Nights in White Satin
Chapter One: A Loss of Humanity
By Sleepwalking Chicken
Written: April 26, 2004

Author's notes: Due to the fact I've only seen up to episode 150 in Inu yasha, the following chapter is most certainly incorrect from what Rumiko Takahashi has in store for the Inu yasha manga. Most of the information I provide in this chapter is not what will happen in the story, I can assure you of that. As of now, I am aware of incorrect things in this story. Just bare with me, ne? Thank you.




The forest swayed ominously in the wind, the branches scraping against one another as stray leaves and needles fell lifelessly to the ground, hidden beneath the underbrush. The full moon glowed brightly above in the dark inky sky and the stars twinkled.

As another soft breeze ruffled the tree's branches, a flash of white swooped between the trees; heavy breathing and stomping of footsteps soon followed the white clad figure. Behind the white figure galloped a mighty fire neko, its tan fur ignited with endless flames as it whizzed between the foliage. A roar erupted from the demon's throat and its blood red eyes locked on the white man. A man and woman resided on the fire cat's back, their eyes both narrowed in concentration and fire burning in their eyes.

The woman let out a small grunt as she threw a great bone, shaped like a boomerang, in front of her, the powerful weapon slicing trees as it went. The white figure dodged the weapon and continued on its way. The man stood upon the cat's back, his hand clutching tightly at a rosary of beads. His dark eyes surveyed the area as he located the quickly retreating enemy. The woman let out a small cry to the cat, and the demon flew out of the trees and galloped in the sky.

The man, wearing monk's clothing, released a cloth and rosary on his hand with a loud cry. The wind seemed to stop completely for a split second before it started to fall back the way it came, leaves and other debris flying towards the monk's hands, where a dark black void inhabited.

The white figure appeared once again, flying towards the man's void. With some difficultly, he reached into his baboon cloak and released a wax ball. Immediately, abnormally sized hornets exploded from the small hole and buzzed loudly. They began to fly diligently towards the monk's void and he quickly closed it, a small bead of sweat trickling down his brow.

"My void is useless, Sango," he murmured to his female companion, who nodded her consent.

The white-cloaked man chuckled before taking off again. With a small grunt of alarm, the woman budded Sango jumped from her faithful demon cat and sprung after the retreating Naraku. Her maroon eyes narrowed in anger as she threw her boomerang bone once again, this time barely missing the dark hanyou.

Naraku flashed away towards another clearing near a lake, where two other figures were awaiting his arrival. The silver haired hanyou clutched his sword painfully tight while his female companion readied an arrow upon her long stringed bow. Her blue eyes observed the area they were hiding and turned towards her male friend. His dark golden eyes stared out towards the horizon, where Sango and Miroku's distant shouts could be heard. They had planned to split up into two groups, knowing that it would be easier to find Naraku.

It had taken little over a year, but the atypical group of travelers had finally tracked down Naraku, previously being able to destroy his minions. Their battle had been long and hard, but finally the jewel shards were almost completely in Naraku's hands, the last shard being captured by Naraku's latest detachment, Hakudoushi and his demon horse Entei. The small fraction that Kagome had managed to keep away from Naraku's prying hands was swinging upon her neck, hidden beneath her blouse.

After having to see his father's grave once again, Inu yasha was ready to destroy Naraku and reclaim the shikon no tama. His desire to become a youkai had long since dissolved, and he merely wished for Naraku to die so he could avenge Kikyo's second death. After she had been flung into Naraku's miasma at Mt. Hakurei and had finally found death, Inu yasha had been saddened and angered. His need for revenge towards Naraku had grown tenfold and now was the hour of his vengeance…

"Naraku is approaching." Kagome's soft voice penetrated the eerie calm the lake brought. Not a creature seemed to occupy the lake, not a single ripple was thrown across the perfect surface of the water. The moon reflected brightly on the water's edge, like a mirror. Shadows lurked beneath the liquid, its murky depths unknown and vague.

"I know…" he replied, his ears perked for the slightest of movements. From his position he could hear Kagome's thundering heartbeat, her haggard, uneven breathing, and the tightening of her hands upon her bow and arrow. "It will be over soon, Kagome. Make sure you're not seen." He didn't turn to face her, but knew that she had nodded.

Suddenly, a large boomerang emerged from the trees surrounding the lake followed by their archenemy and the thrower of the weapon. Inu yasha cast Kagome a look before he leapt from his hiding place, grabbing Tessaiga's hilt and wielding it in front of him. The rusty blade ignited into a flame before the large fang was visible. The soft fur near the hilt prevented the pulsing power from cutting the wielder. Inu yasha's golden eyes, alit with the thrill of battle, locked onto Naraku and the dark hanyou's onyx eyes widened at the unexpected sight of the other hanyou.

Kagome readied her bow, waiting for the proper moment to release it. Sango grabbed her weapon as it returned to her and charged towards their enemy. At the same moment, Inu yasha charged forward, seeming to skip across the calm surface of the water, his Tessaiga in a battle ready position. Naraku's onyx eyes surveyed his predicament before he unleashed his green tentacles, the slimy appendages grabbing Sango's weapon and Inu yasha's leg.

Kagome seized her chance and released her weapon. The pointed arrow ignited into a bright pink light and went whizzing towards Naraku, cutting through the air at a remarkable speed. It sliced through Naraku's tentacles, releasing Sango and Inu yasha, who both sprung an attack once they had regained their footing. Inu yasha growled and swung his sword, cutting through the tentacles.

Naraku cackled and swung a tentacle at Sango, succeeding in knocking her into the lake, her body hitting the water at an odd angle and causing waves of water to lap at the shore. Kagome cringed at the sickening slap of flesh against water and readied another arrow, aiming it at the soft glow of the shikon no tama, which Naraku held somewhere among his clothing. Why he had not used it already was unknown and Kagome licked her lips in concentration, her eyes steadying on the light of the jewel, her fingers poised to release the tight string that held her arrow taut.

Inu yasha's sword swung behind him as he readied his kaze no kizu. His ears twitched wildly and his golden eyes never left his target. With a renewed anger, the hanyou swung his sword over his head, four blades of energy rushing towards the dark hanyou. Naraku tried to dodge the attack but soon the bladed wind cut into his body, causing a small gasp of pain to escape him. His body collapsed and fell into the lake, his head having been decapitated. Inu yasha let out a sigh or relief and watched as Sango climbed from the lake, using her Hiraikotsu as a support.

Kagome let a small sigh escape her and relaxed her hold on the bow. She began to stand before Inu yasha's head whipped towards her. "Stay down," he called to her and Kagome stood in a daze, confused at the hanyou's words. That is until a low rumbling caused ripples to scatter across the lake's surface and the wind blew through the trees. Cautiously she kneeled behind the rock she'd taken refuge near and awaited whatever was to happen. Suddenly the lake water sprung high into the air, like a fountain, its silvery blue droplets falling down to earth, hitting the trees, the ground, and the two warriors who stood as rigid as a board. Inu yasha ignored the bitter, icy water as it splashed into his hair and ran down his cheeks and his neck, soaking his red haori. "Naraku," he hissed as the hanyou came into view, his body still cut into pieces.

Kagome turned her head away in disgust as the hanyou began to rearrange him self, sickly green spinets connecting his hacked up body back together, his head snapped into place upon his neck, the bones cracking and the muscles tensing. Sango and Inu yasha were as disgusted as Kagome, but were unable to turn away from the sickening display.

"Inu yasha," Naraku said in his mocking tone, his long drawled out speech slapping the hanyou across the face. Sango watched as the hanyou's eyes flashed red before returning to the molten gold. "Have you not discovered at this point that I am invincible? There is no possible way to kill me?"

Inu yasha growled fiercely and clutched his sword, the muscles in his arms tensed to the point that it became painful to move. His low growl carried throughout the battlefield. With the attention on the hanyou, Naraku failed to see the boomerang before it had sliced through his abdomen. Naraku chuckled again and knocked the boomerang away as it made its return to the demon slayer. With a flick of his hand, and his acidic miasma, the bone was snapped in half, one half falling dangerously close to Sango and the other into the lake's chilly waters. The wet demon slayer glared at her enemy and reached for the sword at her hip.

Inu yasha flung his sword forward, "KAZE NO KIZU!"

"Ryuuja no mai," came the counter call, as Kagura appeared from the tree line, her fan waved to the side as she pushed Inu yasha's attacks out of the way in favor of the tornados produced from her attack.

"Shit," Inu yasha cursed and grabbed Sango before Kagura's attack sliced them. He bounded away from it and watched with his bitter distaste as Naraku simply stood his ground, the tornados avoiding him.

Sango squirmed in Inu yasha's hold; not appreciating the way the Inu hanyou was treating her. With the squirming Inu yasha simply dumped her and raced towards Kagura. The wind demoness narrowed her ruby eyes and waved her fan, a gust of wind pushing against the hanyou. His silver hair whipped back behind him and his sword was nearly thrown from his grasp.

The battle proceeded much the same, with the three companions launching attacks at Naraku and his rebellious minion, Kagura. The wind witch would simply toss aside Inu yasha and Sango's attacks, while Naraku would sprout various attacks that would always strike Inu yasha in non-vital points, to the point that it was obvious he was playing with the dog demon.

"Kaze no kizu!" Inu yasha's fruitless attack charged towards Naraku once again.

"Ryuuja no mai," Kagura returned, knocking his attack to the side and watching as the tornado sliced through his arm. With a small shout of pain, Inu yasha staggered in his steps, grasping his arm tightly. Blood dripped down his body in various wounds, his eyesight was beginning to blur. He felt his breathing become uneven and his footing becoming clumsy.

Naraku chuckled and halted Kagura's attacks. He marched towards the hanyou and grasped his neck. When Sango made a charge for him, he simply knocked her aside, where she skidded into the water, once again, hitting a rock protruding from the lake's surface.

Inu yasha clawed at Naraku's arm, his Tessaiga lying pointlessly on the grassy ground, moist with his blood. His eyesight blurred to the point that everything was dark, except for the full moon that still gleamed overhead.

"You stupid hanyou," Naraku said with a smirk that Inu yasha couldn't see, "You're such a fool, to believe that you can defeat me." He squeezed Inu yasha's neck, causing a small trail of blood to drip from Inu yasha's parted lips. "Fool…I will enjoy watching you die. And when you're dead, I'll kill you're little wench…"

Inu yasha's clawing became more furious. Kagome released arrow after arrow and growled in annoyance as a simple flick of Kagura's fan knocked the arrow off course. She watched as another one of her arrows sunk into a tree's trunk. She felt an anxiety grow within her as she watched Sango float half way in the water and half way out, her eyes shut in unconsciousness. Her heart started pumping quicker, and the blood roared in her ears.

Releasing what little reason she had left, she allowed the adrenaline to overtake her and she charged towards Naraku, who was currently squeezing the life out of the hanyou who held her affections.

Kagome released another arrow, and watched with a small amount of satisfaction as the arrow sunk into Naraku's body. He gasped in surprise and released the bleeding hanyou, who fell to the ground, dead to the world due to lack of air. Kagome prayed that he was still alive and released another arrow. Kagome's blue eyes were alive with fire and revenge as she charged towards Naraku, her fear of the youkai temporarily forgotten.

"You'll die for all you've done, Naraku!" Kagome declared as she reached for another arrow. Her fingers brushed against her last one. She gulped and grasped the long stick; she had to make this count. 'I'll defeat him…I have to.'

"Heh," Naraku seemed more amused then worried, which annoyed Kagome tremendously. Her eyes glared darkly at Naraku as she readied her bow for, what she hoped would be, the final blow.

"You may have purifying powers, little Miko," Naraku said with glee, "But you cannot defeat this body."

"Or how about a heart?" Kagome blinked and turned towards the voice that spoke. She had only a second to comprehend that it was Miroku riding Kirara before Naraku punched her and threw her to the ground. A scream of pain escaped her as she fell near Inu yasha's fallen body. His ear twitched towards her but made no move besides that. Kagome looked up at Miroku, who held what appeared to be a baby in his hand.

Kagura chuckled somewhere behind her and disappeared into the tree line. Naraku stared at the thing in Miroku's hand. "How did you get that?"

"It wasn't too hard to find Kagura and Kanna's position. Once Kagura left her spot, I searched around where she had come from and found Kanna," Miroku smirked and Kirara dropped the dead and bloody form of the white demon. Her body was maimed and disfigured, her mirror shattered and broken, yet still remaining in her arms. The only color, excluding the blood, was hidden behind her closed eyelids.

"Then I found this," Miroku said and rocked the baby in his arms. "This is your heart, isn't it Naraku?"

Naraku charged towards Miroku but the monk was ready. He threw a charm at the youkai, causing his skin to burn. This gave him enough time to dodge the slowed attack and run towards Kagome. "Kagome-sama," he said, his voice strained and rushed, "Are you injured?" At Kagome's shake of the head, he relaxed and ran towards Sango.

Kagome turned her head when she saw a twitch of movement. She watched as Inu yasha's hand twitched and grasped the rusty blade of the deformed Tessaiga. "Inu yasha," she whispered as the hanyou propped himself up unsteadily on his bloody knees. A small trail of blood ran from his mouth and he quickly wiped it away. His neck was red and bleeding as well as his chest. His arms were severely burned and his long wild hair was in clumps due to dried blood.

"Kagome, get behind the rock, wait until I tell you then shoot an arrow into my attack," Inu yasha said, his eyes never leaving Naraku's. Kagome hesitantly nodded and retreated to the rock. "Miroku!" Miroku looked up as he pulled Sango out of the water. "Throw the baby."

Nodding, the monk threw the baby towards Inu yasha, who grabbed it easily and held it in his clawed hands. "Heh, Naraku," he said, a small smirk forming on his bloody face. "It's time for you to die."

"Fool, I cannot die," Naraku said, trying to save face.

Inu yasha chuckled and threw the baby in the air, in the opposite direction of Naraku. "NOW KAGOME!" Kagome nodded and shot her arrow, just as Inu yasha released a kaze no kizu. She watched as the two attacks combined and formed Tessaiga's ultimate attack: Bakuryuuha.

Naraku made one last fruitless attack to charge Inu yasha but halted in his tracks as the baby holding his human heart, his only way of living, shattered into chucks of flesh and blood. A loud, blood-curdling scream exploded from his lips as his body began to shiver and split apart. The different youkai that made up his impure body separated and dissolved when not part of the man's body.

Inu yasha watched and turned Kagome away, holding her close to him and preventing her from seeing the disgusting and repulsive death. He held Kagome to him and was so busy comforting her that the companions failed to notice the plop that hit the water.

Moments passed when none of the companions spoke. They were deathly still, and unsure whether to believe this was reality or to assume this was another dream.

Inu yasha hesitantly released Kagome and sniffed the air; the disgusting smell of Naraku still saturated his senses, yet the scent of his death overpowering everything else. He sniffed again, still hesitant and unsure whether to really accept this as actuality instead of fantasy.

He turned towards the monk and demon slayer. The former busy treating the latter's wounds. He ripped a piece of his monk robes and tied it around Sango's head, covering the small bruise that had formed when the demon slayer came in contact with the rock.

Inu yasha's eyes met Kagome's blue oceanic ones and she nodded, a small smile on her face as she gazed at the hanyou.

Naraku…was dead.




Several days later, Kagome was telling the tale over to the kitsune, Shippou, who had stayed at Kaede's hut during the whole ordeal. Shippou liked the parts that involved Kagome and often had her repeat her role in the defeat of Naraku. Kanna had been killed along with most of his other minions, though Kagura was never found again. The company was still recovering from the wounds inflicted by Naraku, and Kagome was fortunate enough to only have gotten a small bump on her head and a large bruise where Naraku had struck her.

The completed jewel was placed in the shrine near Kikyo's grave, on top of the hill above Kaede's hut. The said Miko was currently serving Miroku and Sango some of her soup while Miroku busied himself with changing Sango's bandages. Miroku hadn't gotten too much damage from Naraku, having only witnessed the beginning and the ending of the fight, but Kanna had done her part in causing the monk some pain.

It still came as a shock to Kagome that Naraku was truly dead; that after all of this time, after all of their struggles, their revenge had been completed. Sango had avenged her village and brother, Miroku his father and his grandfather, Kouga and his clan, Sesshoumaru kidnapping Rin, and Inu yasha…for Kikyo and himself. Kagome's eyes softened at the thought of the healing hanyou, who sat outside amid the trees. Though Kouga and Sesshoumaru hadn't been part of the battle, they had certainly had their revenge through smaller battles leading up to the large one only several days prior. Kagome gazed out the hut window, where she could catch a glimpse of the hanyou. His neck hadn't completely healed, but besides that he was his healthy, brooding hanyou self.

Kagome stood and walked towards the hanyou's tree, a smile on her face. "Inu yasha," she greeted, calling the hanyou's attention to her. The half inu youkai turned his head towards her, a shadow casting down his face, hiding the small bruise left there. She smiled in greeting and the hanyou hopped from the tree.

"What?" he asked her with a raise eyebrow.

"Why are you out here, why don't you come inside with the others?" Kagome asked sweetly, her blue eyes gazing up at him tenderly.

The hanyou turned his eyes towards the horizon, his lips thinned into a frown and his golden eyes soft, the sun reflecting in his orbs, casting an eerie light into the irises of his eyes.

"No," he said simply and Kagome looked at him, her concern for him evident on her face.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly, her voice coming out in a small whisper. Inu yasha's ears twitched, proving that he had heard the murmur, and he continued to stare above the tree line, watching clouds float by.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Kagome pressed.

He sighed deeply and plopped down at the base of his tree. Kagome hesitantly sat down next to her. The hanyou had his arms and legs crossed as he stared sadly at the ground, his golden eyes narrowed. "It's…nothing…"

Something seemed to snap in Kagome's mind and she dug around the front of her blouse. Inu yasha cast her a hesitantly peeved look as she pulled out the pink ball-the shikon no tama.

"Here," Kagome said and grabbed the hanyou's hand. She placed the jewel in his outstretched hand and closed his clawed fingers around it. She held it for a second more than necessary before pulling away. "Now you can become a demon. That's what you wanted, right?"

"No…" Inu yasha said after a long pause and he pushed the jewel back towards Kagome, who gave him a confused look. "I don't want it any more."

Kagome's small fingers closed around the shikon and she nodded, a smile springing onto her face, a gentle and peaceful look in her eyes. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked away from the hanyou. "I'm glad…"


"I'm glad that you're not becoming a full youkai…" Kagome said, her cheeks still pink and her voice coming out in a choked whispered. "I was afraid that you wouldn't remember us if you did…"

Inu yasha had nothing to say to her reply, after all…she was right…




A figure slinked silently through the tree line, watery footsteps the only evidence of his presence. He slumped and slipped through the foliage dangerously slow, his red eyes glowing darkly as he made another step, his hard breathing coming out in pants. Drips of lake water fell down his figure and pooled into the footsteps he left behind. His lips turned into a smirk, as he smelled the scent of the half demon.

"Ah…Inu yasha…" the figure whispered hotly, "You may have killed my father, but I am still very much alive…" His red eyes narrowed in glee as he emerged from the forest and a small village came into view. The scent of the half demon filled his nostrils and he grinned, flashing sharp canines. "I will not rest until Naraku-Sama's death has been avenged. I shall not sleep until I have my revenge for my father's decease."

He slipped behind a tree and crawled down the hill, his body sinking into the rice paddies surrounding the village. He chuckled softly, and small bubbles escaped his mouth, rising to the surface of the rice field. "I shall fulfill his last wish…" he said with a smirk, "To make you what you fear most."

The sun began to sink into the west and a cloud passed over the rising moon. Once the moonbeams reappeared, the shadowy figure had moved on and was on his way towards the village.




Inu yasha rested in his tree, appearing aloof to whatever was going on inside the hut. Loud laughter and small squeals erupted from the lit rooms, and Inu yasha could hear Shippou's giggles as Kagome tickled him. It sounded like they were having a good time at least.

Inu yasha turned his head and stared out at the moon and stars. It had seemed so long ago when they started their journey to defeat Naraku…however…it had come to an end. Did that mean that Kagome was to leave him forever? What was to become of Sango and Miroku? Of Shippou? What would he do without them? He hated to admit a companionship with such humans…to have to rely on them for company, knowing that he was wanted.

He sighed deeply and closed his golden eyes. He was still in a state of shock now that Naraku was dead. Could it truly be? Had he avenged Kikyo's death…his betrayal?

He gazed off over the peaceful horizon; the others could sleep easier now…knowing that they had nothing to fear. Inu yasha sighed softly and licked his wind burned lips…

It felt like a dream. All of it.

A bush rustled behind him and Inu yasha whipped his head around. He sniffed the air hesitantly and found nothing out of the ordinary. He turned back to his original position and closed his eyes again…missing the shadow that slipped into Kaede's hut…

The shadowy figure slipped into the hut and sniffed around. The sweet scent of lavender filled his nostrils and he grinned, his white fangs glinting in the moonlight. He crept towards Kagome slowly and softly. His feet and hands padded against the ground, and his breath could barely be detected.

His red eyes widened as his gaze fell upon the jewel, hanging around Kagome's neck and resting gently against her bosom. His red eyes flashed with a lust for power and for the girl that held it.

His icy cold hand crept up and plucked the jewel from her. The beautiful pink jewel turning a deadly black once in contact with him. He licked his lips, but resisted the urge to devour the powerful jewel in his hands. Instead he flashed out of the house and out into the night air. The hanyou slept in a tree above him.

With a small roar, he leapt up and tackled Inu yasha to the ground. The hanyou snapped open his eyes and gazed up at a red-eyed Naraku. He sucked in a breath of surprise as he made contact with the ground, the shadow youkai sitting on top of him. The hanyou growled and made a swipe for the youkai, cutting across his cheek.

The newest detachment of Naraku scowled and gingerly touched his cheek. With the death of his father, he had grown weak, being created as a last resort. The moment Naraku felt his final hour drawing to a close; he let a part of him slip into the lake, waiting a few days before making its move. In short, Keanu was created.

Inu yasha hissed in pain as the Naraku look-alike grabbed his still tender neck. He closed his golden eyes and opened his mouth in a silent gasp. He was about to snap at the creature when an icy blue hand grabbed his jaw and kept it open. Inu yasha's golden eyes widened in surprise as they landed on the glimmering jewel, thick with evil…its black aura radiating.

"What are you doing?" Inu yasha managed to get through a locked jaw.

"Avenging Naraku-Sama," the creature, Keanu, replied, his red eyes narrowed in glee.

Inu yasha made a move to punch the Naraku descendent, but Keanu concealed him with his large feet. "Do not worry, hanyou, this will hurt everyone else more than it's going to hurt you!"

He started to put the jewel in his mouth. Inu yasha's golden eyes widened in shock and he tried to snap his mouth shut. The realization of this situation was dawning on him and he began to panic, his heart racing in his chest.

"I am too weak to destroy you physically, hanyou," Keanu smirked, "But I can certainly cause you deep emotional pain as you lose your humanity and the will to control yourself. Tell me, will your comrades stick by you?"

Inu yasha squeezed his eyes shut as the jewel touched the back of his throat. Bile rose in his throat and he felt as if he would throw up. At that moment he wished he would, at least then he would get this jewel out of him.

'No,' he thought, his eyes squeezed shut to the point it was painful. 'How could I have let this happen!?'

He felt the shikon no tama slide down his throat, its cool texture and surface soothing the raging fire within him. But the constant dread and panic never left him.

Keanu-no-Naraku's laughter filled his senses as he felt his humanity slipping away from him.

Naraku had truly gotten the last laugh…

Inu yasha felt his human blood evaporating and his demon senses taking over, multiplying tenfold. This couldn't be happening! What was he going to do?

…There was nothing he could do…
