Author has written 9 stories for Naruto. I'm Geno Calamari. Arrogant Drunk and the Philosopher of the Human Condition. I write for the fandom Naruto (DBZ South) for my own edification and the corruption of the ideals represented therein. I fight with such weapons as callous logic, rapier-wit,and stark realism. In my opinion, the large majority of fanfic authors in Naruto have lost sight of the meaning and purpose of the show, much as Kishimoto has abandoned the core truths of his story in favor of pandering to the masses. (Do you really think those 'Which character is your favorite' polls the manga exhibits in full-color, two-page-spreads are for our benefit? Don't be naive.) Or you can stop reading. That doesn't concern me in the least. I don't write to gain prestige or name-recognition or to feed my insatiable ego. I write to open eyes, to improve the quality of Naruto, and to provide an alternative to the stream of vomit Kishimoto is currently spewing. I will, to the best of my ability, make you think. Naruto, in its own way, is the perfect anime/manga to provoke thought and consideration. It is complex, with many levels of depth that I believe to be so convenient that Kishimoto must have created them accidentally rather than by design. The stable of characters is deep and broad, providing me with ample targets for razor-sharp barbs and painful truths. Irony, happiness, pain, suffering, futility, amorality, inevitability, rationality, callousness, heartbreak, and compassion are a small list of what you can expect to find in my stories. I will pervert characters' behavior, I will cast shadow about their every action, and I will make them as real as humanly possible. Also, I will attempt to stay objective in my writing. Expect, more than anything else I have said, Sasuke to suffer. Because angst, hatred, and revenge will only lead to ruin. Favorite Characters: Least Favorite Characters: (The ones I hate...) Works Completed: Perfect (Things Get Better) Experimental (or 'Me Playing Around') Realism (Welcome to the Cold and Unforgiving) Updated last: 9/7/05 Girl-chama: Oh no. I'd never imagine that there were Japanese people in Japan. :grins: nope. Hadn't crossed my mind. But anyway, are you having a good time? shinnotooni: You know what? You're right. There's really no reason we should be arguing about this. It's purely theoretical, as my views on Shikamaru will not come into play in AR at all. He might get a moment or two to speak about something, but he's not going to have anything devoted to him. There's no reason I should continue to attack the opinions of a complementary repeat-reviewer, so I'm sorry. |