Author has written 12 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, and Quantum Leap. About Me: I am a married mom of three, now in my forties, with a more than full time job. I have recently rediscovered my creative side, and have returned to my avocation, fiction writing, as an antidote to the legal argument and exposition I do every day. Having three school-aged kids (another more than full time job), I have very little time to watch TV. So, any show that captures my attention enough to earn a spot in my crazy schedule also earns a fan for life. Only four TV shows have ever inspired me to write fan fiction: Emergency! (in re-runs, people! Sheesh!) and Star Trek: The Original Series (also reruns) in my salad days; more recently, Quantum Leap and Star Trek: Enterprise. Mercifully, most of it, scrawled in longhand, has been lost to the ages. I also hope someday to finish and publish one of my intelligently trashy romance novels (hey, everyone needs life goals, and this, along with sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon (done), completing a marathon, and swimming in the Pacific Ocean, is mine). Publishing QL and ST:Ent stories to are, I figure, baby steps in the right direction. I prefer to publish finished stories chapter by chapter (nothing worse than getting hooked on a great story that never gets completed), and I welcome constructive criticism. I will incorporate critiques if they make the story better. So, please, feel free to review both substance and style. |