Disclaimer: Just like everybody else posting on ff. net, I do not own the copyrights of either Harry Potter or Iron Man. Actually I don't own any copyrights of anything. What I do own is an imagination and a laptop.
Summary: Harry was born a hermaphrodite but kept it a secret. He used his alternative identity as a woman to escape the nosy British wizards and settles in the States. There he met a handsome young genius who even though a complete womanizer and a snob manages to capture Harry's attention. And vice versa.
Universe&Timeline: Follows HP books, set after DH; Follows IM movies, set a few years before the IM1 plot.
Main pairing: Harry(Helena)/Tony
A/N: The shortest chapter I have so far. I know it's unfair, especially considering the gap between updates, but everyone gets writer's blocks, and I had one helluva bitch sitting on me. For that I'm sorry. I'll try to post another chapter within two weeks.
A/N2: Please check my bio if you're confused about Harry/Tony's ages/timeline. The posted timeline's incomplete, of course, because otherwise I'd be giving away spoilers. And yes I did reduce Tony's age a lot.
Posted: 07.10.10
Flying in a military jet was definitely not as fun or comfortable than flying in your own private jet. However, the last time Tony chose fun over safe in Afghanistan he found himself abducted by a gang of terrorists. Also after living in a cave for three months, riding a stuffy military aircraft for one ride would be good enough even for a king. So Tony had no complaints, just as long they got him back home. The nice breeze of American air for the first time in three months was most welcome.
After the jet had landed, Tony got off the wheelchair. Not that he actually needed one; he just wanted someplace comfy to sit on this flight. Nevertheless, Rhodey helped him up and held on to him as they exited the plane. Hey, there's Pepper! With a slightly cocky air, he made his way towards her.
"Your eyes are red." was the first thing he noticed about her "A few tears for your long lost boss?" He asked cheekily.
Pepper didn't mind at all. If anything, she looked happier to hear that than Tony had ever seen her.
"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting." Of course she'd never admit she actually missed him. At least not out loud or too obviously (or to him directly).
"Yeah, vacation's over." And neither would Tony.
They made their way to the car. Aww man did Tony miss the car. Well, not as much as his sports cars, but he still missed it! It had a driver!
"Where to, sir?" Happy asked from the front seat.
Happy! Aww, he missed Hogan too.
"Take us to the hospital, Happy." Pepper said but was interrupted by Tony.
Pepper turned to Tony, disbelievingly. She tried to persuade him that he had to go to the hospital and have a doctor take a look at him, but Tony was adamant that he didn't have to do anything. Tony looked at Pepper straight in the eyes and said.
"I've been in captivity for three months. There are two things I want to do. I want an American cheeseburger, and the other-"
"That's enough of that."
Hey, she didn't even let him finish. But that was to be expected he supposed. After all he was a pretty notorious playboy, and he'd been without female company for an entire season, probably.
"It's not that. I want you to call for a press conference, now. Hogan, drive. Cheeseburger first."
Tony ignored Pepper's frantic questions. He had one he wanted answered himself.
"Where's Helena? Waiting for me at the hospital?" If that were the case he might actually reconsider going.
Pepper stopped her ranting and looked at Tony.
"Didn't Rhodey tell you?"
"Tell me what? He didn't tell me anything."
"She left for England about two months ago."
"England? For how long for?"
"Umm, she didn't tell. She said she wanted to spend some time with her godson-"
"Helena has a godson?"
"Yeah, I didn't know about him either. Anyway, she didn't mention when she'll be returning."
"Well, call her later and tell her I'm home."
"Of course, Mr. Stark."
Pepper felt skeptical for whatever reason her boss wanted a press conference, but she made a few quick calls anyway. Pretty soon they were on their way to the conference with Tony munching on a cheeseburger happily.
Afterwards Happy pulled up to the driveway and the door was opened by Obadiah. He boisterously gave Tony a hug as soon as he was out of the car. That old geezer always did have a flare for dramatics- he loved public attention even more than Tony did! And that was saying something.
Tony made an excuse of having only one burger when Obadiah asked why Tony didn't bring him one, while actually hiding another in his jacket pocket. He wasn't guilty of greed; he really did need that! While munching on a burger, they made their way into the building and into the press conference room where Tony announced his immediate decision to shut down the weapons manufacturing department. That got him one hell of an uproar.
After the conference was over, Tony had a private discussion with Obadiah. They talked a bit about the stock drop that would undoubtedly follow, and he showed him his miniaturized arc reactor. Obadiah liked the idea of this technology, and told Tony that they could pull this off if they stuck together. He asked Tony to lay low and let him take care of everything, so that Tony could work on whatever he wanted to do with the arc reactor. Tony agreed.
Afterwards Tony finally arrived home.
"Welcome home, sir." Jarvis greeted him.
"Thank you, kindly, Jarvis." Tony said back while walking with a slow stroll, taking in the old comfortable space he respected with a whole new vigor.
"It's been a long time." Jarvis said "Based on news reports, I calculated your safe return at 0.25%"
"Yeap. I missed you too." Tony said and took a seat by a coffee table with several gifts on it.
He took a look at a box with a new wristwatch in it. It had a letter that had 'TONY, THANK GOD IT WASN'T YOUR TIME. –OBADIAH' written on it.
Tony got comfortable and took off his jacket. He went to the window and took a look at the nightly view.
"You have 1713 new voice messages." Said Jarvis and the window took on holographic images of Tony's email box. "How shall I categorize for you?"
Tony didn't say anything at first, just shuffled through them a bit. "Delete all." Was what he finally said.
"I'm detecting the presence of electromagnetic energy in the house."
"Mmhuh. Boot up the scanner, will you." Tony said and went downstairs to the shop to start scanning the arc reactor in his chest.
He had just managed to complete the scan and was about to start analyzing, but he never did make it to that on that evening. Just as he was about to start a complete scan, he heard a now familiar crack upstairs. Immediately he was on his feet, and on his way upstairs. Funny thing is, he never actually made it to the actual stairs either, as a lean blur pounced on him and held on hard.
After Jarvis' call Harry was in the biggest hurry in his life, for a while. In a flash he was home (Grimmuald), things packed, and ready to go. But then he passed a mirror. Shit, he couldn't go see Tony looking like that. He wanted to look nice after three months of absence. Then he remembered that he didn't have a plane ticket either. Just perfect! Why hadn't he taken a leaf out of Tony's book and purchased a private jet of his own? All in all, all he was able to do now was purchase an emergency ticket to America, down another hair growth potion, wait for the potion to finish its job, shave, and finally go back home.
He did all that. The biggest problem he encountered then was that the nearest flight to Malibu landed in Las Vegas. Though that didn't bother Harry much, it would be no problem Apparating that distance.
By the time the plane landed Harry was glad he wore trousers. Apparently the potion hadn't completely finished its work when he shaved. After finally exiting the airport, Harry made his way to the nearest secluded spot to Apparate.
As soon as he got home he summoned his elves to take care of his luggage. Harry practically sprinted to his bathroom, hitting his big toe in the progress, desperately trying to make himself look presentable. It was only when he was ready to actually go, he stopped dead.
Out of nowhere Harry started laughing. It was a hysterical laugh, not a happy one. The only thing he needed to do now was Apparate. Just one lousy Apparation. But… then what? What if this was a prank and Tony wasn't actually home (right now Harry's brain didn't register the fact that he'd seen him live on TV earlier), or what if he was home? Then what?
Harry's hands were shaking with nerves, but he forced himself to take a slow calming breath. He put a smile on his face. It was said that Gryffindors were brave to the point of foolishness. They liked to take action without thinking first, and by god was Harry one of the reasons why it's actually the truth. Well, Harry was planning on doing just what his old reputation declared, and worry about the consequences later.
With a crack Harry Apparated outside Tony's house. Just in case in a secluded place, if some paparazzi were lurking about. He could've taken a car, but that would've given him too much time to think now that his head had cleared up.
Ever since Harry put on the resurrection stone, he had been able to sense life forces way better and more accurately than before. And right now he could sense only one life force within quarter mile radius- more specifically Tony's.
Harry walked towards the house, his fingers feeling like they had been dipped into an electric current. Feeling the door he discovered it to be locked. Not letting that get in the way, he Apparated in, not even bothering with Alohomora. A light was shining from Tony's workshop.
The concept of Tony being within arm's reach suddenly became so very real. As if a dam had broken, Harry took into a run down the stairs. Probably not the smartest or safest thing to do, but it was so worth it when Harry flung himself towards a familiar body. He held on for dear life, almost as if to choke the stuffing out of said body.
"Well, this is the most enthusiastic welcome back I've had so far." Tony managed to wheeze out.
Helena was surprisingly strong for a girl. Not that Tony wasn't pleased to have her body all over his, but he really couldn't enjoy it if he's passed out from lack of oxygen, now could he?
Finally she loosened her hold and backed off only enough to look at his face. Tony half expected (or rather wishfully thought) her to confess her love, but mostly just how much she missed him.
"When did you have time to see a hairdresser?" was the first thing Helena Potter said to Tony Stark after three months of absence.
Tony burst out laughing.
"Just a little trim I did for myself on my flight home. I can't in a million years face the public looking like a poster boy for cavemen, now can I? Though, I looked dead ravishing even before anyway." (1)
Harry didn't say anything to that, just put his head on Tony's shoulder and hugged him tighter. Tony wrapped his arms around Harry and pulled him closer. Tony buried his nose in Helena's hair, breathing in the scent that was just Helena's.
Suddenly Helena pulled away with a slightly confused expression.
Harry was happy to be so tightly in Tony's embrace. Come to think of it they have never held each other so physically close before. Although even if they hadn't, Harry noticed something slightly off about the hug. Like the unusual hardness around Tony's chest area (shouldn't that normally be a little lower?).
Harry pulled away, his hands still resting against Tony's chest, and noticed a weird glow that seemed out of place somehow.
Harry poked it.
It had a hard surface and seemed metallic. Even though Harry didn't know what could be funny about this situation, Tony burst out laughing.
"What is this?" Harry asked, still curious.
"Oh, this… um well, it's a magnet… imbedded in my chest."
Harry didn't say anything a first, just stared at it.
"Take off your shirt, I wanna see it."
Harry knew immediately he said something off, judging by the smirk that made its way to Tony's mouth.
"Why, dear, I never thought you'd ask. Will you give me a striptease yourself later?"
Harry blushed cherry red. What does one say to that? So while Tony took off his shirt, Harry simply stood in silence.
"You've lost weight, though not as much as I expected." Harry commented after the article of clothing had been fully discarded.
"Yeah, Yinsen was a pretty decent cook, especially considering the quality of the rations we had. So I'm still sexy, thankfully."
Harry stood closer and put his hand on the reactor, studying it.
"Yinsen?" He asked, not taking his eyes away from the round electromagnet.
"He was some professor guy who was being held hostage with me. Helped me attach this thing too." Tony said and pointed at the arc reactor.
"What happened exactly? Why do you need this thing?"
"Ehh, I got hit by one of my own mines, got some shrapnel stuck too close to my heart to be removed manually. This magnet pretty much keeps me alive by keeping the metal away from my heart."
"Ohh. And that's part of the reason you had such a turnaround and shut down your biggest income?"
Tony raised an eyebrow.
"You hear about that, huh."
"Along with the rest of the planet. I was visiting my godson in England at the time."
"Speaking of which, why haven't I heard about that mysterious godson of yours before?"
Helena suddenly looked very embarrassed. She took a step back and looked everywhere except at Tony and blushed.
"Er, I kind of forgot."
"You forgot? What, that you had a godson, or just forgot to tell me?"
"Eh, both I guess."
"Wow, and I though I was irresponsible."
Harry glared at Tony's smirking face… and kicked him.
"Ow!" Tony exclaimed and held his knee where he had been kicked. He pouted and looked at Helena's smirking face.
"Ha ha." Harry said smugly.
Harry expected Tony to make some wisecrack reply, or maybe poke her ribs. What he didn't expect Tony to do was grab his shoulder and kiss him. But alas, that was exactly what happened.
Needless to say Harry was too surprised to reply, pull away or do anything really. So before Harry could respond to the kiss, Tony had pulled away, while still holding on to Harry's shoulders. For a tense moment they just stared at one another, not doing anything. Then Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Tony beat him to it.
"I know, I know. You said you won't even give a guy a chance unless he's willing to commit, which I wasn't three months ago. But I've had time to think about this, like I had three months in a god damn cave, with no distractions whatsoever. Er, when I say distractions I mean other women…"
"Tony, breathe!"
Tony took a deep breath and went on a little calmer.
"My point is when I was without any kind of company from the fairer sex, and had the threat of death hanging above me, I had time to really think about my life and I came to a conclusion. An epiphany, I suppose."
"And the conclusion would be?"
"That I want to be with you. Not just as friends, but lovers as well. I've had feelings for you pretty much since the beginning, I sure as hell was attracted to you, but I wasn't willing to give up my ways as a gigolo. So…"
Tony left the suggestion hanging.
"Aren't you forgetting one little detail?"
"Uh, I am?"
Harry looked at Tony pointedly.
"Oh! You mean that other secret you had. I thought about that as well, and came to a decision that I don't care."
"You don't even know what it is!"
"I still don't care."
Tony pulled Harry into another kiss. This time Harry responded immediately. Ah, well, he might as well enjoy this. It might not last too long, after all.
"Aren't you even curious?"
Harry asked after Tony pulled away from his lips and moved on to the neck.
"Mmm, yes quite…" Tony mumbled and kept on going about his business, obviously distracted.
"Well, don't you want to know?"
"Maybe later…" Tony mumbled, still distracted with the neck, and his hands were wandering quite freely.
"Keep on going like that and you'll probably find out anyway."
That got Tony's attention.
"Hu? You've got a scar you're embarrassed about?" He asked with a raised brow.
"I've got plenty of scars. None too huge to feel overly embarrassed about. However, there is something that's… different about my body, kinda."
"And you're ashamed of it."
It was more of a statement than a question. Harry shrugged.
"I dunno, but it's something that I'm not very keen on a lot of people knowing, definitely."
"But it doesn't stop you from living a normal life?"
Harry started laughing.
"It's probably what enables me to live a semblance of a normal life."
"It can't be that bad then."
Tony smiled and hugged Helena. After parting he looked her in the eyes and asked.
"So, what is it?"
Harry looked at his feet, feeling a foreboding feeling of doom approaching. He had no idea how to blurt it out something like 'I'm half boy', 'I have a pecker', or 'you're not the only one with a penis' (the last one would probably finish the terrorists' job and kill him). It would be easier to let action do the talking. So that's what he did.
Harry took Tony's hand and put it in his underwear.
However the moment he did he immediately wished he hadn't. As it is he's actually (not surprisingly; considering…) still a virgin; and having someone touch you there for the first time is more overwhelming than Harry would've guessed. But he didn't take back his actions, just looked around the room, anywhere but at Tony, and let the news sink in.
For a while Tony did just nothing. Just held his hand where it had been placed with a blank look on his face. Then he moved it a little bit further, beyond the male bits. Harry gasped in surprise and… other feelings.
"I've been practically pining after you for two years. You think I'm going to let something like this in my way now?" Said Tony, all the while sliding his fingers even further, towards the female parts.
Harry gasped again, feeling overwhelmed. Who wouldn't feel overwhelmed having their private and most intimate bits touched for the first time by another person?
When Tony's other hand started sneaking up Harry's blouse, Harry grabbed onto Tony and Apparated.
"Whooah…!" Tony exclaimed and took a few steps back after suddenly being squeezed through a thin tube, and when it was over the lights went out.
"Oh, whoops, I forgot. You've never Apparated before."
Tony looked around and discovered that the lights hadn't gone out; he was no longer in his workshop but in his bedroom.
"Talk later." Was all he said while ripping Harry's blouse off.
The morning arrived. And Tony felt very comfortable. It was warm and soft and there was a really nice fragrance tickling his nose. Tony opened his eyes and found himself in his bedroom. He turned his head to the right and discovered another body asleep next to him. He maneuvered himself a little closer to look at Helena's sleeping face. Then he got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. He opened the tap on the sink and splashed water to his face. Taking a deep breath he looked at his reflection in the mirror.
Yesterday was all about lust and desire. He didn't have any time to assess the actual situation in a calm, rational (not to mention logical) manner. Now that he did he found himself slightly spooked. That Helena had a… penis… was an imperfection. And honestly he wasn't sure what to think about it.
He frowned and his eyes turned their gaze away from his face to his arc reactor. Then again, he too had an imperfection on his person. Helena didn't look all that bothered by it, so why should he be bothered about hers?
Tony walked back to his bedroom to find some clothes. After that was done his gaze stopped on Helena's sleeping form. Her makeup was a little smeared but she still looked like a goddess in humanoid form. Tony felt serenity wash over him. Even if he completely honestly would have preferred her to be completely normal, this situation was something that he could become used to eventually. It was a small price to pay; because the truth still remained he wanted to be with Helena no matter what… probably.
For now, he was just going to see where this leads them.
Tony leaned over to kiss her cheek. When he pulled back Helena's sleepy eyes were open.
"Hey," She said blearily with a sleep riddled voice. "What time is it?" She asked while rubbing her eyes, causing the mascara to smear even more. Tony had to suppress a chuckle. On her, it looked endearing.
"It's early, you can sleep more. I'm going down to my workshop. There are some things I need to do."
"Mmkay." Helena replied while stretching her back.
Tony kissed her on the lips lightly (2) and left her to resume her slumber.
Harry woke up hours later. He stretched himself like a cat and sat up on the bed. He looked around only to find himself alone. He frowned until he vaguely remembered Tony telling him he's going to work.
It was a pretty view from this room, or at least it would be if he hadn't felt so nauseous. Groaning, he plummeted back into the covers. Harry pulled the cover over his head, not wanting to ever get up. (3)
Harry rolled over and noticed for the first time how sore his midsection was. Though this soreness made Harry giggle a bit. The slight pain reminded Harry of what happened the day before, and how he had been intimate with Tony! Putting a hand to his stomach Harry hauled himself out of bed and to the bathroom.
Once Harry was in the bathroom the soreness and nausea were the least of his problems. By the name of Merlin, Morgana and Mordred he hoped it had been too dark for Tony to have seen him this morning. He looked like a panda! Harry wasted no time washing the smeared makeup off his face.
Once his face was clean of smeared blotches of color, Harry did everything else that made him look presentable before going back to the bedroom to dress, only to discover the blouse he had worn the day before had been torn to shreds. An admirable feat considering it was made out of thin but extremely durable magical silk, and thus not repairable by spells. Harry rummaged for one of Tony's shirts to wear with a pout on his lips. After that was done he went downstairs to find Tony.
And he did find Tony where he had said he would be, but he wasn't alone.
"Hello, Pepper."
"Helena? You're here?"
Harry looked behind Pepper to Tony who was unhooking himself of something that looked like it should belong in a hospital.
"What are you two doing? Performing surgery?"
Tony snorted a laugh and Pepper rolled her eyes.
"Pepper was helping me switch my antique arc reactor with a new improved model. I would have asked you, but I didn't want to wake you."
"Wake her?" Pepper echoed and took a long look at Tony's shirt that Harry was wearing. "You didn't!" She exclaimed after coming up with the obvious conclusion.
"Didn't what?" Tony replied with an innocent look that looked anything but innocent.
Pepper exhaled with an aura of despair about it. "I don't want to know, I don't want to hear, I don't want to deal with this!" She exclaimed overdramatically while waving her arms towards the heavens.
"Ew, Pepper, what the hell happened to your hands?" Asked Harry with a frown when he noticed the grossness on her hands.
"Thanks for reminding. This is the residue of whatever was in that hole in Mr. Stark's chest. I had to reach in to change his reactors." Pepper whined, making Tony's lips twitch in amusement.
"Rather you than me, mate." Harry said with a shrug.
Pepper pouted, clearly having expected more sympathy from her friend. All of a sudden a devilish look crossed her face, making shivers go through Harry's spine. Pepper raised her hands while still wearing that shit eating grin. All of a sudden she started advancing on Harry with her slimy weapon.
"Oh no, you're not going to touch me with that. Seriously Pepper, cut it out. Ew, ewewew!"
Harry took off running while Pepper chased with outreached slime-covered hands. Harry was running around Tony's workshop while screeching a mantra of 'ew ew ew'; and Tony was trying not to crack a rib from laughing too hard.
Harry had the advantage of being barefoot, while Pepper was in her usual stiletto heels, but that didn't mean she was any less deadly. They ran around for a full two minutes and would have probably kept on running hadn't Pepper accidentally slapped her hands against Tony's bare chest when Harry pulled the man in front of him as a shield.
"Okay, now it's enough of this." Tony said as he looked at the splat of goo on his skin.
"Oh, I am so sorry, Mr. Stark." Pepper apologized sheepishly. No matter what their relationship was, he was still her boss.
"What do you want me to do with this?" Pepper asked as she picked up the old arc reactor.
"That? Destroy it. Incinerate it." Tony said nonchalantly and tapped his new arc reactor in his chest, making metallic clicking sounds.
"You don't want to keep it?" Pepper asked uncertainly. Harry echoed her thoughts, that thing had been his lifeline for goodness knows how long.
"Pepper, I've been called many things. Nostalgic is not one of them."
"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" Pepper said with her old professional tone, but this time it had nostalgic tone in it, ironically.
"That will be all, Miss Potts." Tony replied in a similar manner.
Harry had a half a mind asking Pepper to give him the reactor as a souvenir but the look in Pepper's eyes stopped him. No matter what Tony said, Pepper was not going to destroy it. So Harry let Pepper hang on to it.
Harry watched Pepper leave, and then turned back to Tony only to witness him throwing away anything that was remotely 'nostalgic'. Harry rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.
"So, now that you're back and have shut down your weapons manufacturing division- and bedded me as a bonus- what else is in your agenda?"
"A few things. You look great in my shirt by the way."
Harry smiled at the random compliment. He started advancing on Tony.
"Thanks. But anyway, are you going to tell me what you're planning to do now that you've practically fired yourself. Weapon development was what you did, after all."
By now Harry was standing next to Tony.
"Uh, fired, did you have to put it that way? But yes, I have something I want to work on."
"Going to tell me what it is? Or are you going to keep me in suspense?"
Tony wrapped his arms around Harry.
"For now. But I will show you later on."
Harry managed to say before Tony kissed him.
"Mmm. You sure you don't mind this?" Harry said while pointing downward. Tony shrugged.
"It'll take awhile to get used to, I admit, but it'll be fine. Besides I have actually slept with a man."
Harry's eyes widened comically and he took a step back.
"No!" He exclaimed disbelievingly.
"Yeah." Tony said with another nonchalant shrug.
"No way! How'd that happen? Wait, let me guess. You got completely hammered, right?"
"No, actually, I was completely sober. I was merely eighteen and curious."
"Really? Did you top or bottom?"
Tony gave Harry a long look.
"I wasn't that curious."
Harry giggled and hugged Tony close.
Tony had said he wanted to pay a visit to Rhodey and Harry really needed his own clothes, not to mention to check up on his plants. So they agreed to meet up later that evening at Tony's place. Tony had promised to show Harry what he was going to do now that he had all this time on his hands.
But when Harry got home the euphoric happiness he felt started to disperse a little. Turned out he had overestimated his house-elves, and their abilities to take care of his plants. The plants weren't dying and they weren't really that unhealthy either, but they weren't thriving like they used to when Harry took care of them.
Shrugging the annoyance he felt at himself off, Harry put on ordinary work clothes and went to see what he was able to do to ensure his beloved greenery's happiness.
Harry had forgotten how he had used to loose track of time while working, and if he had a previous engagement he always made sure to have Kreatcher remind him of time. This time he had forgotten to tell Kreatcher he was planning to go back to Tony's sometime in the evening.
He was working fervently and making his Giggling Daisies swoon in happiness when he noticed how dark it was outside.
"Kreatcher!" Pop "Kreatcher, what time is it?"
"It be almost 10 in the evening, mistress."
"Mistress is distressed. What make mistress sad, mistress?"
"I'm supposed to go to Tony's house today again! Damn, I wanted to be there earlier, and I can't go to him while covered in mud."
Harry said while practically sprinting towards a bathroom. He was so preoccupied that he didn't notice the shine that took over Kreatcher's eyes.
"Mistress be visiting mister Stark this late, even after be entire morning and yesterday with mister Stark?" Tears welled up in the ancient house-elf's eyes.
"Kreatcher so happy for his poor lonely mistress! Mistress not be lonely anymore!"
And Kreatcher wandered off, plans of wedding cakes, dressed and baby cribs already in his old-oriented head.
Harry did his best to make himself presentable as fast as possible. Although it wasn't likely for Tony to go to bed before 11.30, he didn't want to take any chances. Plus he wanted a chance to actually spend a little time with him this evening.
So without much further ado, Harry Apparated straight into Tony's workshop.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Tony jumped and exclaimed.
"Don't do that. You scared the crap out of me!"
Harry was a little confused.
"Uh, what did I do exactly?"
"That teleportation thingy. Can't you just, I dunno, do it a little less suddenly and not so loudly?"
"Oh, you mean my Apparation startled you? Sorry, it does tend to get a little loud when I'm in a hurry and don't concentrate as much as I should."
"Do everyone feel that uncomfortable constriction feeling when they're teleported."
"It's called Apparation, not teleportation, and yes, they do."
"How can you stand to do that all the time? The one time you took me with you was one time too many for me."
"Ehe, yeah, it takes awhile to get used to. But you will… after about the 200th time."
Harry smiled and walked over to give Tony a kiss. What was intended to be a peck turned into something more passionate when Tony refused to let go. When they parted Harry let out a happy sigh.
"So, you were going to show me your masterplans?"
"Killjoy." Tony muttered but smirked nonetheless.
"The plans are still in the making." He said and showed Harry to a holographic image of what appeared to be a high-tech mechanical full-body suit.
"You're building a… mecha?"
"An automated battle armor, yep."
Harry took a look at Tony.
"And I thought you didn't make weapons anymore."
Tony looked annoyed at tat comment.
"I don't. This isn't a weapon, Helena. Don't look at it as such."
"Then… how would you define it as?"
Tony gave Harry a cheeky grin.
"A high-tech piece of equipment."
Harry burst out laughing.
"I know you had three months of soul searching to do, so what made you come up with this?"
Tony curled his fingers a few times in a gesture to call Harry to a computer monitor.
"See this?" He asked and showed Harry an image of another suit. This one did not look nearly as sophisticated as the one on the holographic monogram.
"Uh, it's quite… crude. Oh dear god, don't tell me…"
"Yep, this is how I escaped."
"How the hell did you manage to pull that off? Weren't you being held hostage?"
"They thought I was building them a missile."
Harry smiled (yet again) and ran his hand over Tony's MIT sweater. He liked that sweater, it was nice. Shaking his head out of his random thoughts he looked Tony in his face.
"You're working with this alone? Would've thought you would've liked to add Rhodey to this lil' party."
"I talked to him today, but he didn't even want to hear me out. I think he thinks I am suffering from post-traumatic stress or something."
"I certainly hope you don't. That can be quite serious."
"I think his exact words were that I need time to get my mind right."
Harry raised an eyebrow.
"You look as sane as ever to me. Though that's not saying much."
Tony rolled his eyes at Helena's cheeky response.
"What are you doing with the suit anyway?"
"Umm, I don't know?" Tony offered. "But it's something I have to do."
Harry didn't ask any more.
PS: I am looking for a proofreader for this story. Not really a beta, I'd like to have the characters and choices of words as they are, but someone who will check my grammar, spelling and punctuation (in other words, a proofreader). Please let me know if anyone (good) is interested.
PPS: Also, for Iron Man geeks out there. I tried and tried as hard as I could, but I could NOT find Tony's birth date. I tried looking and all I found out was that he was born in Long Island, NY. An unreliable source also claimed his birth date to be February 3rd. I'm rolling with that, because it fits the timeline very well (this chapter takes place in June). So in this story Tony's Bday is Feb3. However you hardcore IM fans out there, if anyone knows, let me know if that's his real birth date.
1- One of the things that baffled me about the movie. Anyone notice how perfect RDJ's hair stayed throughout his entire stay (THREE FRIGGIN MONTHS) with the terrorist group? All that time he looked like he had just walked out of a salon. Doesn't make much sense :S
2- Mwhahaha, domesticated life.
3- This note is mainly to men and virgins. Harry is NOT pregnant, so don't confuse the nausea with morning sickness (not that it makes appearance that soon anyway). The feeling of nausea and soreness is very common for girls after they've just lost their virginity, or hadn't had sex in a very, very long time. It's mainly because their bodies are not used to such activities and go through a mild shock. I can't say if it's true as well with gay men (if there's one reading this story, I'd like to know ^.~).
Word count: 5632
Thank you for reading.