The Cooper Frontier Chapter 1: Surprises in Switzerland.
After being attacked by an unknown vessel, the Enterprise ends up in the 21st century, specifically, 2013. When the Enterprise sends down scouts, Sheldon accidently makes contact with them... AU. T for safety. No obvious spoilers.
A/N Guess What! By the looks of it, this is the FIRST StarTrek: The Next Generation and Big Bang Theory Crossover! I hope someone actually finds this story, but if they do and you're reading it, please comment, good or critical, and ENJOY!
Don't worry guys, I am still working on the Sequel to Alternate Aliyah. But, I have a bit of writers block on it, so instead of just not writing anything until it goes, I am going to write this crossover.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Big Bang Theory, or StarTrek: The Next Generation, nor do I own anything associated with any of the shows. This story, however, belongs to me.
For the purpose of this story, StarTrek: The Next Generation TV program never existed.
Location: Earth, 21st Century, Sheldon's apartment.
''You're going where!'' demanded Amy.
''I am going to see the large hadron collider in Switzerland'' replied Sheldon calmly.
''Why didn't you invite me'' Amy demanded.
''I only got one ticket, 1+1 doesn't equal 1'' said Sheldon patronisingly.
''Oh you know what?'' said Amy angrily, standing up.
''What?'' asked Sheldon.
Amy stormed out of the apartment, bang her feet loudly and slamming the door on her way out.
Everyone's eyes were now on Sheldon.
''What?'' repeated Sheldon, clearly confused.
''I give up'' said Leonard.
''Well, I suppose you haven't had any original research'' said Sheldon.
''I meant, never mind'' said Leonard, shaking his head.
''So Sheldon, when are you going?'' asked Howard.
''Tomorrow Morning'' replied Sheldon calmly.
''Tomorrow Morning'' repeated Penny, clearly shocked.
''Yes'' replied Sheldon patronisingly.
Can I come? Raj whispered in Howard's ear.
''How the hell should I know if you can go or not'' responded Howard angrily.
''Raj, what is 1+1?'' asked Sheldon, exasperated.
''Window'' said Howard, before Raj could whisper in his ear.
Everyone laughed, while Sheldon shock his head.
''That shows the education system these days'' said Sheldon sadly.
''Anyway, why are you going anyway?'' asked Penny.
''Professor Seabert gave me them'' said Sheldon matter-of-factly.
''What!'' shouted Leonard. Howard and Raj started choking, while Penny looked white-faced and sad.
''What?'' asked Sheldon, clearly confused.
''It's just, Professor Seabert doesn't like you Sheldon'' said Howard seriously.
''I disagree, he was most nice to me, in fact, he told me to enjoy the trip, and not come back for the month he booked me off on'' said Sheldon.
''Okay, now it makes more sense'' said Leonard, releasing what Seabert was doing.
''Oh good, I'm glad'' said Sheldon happily.
Location: Orbit of Earth, 23rd century, the Enterprise.
''Captain Picard, I am detecting an unknown space vessel on an intercept course'' said Wolf.
''Time to intercept?'' asked Picard.
''3 minutes'' said Wolf.
''3 minutes'' repeated Riker.
''Our long-range sensors missed it, and our short-range sensor's have only just reported it'' said Wolf, clearly annoyed.
''Do we have any idea of there intertions?'' demanded Picard.
''They are charging weapons'' said Data.
''Raise shields'' said Picard.
''1 minute to intercept'' said Wolf.
''Hail them'' ordered Picard.
''No response'' said Wolf ''10 Seconds''.
The snip came into view. It looked like a mini deep-space-nine. It was shaped like a halo, with massive disruptor cannons and Phasers clearly visible.
A disruptor smashed into Deck 3, shaking the whole ship violently.
''Shields down to 75%'' barked Wolf.
Two Phasers smashed into Deck 13, doing considerable damage. The Enterprise fired 6 Phasers back, hitting the ship's port side. The unknown vessel fired 10 Phasers, hitting Deck1. The bridge shock violently, knocking over workstations and sending everyone of thier feet. Worf struggled up first, and proceeded to attack the vessel again. 5 Torpedoes smashed into the starboard side of the unknown vessel.
''The enemies shields are down to 95%'' said Worf.
''Ours?'' asked Picard, getting in his chair.
''Twenty'' said Worf sadly.
Another spread of enemy Phasers smashed into engineering, knocking out the warp core, and causing a leak. The Enterprise fired back, hitting the enemy's aft shielding.
''Engineering's been evacuated'' said Data.
Picard looked at the enemy through the view screen, desperation in his eyes. Yet another Phaser beam hit Engineering, knocking out impulse. The entire ship shook, as another enemy Phaser hit Deck 12.
''Shields down, weapons offline, Warp and Impulse down'' said Wolf sadly.
''We're dead in the water'' confirmed Riker.
Suddenly, the enemy ship glowed orange, and a beam of yellow light started moving slowly toward the Enterprise.
''Braise for impact'' ordered Picard, as the beam hits.
In a flash, the Enterprise disappears.
''What happened?'' asked Picard.
''We appear to have been fully repaired, shields are full, no damage at all to the Enterprise'' replies Wolf.
''No sign of the enemy ship sir'' said Data.
''Is that Earth?'' asked Riker, looking at the view screen.
''It's, we're, it's the 21st century Earth'' said Data, clearly confused.
''Impossible'' said Wolf.
''I'm afraid so, the scans clearly show this was what the planet looked like, in 2013'' said Data.
''It must off been the stream of light'' said Picard, standing up.
''Is there any way possible of getting home?'' demanded Riker.
''Currently, negative'' said Data.
''Have we been detected?'' asked Picard.
''Negative sir, but we may be if we don't leave soon'' warned Wolf, answering his question.
''Send down scouts, see if there is any connection to what's happened'' ordered Picard.
''May I suggest Switzerland?'' asked Data.
''Why, I thought America was the height of technology at this age?'' asked Picard.
''Yes, but the Large Hadron Collider is in Switzerland, which is a mecha was scientists everywhere'' said Data.
Location: Switzerland
Sheldon walked to the Hadron Collider, shivering. He hadn't expected it to be this cold. Before he entered, he saw a flash in the distance. What the hell, should I, I will he thought, as he walked toward the source.
Riker, Data and LaForge teleported to the ground, and got out their trikorders. Sheldon, meanwhile had decided to sit down on a bench. As the party of three officers walked around a corner, in a seemingly abandoned place, they came across Sheldon.
''Ssh!'' whispered Riker quietly. ''I'll talk to him, take cover'' continued Riker. The others hid, while Riker went up to Sheldon.
''Hello'' said Riker.
''Hey'' said Sheldon. ''Did you have anything to do with the blew flash of light down there?'' asked Sheldon, pointing to where they teleported down.
Riker shifted uneasily. Have any more people seen it. ''Did anyone else see it?'' asked Riker.
''I don't think so, why?'' asked Sheldon.
''No reason'' said Riker.
''Oh, then why'd you ask?'' asked Sheldon.
''What's your name?'' asked Riker.
Sheldon smiled. ''Sheldon Lee Cooper'' he said happily.
Sheldon noticed the Trikorder in Riker pocket.
''What is that!'' demanded Sheldon, standing up.
''Nothing'' said Riker.
''Nothing, Nothing, that is not nothing!'' said Sheldon loudly. ''That is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life''.
''You aren't scared of it?'' asked Riker, surprised.
''I am a theoretical physicist'' said Sheldon. ''Technology doesn't frighten me''.
''You're a scientist?'' asked Riker.
''Yes'' said Sheldon calmly. ''Do you have any copies of that?'' asked Sheldon. ''I'll pay'' he continued.
''No, sorry, its a one of a kind'' said Riker.
''I understand, keep your invention to yourself'' agreed Sheldon.
''Now, I'm going to go investigate that blue light'' said Sheldon, getting up.
''Why'' said Riker. He's smart, by the sounds of it. He may work it out thought Riker.
''I have a month off, only one day need be used in the Hadron Collider'' said Sheldon. ''Plus, I like to investigate''.
Sheldon walked off. Thank god we're not wearing uniform thought Riker.
Sheldon suddenly froze, a penny dropping. Flash of light. Future tech. Blending in.
''Are you from the future?'' asked Sheldon.
Riker froze. ''Why'd you ask?'' he asked nervously.
''I know it sounds stupid, but, that flash was-''. Suddenly, a stunbeam hit Sheldon, knocking him out cold.
''Data, what the hell'' demanded Riker.
''Sir, he has an IQ that isn't far short of the Steven Hawking, we cant take any chances'' Data defended himself.
''Who's Steven Hawking?'' asked Riker.
''At this time, the smartest man'' said Data.
''He may have found out sir'' said Riker.
''I'll message Picard'' said Riker.
Riker what is it.
We have a situation here Captain.
What's wrong Riker.
Someone appeared to have found out about us, we had to stun him.
How could he have found it.
He noticed the flash of our teleporter, our equipment, and he has a very high IQ, so we couldn't take any chances.
What do you recommend we do Riker.
I don't know, I don't think we can leave him here.
Teleport him up, we'll deal with it up there.
Yes sir.
Come up with him.
Yes sir Riker out.
''We're going up with him'' said Riker.
''Yes sir'' said Data.
''4 to beam up'' said LaForge. They beamed up.
Location: Sheldon and Leonard's Apartment.
''Come on guy's, one more time'' said Leonard.
''Fine'' said Raj. ''One, two, three''.
They whistled for a minute and a half.
''It's a little thing but you really miss it'' said Leonard.
Penny walked in.
''Have you heard from Sheldon yet?'' asked Penny.
''No, why?'' asked Leonard.
''He said he'd call me an hour ago'' explained Penny.
Leonard froze. ''Why'd he call you?'' asked Leonard.
''He said he'd call me so he could make sure he explored everything in the hadron thingey'' said Penny.
''Large Hadron Collider'' corrected Howard.
Penny stared at him.
''Whatever, look, do you think something's happened to him?'' asked Penny.
''No, he's probably lost in there, or can't get connection'' said Howard.
''No, me and Penny went there once; there is connection'' said Leonard.
''He's OCD too, so he should have called'' said Penny.
''Let's go to see Amy, so if he called her?'' asked Leonard.
''Why not call her?'' asked Howard.
''Her phone's broken'' answered Penny.
''Ok lets go'' said Leonard, and he, Penny and Howard left, shutting the door on the way out. Raj sat there, on the ground. They forgot me! Thought Raj, getting up and leaving quietly. He ran to catch them up...
A/N I know this first chapter had 2 quite funny (I hope) moments, but it isn't a 'Humour' fiction (It's Sci-Fi and mystery, if you haven't worked it out yet) .So guys, what do you think? Was the chapter too short or too long? Do you want the story to be as long as Alternate Aliyah, shorter, or longer? Please let me know.
(BTW, if you don't want to read Alternate Aliyah, it's 18,106 words).