Chapter 1: Duck, Duck, Goose:

Author's Note: I thought this was a wonderful idea so I decided to write on it. I don't own any Star Treks, sadly.

Q was bored. He was really bored. He briefly thought about messing with the crew of the Enterprise, but even that was getting boring. Then, he got a brilliant idea. Why mess with the crew of the Enterprise D when he could mess with the original Enterprise? It was pure genius!

Q snapped his and appeared on the original Enterprise in a captain's uniform. Kirk looked mildly surprised to see him.

"Hello, my friends. My name is Q. I am a Q from the Q continuum, but introductions don't matter because I am really incredibly bored. And I already know you are James T. Kirk captain of the Enterprise and part of the United Federation of Planets so don't bother telling me." Q said.

"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Q. I assure you we have-" Kirk began.

"Blah blah blah. I know already. You're the good guys or whatever. Enough of that. Do you want to play a game?"

Kirk looked at him questionably and Spock looked at him both surprised and intrigued.

"If that makes you more comfortable with us, then, sure, we can play a game."

"Oh you are much easier than Captain Picard."

Spock looked at Kirk, "Jim, I'm not sure if playing a game with this being is wise. He seems to have an incredible amount of power. I don't believe he will play any game fairly with us that is if he doesn't do something to us first."

Q rolled his eyes and muttered, "Vulcans and their logic."

"I believe we should give Q a chance Spock. We cannot know his intentions yet."

"If you believe it's wise Jim."

"I do."

"Good, let's play duck duck goose then." Q said excitedly.

Before anyone could say anything Q tapped Chekov on the head and said, "Duck."

Chekov was immediately turned into a duck and the whole crew looked both shocked and appaled.

"Dammit Q! If that was you, change him back. I'm a doctor not a veterinarian!" McCoy said.

"Why Bones? I'm having fun. How about we play Monopoly now." Q replied.

Q snapped his fingers and the bridge crew and Scotty found themselves on a giant Monopoly board.

"Q, I don't want to play games with you if you change my crew into animals and bring us to god knows where!" Kirk yelled beginning to get irritated.

"Patience captain. Patience. I am all powerful and all knowing you know. I wouldn't want to be forced to use my powers."

"Change Chekov back now!"

"I can't do that."

"Yes, you can change him back."


"Change him back now."


"Change him back."


"Change him back." Kirk said taking out a phaser.

"What part of all powerful don't you not understand?" Q asked snapping his fingers and making the phaser disappear.

"I'm sure you are very powerful Q. So why abuse your power when you could use it for good?" Kirk replied.

"But using it for good is no fun. Look if you want me to change him back willingly, you're going to have to play one of my games. What about we try a maze?"

Q snapped his fingers and the crew found themselves in a maze.

"Good luck," Q said before disappearing.

"I don't like this, sir." Uhura commented.

"I don't like it either, but if we can get Pavel back this way we have to try." Kirk stated.

"Jim, I don't think it is likely that Q will change Chekov back even if we get through this maze." Spock stated.

"For once I think he's right, Jim. How are we supposed to trust this Q?" McCoy asked.

"We don't, but it seems like we may have no other choice. Unless any of you have any other suggestions."

No one spoke. Chekov quacked.

"Spock, you're good at puzzles. Why don't you lead the way?"

"Yes, sir."

The crew took hours to get through what was a long and hard maze, but they made it through anyways with Spock's help.

"Q, we made it. Can you please turn Chekov back now?" Kirk asked.

"Okay, fine. I liked him better as a duck though you know. There was not so much talk about Russia." Q said before snapping his fingers.

Chekov was changed back to normal and he looked at himself a bit confused.

"Captain, I had the strangest dream. I thought I was a duck and-" Chekov began.

"Chekov, that was no dream." Kirk stated.

"Then, how do you explain the fact that I was a duck. How is that possible?"

"Chekov, we've encountered an alien capable of amazing power. He happened to turn you into a duck."

"Yep, that's me. Q the all powerful." Q boosted.

"Why did you change me into a duck?"

"Oh calm down. It was just for fun."

"Fun? You call that fun. Back in Russia we would call that being a jerk."

Q looked annoyed, "Basically, anyone would call that being a jerk."

"Really? I thought it was just in Russia."

Q rolled his eyes, "I liked you better as a duck."

Q raised his hand to snap his fingers.

"Don't even think about it." Kirk said.

Q rolled his eyes again, but actually listened to Kirk.

"You know Kirk I still want to play some games if you're up to it."

"Jim, you'd be a madman to trust him." McCoy warned.

"I know, Bones, but we might have no other choice."

Author's Note: So was that a good start? Review and tell me which games you want to see Q and the Enterprise crew play next.