
Everyone turned to the source of the voice. Inuyasha had helped Kagome up to her feet. Not sure who this woman was. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair. Deep violet eyes almost like his own when he becomes human. But he said nothing. Her kimono were that of a priestess. But, the armor was something he's never seen before. Yet, at the same time. He has. But where? That Inuyasha couldn't be sure of. Blinking his ruby and crystal blue eyes. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome in a protective manner. But Kagome placed her hand over his shoulder. Forcing him to look down at her.

She smiled at him.

"Inuyasha. It's okay. She's not here to hurt us." Kagome whispered softly.

Inuyasha just stared. Not wanting to believe this for a moment. How can she be so sure that this woman wouldn't attack? Sure, she looked like a ghost, but looks can be deciving after all. Kagome kissed his cheek. Which brought him out of his thoughts. Inuyasha's eyes returned to their natural gold color. Yet his fangs and claws remained the same. Blushing softly Inuyasha stared at the woman. As did Sango and Miroku. They all just stared at the woman with confusion clearly written on their faces.

"What do you mean 'Now the past won't repeat'?" Asked Miroku.

The woman smiled softly. She gave a soft bow as she whispered "long ago, after the Shikon Jewel was created... Naraku had tried to steal the jewel but couldn't. So he tried to control the only one that could steal the jewel. You." She pointed toward Inuyasha. Who just blinked in confusion. Naraku tried to control him all those years ago? Just to get the Shikon? Then again... Naraku did make a bunch of promises to Inuyasha if he got a jewel...

Rubbing his eyes, being careful of his claws. Inuyasha whispered "I remember... He promised me that I could be happy if I followed him. It was a lie... All of it. I was consumed with the power he gave me. And destoryed the village Kikyo protected. I was cursed that day for a very long time after that. And Kikyo burned the jewel with her body... But, what does that have to do with it repeating?" Inuyasha didn't fully understand. Was it that Kagome was to go through what Kikyo did? Protect the jewel till it was either gone for good or die protecting it? That was something that he couldn't stand. The idea... it made him sick to his stmaoch.

"If Naraku had fully controled you. Then you would have been cursed once again. And he would have been able to kill Kagome and take the jewel from her to become all powerful like he had been close to all those years ago." The woman whispered. Letting out a soft sigh Inuyasha had a feeling that would happen if he was still being controled. Getting cursed again wasn't something that he wanted. Least, not as much as losing Kagome.

"I see." Inuyasha whispered.

"But now what?" Asked Miroku.

"Yeah, what will happen now that the jewel's gone?" Asked Sango.

The woman smiled happily as she said "now that the jewel is gone forever. My spirit can rest in peace. You may all have the lives you wanted. Well, at least, the young priestess and demon may have the lives they've always wanted. One filled with love, joy, and happyness." As the woman had said that, her body started to fade. Her spirit was starting to cross over into the next world. Inuyasha held Kagome close to him. The woman... he knew her. Giving a sad smile, Inuyasha nuzzled Kagome's hair for comfort.

"She finally passed on."


"Midoriko... She was my mother's ancestor." Whispered Inuyasha. He faintly remembered his mother's face. And he saw the resemblance with Midoriko and his mother. Sure, the woman never said her name, but deep in his heart, he knew. And, that he heard stories about her. She was his grandmother... Inuyasha looked down and saw Kagome looking up at him with sparkling brown eyes. He could tell that she was holding in her tears. Giving her a smile, Inuyasha whispered "why are you crying?"

"Cause... it's all over. Naraku won't try to hurt you anymore. You can live the life you want." Kagome said with a smile.

Giving Kagome a stare with smoldering gold eyes, he placed his thumb and index finger to her chin to lift her head up a bit. Closing his eyes, Inuyasha leaned down and kissed her softly. Though, he could hear Sango and Miroku call out "get a room you two!" (I know this part kinda sounds stupid, bout Midoriko but best thing I could come up with... and I didn't get a lot of sleep while typing part of this)

It's been five years since then. Inuyasha couldn't be happier. His life has been nothing but peaceful. Him and Kagome, finally mates. Sango and Miroku had just gotten married a few years ago, and had their own son. Though, Inuyasha hoped that the poor boy didn't end up like his father. Inuyasha worked at the music store with Kagome. Though, he should say that he's now the manager! Smiling widly, Inuyasha couldn't help but smile.

Since he's the manager, he earns a little extra money to support himself and Kagome. Though, he was a little worried since people tend to be a little frightened of him. Mostly cause he was a full demon now. Well, at least without the whole 'going-crazy-and-killing-everything-in-his-sight' thing. That was the only thing different about him now. Yawning, Inuyasha had walked through the front door to the house. Him and Kagome thought that it was better to keep the old house that she was living in before she found him.

Not that he could blame her.

The house held a lot of memories for her. Good and bad. And he wouldn't ask her to get rid of this house, just because he wanted her to forget the bad memories. But cause they held the presioues memories as well. And, Inuyasha had to admit, his best memories were also in this house. And he wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. Chuckling, Inuyasha walked over to the kitchen. He could faintly smell the sweet scent of dinner. But also, the smell of lavander and roses. Kagome's wonderful beautiful scent. Oh how he missed this scent.

"I'm home." Inuyasha whispered, wrapping his arms around her. Moving his head and the young demon kissed Kagome's cheek. He saw her smile brightly at him. Her eyes closed as she kissed him. And Inuyasha, happily kissed her back. Chuckling softly, he asked "how are you feeling?" He knew that Kagome's been sick for the past few months. But that couldn't be helped. Slipping his hand down, he placed it on Kagome's belly.

"I'm fine. Your child has been quite calm." Kagome said with a smile.

That's right, Kagome's pregnant. Five months pregnant to be excat.

Inuyasha smiled and nodded. Kissing her cheek again, Inuyasha nuzzled her softly. Trying to inhale her sweet scent once more. Oh god how much he loves her scent. Smiling, he whispered "just four more months Kagome. Just four more... And we'll be able to hold our little gift from above." Inuyasha smiled softly. He never knew that he'd be this happy. Being cursed... he thought was the worst thing that had ever happened to him. But... it turned out to be the best thing to have ever happened.

If he hadn't been cursed. Then he wouldn't have met Kagome. He wouldn't have been able to make the jewel disappear forever. Or, he wouldn't have been mated to her, and expecting a child. All the things that Inuyasha never knew that could happen to him, are happening. And this couldn't get any better for him. "I love you... so much Kagome." Inuyasha whispered, holding her closer to his chest. He felt Kagome lean aganest him, which made him smile more.

"I love you to Inuyasha. You'll always be my hanyou... Weither you had become a human, or a full demon. Or had stayed as a hanyou, you'll always be one to me. No matter what." Kagome whispered in a soft tone. Which made Inuyasha smile. Lying his head on his shoulder, Inuyasha wasn't sure what more to say. He couldn't think of anything more. No words, could discribe how he felt being with Kagome. How alive he felt. How she lit up the darkness that was once his life.

She had given him so much. And knew, that he could only repay her by loving her, by loving the life that's growing within her. That was the only thing, he could do. And he wouldn't change a damn thing about it. "Kagome... You were the best thing to have ever happened to me. I'm not good with words. I'm not good at expression how I feel. But..." He couldn't keep speaking. Kagome had placed her finger over his lips to silent him. He just stared at her with wide innocent eyes.

"You don't need to say anything Inuyasha. You just being here... You just being yourself. And loving me and our child... That's enough for me." Kagome said with a soft smile. Tears streaming down her face. Inuyasha smiled and gently wiped her tears away. Leaning close to her, Inuyasha gave her a deep loving kiss. His life, it couldn't get better then this.

okay, I'm sorry that it wasn't long but I was really stuck and I couldn't think of anything else... I am so sorry if I couldn't make the ending more exciting... now, I was asked to make a sequeal to this fic, but I'm not sure on what it should be about, if anyone has any ideas please pm me to keep it a secret for future updates, anyway, this fic is done at last, and now to try to finish up my other fics, also I'll be adding a new idea for a future fic that I will post when other fics are done, thanks for sticking by me in this fic and I hope you all enjoy future fics written by me ^-^