![]() Author has written 76 stories for Pet Shop of Horrors, Inuyasha, Skip Beat!, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Star Trek: 2009, Sherlock, Harry Potter, StarTrek: The Original Series, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Persona Series, Criminal Minds, Mentalist, Twilight, Legends of Tomorrow, How to Train Your Dragon, Death in Paradise, and Dead Zone. Bio:Female, currently 24 years of age, unashamedly addicted to fanfiction mainly slash parings with a dash of het. Hey guys! This doesn't have to do with fanfiction, but I found out about a site that helps with health and weight loss. If you are interested here is the link. http:///6158491 Request that can be taken up by any other fanfiction author: I want to write a fanfic cooperatively with someone because it seems like it would be really fun. A list of my fandoms and ships are listed further down in my profile. Send me a PM if any of you are interested in working on a fiction together. Updated: Alphabet of Reasons Questions people have asked for my fictions- Rescue Q-Who is the other parent of Harry's kids? A- Whoever the reader wants. I left it in an ambiguous state because I didn't want to turn any of my readers off with a disliked pairing. To create a path Q- where does the money for Harry's school things come from since he doesn't visit his vault. A- in my mind I envisioned two ways about this. One is that Severus paid (either was reimbursed or not) and the other is like a magical version of the debit card where it reads magical signature and transfers funds. (when a child comes of age((to go to school)) he or she is connected to it and then can use whatever funds are allocated to them.) other questions to be added here when I see/remember them. To guest reviews- Login if you have accounts. It's easier to address things that way. TCAP chapter 11 guest: I think that Harry, as a character is emotionally fragile, who wouldn't be with the life he had. But he is not scared of his own shadow, he is merely timid because people care about him and that never happened before. The books don't explore that much, because the only adult that he is somewhat close to Dumbledore in the first year. Just because i'm not putting him in life threatening situations does not mean that he is not brave. He stood up to Draco (for his friends sake) and snuck out after curfew to meet him. He changed Houses and asked for things he wanted. He's coming out of his shell slowly and that will show more soon. He isn't doing anything foolish unlike his actions in the book and he is still timid because he wasn't as heavily influence by Ron and is dedicated to his studies, I am just focusing in depth on his emotions not his exploits as depicted in the series. Draco was easy because they are kids and did not have years of animosity behind them like in the books. Also, who's to say Lucius doesn't have a softer side, at the end of the series all Narcissa and Lucius wanted was to be sure that their son was safe. That shows they at least care about Draco and the books don't really focus on them much. Outside of the way Lucius treated Dobby, which admittedly was bad, but Sirius treated Krecher much the same, we don't actually see him doing to many bad things. Fanfiction Series The Bonded verse: 1 The bond between us 2 a little mystery 3 Stay 4 Family 5 I'm already there 6 Sally's love Written to a Prompt Here we go again Reassurance Favorite shows/mangas/anime and the pairings Avengers Steve/Tony (Stony) Tony/Steve/Bruce (Stark Spangled Banner) Natasha/Clint (Clintasha) Team Gen Protective!team x Bruce Protective!team x Tony Beauty and the Beast (the one with Linda Hamilton and Ron Pearlman) Vincent and Catherine Criminal Minds Derek and Spencer (Sperek) Hotch/Reid Father/son relationship Team gen. Reid-centric Castle Castle and Beckett (Caskett) DC Legends of Tomorrow Stein and Jax (firestorm bond) Team gen Team as family Dead Zone Bruce and Johnny (I really don't know how this one happened though) Sarah/Johnny/Walt Death in Paradise Richard/Camille Team fic (pre-season 3) Digimon (Frontier) Takuya/Koji Doctor Who (I like Classic and Nu Who) Donna/ 10 River/ 10 or 11 Rory and Amy fics are good too 9 or 10 and Jack is lovely too. Martha x Mickey I do not like Rose x anyone Forever Henry/ Jo Harry Potter Sirius/Remus Harry/ Severus (slash and mentor fics) Harry/Ginny Inuyasha Inuyasha/Kagome Rin/Sesshomaru Sango/Miroku Junjou Romantica Usagi/Misaki Nowaki/Hiro The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzimiya Kyon/Haruhi (Of course.) Mentalist Jisbon Rigspelt Naruto SasuNaru- Sasuke and Naruto Team fics Fics with the 9tails being nice(ish) to Naru Numbers Charlie/ Amita I love Don and Charlie friendship centered fics. Ouran High School Host Club Tamaki/Haruhi Pet Shop of Horrors Who else but Leon and D. no reason needed for this one. Pokemon I like general friendship between ash and pikachu Princess Tutu Ahiru (Duck) and Fakir Psych (Shassie) Shawn and Lassie (BBC) Sherlock Mystrade Johnlock (this goes for any version Sherlock though cause whatever the version John and Sherlock are always very good together.) Johnlockmystrade (don't like Holmescest but i do like the idea of the four of them in a relationship) Skip Beat Ren/Kyoko Stargate Atlantis I used to like Teyla/Sheppard but now I am McKay/Sheppard because of the fandom Todd/Sheppard cause i just like it. Team fics are awesome too. Stargate SG-1 Daniel and Jack because the fandom sucked me in. I am not a Sam/ Jack shipper Star Trek (Original/Reboot) Spirk- Kirk/Spock (my first slash couple and it snowballed from there.) McSpirk- Kirk/Spock/McCoy Uhura/Scotty Sulu/Chekov Star Trek Voyager Seven/Chakotay Tom/B'elanna Steven Universe Crystal Gem fluff Crystal Gem x Steven fluff Pretty much anything with the exception of Onion Supernatural Dean/Castiel (Destiel) Sam/Gabriel (Sabriel) Fics that include Jimmy too cause the poor guy is always being left out or killed off. Twilight Bella/Edward Carlisle/Esme Rose/Em Alice/Jasper Nessie/Jake Jasper and Bella bonding fics Bella Carlisle Father/Daughter Yu-Gi-Oh Yami/Yugi (Puzzleshipping) Yami/Kaiba (Prideshipping) Kaiba/Joey (Puppyshipping) Manga that I like that is a bit obscure Backstage Prince (het couple) Seven Days (slash) Beast in the tower (slash) Disclaimer for all stories: Don't own the characters if i did I would be rich and not writing fanfiction in my room. Something that had irked me: I was reading about my new fav slash pair Shassie on a wiki article and it said that Shassie is the the most common pairing which is true but it also said that it was because 'white' slash is what is loved and the fact that Gus/Shawn isn't more popular is because of racism. I didn't like that because I know for me I ship Shassie because there is more hints of it in cannon and their relationship is awesome. I only see a brother like friendship between Gus and Shawn that would feel like sibling incest to me and so I don't ship it. I do however ship Sperek in CM and Johnny/Bruce in Dead Zone so even though the majority of my couples are not a 'black' and someone else I don't think it's a racist thing cause I ship the love I see not based on ethnicity. Plus there is the fact that there are a lot more male white lead characters in shows (at least the ones I watch) then there are of other ethnicties so just by default a lot of slash pairings contain white males. This was my rant and if you read this you are awesome. If you also ship Shassie don't be surprised if you see this mentioned again as i do intend to write for Psych at some point. |