Chapter 35 Possession
Oblivion sat up. "Ember? What's wrong?" She asked as she rubbed her optics.
She saw the clothed stranger hovering by the wall and her optics widened in terror. She screamed as her wings stood straight up on her back and she grabbed her sister and held her close. Emberstar screamed again, clutching onto her sister and shaking her head. Just as Starscream burst through the doorway, the figure vanished, leaving two terrified sparklings in its wake. Megatron raced through the door just behind Starscream and was attacked by a quivering bundle of grey, black, and mauve metal and wiring.
"Daddy!" Oblivion cried. "It was here! It was in the room!" She clung to her father's chest plate.
"It was huge!" Emberstar whimpered as she buried her face into Starscream's leg. "And it was so scary!"
Starscream picked up Emberstar. "Who?" He asked as he held his sparkling close to his chest.
Oblivion shook her head. "I don't know. He was covered in a cloth and he had green optics and claws. He was horrifying!" She whimpered as she buried her head in Megatron's chest armor.
"He was scratching something into the wall!" Emberstar added. "And he was staring at us!"
"It was probably just a dream, you need your rest. We won't let anyone hurt you." he cooed. He placed both sparklings on the recharge berth and moved Megatron towards the doorway, glancing at his sparklings as they stared after them. "Look." he whispered, pointing to the corner where the figure had been. Words had been burned/clawed into the wall.
Megatron felt shivers run up his spine. "What does it say?" He asked from behind his mate.
"What's mine is mine. Face your fate; an eternity of suffering." He stated, horror creeping through his words.
Megatron shuddered. "No." He growled. "I still have life left in me. I'm not just going to fall dead at his feet, god or not." He hissed quietly.
"Same here." He hissed. "And I won't allow him to harm my sparklings."
Oblivion chirped. "What's wrong?" She asked as she sat up and looked at her parents.
"Nothing, sweat-spark. Go to sleep." He cooed.
"But I want to know too." Emberstar chirped as her optic shutters drooped slightly.
"Just sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning." He stated giving his sparklings a look.
Oblivion narrowed her optics. "I'm a full grown femme in a sparkling body." She stated calmly. "I want to discuss this now."
Megatron narrowed his own optics. "Oblivion." He warned.
"It's ok, Megatron." He sighed as he placed a hand on his mate's arm. "Come with us." He stated gravely to his sparkling.
Oblivion hopped down off the bed and walked over to Starscream. Megatron gave her a stern look, causing her to shift slightly. "Full grown femme or not, you do not speak to us that way, is that understood, Oblivion?"
"Yes, Father." Oblivion replied with a soft smile.
"I don't want Ember in here alone." He whispered as he glanced at the sparkling. She must have been very tired because she was swaying on the spot and her optic shutters were half closed.
Megatron walked over to Emberstar and picked her up, carefully cradling her to his chest. "You want us to come with you or would you rather I stay with Ember?" He asked as he stroked his daughter's helm.
"Bring her with us." He stated.
Megatron nodded as he walked back over to his mate, stroking Emberstar's helm softly as Oblivion lifted her arms up towards Starscream. "There's no way I'll be able to keep up with you." She stated. Starscream smirked and picked her up, holding her tightly to his chest as Oblivion snuggled against Starscream's chest. "What? Didn't you catch the "in a sparkling body" part?" She asked as she looked up at him.
"True, true." He laughed.
"So...are we going or not?" She asked as she absentmindedly played with Starscream's fingers.
Starscream walked over to the main conference room and took a seat in the chair that sat beside Megatron's throne. Megatron sat down beside Starscream in his throne and ignored Sumdac's angry shouts. "Come to make out again?!"
Oblivion snickered. "What?"
"Never you mind." Megatron replied.
"I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm pretty sure Primacron has followed us back to the solid world." He stated as he stroked Oblivion's helm.
Oblivion blinked. "Who's Primacron?" She asked. "I don't think I've ever heard of him."
"He is all that is evil in the universe." He sighed.
"Oh...go figure why I didn't know who he was." She laughed. "A sparkling has no understanding of evil." She tilted her head. "So, why would he follow us back here?"
"I don't know." He stated. "But I might know someone who can help us."
Oblivion cocked her head to the side. "Who?" She asked before she frowned. "Why would Primacron be after me?" She asked.
"She's an old pal." He stated. "And she might be able to help figure that out."
"She?" Oblivion asked.
"Please tell me it isn't Shadowbreaker." Megatron muttered.
"What's wrong with Shadowbreaker?" He retorted.
Megatron gave him a look. "She practically slobbers all over you." He replied.
"No she doesn't." He stated. "She's just loyal."
Megatron chuckled. "She slobbers."
Oblivion giggled. "Ooh! Daddy's got competition!"
"Only when she's tearing something apart." He said.
"And when she stares at you." Megatron replied. "I've seen the way she looks at you. That's adoration in her optics."
"Do you want help or not?" Starscream growled.
Megatron chuckled as he reached over and placed his hand on Starscream's cheek. "I was teasing." He purred. "Yes, help would be appreciated if it will keep you and the sparklings safe."
"Great! I'll Just give her a ca-" Before he could finish, his com-link sounded, startling him. "H-hello?" He asked the person on the other end.
"I felt like you were gunna call me. Were ya gonna call me?" A deep femme voice asked. The voice sounded like two people spoke as one; a deep-voiced femme, and a demonic mech.
Oblivion bristled up and hissed causing Megatron lifted an optic ridge. "Methinks she won't like Shadowbreaker."
"Yeah.......We need your, uhm, help?" He replied to the transmission. "I'll send you the coordinates so that you ca-"
"I Know where you are. I'm already on my way." She replied.
Oblivion hissed again, revealing small fangs in her mouth. "Don't let her anywhere near Shadowbreaker." Megatron warned. "I don't think she'll appreciate bite marks."
Within moments of him saying that, a shadow began to materialize behind Starscream. Oblivion glanced up and caught sight of the shadow. "Look out!" She screamed as she pointed behind Starscream.
"Ah, you're here." Starscream stated. "What took you?"
"Problems back at my base." She replied with a shrug.
Oblivion blinked in surprise. She looked up at Shadowbreaker and tilted her head. "That's Shadowbreaker?" She asked with an odd growl in her voice.
"You must be Oblivion?" She asked, tilting her black helm to the side.
"No slag Sherlock." She snarled. Megatron blinked in surprise at his daughter's comment.
"Oblivion." He warned.
She glanced at him before she turned back to look at Shadowbreaker and hissed, flashing her fangs in the classic display of rejecting her presence. "Why all the hostility?" She asked calmly, chuckling mentally at the sight of the hissing sparkling.
"I don't trust you." Oblivion replied simply. Her wings locked into place so that they looked like Starscream's and stood proudly out from her shoulders. "Something about you...just isn't settling well." She added before she snarled and hissed again.
"Why? What did I do?" She replied innocently.
Oblivion snarled again. "Something...isn't right." She replied. A shiver ran up her spine. "Unicron." She murmured, unsure of what the word was; only that it was making her metal crawl.
"What 'bout 'im?" She asked.
Oblivion growled again. "Unicron." She hissed. For some unknown reason that word was making her feel sick and angry; it was not a sensation she was comfortable with.
"Livi, how do you know that name?" Starscream asked.
Oblivion shook her head. "I don't know. It just kind of...appeared in my head." She replied as she looked up at him.
"Makes sense." Shadowbreaker replied flatly, flicking a speck of dust off her wing.
Oblivion growled. Megatron shook his head as he stroked Emberstar's helm. "Perhaps you'll get a better reaction out of Emberstar?" He suggested. "She...well...she hasn't been dead for 9 weeks."
"Oh sure," Oblivion giggled, "rub it in."
Emberstar's optics snapped open before she glanced around herself. Megatron stroked Emberstar's helm gently. "We have a guest." He stated to the sparkling.
Emberstar stared at Shadowbreaker with glowing green optics, tilting her head in a curious manner before a sinister smile crept across her face. Oblivion bristled again. "Ember?" She asked as she scooted backwards in Starscream's arms.
"Who are you? What do you want with this family?" Shadowbreaker hissed as her wings stiffened behind her.
Megatron looked down in shock at his daughter. He wasn't sure if he should drop her and get her away from him, or keep her close to his chest for comfort. He stroked her helm again, at a complete lose at what to do.
She growled and rubbed her temples, setting up a telepathic link with the possessed sparkling. Megatron bit his lip. "Should I put her down?" He asked.
Oblivion hissed again. "What is wrong with my sister?!" She demanded.
"Don't bother her. You'll mess up the connection, and kill both of them!" Starscream shrieked.
Megatron quickly shut his mouth. He had Emberstar in a semi death grip, afraid to let her go. Oblivion whimpered slightly as she rubbed her head against Starscream's chest. "What's wrong with her?" She whimpered softly.
"She's possessed." Starscream whimpered as he cradled his sparkling.
snarled slightly into the telepathic link. 'What do you want
with this family?' She demanded. 'Starscream
and Oblivion belong to me. I was cheated of my rightful possessions.' 'It was not their
time!' 'It matters not, they died.' 'So why did you want the child, she's too young to have committed
any sin.' 'Her parents have so much, it's natural the
child would have had the same.' 'That's not fair!' 'I never said it was.' 'Bother them
again, and I'll tell Unicron what you've done to them.' 'You wouldn't dare!' 'Try me.' 'Fine! You have your way this time, but if those mechs don't shape
up after the wars, they will be doomed to live out their fates for
all eternity.'
Oblivion shivered. "Who? Why?" She asked as tears streaked down her face.
Megatron brushed his fingers against Emberstar's cheek, willing Primus to let his sparkling come back to him. He looked down as Shadowbreaker gave her head a shake and watched as his sparkling's optics returned to normal. "It's done." Shadowbreaker stated. "I'll take my payment and go now, if you don't mind."
Oblivion wiggled out of Starscream's arms and leapt over to Emberstar, hugging her sister close to her. Megatron sighed in relief as he stroked his daughter's helm, happy that the ordeal was all over. "What payment?" Starscream gawked.
"Oh, please, you think I do stuff like that for free?" She laughed.
"Yeah, actually, I kinda did." He sighed.
Oblivion looked at Shadowbreaker and bit back her snarl. She coughed. "What kind of payment?" She asked coolly. Megatron nodded in agreement.
"Two barrels of oil and a cube of high-grade'd suffice." She replied.
Oblivion giggled. "Lush." She chirped.
Megatron chuckled as he stood up and handed the sparklings to Starscream. "Give me a moment." He stated.
"Kay." She replied. "Nice to see you all again. Who's the 'mommy', and who's the 'daddy'?"
Oblivion giggled before she hugged Starscream. "Mommy...even if that is a little weird to say, considering he's a mech." She stated.
"I had a feeling, it'd be you." She chuckled.
Megatron walked back into the room. "Stupid Constructicons and their over obsession with their oil." He muttered as he shouldered off the two barrels of oil.
"And what of the high-grade?" She asked.
Megatron pulled the cube of high grade out of his subspace and placed it on the oil. "Better?" He asked with a smirk. She nodded.
Oblivion grinned. "Bye bye." She chirped as she waved.
"Shoving me out the door already?" She chuckled.
Oblivion narrowed her optics. "Do you honestly want my answer?" She asked coldly. Shadowbreaker growled. Oblivion grinned as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I didn't think so."
"Oblivion." Starscream warned.
Oblivion gave Starscream an innocent look. "What?" she asked. "Oh come on! What's the worst she's gunna do?"
"You don't wanna know." Starscream replied.
"Oh, before I forget. Primacron said that you need to shape up after the war, or you and your sparklings will face an eternity of agony and despair." She stated casually, disappearing.
Oblivion chirped. "So...when will this war be ending?" She asked as she seemed to cheer up.
"When someone wins." Starscream replied.
Oblivion looked up at him. "And we're going to win...right?" She asked. She frowned as she placed a hand on her head and gave it a shake. "I don't feel so good." She chirped.
"Get some sleep." He chuckled as he stroked her cheek.
Oblivion swayed and collapsed against Starscream's chest. "Something...isn't...right." She murmured before her optics offlined.
Starscream gave his mate a worried look. Megatron crouched down in front of Starscream and started reaching for Oblivion. His optics widened in shock as her body began to fade. "What's going on!?!" Starscream howled.
Megatron went to grab Oblivion, but her body had already vanished. He stared at where she had been a second ago and howled in rage. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"No!" Starscream cried as he stared at the place where his sparkling had been a moment before.
'Would you stop yelling! You're going to give me a migraine!' A male voice whined.
Starscream looked around franticly. 'Over here! Little blue and chrome guy sitting on the chair.'
"Tidus." Megatron stated. "You lied."
'Huh? About what?' The sparkling mech asked as he tilted his head.
Starscream clutched Emberstar, baring his fangs at his brother. "Oblivion." Megatron snarled. "She's gone."
'What? Did you expect her to come back to life as a "matured sparkling? Tut, tut.' The sparkling replied with a shake of his head.
"DON'T YOU 'Tut, Tut' US!" Starscream shrieked, causing Emberstar to cover her audios.
'Don't yell at me.' He stated with a shake of his head. ' Listen here, she is still alive. Just...much tinier and younger.'
"What do you mean?" Starscream asked.
'Think about it. How can she be smaller and younger than what she was when she was here about two minutes ago?'
"Slag." He hissed.
'Ooh? Finally caught on?'
"Sadly." He replied.
Megatron gave Starscream a look. "You have to carry her again...don't you?" He asked.
Starscream nodded.
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'It will give you more time to get to know her...and she will hopefully be less smart this time around. Honestly I had to crack out a dictionary every time she talked to me!'
"Perhaps that is just a reflection on your intelligences." Megatron replied with a smirk.
"I wouldn't doubt it." He chuckled. "Will she remember anything?"
'I honestly don't know.'
"Aren't you just a bundle of information." Megatron sighed. Tidus stuck his glossa out at him. Starscream sighed. Megatron reached over and stroked his mate's helm. "It's ok. We still get to keep her, right?" He murmured.
'I'm leaving before this gets mushy.' Tidus stated before he vanished.
"Well, it kinda ruined my plans for tonight, but whatever. What's another nine weeks?" He sighed.
Megatron frowned. "What were you planning tonight?" He asked as he stroked Emberstar's helm. He nodded his head towards the room in which Sumdac resided. "Planning on causing Sumdac more unpleasant memories?" Megatron chuckled before he kissed his mate.
"I was, but now it'll have to wait."
Megatron nodded. "Come on." He murmured. "Let's go to bed." He smiled down at Emberstar. "I think a certain sparkling needs her recharge." He added as she let out a long yawn, exposing her tiny fangs before curling up against Starscream's chest. "It's been a long day."
"And it's going to be an even longer nine weeks." Starscream sighed. "But, it'll be worth it." He added as he rubbed his cockpit.
Author's note: And that's the final chapter for this story. Don't worry, the sequel will be up soon. Did you really think it would be that easy for Oblivion to come back? Nope, it's never that easy. So, leave a review before you leave and keep an eye out for the sequel.