A quick note to all of you who were unable to access the last chapter- please try again and after it loads up, type in the addressbar any letters or numbers after the chapter id. This should allow you to view it in its entirety. If the problem still persists, write me and I will send the chapter to you via email. Sorry for the problems...

And so the final chapter makes its' debut!

I am having a lot of trouble writing this, only for the simple fact it's the end. However, I think this is the best ending I could ever imagine writing. There's a lot of reflection on past events, without being obvious, and those that are obvious, well, they are for a reason. 'Interrogations and Interference' is one chapter you may want to look over again- just to put your mind into the right frame...

Please, tell me what you think.

Enjoy as much as possible in such a chapter as the finale will permit and have fun! ^_^

Oh, and also, the stats for WNB(Watashi no Baka- I am an Idiot) have changed again! Here's the stats:

Main Branch:
President: Me
Vice President: Snowfire the Kitsune
Public Service Director: Mitsuko Maxwell
Treasurer: Yume no Tame ni
Informant: The Weird One
Accountant: Whoobonhooaglo
Executive: The Turmoil Twins
Intern: Kourinoyami
Chief Consultant: Nankinmai
Customer Service Representative: Obsidiansoul
Product Representative: Ominous
Spokesmen: Ame Kurayami
Creative Director: D.g.
Manager: Erica
Assistant Manager: Brat
Advisor: FLaMEChick
Supervisor: Kagome-chan5
Director of Hard Liquor: Hon-doroboo Xanthros
Mascot: superbakagirl
Village Idiot: Ama (Shades of Oblivion
Eccentric Wanna-be: Ice Dagger
International, Bi-polar, Klutzy Editor: Hikari Shinju
Greeter: Hawk
Coat Taker: Shadow
Valet: Kinshinanie
Sexy lil Security Guard: Leah Black
Jester: Inuchick13

Mystical Creatures Department:
Master Trainer and President: Silver Dragon
Supervisor of MCD trainees: QuirkyCellist
Griffin's General: Museless Author
Executive: soulfire2
Chief Consultant: Cryxxy-chan
Army of Insane Gerbal's General: Merayna
Army of Secret Spy Monkey's General: Diana

Spy/Secret Agent Division:
President: Kaze no Kagura
Executive: Freedom_Fighta06
Spy in Training: Meow the chibi neko
Secret Operative: Rei-chan
Master Spy: NekoYami
Master Sniper: Fokkusu Inuyasha
Consultant: Ebony-chan
Hyper Active Little Hacker Girl: Kagome44 (love the suggestion! ^_^ Neat job!)

Department of Sarcasm and Murder Schemes:
President: Three-Legged Dog
Informant: SakuraMona
Executive: moon neko princess
Schemester: Ipwnzj00

Ah! I can't believe it!!! It's my 16th birthday!!! Happy birthday to me! *giggles as parents run in circles like idiots while throwing confetti and placing a tiara made of roses on her head* Yea! I'm 16, I'm 16, I'm 16 and never been kissed!!! Yah! I made it this far- *Cuts off as mother stops, pauses, then walks away* Umm... What are you doing...? *Noise in the background* AH! No! Don't call HIM! *laughs nervously* Maybe I should run now... Um, yeah... *Runs as mother comes back with a rope in hand*

Enjoy- and someone help!!!

A Questionable Dream, a Quizzing Film, and a Heart's Query

~ You sigh, cuddling into the body beside you, feeling a steady heartbeat, even through the many layers of cloth. 'Dogboy' took up you offer- nothing more- and slept with you, wrapped in a separate blanket. Though, it is more like he slept and you twisted his hair around your fingers for hours on end. Something kept you up and awake even with you being so tired... Something was bothering you... Hey! 'Dogboy' has a tan! Odd... It took you long enough to notice.

~ What's wrong? The last month has been one that would tire any ordinary girl... but... It makes you think, doesn't it, with all this fame and no free time... Exactly who do you want to be? Do you want to take chances with 'Kagome' or be you- the real you who is what you are with 'Dogboy' in your life... It may not sound like a hard decision, but... it's hard to let go of something that worked so well, that was so good for so long, to begin anew on something you've never experienced before. Oh, but keep this saying in mind: All good things must come to an end.

~ Well, take your time deciding, girl! You, after all, do have two free months ahead of you!~

I watched him as he slumbered on, just thinking... about everything we'd gone through... It was hard to believe that I had only been with him for two weeks, then without him for another three. I felt I'd known him my entire life- and, in a way, I had for the most part. The even more confusing part was... I couldn't understand when- at what point in those two weeks- had I fallen so completely for him that I couldn't, nor did I want, to stand up again. Not even the reason why I'd begun to feel this way made itself clear...

Some part of me said it was pity. That, when I looked into his eyes all of those times and saw a fading light, a dimming life that had once been so beautiful, a part of my former self melted away because of the pity I felt for the love I could not find. It told me I loved him because I wanted to be the winner- the only thing he loved in his life- not because I actually cared... Well, that part of me was dead wrong!

Another part said it was only a crush. 'Only a crush?' It was true that it had started that way... or, at least that's what I thought... Maybe I even skipped that step. No matter. Somehow I knew it was more than a mere crush.

Yet, another part of my mind said it was from the moment he said 'sayonara'... or from the time he sat beside me at the hospital- or on the boat- or at the cabin- or on the hot air balloon ride... or... when I found myself wrapped in my own blanket the first time, staring at his silver hair while he slept so peacefully.

No... It wasn't love at first sight, nor was it the first time I ended up in his arms. Perhaps it was- no, it wasn't at the party, or even when he carried me to Aya-chan's room when I had that horrible cold... But if not any of those times...

'When was it, Inuyasha, at what point in our time together did I first love you as I do now?'

His hair slipped from my fingers as sleep finally overcame me. For all the times I didn't hold on to a moment which I should have, this was the one time I regretted it most, my mind calling for me to awake as his image blurred and darkened to fade away so completely it frightened me.

'Since when have you...

'...meant so much... to me?'

!#$%!#$%#$%Dream Sequence!@#$!@#!#$%

The boat swayed underneath my feet, rocking me back and forth gently as I slowly made way back to my room, knowing, but not hearing, Miroku and Kouga laughed in the background. The diner was quiet now that many had left for bed, and it soon became silent, nonexistent, as I turned the corner, entering the hallway.

No light shown, but the corridor was still lightened with a soft glow. Nothing moved, no doors opened, no sound was heard. The image flickered and I lost balance. When I looked up from the area on the floor that had captured my attention for a time, I found him, standing in a doorframe, his arms crossed.

I called out...

My dream shuttered as did I, for my voice never came. He was gone. I frowned in confusion.

My dreams had always been clear and unwavering...

My hand felt the cold metallic surface of the door knob and twisted it open as my body moved on its own accord. My eyes became heavy, my mind screaming for them to open, to see him as I knew he'd be- sleeping in the chair, the moonlight casting a faint glow to his silver tresses. 'Please... let me see him!'

The ground shifted when I tried again to speak, my hand reaching forward as my eyes finally did open... I was on the top deck, Sango beside me, Miroku next to her. Sango's mouth moved... Then Miroku... They turned to me, both speaking, but saying nothing. A small hand pulled my immobile one-

I opened my eyes to see my father sitting beside me on the edge of a cliff, his short brown hair swaying in the breeze. He remained motionless, gazing over the tree tops of the gorge below, a serene smile on his lips. I sighed, looking at my hands which grew older by the moment. The wind picked up as I fell, arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me from the drop.

I tried to turn, remembering he had rescued me, remembering... I had been looking at him when he had caught me...

Why was I still looking at the green of treetops?

My hands clasped the air convulsively as I closed my eyes. They tightened around a wax-like wood, my feet gone from under me. My heart sped as the basket jounced and forgot to move again as it should have... He didn't stand again... He didn't answer my call for help...

Sweat and exhaustion made the hold I had loosen and slip.

I fell fast...

And swam to safety, splashing this way and that. My mother scolded me, Souta questioned me, Ayame cried for me, Sango yelled, Miroku whispered, Kouga laughed... all silent...

'Why can't I find you?'

"Can't we start over?"

The voice wavered, so slightly I was almost convinced it hadn't. I raised my eyes once more, praying it wasn't another false alarm... But, this time I had heard something...

And felt something, also...

I felt my heart fail...

" NO! You can't leave! Don't do this to me..."

The words never reached the man I saw before my eyes who once again faded away... And I had strength only enough to whisper the three words I meant the most...

"... I love you."

!@#$@#$!#@$Dream Sequence End!@#$!#$!@#$


I was crying without voice, screaming with tears that heated my skin as much as the calloused thumb that rubbed them away so gently from my cheek. I didn't want to look, fearing he'd fade again.

"... I love you, too."

My eyes flew open in surprise. Golden eyes shown brighter than the rays of light reflected by the silver hair, a meek smile formed on the usually smirking lips. The thumb on my cheek was replace by a hand as soft and soothing as the voice. All sarcasm, all scorn, all sadness- gone.

The love I felt seeping through me, entering each vein to fill me with joy, conjured nothing from me but more tears and a soft smile. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. Truly, I didn't want to. I was just... so scared.

"Don't cry anymore, onegai," he whispered, his voice cracking as his own eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "I can't stand to see you cry."

"... You better get used to it, if you're planning on repeating those words," I said softly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

His hand moved to rest on my hip, his shoulder becoming a pillow for me. The light breath brushed against my neck, bringing forth a single memory. It had been so brief before...

'I've known for so long... Back there, on that boat when you held me close, guiding me on the dance floor...'

I buried my face in his shoulder, content on staying in his arms, as I was, forever. On that boat I found myself. I found what was missing from my life. Dancing... was the one thing that brought me to him as nothing else could- it was a symbol.

You can't sing a song...

If your heart can't sway to its beat. (A/N: Please, readers, think about that statement.)

A new tune formed in my head, a new song, new beat, new voice. It was my song, yet not solely mine. I knew, as any person would know the thoughts of the one they love, his mind sung along with his heart swaying helplessly to the beat- just as my own did. He heard the voice, felt the beat, joined with it in his head.

I could have laughed at the thought of Inuyasha dancing to such a song. Not slow, not fast; no ears heard the song of a heart, no heart heard the song for the ears- when that's all it's meant to be.

A song of the heart...

One day, I'll sing it out loud for him...

Inuyasha sighed, running a hand through my hair. Again, something plagued my mind and I had to ask, even though I knew this one question could ruin everything. Even with everything I had just figured out for myself, I had to know...

It hurt to think of such a thing, such a possibility...

And it hurt to take the risk of losing him by asking the most obvious of questions...

"... Did you love her?" I asked, my eyes watering. It was all I had to say. I knew he'd understand.

To my surprise, he didn't respond the way I thought. He never tensed or became defensive. It was almost as if he were waiting for the question.

"I used to think so... I believe I did," Inuyasha whispered, pulling away to look into my eyes as he spoke volumes with those golden orbs that flashed with pain. "I'm positive I did... and I think- no, I know it-" he said, sitting up and pulling me along with him, setting me in his lap, my back to his chest. "... I only loved her because she reminded me so much of a little girl I once knew, who lost her father because of me, who lost her chance at something I had and didn't want... It was out of subconscious pity."

He laughed at himself, pausing to take a deep breath.

"I loved her and I hated her at the same time- for treating me like a dog, for looking at me as if I was everything she could want if I had a bit more money... I hated her with a passion for everything she put me through, showing me only once or twice that she felt anything towards me for what I was that somewhat resembled love," he whispered. "I wanted to forget her with all that that implied- forgetting my past with her completely... I wanted to hate the world for the faults I found in her... I loved what I hated, though...

"Is that possible?" I nodded. "It may have been subconscious, but, even so, if I loved her because of you... Why didn't I feel the same toward you when I realized you weren't Kikyo?" he asked. He slid his arms around mine, lacing his fingers in mine. "Even if it was only subconsciously... shouldn't I have felt something?"

New tears ran down my cheeks as I stared at the wall in front of me. He loved Kikyo because of the sadness he knew I went through- and by his hands. So, the weakness in such a relationship became clear.

His heart never danced.

I never felt so much relief and so much happiness at the same moment than what I felt then. My fingers tightened as my mouth opened to release words formed by a voice that sounded so foreign to me.

"How could I have fallen for you when you ruined my life when I was so young?" I asked as an answer. "It doesn't make any sense, does it?"

His chin was brought to rest on my shoulder, his cheek to mine. I laughed at the feelings running through me. Eventually, Inuyasha joined in, his chuckle low, but still there.

"Do you ever have a feeling that as soon as you truly think you know a person," called a voice from the doorway, " they always seem to change just to annoy you?"

I laughed even louder at Sango's words as Inuyasha cursed and threw a pillow.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Why should I need to? Kagome-chan wouldn't let things get that out of hand," Sango giggled.

My face burned as a blush appeared, all the while I laughed, unable to stop the giddy feeling in my stomach. Inuyasha huffed, releasing me as Sango continued to speak, only for Miroku and Ayame to start in also.

"I don't know about that," Ayame said as I closed my eyes and clutched my hurting sides. "She looks like she's drunk or something."

"Perhaps-" Miroku began, just to be interrupted.

"More like on a sugar high," Sango muttered.

"Maybe she's just high on life?" Kouga suggested, entering the now public bedroom.

I could feel everyone looking at me uncertainly. Even Inuyasha's eyes were directed at me- somehow, I could tell. Call it a sixth sense.

"I think you mean 'high on love'," Miroku interjected.

I choked on my laugh, coughing as I scrambled to get away from Inuyasha, my eyes flying open. I felt the arrogant and mischievous smirk form on his lips as if it had been my own. He was up to something I'd never be able to live down... and just when I thought I was safely out of reach, his hands latched onto my arms and spun me around.

All I saw was his lips curled into the most heart stopping grin before they covered my own.

"Way to go, Dogboy!" Miroku hooted, applauding.

The others chose to whistle, cheering the singer on and I had to cheer along with them, thinking, 'oh, Kami!' Kami-sama, I loved him- arrogance and all.

Still, I wasn't going to let that man one-up me. If this was some kind of dare, I was game! I had to play along, right? Play the part of the 'Fangirl'?

So, when he finally pulled back and relinquished that yielding grip...

I brought a hand to my forehead, swooned, and fainted- not really, of course, but it obviously seemed that way to Inuyasha. He was down beside me in a second flat, fanning me, shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. I held back a laugh, suppressed a smile, and determinedly kept my eyes closed.

"Shit, Dogboy," Kouga exclaimed, also coming to my aid. "I think you should warn her next time."

"You should have let her breath, brother," spoke Sesshomaru, startling me slightly. A giggle followed his statement, announcing Kagura's presence. "Honestly. Trying to show feelings is one thing, but that..."

"Oh, hush," Kagura chided. "You're only saying that from experience."

'Now, why did you have to go and say that?' my mind hissed as a smile started to form on my lips. I managed to get it under control, opening one eye just enough to take in everything before me.

Miroku, Kouga, and Inuyasha all stared at Sesshomaru with gaping mouths- Inuyasha added a slight sputter to his less than intelligent response. Sango grinned like an idiot as Ayame chuckled. Kagura hummed to herself, hands behind her back, while Sesshomaru's face held the smallest hint of a blush. Everyone had focused their attention on the manager.

Well, that was a nice break. Now, back to acting unconscious...

"Um... That was way too much info for me," Kouga stated, making a gagging noise.

"Yeah," Inuyasha mumbled. I could tell his focus was back to me now as his grip retained its previous power. "Alright Kagome, wake up."

"I don't think that will help," Ayame said as Inuyasha commenced to shaking me by the shoulders, commanding me to wake.

At least this confirmed my potential to be an actress if singing didn't cut it.

"... She's faking it," Sango stated. Her voice held only an ounce of uncertainness.

However, the rest of the room fell silent. Everyone had stopped to think on that... Now, if they were me...

Kagura's humming grew louder. I had the faint feeling she had known from the beginning. I believe I heard Sesshomaru growl...

"Kagome," Inuyasha sighed, a slight warning tone to it. "I'm dropping you in the count of five... One... Four-"

"Chotto!" I huffed, sitting up right. "You skipped a number."

"I skipped two," corrected Inuyasha, pressing a finger to the tip of my nose. "Maybe you should still be in school."

I glared daggers at the guitarist, his eyes holding a glint worse than I knew I could ever get mine to have. I was in for it. His lip twitching into a snarl didn't help my fears at all. He was mad...

Kagura sighed, ordering everyone out of the room. Silently, I had to thank her. I didn't want to be scolded in front of everyone and no one had even been invited into our bedroom! Yeah, like they'd ever care about that, though.

Sesshomaru left with Kagura, an arm around her waist; Ayame mumbled, pulling Kouga away from my side, asking for his help in the kitchen; Miroku sighed, putting an arm across Sango's shoulders and leading her out of the room.

When we were left alone once more, I softened my glare and became defensive. However, he never spoke. I tipped my head to the side and waited. He looked like he had something to say... But whatever it was, he never said it.

And I continued to wait.

'You know, it's only a matter of why we are here together- not how we arrived at this place. I always imagined wandering the world to search for my love, knowing he'd be the only one able to answer all of my questions in life... Isn't that the way every girl thinks about their prince charming...?

'Well, I was hoping I'd find out the answer to all of my questions through you, but I only find more reasons to wonder...

'How would it have been if we'd never crossed paths?'



"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, Inuyasha."

"... Airhead..."

"Chotto!" I huffed, pushing his shoulder roughly.

With another smile, Inuyasha stood and offered his hand to help me up. I took it and pulled myself up to stand beside him as we both laughed and watched out the window.

Isn't it amazing... how three small words can change a girl's life?


"What's this about, Kagome-chan?" Sango asked as I gathered everyone in the family room.

Inuyasha, Kouga, and Miroku took one couch, and us girls took the other- just like old times. Sesshomaru sat in the chair. Kagura was content to perch on the chair's arm. I smiled, holding the remote in my hand, watching as everyone watched me.

"I felt it was time for a little 'Home Movies', ne?" I said, closing my eyes to shield the laughter shining in them. "See, I have some videos I thought you might like to see."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, as did Sango's; Kouga and Ayame shared a look of confusion; Kagura copied Sesshomaru's look of amusement; Only Miroku remained expressionless.

I pressed the play button on the remote, watching the screen as a warning sign appeared. I sighed inwardly, relaxing back into the couch between Ayame and Sango, only to rethink the situation and move away to sit at Inuyasha's feet... Of course, I'd have to move again later, but for now this would do.

Inuyasha's fingers slipped through my hair, brushing each strand. He leaned forward to rest his head on his elbow, right above my head. I looked up, pursing my lips together in suspicion. He shook his head and lifted his gaze to watch the tv screen. I did the same.

-+-+-+-+-+-+- (MOVIE MODE) -+-+-+-+-+-+-

A blank screen was broken by the words 'A Day at Sea- A Woman's Many Problems...'

The words disappeared as a picture blurred into focus. A room, not much bigger than an average bedroom, greeted the camera, dim rays of light shinning through the sole window. The rays stretched their fingers, reaching the two main subjects, giving them a 'spot light' affect.

Upon a bed, which took up the primary space of the room, lay two slumbering women; above, a bucket moved ever so slightly, held aloft by a rope which wrapped around a bed post and out of sight.

The one closest to the window whimpered and kicked her companion, clutching a hold of the blanket. In return, she was slugged with an unconscious elbow in the back. Ayame, after being hit, mumbled about giant dust bunnies and how the 'noisy buggers run the world.' Sango muttered agreement, then grunted and said something that sounded suspiciously like 'hair ball'.

:::::: Silence ::::::

***Insert Music Here***

Man, that alarm was loud! I hadn't expected it to be, but I was glad. The radio- I had set it to music instead of the buzzer - was playing 'Kazaana'. Let me tell you, the song, although it didn't make any sense, fit perfectly in with the next scene.

"Ah!" Ayame squealed, jumping out of bed at the speed of light, tripping over the rope that held the bucket of water above them.

Still frame of Ayame as the words ' 'Bad hair day' problem number 1' flashed across the scene. Here hair was very mussed up- she isn't a beauty-sleeper. (A/N: the people who can sleep and wake up looking like they never laid down- everything's still perfect... Grrrr... I can't do that- I don't know how anyone manages it.)

The film resumes to shows the bucket falling. Again, the movie pauses and zooms into Sango- man, I love digital recording studios- to display better her 'decorations'. Her hair was peppered in Pink Lemonade flavoured Kool-Aid and red food colouring, her eyes shaded in blue with silvery lip stick circles on her cheeks, and her forehead was polka-dotted in green. It truly looked horrible.

Caption: 'Forgetting to Remove Make-up' problem number 2.

The playing resumes as Sango is splashed with ice-cold water from above, sending her, sputtering, over the edge of the bed, twisting her ankle in the covers. She shivers.

'Shower Takes Time to Warm' problem number 3.

Ayame, mean while, was squealing as she trips over another cord that tosses her back into an armchair that had been covered in a dark, fluffy substance that succeeds in swallowing her whole.

Talk about Dust Bunnies

When she emerged, spitting the fluffy stuff out of her mouth, she looked more deranged than ever. She had just had the sanity sucked out of her!

Rise and Shine most definitely does not apply

"Iie, iie, iie, iie, iie," she mumbled, pacing the room. "Iie, iie, iie, iie, iie, iie, iie- ACK!" And down she went, face first into a bundle of slime covered clothing.

'Gravity is Omnipresent' problem number 4.

A few moments later found Sango and Ayame on a seek and destroy mission for the still blaring radio-alarm. The room was trashed to a point of unrecognizable. However, Sango fulfilled her task and commenced to stomping it madly.

'Sea Sickness may Cause Temporary loss of Mind' problem number 5.

Her ankle was twisted once more as Ayame tried to help only to end up kicking Sango's shin. Of course, doing the only reasonable thing an unreasonable person would do, Sango retaliated and blackened Ayame's left eye before storming off to the bathroom.

Ayame sighed, took one more glance at the dismantled alarm, and turned to clean the room. A loud buzz was followed by a startled Ayame beating the splinters of the remaining clock into oblivion...

The screen went blank.

-+-+-+-+-+-+- (MOVIE MODE END) -+-+-+-+-+-+-

Ayame was the only person not laughing by the end of the movie. Sango, which startled me in the beginning, was rolling on the ground with tears in her eyes, laughing her head off... but Miroku had said he liked her as a red-head, so no hard feelings, ne?

Kagura gave me a thumbs-up, clapping Sesshomaru on the back as he tried to remain as expressionless, his eyes dancing with gaiety. He flashed a quick smirk of amusement before mastering himself, only to have Kagura break out with giggles and lean on him for support. He snarled. I could just hear him thinking, 'damn woman- making me blush in front of everyone and drawing attention.'

Inuyasha yanked a strip of my hair, his lips pulled into a thin line. Miroku's laughing died down a bit and Kouga chocked on his mirth. I didn't have to look at the screen to know why.

-+-+-+-+-+-+- (MOVIE MODE) -+-+-+-+-+-+-

'A Day at Work- Stress and Anxiety at Full Force as From the Mouths of Men...'

The words faded into an other bedroom sceen that found itself the center focus. The room was larger- by four times- than the previous one, much spacier and less stuff to interfere with the emptiness. ( 'That was sure to get the girls mad,' I thought) A well lightened room, it was, with two windows to soak in the light. This... suite, compared to Sango and Ayame's room, had a bed that also held two occupants.

The camera, thanks to digital editing studios, zoomed in to view the first man.

Miroku, looking like Santa Clause, for all the Whip Cream and red lipstick, and smiling as serenely as usual, though he couldn't have changed this if he'd wanted to because of the clear tap holding the smile in place, was covered with drawn-on kisses. Little 'Be Mine, Valentine,' heart candies were scattered around him- I had a theme going here!

The picture faded into another- Kouga. His Whip Cream was in his hand, not on his face. Across his visage were the letters W-O-L-F in green eyeliner. His hair was bundled up on top of his head, held together by a leather thong(strip of leather to be used in HAIR(This is an English word, but just to make sure no one confuses it, ne? ^_^;;)), his eyelids shaded with the cackiest black, his nose red from applied blush. Tape was attaching his lips to each other. He was quite animated for a sleeper, squirming this way and that.

The Plastic Wrap kept him from moving; It had been tied multiple times around the bed to hold the men in place as words formed on the screen and the movie continued at a regular pace, showing both men.

'Has work kept you so busy that hearing any sound is music to your ears?'

The alarm screamed to be heard, awaking Kouga with no trouble, blaring the same tune as was played from the room next door- not that anyone could tell. Miroku only stirred.

'Does it feel like your worst nightmares are the ones you wake up to?'

Kouga thrashed around violently, throwing his only free hand up to plug his ears, just to splatter the Whip Cream on himself. He paused before reaching over to shake his co-worker, his hand barely coming in contact with the drummer's shoulder. Pounding seemed the only way to rouse the slumbering man; a fist hit Miroku with force enough to wake him, but not phase him.

He realized, seconds later, that he couldn't move. So that explained Kouga's actions! Like, duh... Miroku thrashed about along side W-O-L-F, smearing Whip Cream on the ruffled pillows to let it gather in his hair.

'Do you ever feel tied down, unable to break free from the job that killed your social life?'

The restraining plastic never tired of changing shape for the constantly twisting band members. It pulled away from the bed just enough to give Kouga a false sense of hope to escape before binding him to the bed again. The men paused.

Miroku mumbled, Kouga yelled: tape muffles sounds really well. Miroku shook his head... then thrashed about, head-butting Kouga's shoulder.


'Have you ever felt that the world has turned its back on you and your best friend is your worst enemy, while your enemy becomes your friend?'

Kouga pulled Miroku's hair, biting at the plastic... Oh, wait... he had a free hand! The grip on Miroku's hair ceased to be as it moved to attempt to tear away the constricting material. It ripped... slowly... oh, ever so slowly...

'When was the last time you stopped to take a break, smell the fresh air, and enjoy the sun?

This was the point where the sun truly became bright, finally peaking over the bottom rim to the window, casting a glare onto the recorder's glass lens. Kouga yelped, closing his eyes while Miroku grumbled, sighed, and leaned as far away as the restricting plastic allowed.

They remained motionless for some time...

Finally, after four minutes of prying with one hand, Kouga was able to release his other hand, and, from there, everything else just fell apart.

Miroku had a blast with those heart candies...

-+-+-+-+-+-+- (MOVIE MODE END) -+-+-+-+-+-+-

Kouga and Miroku gained my attention with some cracking knuckles as the girls pounded the floor, rolling around with hands clutching their sides, tears creeping down there flushed cheeks, laughing without breath. I gulped. That sounded like they didn't like the second part.

Sesshomaru found it... enlightening... He left with a thoughtful look, walking into the kitchen with Kagura hot on his heels. What that was about, I have no idea, nor do I care to know... The snapping joints concerned me much more.

"Now, guys," I began, backing away, "don't look at me like that. It was all fun and games, ne? No one got hurt."

"I was punched in the shoulder, almost had my hair ripped out-"

"And jumped onto some girls that were in the pool when you were getting your boxers off of the flag pole, which, need I remind you, was part of this prank," I stated as an argument. "And you, Kouga, were given 'special' care by Ayame- weren't you? So don't-"

"Ka-Go-ME!" Ayame hissed from behind me.

"Eep!" I scrambled to Inuyasha for safety. Surely my knight in shining armor would save me.

"Alright, everyone, calm down," he commanded, moving to place me in between Kouga and Miroku who, by the way, gave Inuyasha a look that clearly stated he was out of his mind for suggesting such a ridiculous thing as forgiving me. "I'll get her back for all of you."

"Wha...?" I yipped, looking into the singer's eyes. He was up to something I didn't want to be any part of- that I was positive of.

A soft gasp and an even softer thud was heard from the kitchen. Kagura, as I assume from hearing, had fainted. What had caused this, I couldn't say.

I looked to Ayame who nodded and stood to leave. Kouga stopped her with a single command to 'wait it out'. She sat down on the couch, sighing. Sango joined her, watching the band and me. Something caught her eye at the same moment that my hand was brought to Kouga's lips.

I jerked back in shock, staring at the bass player as if I'd never seen him before. At that moment, I wasn't sure I ever had. Kouga wouldn't do that, not with Inuyasha right in front of me, watching!

"I don't think you should have done that," I mumbled on instinct, waiting for a familiar growl that never came.

"I'm just saying good-bye to an old dream of mine," he said, smirking.

'Okay, something is most definitely wrong with this situation,' I thought, looking back to Inuyasha.

My heart skipped a beat and sped up to replace the miscalculated rhythm. He was kneeling in front of me, eyes focused on mine, hands collecting those I'd forgotten to move. So serious an expression, yet... something seemed out of place. Maybe it was because I knew that, when the time came, Inuyasha wouldn't stick to the format, the tradition so well known- it would be spontaneous.


Then again, I was still learning about my singer, now, wasn't I?

"I... You don't have to answer me now... Think about it, okay- don't rush yourself," he mumbled, casting eyes downward, then bringing them back up. "Will you..."

The part that seemed so wrong with this picture was the two other men sitting right beside me. Miroku and Kouga were content to stay by my side...

"... Join the band?"

And for a very good reason... To hold me back when I tried to strangle Inuyasha.

My heart's pace resumed its normally adrenaline pumped speed as tears of anger formed in my eyes. All the while, Kouga and Miroku held my arms as my hands flailed and scratched, trying to tear the man in front of me to pieces. How could he do that to me!? How could he make me believe...

I actually was ready to tell him 'hai', too.

"You asshole! You pompous, arrogant, prick!" I shouted, elbowing Miroku in the groin and sending Kouga over the arm of the couch with a well placed punch. "I'm gonna kill you! I can't believe you, you son of a fu-"

My fist connected with his jaw as an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me along with the falling man. Inuyasha landed on top of me; I fought more for anger than for the need of air- which was really becoming a need and not a want as seconds dragged into minutes.

I struck the man with a fist, annunciating each word as clearly as possible. "I hate you, you egotistical, self-infatuated, good-for-nothing, unknowledgeable-know-it-all, nutcase of a-"

I was finally able to get him off of me, only to straddle his waist, choking him while Kouga rushed to his rescue. This time, it was Kouga who listened to Ayame's command of 'wait it out'. Miroku was being nursed back to health by Sango. Sesshomaru had yet to appear- Kagura was absent as well.

"-Don't you ever think-"

Inuyasha's fingers found their way to my wrists, pulling them to my side. I was enveloped in an embrace strong enough to stave off any attempts at escape. Growling from the chest beneath me sent shivers down my spine, soothing, comforting.

I couldn't take it! He was being so calm, took all of the hits without a fight, and did nothing to help my anger wane- except, now, the low growl. How could he hold me like that after what I'd said? I didn't say it with hate in my voice, but I had said I hated him... and I just realized it didn't phase him in the least.

"Let go of me, Inuyasha~!"

"Marry me."

Anger was driven away by weariness as I collapsed; tears hot from rage turned to those asking only forgiveness, giving only forgiveness; fisted hands unfolded to fold themselves in his shirt; my eyes closed, my mind wondered, my ears blocked off all other noise save for the wondrous rumbling underneath me and the heartbeat underneath the growl.

"You mean it?"

'Please...' I couldn't take something like that as a joke. He wasn't cruel enough to do something like that, that I already knew. Yet, my mind has always been cynical, doubting the best in life and believing only the worst. 'Please...'

"Hai. I mean it as much as I love you- with all my heart," he whispered.

A weak smile formed on my lips. With a shuttering breath, I answered, "Hai. I will- with all of my heart, I will."

With those words, thinking back to the dance on the boat, I sighed and let 'Kagome' go, finally reaching the decision I'd made so long ago with Inuyasha beside me.

I looked to the future and it took me back to a single question, so innocently stated, when he had held me, right before what made me think the most. I wished I could stop time, and I still do, but that wasn't important... it still isn't. What is important is the single, innocent, yet most confusing question of all that rings through in everyone's mind from day to day...

I leaned up, bringing my lips to his.

'... you asked me 'So, what happens from here?'

'Truthfully... I still can't say....

'But I know that we will still have a few hundred questions waiting for us...'

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ Owari ~+~+~+~+~+~+~

I hope you have all enjoyed my story 'You!' And I hope to see you enjoy 'Me?', the sequel. Please, review and help the numbers rise back to the '1000' it once brought in.

I wish the most for you and the best of wish, too. ^_^
