The Jupiter 2 soared out of the wormhole then came to a stop with a unconscious crew. One by one they got up to their feet. Will, the young boy, helped Smith up to his feet. Maureen put the receiver back into the wall then helped Penny to her feet. The group made their way to the elevator that brought them up to the upper deck.
"Professor, what was the matter with our present course?" Smith asked, annoyed.
"Well, curiosity got the best of us," John said.
Maureen looked on.
"Hey!" Will said. "It's the Jupiter 2!"
Smith stared at the other Jupiter 2.
"We must leave it alone and return where we came from," Smith said.
Don rolled a eye.
"Always the same routine," Don said. "Aren't you the least interested?"
"There could be a young, dashing, wealthy Smith over there," Smith said. "Being jealous over myself isn't worth the time."
"All the more reason not to go aboard," Smith said. "One Doctor Zachary Smith is enough!" he walked off. "I rather not be part of this adventure so count me out."
"I detect five lifeforms," The Robot announced.
"Five?" John said, as Smith went into the elevator then slid the barrier aside.
"Oh no, you're not going down there!" Don stopped Smith from placing his hand on the elevator. "You're going to see what everyone has to see," the major had a sharp glare at the doctor sliding aside the barrier. "Five people are on that ship and you could be responsible for that."
"Not everything is my fault," Smith said.
"I outta be right eventually," Don said.
"Fine," Smith said, out of contempt.
"-John to Earthship Jupiter 2, can you read me?" John asked. "Over."
"Time is frozen from within the second Jupiter 2," The Robot said.
"Frozen?" Don asked. "Now why would that happen."
"It does not compute," the Robot acknowledged.
"Let's find out why," John said.
Smith was out of the elevator when John went down with Don who had a suspicious eye on him. Minutes later they came back out with space gear. Don set the Jupiter 2 close to the other Jupiter. John came between the door two doors with his helmet on. The second door was opened then the professor made his way toward the second door and pressed on it.
The initial door opened. John waved the Jupiter 2 closer. Don observed there was lack of solar wind being acknowledged by the equipment. John leaned against the wall peering in to observe the familiar interior of the Jupiter 2 then he realized it was paper thin as though it were a prop. He moved the second door aside then walked in. He took his helmet off and propped it against his arm looking around. The two sets of doors from his Jupiter 2 opened allowing in the other members of the family.
"Smith, come on," Don said, between the doors.
"It seems I can't," Smith said.
"Ah, don't pull that mime trick on me," Don grabbed Smith by the arm and yanked him forward but he wouldn't budge sending the major falling down to the floor face first.
"Wait, neither can I!" Will said.
"Including I," The Robot agreed.
"That is very strange," Don said, as John joined his side.
"What could this mean?" Maureen asked.
"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," Smith said, irked. "What kind of horror has happened to me over there?"
Will reached out then took Smith's free hand.
"We are in this horror together, Doctor Smith," Will said.
Smith looked down toward the boy visibly comforted.
"And me too," the Robot chimed in. "We are all in it together."
"Let's start from the first residential deck," John said. "And go from there," he shifted toward the two. "Make sure that Doctor Smith does not lay a hand on the console."
"Yes, sir," Will said.
"It'll just be a minute," John said.
"Father!" Judy called, drawing his attention away.
John and Maureen walked away from Will leaving the three behind. John closed the hatch doors with a press of a button making the doors close between them. John came to a stop from beside Don to see the familiar shape of the Robot resting in the chair in front of the view screen. Penny looked about in concern regarding her sister. Don and John exchanged a glance with each other then slowly approached the scene.
"Robot?" John called, then came to the Robot's side.
John placed a hand on the head rest looking down and went silent.
"I'll be damned," Don said. "I don't know how he did it, but he replaced the Robot with a Robotiod!"
"Doctor Smith would never replace the Robot," Judy said, shaking her head.
"He mentioned about abiding the temporal prime directive that we agreed on," John said. "We never agreed on one."
Maureen looked over toward the elevator then back to John.
"There's a Robot, so there must be a Will Robinson and a Doctor Smith here," Penny said. "We might not be here."
"Then if . . ." Judy's face faltered. "Then who is on the residential deck?"
"Don and I will go first," John said. "In case they not completely be frozen in time."
John and Don went down the elevator. Don had a hand on his laser pistol wrapped around his waist looking around. The two men looked from side to side then checked into the cabins. John peered into Will's cabin to spot it was empty. He took a step back taking a look in toward the direction of the major. There was a strange sound permeating throughout the residential deck. They moved side by side down the hall until they came into the galley. John froze leaning against the doorway. Don slowly stepped back then left but returned with the other members of the Robinsons.
Maureen looked in to the room.
All the tense feelings in her muscle relaxed.
There was a red head laughing from beside a elderly man who was hunched forward. Across from them were two strangers. One of them was eating breakfast while the other one was in the middle of talking. Smith seemed to be listening intently to the story with the hint of a smile on his face while cutting away at the bacon. Penny and Judy peeled forward to get a better look of the scene. Don was staring at the strange scenery unfolding before him.
"Is. . ." Don walked into the room completely then came to a stop by Smith and waved his hand. "No," he stopped. "It can't be."
John and Maureen came by the red head's side.
"It's Will," Maureen said.
John walked off.
"Where are you going?" Don asked.
"Will must have a log book," John said. "I am going to find out how he got into this position."
Judy and Penny stepped back.
"Can we go back to the upper deck, mother?" Judy asked.
"This feels wrong being here," Penny agreed.
Maureen looked at her children then gave a nod.
"I will be right there with you," Maureen said, then the girls left.
Don was observing the two men.
"I don't get it," Don said. "Robot piloting the ship?" he had his hands on the back rest of the chairs. "That's something I never thought would happen."
"The Robot is capable of piloting the space pod," Maureen said. "It's not a stretch to consider that."
"But with a new body," Don said. "Why need a new shell to pilot the Jupiter 2?"
"Convenience," Maureen said.
"Jupiter 2 crew members consist of B-9 (and navigation Robot), Captain William Robinson," John emphasized over the bolded letters. "Doctor Zachary Smith, Prince Mason Yahetson of the Capitalia Monarchy, the fifth in line to the throne, and Gale."
John's voice had came across drawing their attention loudly making them turn away from the joyful scene.
"Entry one," John's voice continued. "So, mom, dad. . . We were walking back from the junkman's lair when we were transported away. You didn't notice it nor did everyone else. I don't know how the Robot did but he did. The Robot tells me that you, mom, and everyone else vanished soon after launching into space. A trans dimensional machine brought us back, thirty years older, dad. I feel robbed. And scared. Because Doctor Smith is going to die in a few years and I will be all alone," Maureen was fighting back tears. "Anyway, we went planet side to get food. The junkman didn't leave food for us. It must have been left planet side with you and everyone else. We killed several wild pigs, harvested them, then got some grapes. . . ."
John stopped, clearing his throat.
"When Doctor Smith was yanked away. So I went after the alien with the Robot," John continued. "it turns out Esperanto owned the plants so we wrong them and they wanted to grow back that crop that they had lost. It became very clear that a apology wasn't going to do," Maureen looked toward her aged son. "How could I leave Doctor Smith behind as someone's fertilizer? How could I? How could I? I couldn't do that to my friend. So we searched for a space station, got some volunteers, Robot got himself a navigational shell, then went back for Doctor Smith. . ."
John stopped, shaking his head, looking over toward a shell shocked Don.
Maureen looked toward the man.
Maureen came back toward him, his laughter still being carried, her hand on her shoulders looking toward him feeling distraught.
"Along the way we got more supplies," John continued. "I know, dad, you're not especially proud of me for that. I had to lie to people. I lead people to their deaths. But I think it was worth it. I just brought Doctor Smith back from the lair a few minutes ago so he is taking a shower, right now. There is a man I met back at the space station inside one of the cryostasis pods from one of the bounty hunters. Tomorrow morning, Doctor Smith and I are going to wake him up before making our way to the space station to tend to his wounds. Hope we find you on Alpha Centauri one day. End log."
Maureen turned toward John who silently red the next log.
"We should leave," John said, closing the journal. "Doctor Smith was right. We shouldn't have came aboard."
"What does it say?" Don asked.
"Just the beginning of another adventure," John said. "Don," he gestured toward the other side of the Jupiter. "Go."
Don walked away.
"It says that they got into trouble," Maureen said, approaching the man.
John had a nod.
"Yes," John said. "But Will is helping these people. We don't know which one of them is Gale and Mason."
"We know which one is our son," Maureen said. "That is all that matters."
John looked toward them then his eyes landed on Maureen and knew, knew, that she was right.
"I'll put it back," John said.
Maureen turned her attention back toward Will then turned away then the melted to the bridge where she was in the lead. The doors opened to their Jupiter 2 where they saw Will holding the hand of the visibly terrified doctor.
"So?" Smith asked. "Is it the worst? Give me the news, gently."
"It's the worst," Don said, closing the doors behind them with a grin. "You get old."
"Old?" Smith whined. "Covered in rust and," his eyes briefly grew big letting go of Will's hand touching the side of his face apparently horrified with a whine. "and sagging skin."
The Robinsons laughed at Smith walking right past him heading toward the front tip of the Jupiter 2. The Jupiter 2 flew away from the lone ship while their laughter turned into Will's well aged laughter.
The End.