Q had annoyed Captain Picard, again. By going out of the Enterprise and refusing to accept any forms of beaming to the craft. They had only minutes to spare. If Q refused to be beamed aboard then Picard would do it the other way. By going straight to the shuttle with Data.

The mission is simple, really.

Picard would make it clear that they are not going to let Q die selflessly and then Data would forcefully beam Q back to the ship even if required knocking out the now mortal Q. It was the more reasonable idea than the other civil and moral ones Picard had in mind. Picard hadn't thought of ever holding a funeral for the former omnipotent figure nor had he thought it being possible!

"Are you ready, sir?" Miles asked.

Picard nodded.

"Energize," Picard said.

Miles slides up the bar.

Data and Picard are energized to the shuttle.

A gray chemical smoke floated out of the shuttle shortly after their arrival. There they saw Q's unresponsive figure slumped over the controls with one side of his face pressed against it and his eyes hauntingly remaining open. Data came over to Q's side. Data placed one hand on the side of Q's neck. Data turned his head toward Picard.

"He is dead, Captain," Data said, and then he closed Q's eyes.