![]() Author has written 292 stories for Doctor Who, Transformers, Transformers/Beast Wars, Ben 10, Angel, Thor, Dragon Heart, NCIS, Avengers, Terminator, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: 2009, X-Files, StarTrek: The Original Series, Doom, Galaxy Quest, Stargate: SG-1, Castle, House, M.D., Psych, Independence Day, Star Wars, Sleepy Hollow, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek: Discovery, Andromeda, Lost In Space, Lost in Space, Lost in Space, 2018, StarTrek: Enterprise, Courage: The Cowardly Dog, Space Academy, Zorro, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Red Riding Hood, 2011, Digimon, My Little Pony, Lucifer, Jumanji, and Fantasy Island. Hello, welcome to my profile! I tend to write a lot as you can see from my works. I do write trilogies, dulogys, and stand alones. I am also a multiple story teller and try to post nowadays completed stories. Now try giving some of my completed works a look! I've been here since May 30th, 2009. That's a huge thing. Despite what problems Fan may have; I will not leave this site nor remove my stories. I have a account on Wattpad called TFALokiwriter, and you are welcome to join and follow me there. Not all of my stories are on there because the heart of them all are here; in this site. I've been proud to read, write, and review on this site. I'm not leaving this site because it's gone dead or to be expired. . . But if this site does expire sometime in the far far future; I'm still on Wattpad and Archive of Our own! I DO NOT ROLEPLAY. SO PLEASE STOP ASKING. Have a fantastic day! The Bayverse is a crazy place (Duology) Inspired from "Lillian Bergo (TFA Fanfic, Prowl/OC)" by RgRacingGirl on wattpad, I had this overwhelming compacitiy of ideas about myself landing in the bayverse after I had read her fanfiction. So I gave in, while making Shattered Voices season 1 and wrote the first chapter. No later than that happened I got a comment to continue it. Sooo, I did, and then a bunch of ideas made suit to the next chapter that lead to one thing lead into another. Title is based on the lyrics "This is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe". This is Crazy, but I'm in the Bayverse! This is Crazy, But I'm baaack! Completed due to lack of ideas. In Transformers Prime (Trilogy, definitely) This is a fun trilogy made to entertain people and mock basically what most people are used to in Transformers Prime Fan Fictions. This was inspired by a comment 'TheGirlWhoWaited' on Wattpad made in PM with this writer about how much they loved 'This is Crazy, but I'm in the Bayverse!" 'Why am I in Transformers Prime?" 'Living in Transformers Prime'. 'I screwed up in Transformers Prime'. Transformers and logic don't go hand in hand duology Megatron and the Transfan. I am surrounded by Alien Robots. Alert trilogy (STAR TREK 2009/DOOM) A Doom!Trek storyline heavily featuring Reaper's demise. Red alert. After the red alert. RRTS serving Star Fleet. Mon parallèle Capitaine Series Star Trek The Next Generation storyline. This storyline came into being of the idea of two Enterprises, the Original Enterprise and the Enterprise D, working together for a common purpose. However, there was a game that Trelane had hinted to in the earlier chapters and there were some ideas laying around in my brain. So I continued writing the story instead of leaving it as a short story. A pairing was made in the story. One hell of a fun one. Time of the Enterprises. Our Eternity starts today, John-Luc. Trelane's venting. Dance to the music. A terrible decision. A nightmare. Q-volution. Judge Q. The two Neferit's. This storyline was inspired by reading 'Simple Feeling' by Neferit. By going where no trekker has gone before. Basically this is about the results of Jim going into a Alternate Universe where a Spock did not leave him hanging there in the bonding ceremony. How it affected both universes. Mistakes on these shoulders. The doctor wants to know. The Jim who came back. I am busy, Jim. Captain McCoy of the USS Yorktown The USS Yorktown is on the longest mission in Star Fleet history. Not a joke. Not a error. It was a intentional. The twenty-five year mission to explore space and find new civilizations, go boldly where no man has gone before. The Yorktown is fondly referred to as a he by his crew, and eventually, McCoy feels right at home. The Doctor's promise Meeting Decker, once again. Replaced science officer. Twin Solar System (in progress/writers block. Needs to be given a big rewrite for the plot) Crossfire ending trilogy (Castle) This was directly inspired by the last episode to Castle. The first two stories are Alternate Universe endings and the third is a direct in-between interlude to the seven years scene. The first is Castle staring out the window without Beckett, the second is with Castle and Beckett dead, and the third is the two loving couple alive. You have been warned of the major character death with this paragraph. Never lost I found my muse The future is now Why Doctor McCoy is on the bridge A pair of stories regarding our favorite Georgian doctor in both realities regarding why he is usually on the bridge before a catastrophe starts. The first is in The Alternate Original Series and the second is in The Original Series. Why Bones is always on the bridge Why McCoy is usually on the bridge. One More Light in Tropical Night (Lost in Space 1965 Trilogy) A trilogy inspired from listening to One More Light over and over and being struck with the most heartbreaking scene. And with that heartbreaking scene came with words that had to be written. A very dark trilogy. Be warned. What you have is what you had. In the jungle you run, in the jungle you die A long curved, cruel road becomes peaceful and kind. Jim Kirk and asparagus A trilogy that deals with Jim and asparagus. A attempt at writing crack. Damn it, Jim, eat your vegetables! Asparagus can be your greatest friend in the long run How to deal with sentient, humanoid asparagus Sirius Black was the Potters secret keeper And his fate was sealed And he found his older brother Regulus faced his new future with conviction to do better than he had before (or title; Regulus faced his future certain to be better) Snape's dark mark. Spells make everything better. |