Summary: Kagome's sick of love. She moves to a new city and finds it intriguing and thinks of an evil plan to change her gorgeous looks into a plain weird looks. Inuyasha came in with roses and candies that Kagome just doesn't want to get hurt anymore…

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I never plan to, too. And don't look at me like I'm crazy! Because I am! Haha.

AN: Yay! Another fiction of my favorite anime show, Inuyasha! [[applause]] This is taken in USA got to use something that I'm familiar with, you know? And I'm not sure but I'll use McDonald's and WacDonald's the same! Example: Wac-McDonalds! Woo… I like it! Haha. Enjoy! Oh, and Inuyasha will be "nice" in 'later' chapters!!

Lovin' It

For Emotions


Fifteen-year-old Kagome Higurashi sat on her bedroom rocking chair typing her essay that was due in a few days.

She leaned back, rubbing her eyes, and yawned slowly then let out a breath.

She moved her mouse, "Moving… Moving…" She clicked. "And gone!"

She deleted her old stuff in her computer and was glad that she did, too.

They were from her old boyfriend… Koga Puarty.

Pictures of him that Kagome despise. She saved one where she copied and paste his face over a female ape's body. And to top it all… The ape was in a bikini.

After the break up Kagome became shallow and lived under a rock.

But few weeks have past and Kagome has forgotten all about him.

Kagome was Miss Popularity at her school. The looks, the smartness, and the love that people gave her.

Kagome hates it.

Any guy would love to be with her and so many people would love to have her notice them.

She hated that.

So many people have parties and have Kagome on the top of their VIP list. And practically could get into any party she wanted to be in.

Hated it.

Then there was that 'thing' called 'love'.

Loathes it.

"It's stupid…" Kagome mumbled, typing away as she continued her essay.

She also had her radio on listening to, "Bang!" One of her least favorite songs. But she thought it was okay… In a way.

"Hmmm…" Kagome put a finger on her chin and thought. "I don't know what else to put…"

She reached over to grab the assignment sheet info. "Blah, blah, blah, about your life… Such and such… yadda, yadda… Oh, and it has to be two hundred words…"

She looked over at the computer screen at the bottom left hand corner and read, "1,567 words and counting… Great!"

She knew it wasn't complete but saved it and printed it out. Come on! It was way over the current amount that was needed.

"You know…" Kagome started to talk to herself. "I have no clue why I'm turning this in when I'm moving tomorrow." Kagome shrugged and let it print anyways.


It's been two days, and Kagome was living in a Shrine with her Grandpa that her mother was talking about to live with.

She can't remember the last time she's visited the old man. Maybe when she was eight and that was it.

"Here! Take it!" Her grandfather forged a box in her hand wrapped up in rice paper and a lavender bow. "It's your fifteenth birthday present!"

"Woo… Thanks gramps!" Kagome opened it as her smile went down into a disgusted look. "Oh, a shriveled up hand… It's what I always wanted…"

"That's no ordinary hand, Kagome. That is an artifact of…"

'Woo… A story… Can't wait till it's over.' Kagome thought. She saw her cat, Buyo next to her and swung the string that was connected to the hand. "Eat it."

Her grandfather gasped, "Kagome! What are you doing? That was a very expensive item!"


Kagome decided to take a walk around this new city. Since she's going to live in it she might as well know it.

She stopped at the door and noticed the mirror next to it.

'I can't go out looking like this.' Kagome thought. She pressed her bottom lip and ran into her room.

Finding everything, she found clothes that she got from her aunts and uncles last Christmas and since they weren't very stylish people neither were the clothes. She didn't remember bringing those though.

"Perfect!" She found a plain white tee with a pocket on the right side of her chest and flared jeans that looked worn a lot. She removed her contacts and placed on her glasses.

She removed her heavy make up and only put periwinkle eye shadow and Chap Stick.

"This is perfect. Now no guys would look at me twice!" She finished her creation by putting her hair into a ponytail.

Instead of putting her 'faster' shoes she put on her red enties that she just bought. Even though they were new she just couldn't resist to at least putting on ONE good thing.

"I'll be back! Just going to take a walk!" Kagome yelled out by the door.

"Be home before ten, Kagome!" she heard her mother yell from the kitchen.

Sota was in the living room staring at his once before pretty sister. "Are you going to go out looking like that, sis?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Kagome closed the door before he could even answer.


"Wow, this city is very interesting!" Kagome spotted a local library across the street.

She looked both ways and left again seeing no sign of cars. She ran a cross the white lane then out of nowhere a black Lexus screeched right by her. And stopped.

The driver door opened and Kagome saw a man with a NY black cap on and white, almost silver-ish, hair and sunglasses.

He waved a fist at her, "Watch where you're going, stupid!"

"Hey! It's a red light for you! What? Are you colorblind?!" Kagome stomped. "Or is that glasses of yours too dark?"

"Maybe your eyes under those magnifying glasses need to get a new prescription!"

Kagome walked past by. "Go shove it, jerk!"

"Wench!" He drove off.

Kagome read his driver's license plate, "INU-101"

"What a retarded plate… Any body knows that Inu means dog…" Kagome said. "On second thought… He is a dog… Needs to go and put himself to sleep…"

Kagome reached the library door. "CLOSED"

"What? Closed?!" Kagome asked worried. "I guess I can go tomorrow…"

She sighed and walked on. She remembered passing by McDonald's/WacDonalds and decided to get a bite to eat.


"Hello, welcome to Wac-McDonalds! I'm Yuri and how may I help you?" The clerk had her hand on the cash register's buttons and was prepared to what Kagome was about to order.

"Um… I'd like a Big Mac meal with a small chocolate shake." Kagome said reaching into her back pocket for her wallet.

"Would you like to super size that?"

"Um… No, thanks."

"All righty… That would be three, eighty-four." Kagome gave her a bill. "Out of five… Okay, your order will be number 181." She handed Kagome the change and the receipt that she just ripped out.

"Thanks," Kagome said.

"Your welcome."

After Kagome got her order, there were two other girls sitting behind her as that clerk, Yuri joined them.

"I can't wait!" One of the girls screeched.

"Oh, I know! The concert!" said the second one.

"Yeah, Hojo Carnits is such a great person!" Yuri's voice was identified.

The other one was way to excited she threw a ketchup squeeze its by Kagome's side.

"Um… Excuse me miss?" Ayume tapped on Kagome's shoulder. "Can I please have my ketchup back?"

"Sure," Kagome leaned over and gave her it.

"Thanks! I'm Ayume! And this is Yuri, and Yuka!" Ayume said cheerfully pointing to the other girls.

"I think we've all ready been acquainted." Yuri announced with a small laugh.

"Yeah," Kagome smiled.

"Hey! Why don't you come over and sit with us!" Yuka asked.

"Sure, why not…" Kagome threw away her stuff and sat with them.

"Do you know who Hojo Carnits is?" Yuka asked as soon as Kagome sat down.

"Um… No?"

"Ahhh! Only the coolest guy ever to be born!" Yuri screamed.

Ayume flashed a picture of a male with caramel hair and dark blue eyes. "Him!" She pointed to him so fast it was just as fast how that other dude's, that nearly ran Kagome over, speed.

"Wow, he is very good looking…" Kagome lied. Well, he was but what's the point?

Kagome got up. "Well, it's been nice meeting you guys. I hope we see-"

"Wait!" Yuka pulled her down. "You haven't even told us about you!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kagome started. "I'm Kagome, Higurashi Kagome. I'm fifteen and live at the Shrine over there called the Higurashi Shrine. And I just moved here about a few days ago."

"Oh! Are you starting school here?" Yuka asked.

"Last time I've checked."

"Great!! You have to hang out with us!"

"Um… sure?" Kagome wasn't sure how she was going to handle this. She even put on a little disguised and yet she's still wanted by crowds. 'If people are like this… Wonder how other's are…'


Kagome came back to the shrine's back way.

She walked by some shack that has this white haired dude staring at it.

"It's kind of late… Didn't the shrine closed a few hours ago?" Kagome checked her watch. 8:30 PM.

"So? What of it?" He turned to her still wearing that hat and sunglasses.

"You're not supposed to be here, then. Visiting hours is done."

"Then why are you here?"

"I live here…"

"Bull crap."


Kagome was interrupted. She turned to see that the back door of the shrine's house was open with the kitchen light on.

"Kagome! Is that you?" Her grandfather called out.

"Yeah, gramps." Kagome replied.

"You related to that old gas bag?" the guy said.

"He's my grandpa, so sue him."

"Won't get much…" He said quietly but Kagome was able to hear him.

"You're a jerk you know that?"

"Get that a lot."

"Well, you wouldn't if you weren't so mean!"

"And you're weird."

"Heck, proud of it!"

"Kagome! Inuyasha! Get inside before you guys' catch a cold!" Kagome's mom called out.

"No way…" Kagome thought staring at her mom clueless. He started to walk in. "And don't think I'll forgive you for nearly running me over! You're lucky I'm not reporting you!"

"I don't care!" He called out to her from behind. "I don't care if I really did run you over!"

"Why you…"

"Kagome! Come in!" Her mother yelled.

"Coming!" Kagome ran inside before Inuyasha.

"Kagome…" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "Why are you dressed up like that?"

Kagome looked down at herself. "Oh, these?"

Her mother nodded.

"Just a little something so I can hide myself from my real looks."

"Yeah, good thinking. You must look hideous under there…"

Kagome turned and saw this 'Inuyasha' dude.

Kagome's mom laughed, "Oh, he's such a kidder, isn't he Kagome?"

"Yeah… Funny…" Kagome faked.


Kagome, her mom, grandpa, Sota, Inuyasha's mother, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru were in the living room. Inuyasha's mom, Kasa, and Kagome's mom, Ami knew each other when Ami used to live here in her child hood years. And when she found out, Kasa decided to have a reunion but with all their kids.

Inuyasha's mother poured herself a tea. "So, Kagome I hear that you're attending to Sakura high school?"

Kagome gave a little laugh. "Yeah, can't wait either."

"Oh, really? What grade?"


"Oh, wow, Inuyasha's a junior. And Sesshomaru is in college right now."

"What college?"

"UCLA," Sesshomaru said coolly.

"Wow, that's very good!"

"Yeah, I did want to attend Texas University but didn't."

"Why not?"

"Too far. I didn't want to travel."

"Oh, but that's fun of it!"

Everyone laughed except Inuyasha who just sat there, arms crossed and brows furrowed.

His mom elbowed him, "Come on, Inuyasha lighten up."

"Yeah, Inuyasha. Lighten up." Kagome smirked as she took a sip of her tea.

Inuyasha just glared.

'What's up with him with that hat and glasses?' Kagome thought. 'Even Sesshomaru but no hat… We're inside a house!'

A few hours came by and it hit almost to one o'clock.

Sota and Gramps were all ready gone to sleep and Sesshomaru left to go to his late night work as it was just Inuyasha, Kasa, Ami, and Kagome left.

"Well, it seems to be getting late… It was seeing you again, Ami." Kasa said giving a last hug to Ami.

"It was fun having you guys over! You should come over again, sometime!" Ami said.

Kasa went to hug Kagome as Ami hugged Inuyasha.

"Kagome, you're a very terrific girl… Ever thinking of going to contacts?" Kasa asked.

"Um… I all ready have them… Just don't like to wear them. They bother me."

"Oh, okay. That's cool."

Kagome took out her hand to give a handshake to Inuyasha. He took it hesitantly and shook.

"I guess it was nice meeting you…" Kagome said, squinting her eyes.

"I didn't think it was…" Inuyasha said glaring back.

"Kagome, why don't you have Inuyasha give you a ride to school in the morning?" Kasa declared.

"What?!" Both teens yelled.

"That would be great!" Ami cheered.

"Yeah, you and Inuyasha will become the greatest friends just like us!" Kasa and Ami laughed.

"Yes, Inuyasha!" Kasa said patting his back. "Be here and pick up Kagome!"

Inuyasha had his hands in his pockets and his head nearly falling off and his face in the dark of his chest. "Sure… Mom…"

"Great!" Kasa clapped her hands.

As the door closed Kagome slammed her back on it and panted, "Mom! You have got to be kidding me!"

"On what Kagome?" Ami asked.

"Inuyasha CAN'T give me a ride to school!"

"Why not?"


"That's not a good enough reason."

"To me it is!"

"Stop yelling Kagome before you wake up everyone…"

Her mother kissed her forehead and headed up into her room.

"Now, get some sleep so you can wake up early to get ready in the morning. Night."

Kagome stood in the darkness as her mother left. "Why me…"


AN: Be back… Maybe tomorrow? Okay!