Author has written 8 stories for Inuyasha. Hi and hello, welcome to my bio! I'm Evervescent, and I write for Inuyasha, my favorite fandom thus far and forevermore! I've been reading fics on here for a while, and this account is just about a year old, so here's my venture into the world of fanfiction. One Word at a Time won't be seeing updates anytime soon. Reading it over, there's way to much about how it was written that I dislike. I can't find the time or motivation to fix it. I'll likely be adding to my other stories or uploading new ones in the meantime, so look out for those! I'm a beta. I probably shouldn't be until I start checking my own work, but I am a beta. I've beta'd for a few people, so I'm always here to gladly read stuff over, but please see the profile first! I love talking, I'm very chatty, so you can hit me up via PM or come say hi on my Tumblr where I'm active like, every single day. If the link doesn't work for you, the URL is iliveondaydreams. I'm on there all the time, so if I don't respond to something here, you can always feel free to try over there! *Mellow was nominated for Best Humor Fic at the Feudal Assocation, and won second place! Thank you, any and all, who have supported the fic in any way possible, I'm happy as can be. Happy reading! |