, teasing, brushing, scratching. Naruto covered his mouth to keep from moaning when they glanced over a nipple and twisted it torturously.

The last time –the only time- they had had sex, the blond had inadvertently discovered that he loved being dominated and tormented physically. Sasuke obviously remembered, seeing as he had the leash wound so tightly in one hand that he had no other option than to crane his neck upwards, helpless against the onslaught of sensation the brunette was causing.


"Shut up." The low voice growled against his skin, and he did. A whimper escaped him as a mouth replaced the fingers, hot and slick over his already sensitive skin. It felt good, so right. He wanted this, he really did. He had wanted this ever since the first time. That night had been one of the best of his life, he would never forget it. He found himself craving the feeling that Sasuke had ignited in him, hungering for the passion that had seared its way into his heart and mind. He had never known that sex could feel that way with anyone. It was the reason why, awkward though he was in dealing with unknown emotion, he had looked and looked for something, anything really, that could clue him in to how the last Uchiha's mind worked. It had been Gaara who had found him drowning his sorrows in bowl after bowl of ramen, and after he had explained, had brought him to the only person who understood just what kind of pervert he was.

He hadn't known just how far Neji would go.

His first reaction, when he had been told of the fake mission, had been "Sasuke's going to go mental."

Neji had laughed at him. "You want himto go mental. That's the only way he'll ever act on his urges. Have a little faith."

And he did have faith, and he had followed every single direction, no matter how depraved it had sounded at the time. He had worn this ridiculous outfit, and these shorts that were as uncomfortable as hell, and the thong that had been even more so, and the damn pumps that made his ankles feel like noodles, and he had done every damn salacious movement that he'd been coached in, and now here he was, a tongue shoved down his throat and an extremely pissed Sasuke kissing him so hard he could see stars.


"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want."

Anyone would have scampered to safety at the dangerous tone in that voice, though all it did for him was send a spike of desire straight to his groin. Not for Haru though. Through the haze, Naruto could make out the terrified look on the waiter's face. He looked like he was about ready to commit suicide for even daring to interrupt them. It was a testament to his manhood that he didn't.

"M-management has inf-formed me that a r-reservation has been made in L-leopard-san's n-name for one of o-our d-deluxe suites just d-down the road." The poor boy swallowed his fear at the look in Sasuke's eyes and continued. "W-would you l-like the k-key?"

The brunette turned his eyes to the nervous body in his arms. Naruto gulped at the sight of the smirk. He was in so much trouble.

"Get in."

The blond followed meekly, his heart beating a mile a minute. Sasuke followed. The click of the lock was loud in the quiet room, and sounded like Inevitable Doom should sound.

"Sasuke, I can explain-"

"Get on the bed."

Despite the fact that he was so deep in his grave as to be actually buried in it, Naruto still felt an erotic thrill at the sound of that commanding voice. It promised a long night, though the question of what exactly that meant was still floating around in his freaked out brain.

Sasuke followed him as he walked backwards warily, throwing away the earpiece, shedding his coat then his…shirt.


"Shut up." His leash was caught again and he was pulled hard against an unyielding body. Blacker-than-sin eyes glared at him and he felt his mouth dry up in fear. "This what you wanted, Leopard?"

The foreign word twisted through his senses, adding to the fluttering feeling in his stomach. "S-sasuke…"

"Answer me, Leopard."

Again. He stifled a moan as a harsh hand pulled him closer to Sasuke by way of his ass, and he felt the hot length against his stomach. His dazed blue eyes focused on the narrow ones in front of him, searching the closed expression for an answer. What was he supposed to say?

"Answer me."A bruising nip was place on his throat, the thrilling pain melting away in the wake of pleasure. "Isn't this what you wanted your sensei to do to you?"

He let out a shuddering groan when a hand he hadn't noticed suddenly made itself known on his crotch, scraping fingernails on either side of the zipper. "Y-yes…"

"Yes what?"

He could barely think from all sensations bombarding him. "Y-yes, sensei."


The kiss faintly tasted like smoke, beer and cherries, a revolting combination, but not on Sasuke's tongue. It was hard and angry and unforgiving, and Naruto couldn't think for the pure emotion that took his brain and threw it away. This was what he had been looking for, this feeling, the way his heart beat inside his chest, half-scared and half-triumphant, like he was in the middle of a battle that he knew he could never win. When the brunette drew back, he licked his lips and tasted blood.

"You tricked me, Leopard." The sultry voice murmured against his neck. "You should know what happens to bad pets. They get punished."

Punished, yeah right. This was more like heaven, the way hands trailed over his skin, leaving fire in their wake. He arched up helplessly as tongue and lips found his nipple again, barely able to keep from moaning. Cool air hit the fevered skin of his hips and thighs when his shorts were worked down over his ass. He didn't even know when Sasuke had started working on them, and he didn't care. All he knew was that he was naked, and the brunette could see him aroused and panting, just like last time. He felt….he felt…

There was a click, and Sasuke stepped away, smirking. Naruto blinked in bemusement, then registered the feel of cold metal around his wrists. He looked up in horror.

The room had been equipped with kinkiness in mind. There was lubricant and dildos in every corner, and there was a mirror on the ceiling just above the bed. The four poster bed that he was now handcuffed to.

There were also lots of other toys, laid out on the dresser for the discerning master to use on a recalcitrant slave. Naruto watched with wide stunned eyes as the brunette walked over to it like he knew exactly what he was doing. Jealousy took the place of desire for a moment. Did he know what he was doing? If he did, then who the hell did he practice on? Naruto rattled the handcuffs with renewed vigor.

"Sasuke, let me go! This isn't fu-"


A kunai vibrated to a stop an inch next to his shocked face, its point buried deep into the dark wood of the post. He felt a warmth trickle down his cheek and over his chin.

"Do I look like I'm laughing? And keep that wound open. If it closes, I might just have to cut you again, and I promise you, you don't want that."

If his jaw could physically hit the floor, it would have. But instead of the betrayal that should have cut through him, he could actually feel the moan that bubbled up at the mere thought of a dark-haired demon hovering over his prone, bound body, the glimmer of a sharp edge in the lamplight, searing pain soothed away with licks and kisses...

Gods, am I ever masochistic…

Masochistic enough to get even harder at the sight of Sasuke choosing a pair of nipple clamps and a leather strap he hoped would be used for a cock ring.

He was right.

It was unmercifully tightened around the engorged flesh, and the tight pinches to his chest were like a log to an already uncontainable flame. Then Sasuke bit down on his shoulder just as he twisted one sensitive nipple, and he screamed.

-*Lemon Cut*-

If you'd like to see the rest of what Sasuke-sensei did to his poor, poor Leopard, please go to AFF and check it out under author: OceanCrossing. Though fair warning, if you don't like Sadistic!Sasuke and Masochistic!Naruto, then you probably shouldn't look. Please leave me your comments and/or threats of murderous intent!