A seven year old girl with dark gray-blue eyes who wore a deep sea-purple long sleeved sweater with blue shoulder guards on both sides, and a 'w' emblem imprinted onto her shirt, not matching the blue jeans is holding a blue birthday present for Sari Sumdac. Her skin is white. If we look at her more than we can certainly tell this is not an ordinary girl delivering a package. We see a round red shape flicker in her eyes then it disappeared from view.
"Ivy Underwood Autospring, why do you come to my tower?" The man without a right eye asked her, sitting in his main seat with a black and light green suit on. This man is Isaac Sumdac, the ruler of Lower Detroit and has several enemies. Those who want to overcome him with technology that can benefit their time.
You are NOT afraid, girl. The little girl reassures herself,her dark brown hair dangling to her jawline. She gulped, looking up to the man. She firmly kept herself reassured things were not going to go downhill. It was as if a coward wasn't there, a cowardish child but a child who had the brave trait. Who was not afraid. But re-assuring.
"I heard today's Sari's birthday, so I made this present by hand." The girl says, holding the two foot wide box in her lap. Ivy shook her index finger back and forth as if taunting the man who could ask questions right away."Tsk,don't even ask."
Isaac did not seem pleased of her preasence at all. If he still has his other eye instead of the priate like covering the place it had been it could have made him less creepy. And demeaning looking. "I never told anyone when she was born." The scientist says,grimacing barely in his facial features. "Who exactly told you?"
She folds her arms. "Special confenentiality." Ivy said. She blinks her eyes. "Finally I said it right." Indicating her vocabulary is improving faster than an average child who watched cartoons all the time. If one could assume she had too much time on her hands then really she did have too much time around herself. Her parents were not there since Ivy lied "I'm going to the park".
The room with a dark color could have blended in the other machines Sumdac had guarding his foretress. "Better take me to her, I won't leave this Technodome Fortress if I don't give a single gift to some special birthday girl!" The girl wildly claimed, holding onto the box dearly. "Or else, I will tell all the employee's and social services about-"
Reluctantly, The scientist pressed the Red button beneath his childhood photograph. "You have fifteen minutes down there,then you must leave." He strictly told Ivy, he had no patience around people who meddled in business they shouldn't be interfering at all. If she ever revealed what he had, something would need to be done about it so she will be silenced for good. Little did he really know; That will be very dangerous.
Ivy stood on her feet, watching the floor in the middle winding downwards till a dark gray staircase appears into broad view. Then,the girl brightly looks to the man with a scar across his removed right eye. "I swear, you won't regret it." Ivy slid down the stairs using her sneakers that were moist underneath the dark black bottoms of the light purple and dark purple shoes somewhat designed like moccassins,yet through the dark spiraling staircase, the little girl had lots of fun.
She arrived to a dark place with a giant robot head that has wires sticking out everywhere from the head to the computer systems, the head didn't seem online at her unlucky arrival to see Cybertronian parts for the first time in her life. Her eyes adjusted to see it had once belonged to a giant machine, but, she couldn't make out what it had been before.
"Are you there, 'Daddy'?" The question came out as a sneer, where impression didn't move Ivy at all.
"Nope, I am a visitor, I'm here to give your present for your birthday." The brave girl said, smiling in smart move as she held the wrapped present in front of her.
"A present?" A girl who wore a purple and light teal green dress with a gray collar poking blue crystals from each side of the sumdac insagnied control collar comes from behind the head, while her purple hair in pigtails stood out more than her maroon eyes and same colored spikey boots blending into her world.
"Woah, your dad really put a control collar on you." Ivy remarks, her voice drifting into worry. She only had a few minutes to spare with this girl. It might be this girls seventh birthday, one that is actually celebrated. "This is for you."
Ivy gives Sari the present."Hm...Whats inside." The girl wonders,opening the package. Inside is a spiky collared robo-dog that was black and beige, which leaves the screen to be crimeson red,then Sari squealed over the little puppy-like creature emitting barking sounds from it's mouth.
"I will call it, Sparkplug!" The Sumdac declared, hugging the creature, then looks to Ivy. "Whats your name?"
"Ivy Underwood Autospring, but I like to be called Auto." She said,looking around in the laboratory. Her eyes dagger at the machine. It seemed to be something off about it. Dark. Oww...My head ache is going. "What kind of Machine is this?"
"I don't know, My Dad said it was thanks to it that he conquered lower Michigan for his empire." Sari explains, raising a eyebrow at the newcomer being keenly interested in the Transformer. Ivy is the first to show this interest over the decapitated head not attached to a body yet.
"Really?" Auto said,turning to Sari. "He rules Detroit?"
"Yup, he does." The child said to her.
Auto heads to the machine, then she lays her hand onto the side of which she focused on it and closed her eyes as the particular spot glowed simultaneously to this girl. Sari's jaw dropped while SparkPlug stared at the girl doing the most strangest thing in the first few minutes of his/her life given to Sari Sumdac. We see underneath her eyelashes, Auto's eyes glowed a light blue. In reality she is scanning the machine for any solutions to her worry it may be something terrible for the future. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ivy saw flashes of different scenes that didn't stop completely. There was Detroit. A minery. A lake with smoke drifting out. A volcano. It could be generally deemed impossible, yet this girl didn't know what all these images meant. It was...unusual. She reopened her eyes after ten minutes.
"I didn't see anything, but something here is not right." Auto admits,looking away from the machine.
Sari's eyes blink. "What did you do?" The curious girl asked Auto.
"Um..." Auto trailed, thinking how she could word her strange ability. "I have this Psychic ability...and...Umm...I see things?"
"Ivy Autospring, your time is up." The voice belonging to Isaac Sumdac looms from the staircase.
The girl sighed in relief. "Coming,coming,coming." The short-girl response, rolling her eyes. "Sari, I hope to see you again." She tells her, starting to go up the stairs. The giant head gave her couldn't quite touch this feeling, although it felt like a warning to her if she returned back to Detroit.
"Me too." The little Sumdac agreed, acknowledging the bubbly atmosphere that was so good to be around when you were sad or need a friend. And this, unknowingly started something unimagine-able to others. It signaled the start of an adventure preparing to start itself right there and now. They just didn't know it.