Author has written 79 stories for Digimon, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, CSI, Final Fantasy VII, House, M.D., Bleach, and Doctor Who. I started out writing fanfiction a long time ago and have continued to do so, although most of my latest works have migrated to livejournal, as they either have subject matter or ratings too high for the crowd that mostly frequents this site. As such, you can now find me under the penname badwolf36. Pairings include slash and ratings go up to NC-17 or Mature. Enter this journal at your own risk. Basser made me an awesome fanart for Clowder of Cats. Thanks a bunch! Check it out!(http:///img295/2005/alkittiesfin6is.png) Animes I watch or have watched- Addiction? Noooo. Manga- Enjoy the fanfiction! Disclaimer- I do not own any of the properties I write about. Any fandom I choose to partake in is done in that respect, as a fan. This disclaimer applies to all of my works that are posted here from past, present, to future. |
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