Author's note: Hi everyone tn65loverinuy620jd here with my good friend Meisae. We hope you enjoy the story. And thank you Meisae for helping me with this story.

Chapter 1: The Attack

The demon came in the middle of the night as the family of three slept soundly, which was unusual for InuYasha on the night of the new moon. And things just might have turned out differently if not for this night. But since he didn't have his demon powers, he neither heard nor smelled the demon as it closed in on them.

InuYasha laid in their bed with Kagome softly rested on top of his chest, their baby safely placed in the small crib beside them. His eyes suddenly faced the sealing and Kagome's soft breaths found its way to his ears. 'When did I fall asleep?' he wondered as sleep still lingered in his tired eyes. He let them fall to the sleeping figure below him and gently smiled.

Something had him sit up in the bed, bringing Kagome with him on the go. She slightly opened her eyes as she slowly sat up herself, her hands still softly placed on Inuyasha's chest. "What is it, Inuyasha?" she tiredly spoke as her eyes fell to his face.

"Something's not right..." He huskily whispered as his human ears did what they could to capture something invisible. The ground slightly shook below them, and both their eyes shoot open. Quickly Inuyasha grabbed a hold of Kagome before throwing his legs out of the bed. He then went over to their son and lifted him as quickly and gently as he managed, handing him over to Kagome, before heading for the door.

As they exited the small hut, a big crashing sound could be heard behind them. Kagome's arms tightened around his neck as they both turned their head's to see the terrible sight behind them. The house they had slept in only seconds ago, were now ruins as a big fist were planted deep into it.

"Damn! Of all nights why now!" InuYasha hissed as he run further away from the hut before putting both Kagome and their child down. "Kagome, I want you to take the baby and get away from here."

Her eyes widened as her eyes met his. "But InuYasha, you can't fight that thing on your own! Please let me help you." Kagome pleaded as she held her one week old baby.

Even through all the noise, their son somehow slept quietly in his mother's arms. Inuyasha gently took a hold of her face as his stern eyes held hers. "I can't let anything happen to the pair of you. I need you to understand that" he huskily spoke as he gave Kagome and his son a kiss before running off to defend his family.

Kagome felt her eyes start to burn as she watched Inuyasha try to fight the huge demon alone. She desperately started looking around herself and finally her eyes spotted a hollowed out tree further behind them. She quickly ran over and as carefully as she could, placed their son inside the hole of the tree.

'Please karma, keep him safe while I help his father.' Kagome thought as her pained eyes held the small, sleeping face for a moment. She pulled the wrapped blanked further up to the baby, making sure he would stay warm enough.

"Don't worry, momma will be right back. I just need to help your father for a second." Kagome quietly whispered before turning around in the direction of Inuyasha and the demon.

Once Kagome felt her son was well hidden, she went to get her bow and arrows. The bad part was that her weapon was in the now destroyed hut, but Kagome didn't give up hope. After all their only hope in destroying the demon laid in her arrows. The Tessaiga wouldn't work for InuYasha in his human form.

Kagome kept herself hidden as she slowly worked her way to ruins of what they once called home. Kagome hid behind whatever she could find, considering there wasn't much left due to all the fighting, if one could call it that. Since InuYasha was human now, all he could really do was run. It was when he dodged one of the demon's attacks he noticed Kagome.

"Kagome! What the hell are you doing!? I said to get away from here." he growled underneath his breath, his voice already feeling the pressure of the fight.

But Kagome didn't pay any attention to him.

'Damn, that stupid woman. Why can't she ever listen to me?' InuYasha thought while dodging multiple attacks.

It was when the demon seemed to have noticed Kagome moving closer to the hut that InuYasha started panicking. "Oh no you don't! There's no way in hell you're touching her!" InuYasha yelled while bringing up his deformed sword.

He brought the rusty old sword down as hard as he could on the demon's arm, only to have it bounce off again. The setback sent him flying hard into the ground below. All of this didn't go unnoticed by Kagome, and knowing this was her only chance, she ran as fast as she could the last remaining steps trough wards the hut.

Time was running out, she needed to move quickly. She entered the remains of their once cozy living room. Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango had worked so hard on it, just to please Kagome as she still was in her fifth month of motherhood. It was only stone and dust remaining now. Fragile memories spread out on the floor.

She bit her teeth together as she climbed some of the stones blocking the path to the bedroom. She had always kept her bow at a close distance, but after having their son she had contented herself with keeping the bow in one place. After all Inuyasha had swore to protect her and the child more than ever, and she believed he would. Who would have thought he would manage to be more overprotective?

Kagome slid below the doorframe who had collapsed from the pressure earlier on, and finally she could start searching for her bow beneath the remains of their house. She had a clear Idea of where to look. She just needed to get down to it.

Thankfully, Inuyasha had insisted he wanted a wooden bedroom. After all, he was used to sleep outside and the smell of wood made him feel more comfortable. Kagome had nothing to say against it. She wanted what's best for him just as much as he wanted what's best for her. Her eyes burned slightly as she threw aside some of the smaller planks. After moving a few more heavy pieces, her eyes spotted what she was looking for.

Her hands quickly grabbed a hold around the tip of it, pulling it free from the last remaining planks. "Thank karma it's still okay." Kagome said as she looked over her bow for any damages. She couldn't say the same about her arrows. All but one remained unharmed.

'I'll just have to hit the mark on the first.'
She thought as she carefully picked it up. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a loud crash, followed by a too familiar scream. She felt her heart shatter by the second.

"Oh no! Please don't let me be too late!" She stumbled to her feet and headed in the direction of her entrance earlier on.

Kagome ran to the very spot she had last seen her husband. The sight before her made her spiritual powers grow 10 fold. Raising her bow and not caring what happened next. She fired!

Her arrow vibrated through the air as the light of her arrow brightened up the area, heading straight for the great demon before her eyes.

The demon horrifying howl ripped through the air as her arrow purified it to nothing but ashes. Once the smoke cleared Kagome threw her bow to the side and ran over to the motionless body before her. The demon had managed one good hit, most likely throwing Inuyasha hard against the now broken tree.

She threw herself down on her knees beside him, her shaking hands grabbing a hold of his body. "Inuyasha! Can you hear me?!" her trembling voice tried to reach him, but she got no reaction from the body in her arms. As her hand moved to the back of his head, her blood froze as she felt the warmth spread between her fingers. Her already shaking hand moved away slightly, it reveled the thick blackness inside of it.

Tears quickly came to her eyes as she pulled his limp body closer to her own, hugging him tight. "Don't you dare leave me InuYasha, you just can't." her voice came out no more as a whisper.

Suddenly Kagome heard fast footsteps behind her and slightly turned in the direction of the sound. "Lady Kagome, we heard the screams. What happened?" the familiar voice asked as it approached them, his darker blue eyes met the tears in her own. "Miroku! We need to help him! He's badly hurt!" her fragile voice trembled, warmth sliding down her cold cheeks.

Even through the dark, his wide eyes were visible as their good friend now appeared to have realized the situation.

"Here Kagome, let me help." Miroku quickly volunteered as he crouched down beside her, his hands already firmly but carefully wrapped around Inuyasha's arms. "I'll carry him to Kaede's." He soon had the limp body on his back and Kagome rose to her feet beside him.

"Thank you, Miroku...I'll be right with you, I just have to get the baby first."

Miroku nodded his understanding before leaving with InuYasha. Kagome quickly went to get their son, but her thoughts never left her husband.

'Please let him make it to sunrise, after that his demon blood will heal him. I can't lose him! We haven't even had the name ceremony for our son. How can I possibly name him without his father?' fresh tears slipping past her eyes as she ran, the hollowed tree suddenly seemed so far away.

As she finally arrived, she fell to her knees once more as her arms stretched forward to lightly wrap them around the soundless baby inside the small hole, before carefully bringing her child close to her body. The boy in her arms gave a softly giggle as his small arms tried to reach her face. She couldn't help but smile through her tears. "I'm here now. Everything's going to be alright." she whispered as her lips softly kissed the top of his head.

She got back up on her feet and started to run in the direction of the village, in the direction of her wounded soul mate.

Thankfully, Miroku had been quick on his feet and had arrived at Kaede's hut long before her. When Kagome finally spotted the hut, Sango came running up to her.

"Kagome, let me take the baby while you help Kaede." She silently spoke, sympathy and pain lingered in her voice.

Kagome nodded thankfully and didn't hesitate to give Sango the baby. Her only thoughts were InuYasha. Kaede had managed to stop the bleeding, but Kagome could tell that she seemed uneasy.

"How is he?" Kagome questioned as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I do not know for sure my child. He might make it, but it's still too early to tell. Just stay by his side, your presence might help."

Kagome didn't say much, she just watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Taking one of his hands, she held it tightly and prayed for her husband to make it just till sunrise. After that she knew he would make it.

"Please...oh please! Stay with me InuYasha. I can't lose you. And your son, what do I do when he asks about his father?"

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! And the next chapter will be up as soon as tn65loverinuy620jd have it ready and sends it to me!
See you! ;D