Star Fleet had quietly dealt with a problem that had been on their focus for twenty-five years. It became a standard order to gradually remove citizens from Earth 1 to Earth 2. Earth 2 had been crafted to be similar like Earth 1 in the case that there was a planet destruction. Animals were moved first by closing the zoos claiming there was a problem. Marine life were transferred. Every kind of animal life were transferred including the humpback whales. Archeological excavations were phased out. Pieces of history were taken then replicated. Under the cover of night were thousands of people take to Earth 2. Some people refused to leave Earth. Well, a large percentage of them. They agreed to not tell anyone.
They had a month for the phasing.
Christopher Pike felt something was not right.
"So who is not going to Earth 2?" Pike asked his superiors.
There was a message that came on his pad four hours later. Pike's grip on his glass tightened then he threw the glass at the wall opposing him out of anger. He wanted to tell Jim. But he was not authorized to. His fist was on the table. His anger was all over the place. They shouldn't have made the deal with Nero. To spare Vulcan. They could have found another way to save the planet, anything but letting Nero kill one man who claimed he would be a great man and instrumental to the future of Earth and Star Fleet.
Pike had to talk with someone.
"Professor Spock," Pike greeted the Vulcan at the campus grounds. "What brings you here to this corner of the academy?"
Spock looked over.
"I need advice." Spock said.
"I would need a drink with that." Pike said.
"It is serious consideration regarding one's bond." Spock said.
"Who are you thinking of marrying?" Pike said.
"James T. Kirk's roommate." Spock said.
Pike felt a hard punch to his heart hearing that name.
"Can I tell you something?" Pike said.
"If this helps with my decision then go ahead." Spock said.
"We both know people who are friends with people like Kirk are not willing to leave them." Pike said.
"Affirmative." Spock said.
"Earth is going to be destroyed, Jim is not allowed to leave and under no circumstance is he allowed to know." Pike said.
Spock was silent.
"Do you mean to tell me. . ." Spock said.
"You may not have him for long." Pike said.
Spock was reduced to silence.
"I refuse to believe you." Spock finally said.
"Then don't," Pike said. "Do not tell anyone Star Fleet made a deal with Nero to spare your home planet."
Spock's eyes were fueled in rage as he clenched his fingers around his knee sitting on the bench.
"Affirmative." Spock said.
Pike stood up.
"Have a good day, Professor Spock." Pike said, then he walked away from Spock feeling a lot better.