Disclaimer: I do not own Skipbeat!
Every male eye on set were surreptitiously glued on Setsu as she meandered around the vending machine area.
Ren couldn't fault them, his make-believe sister was certainly attention-grabbing with that short leather skirt that showed off her figure and skin-tight ripped shirt that exposed her belly-button as well. The thigh-high boots hugging her legs were a great come on, too. Right now, she was flipping her long blond hair with annoyance as she banged at the offending vending machine that wouldn't give out the coffee she wanted.
He could already see a couple of guys creeping slowly closer, getting ready to pounce under the guise of helping her.
"Setsu, something the matter?" he casually called out as he stood up from his chair. He could feel the angry aura directed towards him as he slowly made his way to her. His arm possessively snaked around her waist as he pretended to examine the vending machine. The feeling of jealousy was almost palpable now.
As usual , Setsuka was unaware. "The coffee cans are stuck inside the vending machine, Nii-san," she said with a pout. He gave her a little squeeze before letting go of her. Carefully looking at the vending machine, he gave it a powerful shove before stepping away slightly. The cans tumbled down as expected.
"Nii-san's the best!" she squealed happily before bending down to retrieve her purchases. He was rewarded with a very nice view of Setsu's bum as she casually picked up the cans and the sigh of disappointment from the jealous onlookers who would have gladly traded anything to be in his position right now.
"I can't keep you from looking, but that's all you'll ever get... as long as I'm here," he thought with a smirk. He possessively draped his arm around her shoulders as he led her away. It wasn't every day that he could revel on the feeling of jealousy that he incited from the other guys, being sadistic was not in the character of Tsuruga Ren. As he saw it, this was one of the perks of being Cain Heel.