Akileh here ! Aki-chan for short of course.

this story was deleted because i responded to reviews ; oh well, i'm reposting it and hopefully it'll make it. Haunted i dunno if there'll be a sequel but as for now, I'm planning on a epilogue!

Disclaimer: though I tried to stay in contact with the maga, I'm afraid that I can't --; but I would absolutely love it if I could follow along. As for now, think of it as the continuation of the anime. The END of the anime actually. And because I'm writing here on I don't think I should explain that I DON'T own IY... or anyone from it

Chapter 1

It's Over

The dark clouds that had once invaded the sky were now clearing. It... was over, it was actually over.

The twin tail cat demon lay collapsed on the floor, her fur stained with the deep red of blood. A few feet away lay the female demon slayer who looked half dead, there was a lot of dust on her face which was mixed with salty trails of tears.

Sango lay next to her lifeless brother weeping. There was no denying any longer, no fighting it, he was truly... gone.

Across from the two lay the body of Miroku. The beads that had surrounded his once cursed hand lay scattered. His hair covered his face, his cheek rested on the ground.

No one made a sound no one dared to break the silence, even if it was eating at them.

Shippo lay several of yards away from Sango and Miroku's bodies. He was on the ground on his back panting in his unconscious state.

Even though the young kitsune was the smallest of the group he was almost as damaged as the others, but not as much as Inuyasha, by far he was the most damaged, having a large gap in his stomach. He had several deep cuts in each arm, and the upper half of his kimono had been blow right off exposing the seemingly fatal wounds.

He alone stood facing the battlefield in search of Kagome. Blood and slain demons decorated the grounds, stained it, made it into a bloody grave it had become. Every breath he took in hit him with the strong scent of death and blood. The hanyou looked around, remember each step, every moment, every second of the battle.

It took all of them to kill Naraku. Sango had used her poison powder and her Hiraikotsu, Miroku had used his Wind Tunnel to rid of the demons, Shippo was using anything in his pockets and his fox fire, which had gotten a lot more powerful. Inuyasha had used the powers of his claws and his fathers fang, and Kagome, had used powers no one, not even herself had ever known she had.

She would resurrect barriers around them at times, and send bursts of spiritual energy from her hands. Her bows and arrows were used almost never, and were only used to inflict damage to Naraku.

Even though she was taking care of herself fine, Inuyasha couldn't help but look back at her in worry. He felt slightly upset that she didn't need him. It was like she had out grown him, and would cast him aside, but cast the thought away as he did battle.

The finally blow was a blur; it was a giant blinding flash of light, that built up and blew apart lashing at everyone when the blast was released. As an almost instant reflex his thoughts were shot with the thought of Kagome and he ran to her. His worries should've been in vain since she could resurrect barriers, but since the blow was partially created by her, the barrier she put up wouldn't hold.

Inuyasha spotted the young miko also lay on the floor, eyes closed, Her form lay scattered on the ground. With much effort he tried to make his way across the field towards her.

He tried to ignore the pain that remained with him. He had to get to her, he just had to... he had to know if she was alright. The pain was no where near as great as the worry flooding his senses and he cursed at himself for not being there in time to help her.

Kagome lay motionless as before when Inuyasha got to her. Inuyasha dropped to the ground next to her and put his hand above her face. To his relieve he felt her hot breath against his skin. His worry went away and he sighed. He lifted her head up.

"Kagome... wake up." he said. The girl in his arms made no movement. "Kagome, get up." Inuyasha said sternly.

The girl grumbled and slowly opened her eyes, the first thing that came into vision were two blurry spots of gold, as she blinked her vision became clearer.

"Inuyasha... did we win?" Kagome asked.

"yeah..." he breathed out. "We won." he finished looking down at her.

She smiled weakly. "Are you okay Inuyasha?" she asked.

"Baka, you're the one who's hurt." Inuyasha scoffed. Kagome shook her head and lifted herself to a sitting position.

"I'm fine, see? Just a few cuts here and there." she said trying to convince him that she was alright. She scanned him over and flinched every time she saw a deep wound.

When her brown eyes came across the gaping hole in his stomach she winced. Kagome looked back at him.

"Oi, quit it, I'm fine." Inuyasha said.

"Say what you want." she gave up.

"Wait, what about the others?" she asked getting up suddenly. A throbbing pain began to over take her ankle. She suppressed a want to cry out in pain and bit her lip.

"Kagome what's wrong?" came Inuyasha's voice. She smiled through the pain as she looked back at him.

"I'm fine, it's nothing! Now, stay there, and don't move! Your injuries sure did a number on you. Shippo probably is hurt pretty badly, Miroku might be poisoned from Naraku's insects even though his wind tunnel should be gone, and Sango... well, she's probably hurt in more ways then I can imagine." Kagome said looking over the Sango sympathetically, who had collapsed next the her brother.

Kagome took a step towards the young fox demon who was the closest. As soon as she took another step the pain in her leg swelled and shot up her entire leg, making her stomach turn. She hoped that Inuyasha didn't catch this and started to walk over to Shippo. With every new step the pain shot up over and over until she reached was within ten feet of the fox demon boy.

Kagome bit her lip and she was about to take another step. She lifted her foot and closed her eyes shut. Instead of the pain that she should've felt soar in her leg, there was none, but she was now being carried. She looked up and saw none other then Inuyasha.

"HEY LEMME DOWN!" she cried. The hanyou rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Keh! You're foot's injured, don't lie!" he yelled.

"I told you I'm fine! I can make it the rest of the way! BESIDES... what do you MEAN I'M hurt! You're the one who's hurt!" she yelled.

His ears flattened due to her volume.

"Sh! Damn loud wench." Inuyasha grumbled.

"INUYASHA LET ME DOWN... please." she lowered her tone. "I don't want to be the reason you're so hurt." she said closing her eyes slowly to hide the tears forming.

'You don't get it do you Kagome...? I don't need you worrying about me, it's not worth anything anyways, but you are.' he thought.

"I'm FINE so don't worry..." Inuyasha said quietly. "Are you alright?" he asked, changing his tone.

Kagome nodded. He nodded in response and looked down. Kagome did the same and saw they were standing next to Shippo, she slid down from Inuyasha careful of her foot, and kneeled next to the kitsune. She looked at him with a pained look, and a weary smile as she ran her fingers through his matted red hair and untangled it.

'Shippo... you worked so hard... I'm so sorry...' she thought, her smile faltered. Shippo snored lightly, which made her feel a lot better, even in his current state he looked innocent, peaceful... the fire that sparked in him was at a calm stage. He had gotten stronger and bigger from when she had met him three years ago. She picked him up and cradled his form next to hers.

Kagome was... his mother figure, and she had grown to love him as if he was her adopted child. Her pools of brown stared down at Shippo tenderly. 'I'm so happy you're alive Shippo.' She closed her eyes to thank the heavens and slowly and carefully rose up. She turned around to she Inuyasha hovering over her in case she would fall.

"Inuyasha... don't carry me, it's fine. Your wounds won't get better that way." she stated and slowly limped her way over to Miroku.

After two steps on her own, she stopped. Inuyasha was next to her still, watching over her. After seeing her limps he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his side, to make sure she wouldn't fall.

Kagome smiled contently closing her eyes and stopped walking, she was tired, it couldn't be helped. She put every ounce of her strength into the battle. Sighing and reopening her eyes she started walking over to Miroku with the help of Inuyasha.

Soon they were standing over Miroku.

Inuyasha lowered himself along with Kagome, still not letting go when she was safely on the ground. He didn't even fully trust the ground with the duty of keeping Kagome up. She was too fragile and he was sure that he was the only one who could take care of her, and so he didn't let go of her.

Kagome still cradled Shippo in one hand supporting his head, and keeping his head propped up. Miroku's face was against the ground, strands of hair covered his face. Kagome saw his shoulders rise and fall and was thankful he was alive. She shook him more and called his name.

His brows furrowed and his dark blue gray eyes flutter open.

Kagome gave him a warm smile while Inuyasha sent him a smile nod. He slowly got up and turned himself so that his face was no longer against the ground.

"Are you alright?" Kagome asked.

'Why is she going on about how everyone ELSE is... she the one with a broken ankle... why does she care so much?' Inuyasha asked himself.

"I'm fine Lady Kagome, how about you?" he asked using his elbows to prop himself up. Kagome shook her head.

"Don't strain yourself, and don't worry about me, I only came out with a little pain in my ankle, that all." she smiled warmly. Miroku laughed lightly.

"I can stand fine... I believe that we should go to Sango... I believe she is in need of much help." he pointed out.

Kagome nodded in agreement. "Yes..." Miroku looked down to Kagome's side where Inuyasha hand was positioned. He chuckled to himself and got up slowly.

Inuyasha got up with Kagome, and still kept his hand to support her. Sango was about 10 yards away. No one talked... no one liked it. It was too silent and the dead area the were in wasn't making things any less gloomy.

They approached Sango slowly. Kagome saw the demon slayer clutching onto her dead brother, she bit her lip and looked away as hot tears brimmed her eyes. She would've been just as devastated, if Sota was dead, so while she couldn't fully know how she felt, she understood.

Sango's face was dirtied but it was clear she had been crying... they could see trails of now dried tears, she was laid on top of her brother her cheek was resting against this shoulder. Miroku got down on his knees, kneeling next to Sango and Kohaku.

"We should leave this place... even though Naraku is gone this place still has an eerie feeling hovering over it." the monk explained. Inuyasha nodded.

Miroku placed his hand over her shoulder and shook her gently. She looked as though she was sleeping peacefully... in a place where she was content. Miroku felt guilty that he would have to tear her away from her perfect world and make her relive the cruel fate of hers and her brother's. He lowered his head so that his eyes were shadowed.

"Sango... get up." he said reluctantly.

A pair of confused eyes opened. Sango looked down and memories over flooded her one after the other.

'He's gone... Kohaku's gone... he... i... he's gone...' Sango stared into space her eyes widened with realization. 'Gone... he's gone... he's... gone.' the words taunted her. The group couldn't help but stare she was just starring into space, and tears were flowing. Miroku felt the pang of guilt get to him yet again.

'Gone, gone gone!' with that she broke down. "NO he's gone! He's dead and I couldn't do anything! It's all my fault! Why? DAMN IT WHY!" she yelled and let herself fall unto her brother. Her crying was hysterical. "No no no!" she got up and shook her head. Somehow trying to fight with reality. With every 'no' she felt a pain stab at her heart.

'I'm alone... there's no one anymore! I'm ALONE...'

She felt a hand firmly grip unto her shoulder. She stopped her crying and looked to see Miroku giving her a look of sympathy. She shook trying to contain her racked sobs. He gave her a small smile and she flung herself to him. Miroku held her tightly now. She didn't deserve this... he knew this and griped to her tighter, there was no one, and nothing he would let hurt her... ever again.

Kagome looked at the two, crying as well, at first for Sango... but then at the couple. The way Miroku help her so lovingly, it was so bitterly sweet. She admired them at that moment, and shut her mouth and bit her tongue. Inuyasha still had his arm around her, seeing her crying made a wave of guilt and anger wash over him. Upon her falling tears hitting his face Shippo opened his eyes.

"Kagome what's wrong?" he asked innocently. She looked down at the kitsune.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry Shippo." she said. Shippo shook his head.

"It's okay..." he said. He jumped from her arms to her shoulder, with light feet. Even though he was pretty light she winced slightly and the weight adjustment.

Kagome looked back and Sango and Miroku. Sango's head was buried in Miroku's shoulder and she was asleep. Miroku sighed and carefully moved her limp body to his back.

"We should getting going." he said. He looked down at Kohaku's body. He looked to Inuyasha in a pleading manner. The hanyou didn't say anything but walked over and picked up the boy's corpse carefully. Even though he had Kohaku he stayed near Kagome making sure she was alright.

Shippo noticed Kagome flat and slow steps.

"Kagome? Are you hurt?" he asked. She smiled in response.

"It just hurts a little, but it think it's starting to get numb anyways." she told him.

He shook his head and sighed. "Transform!"

In a poof, Shippo had become a white horse, the main was he same fiery red color as his hair. Kagome smiled gratefully to him and got unto his back. Shippo trotted along side Inuyasha who followed Miroku and Sango.

'It's over.' they all thought.