Fangirl Terror
Author's Note: As requested by Snowfrost, I'm doing another story in which Q is questioned to death by fangirls. Hope you like it. I don't own Star Trek.
Q was about to go to the bridge of the Enterprise when he ran into two girls in the turbolift both dressed as red shirt ensigns. One of them grined from ear to ear and the other glared.
"What are you doing this time Q messing with Picard again? Don't you ever get tired of that?" The one that glared asked.
"No I don't. Picard's reactions are always funny and yes I am here to err talk with Picard." Q answered.
"Do you enjoy being a jerk?"
"What?! I am not a jerk!"
"Yes you are and did you know you're not even all knowing?"
"I assure you I know-"
"Did you know that you're annoying and more bad than good?"
"And why do you always come here when you're bored when you have infinite power and can go anywhere you want?"
"I-" Q began.
"What's wrong with you do you have a crush on Picard or something?"
"No! And I'm not annoying and I like coming here. Do you have to bombard me with qeustions?
"Did you know that you're kind of cute?" The other ensign asked.
Q smiled, "Well yeh-"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No but-"
"Do you want one?"
"Not you."
She immediately stopped smiling, "Well then who else then?"
"Not you."
"Who is better than me? I bet it's Picard."
"For the last time I don't have a crush on Picard!"
"Then why do you visit so much?"
"Why him?"
"He's fun."
"Sounds like you have a crush on him."
Both girls sang, "Picard and Q sitting in a tree. K- I- S- S- I-"
"I do not have a crush on Picard!" Q interrupted.
"I- N- G!" They finished.
"I. Do. Not. Have. A. Crush. On. Picard."
"Then who do you have a crush on?" One asked.
"That's not your business."
"We asked. That makes it out business."
"No it does not. You are quite annoying for a couple of mortals."
"What goes around comes around."
Q pouted, "I am not annoying."
"Then why do you always play games with the Enterprise?"
"It's fun."
"Did you know messing with people for fun classifies as annoying?"
"No, it doesn't because I said it doesn't."
"Fine then. Don't you at least ever do something else for fun?"
Q smirked slightly, "That is not for you to know, mortal."
"Well can you at least tell me if you're really immortal? Were you ever born?"
"Of course I am immortal and I existed since time existed."
"How many things haven't you tried yet? Do you ever eat? I mean I know you don't have to, but what about for fun. Do you ever mess with other ship captains? What's your favorite time era? Are you lying about existing since time began?"
"Enough questions, mortal!"
Q rolled his eyes and turned both ensigns into blankets.
"That's why."
Author's Note: I just loved teasing Q. My personal favorite part of the story is Picard and Q sitting in a tree. Tell me your favorite part in a review and/or favorite my story if you enjoyed it. No flames please! 8D! Virtual cookies to you all! Thanks for reading!