Reviews for The Shackled Stallion
I chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
Good story :). I like when Naruto is oblivious about how much sasuke is getting seduced..he he..
SamHAS chapter 7 . 6/9/2012

...I need a cigarette...
matsujun chapter 7 . 11/21/2011
Everlasting Purple chapter 7 . 10/23/2011
God I hate you! The only reason for reading this far is if you wantted sex and damn it I'm doing an online school and useing the computer they gave out so I can't get to ! I'm so horny now and I love your stories and you killed it before it got to the good part!

Not only that, but I just turned 18 fucking teen so I should get to read about sex damn it!

Not really your fault for going with the rules and your story is very good. Now I'm going to find the very crappy porn becuase thats all you can get with a school computer.
sugardash chapter 7 . 7/23/2011
MyStrangeObsessions chapter 7 . 6/11/2011
Oh. My. God. I love you and hate you. I can't make an account on aff cause my computer is retarded, but I want that lemon sooooo bad. Pm it to me or email? Pleaseeeeeeee?
Rei Uta chapter 7 . 3/15/2011
OMG! You touched my inner sadistic side! Now, I'll just go and read some smut to rid my brain of the oh so sad image of Itachi and Sasuke's last battle. *Holds back tears*

Yeah, it was great. Love how you tortured Sasuke.
mnm chapter 7 . 3/4/2011
AFF? Really? Fuck I hate you. That first page with all that official sounding stuff about electronic signatures and age limits makes me nervous. *sigh*
Shining-Dreamer chapter 7 . 12/25/2010



That... Wow. That was just so friggin' amazing. I mean, I suppose I'm a pervert of sorts, so, yeah, what you wrote was really fantastic! Keep up the great work Kyaru-Sama. XD I could totally learn from your work! lol

Merci beacoup for letting me read that awesome story!

~ Shining-Dreamer
Mystique Monique aka Mina chapter 2 . 11/22/2010
oh dag! i wish i could find myself at that club! crazy hott!
zimeatspotatoes chapter 7 . 9/28/2010
Torturous D;

but lovely story
Stoic-Genius chapter 7 . 9/18/2010
I read the lemon over on aff, it was so hot!

Nice work!
Stoic-Genius chapter 6 . 9/18/2010
I love this chapter! Just seeing Sasuke's reaction to Naruto's antics is hot.
skyglazingMaro chapter 7 . 9/17/2010
oh my godness I check out the lemon and damn that is so hot I can't wait for the next one
SasuNaru 9635 chapter 7 . 9/17/2010
I went to search for the story on AFF but i can't find it, hope u would put the link for the story on ur profile page. thanks and nice story.
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