Author has written 87 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, Stargate: Atlantis, Cal Leandros, and Supernatural. The sun was shining on the sea, I haven't published anything here since (mumble mumble mumble... looks it up) 2012. That is SEVEN YEARS. In which I wrote no fiction at all. I also hadn't read any fanfic or even really watched any TV until this year, 2019. I had a couple of difficult jobs that sapped all my energy. Now, however, I have the world's best job, and am starting to feel like my old self again. I started reading fanfic again - it's like I woke up one day, and remembered it exists! I've also been getting into Supernatural, and starting to watch Stargate SG-1, and I've been revisting some of my old fandoms. And I realized I still adore them. Even if the rest of the world has moved on, here I am, still loving Malcolm and Hoshi and Trip and... It's funny (and sometimes cringeworthy) to look back at some of the stuff I wrote when I was younger. Some of it reeallly could use some work, but it's part of my past, so it will stay as-is. Others surprised me by actually being decent. My plan is to write some new stories. Be nice, I'm feeling fragile :lol: :winks: I know folks are reading some of my older stories, which I think is fabulous. Please do review the old stories as well as the new. I love knowing that you're reading and enjoying my stuff. |
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