ADDRESS: Well kids, we've reached our end. This is where the fabulous journey ends and you find out who Kagome will end up with. This is the last chapter of "Irony." Why? I don't have anything else to say. Half of you will probably hate me and will cross me off their favorite list. I hope you guys won't forget me. I've got a butt load of other stories and I really hope you'll check out my new story. I'll miss writing this, and man will I miss the reviews! This story is the most popular one I have (not sure why...) but it always makes me happy when I went to check my email and saw a review. I love you all and thank you for making this story great. To those who stuck up for me, thank you. For those who stuck with me to the end, thank you. For those who just review, thank you. Thank you for asking questions, thank you for taking the time to tell me that you appreciate this story. Thank you! Just make sure you look at other stories I have and watch out for maybe an Inuyasha and Kagome fic, and no, there will be no Ikuto in the way.

P.S: If you are going to leave a flame because you don't like who won, then have a good reason. To state something with no point is just ignorant.

NEW LOVE STORY: What? A new story? A love story? Well, it's a high school fic. Yes, it's a high school fic. I hope you enjoy it. Please read it, I know you will adore it if you do. I would preview it, but it's up already. Look at it! It'll be called "All for the Boy."

Chapter 50

I do not own Inuyasha

"Ikuto..." Kagome stood up and eyed Souta evilly. "You could have warned me..."

"Why, it's just Ikuto..." Souta patted Ikuto in the back and left the two to them alone.

Ikuto gently smiled at her, admiring Kagome's beauty. She had matured. She had matured so much. "You're very beautiful, even more so then before."

"Why?" she asked with a bit of sadness, a hint of bitterness, but mostly curiosity. "Is it because I look more like Kikyou?"

"No, it's because you've matured into the most beautiful woman I could have possibly hoped to ever lay eyes on."

Kagome was overtaken by his words and a smile bloomed on her face, and it was the most gorgeous smile Ikuto had ever seen her place on her face, or anyone's face. "That was a pretty good response, Ikuto. I've never been complimented quite that way."

"Well...I just..." Ikuto noticed that there was no blushing on her face. Ikuto remembered one thing that he had told Kikyou. He told her that Inuyasha was always blushing and very immature with Kagome, as if he was falling in love all over again. Kagome used to be like that when she was around Ikuto. Now it was different. "I love you Kagome, and I didn't want to..."

"I haven't seen you in person for three years. I haven't talked to you in nearly half a year, and it was a short conversation about nothing."

"But...I...I just felt awkward. I mean, I didn't know what to say, or what to ask you. I didn't want to ask about-"


That made him stop talking for a moment. He wasn't sure what to say. "Well, Souta said you were down the well, so I guess...and since he is still...not that I want him to be dead, I just..." He sighed and recollected his thoughts. "Kagome, I wasn't exactly rooting for him to die. I thought I hated him, and then I traded my life for his. I know he'd do the same for me. I don't like him, but there's a mutual respect I have with him. I wanted to ask about him, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't want you to take it the wrong way, Kagome. I was curious to know if he was gone."

She didn't have anything to say to that.

"Miroku and Sango..."

"Are together at last. From what I know, they're desperately in love. Miroku keeps off of other women, in exchange for the right to do whatever he wants to her." Kagome looked a bit disgusted when she spoke of those two, only because she knew how much of a pervert Miroku was. "And you told me about Michael and Sidney."

"Yeah, and their expecting."

"That's great..." Things were so ill at ease. Kagome knew that she would have to face Ikuto sooner or later, but she never knew when. There was so much to say, and she didn't know how to say it. She finally told herself that it was best to be completely honest with him. 'Here we go...' "I love you Ikuto, I really do, but I just can't be with you." Now that she had spoken those words, they were like poison in her mouth. She lost her footing and fell back on the tree and slid down until she was on the ground. She hesitantly looked up at Ikuto so she could she his face, but he was surprisingly calm. "Are you okay?" She was on the verge of tears, but he seemed completely calm.

Ikuto took a seat next to Kagome under the tree and smiled, oddly enough. "I know you love me Kagome, just like I love you. To say otherwise would be a lie. We haven't really known each other for the past few years, but I know enough to know that you've been very sad Kagome, just like I have. Even though you've had Inuyasha-"

It was then that she burst into tears. She began crying a great deal and could barely speak for a long while. She just sobbed as Ikuto slowly began to figure out what happened. "He's...he's gone...Inu...Inuyasha died a little more than two years ago."

"Two?" Ikuto moved from her side to right in front of her. "Why didn't you tell me? How could you go through the well? I don't understand."

She wiped her tears and forced herself to stop crying, though it was hard. "I...I don't actually go down the well. Souta thinks I do, but I can't. Sometimes I just sit inside and remember how things were and I...I'm happy, for a moment in time, until I remember what happened."

"Another big test..." Ikuto mumbled.

"You remember?" She began to lose it again.

"No, I just know very little. I don't even remember the battle. I just know Naraku dies. That sticks out in my mind happily."

"It was still all my fault. It's my fault he's gone." She wiped her tears and tried to calm herself down so she could go through the story of how Inuyasha passed away. Ikuto deserved to know, even though going through the story always broke her heart.

"Come on Kagome, it's alright. I'm here for you."

She nodded, knowing that Ikuto was there, and that made it better, but it still couldn't erase the pain. "I can still remember that day. We had managed to luckily get the large fragment of the jewel from Naraku. That's a long story all in itself, but it happened. The only shards we were missing were the ones in Kouga's legs and the one in Kohaku's back. Inuyasha was bent on approaching Kouga about the jewel in his legs first, but I told him that I needed to go home for a very important test. It was finals and I had to study."

"Kagome, what ever happens because you had to study for finals, it's not fair to place so much blame on yourself. Finals are so important Kagome. Those decide whether you fail or if you pass."

"I know, but it's still my fault we went back to the well. On our way…he was there."


Kagome nodded and went on with her story.

"Naraku!" Inuyasha yelled with excitement. "Now we can really settle things." He unsheathed his sword and held it tightly. "I wasn't expecting you to come and face me head on anymore, Naraku. I figured you were too much of a coward."

"Inuyasha, though you have managed to take the jewel, you are still not my equal."

"Yes, but you're still a coward" Miroku interrupted the conversation, since his curiosity was struck. "So what's changed? We still have the jewel and while you may not think Inuyasha is strong enough to take you down, your powers are still weakened without the jewel. I don't think you would have come here with such high stakes unless you needed to. You were forced out of hiding for a reason."

Inuyasha could smell the scent of Kagura in the air. He turned around and looked up and saw her, but she wasn't the only one riding on her feather. Kanna and Naraku's baby were also there. "You're just a distraction" said Inuyasha.

"That baby holds your human heart, doesn't it Naraku?" Sango asked.

"Do not be ridiculous" Naraku replied. "As if I would leave my most precious possession within an infant."

"Yes," Miroku stepped in once again "but it's guarded by your most precious followers, one that cannot be sensed because Kanna is nothing more than a void."

"I say we just kill the kid and see what happens!" Inuyasha raised his sword to do a wind scar, but one of Naraku's spikes extended and stabbed Inuyasha in the gut.

"Your fight is with me, Inuyasha."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran over to Inuyasha as Naraku pulled his spike away, but Inuyasha got up as if he was fine. "Are you alright?"

"I've had worse injuries than this, Kagome. Don't worry about me."


"Kirara!" Kirara transformed and Sango and Miroku wasted no time jumping on top of her and riding away to get to Kagura.

"Kagura!" Naraku warned.

Kagura looked behind her and saw the two of them coming. "The monk and the demon slayer?" Kagura didn't care about killing those two. She just needed Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru to free her from the grasp of Naraku. Those two could die for all she cared. "You two are no match for me!"

"We'll see about that!" Sango threw her boomerang, but Kagura knew this weapon all to well.

"How many times will you try this? I am the wind! You cannot defeat me with you little toy!" Kagura flung her fan forward and was able to bounce Sango's weapon right back at Sango, but Sango was able to catch it.

"Try to avoid this, Kagura!" Miroku took the sacred beads from off of his arm and opened his wind tunnel. "There is no escape now!"

"We're being sucked in!" Kagome might have been the Wind Sorceress, but she was not able to escape Miroku's powerful hand. That was just something she was not able to do.

Naraku was watching this from the ground and once he saw that Kagura, Kanna, and the baby were about to be sucked up, he slightly panicked and did the only thing he could in order to save them.

Miroku began to yell as a great pain went all over his hand. "What's happening?" His hand hurt so much all of the sudden and black smoke began to rise from it, and the wind tunnel was gone. He lost his balance and fell off of Kirara, but he wasn't the only one. Kagura lost her control and her feather reduced to its normal size and she, Kanna, and the baby began to fall.

Sango acted quickly and was able to catch him before a horrible landing. "Miroku, what happened?"

Miroku looked at his hand, the hand that was to one day devour him completely. "Naraku removed my wind tunnel." He was a bit shocked, too shocked to feel any joy at the moment. Was this permanent? He knew that Naraku had removed it before, but had placed it back. He didn't want it to. He didn't want to have the curse placed on him for a third time. "We've got to stop him Sango."

"Right, let's go find the baby that holds his heart."

Naraku was a bit relieved to see that for the mean time, his heart was safe. He only hoped that Kagura would once again take to the skies and escape with it.

"The baby was in the area and you had to make sure we didn't destroy it, right?" Inuyasha smirked. "Today you die, Naraku!"

Kagome couldn't help feeling that something wasn't right. Something was very wrong indeed. "Be careful."

"Get back Kagome, you too Shippo."

"Don't worry about that." Shippo was already a far distance back. He didn't want to get hurt. He couldn't help being a little scared. He was still small, after all. "You can do it, Inuyasha!"

"Yeah Inuyasha!" Kagome joined Shippo from a safe distance. "I believe in you!"

"Don't get all sappy on me…" he said with a light blush. "Let's do this Naraku!" He slashed his sword forward and yelled "Wind Scar!" The attack began ripping through the ground in a brilliance of yellow. Inuyasha knew his aim was dead center, unfortunately, when it collided with Naraku, a barrier came up and though it began to bend it, Naraku only smirked.

"My powers didn't decrease that much Inuyasha. I can still send your own power back at you!"

Inuyasha didn't think Naraku would be able to bounce it back since the jewel was in Kagome's possession, so he could do nothing but brace himself by holding the Tetsusaiga in front of him. When the wind scar came back, it did begin to cut Inuyasha up, until Tetsusaiga put up a barrier. He was luckily able to survive it, thanks to the barrier of Tetsusaiga, but his arms and legs were cut up deep and he was bleeding all over. "That won't happen again, Naraku!" This time Inuyasha wisely made his Tetsusaiga blade red and tried his wind scar again. This time his wind scar was much more powerful. "You won't control this one!"

"We'll see, Inuyasha!" When the Wind Scar came upon the barrier, Inuyasha waited with anticipation to see whether or not it would rip his barrier apart and begin to destroy Naraku. The barrier began to bend, but nothing more than that was happening for the longest time, or at least it seemed like that to Inuyasha. "You can't defeat me, Inuyasha!" Inuyasha didn't break through the barrier and it took Inuyasha totally by surprise. Inuyasha thought for sure that it would be able to break through the barrier and it came back at him so fast, he couldn't really brace himself at all.


"Inuyasha!" Kagome had to watch in horror as Inuyasha was hit with his own wind scar. The Tetsusaiga protected him a little bit, but he was still a bloody mess. Not only were his legs and arms cut up even more, but his chest had been severely wounded as well. If it wasn't for the sword, he'd be dead. She quickly acted and fired an arrow at Naraku. It was a very powerful sacred arrow, more powerful than usual. Kagome was just so afraid for Inuyasha that she was able to draw so much power out at once and hurt Naraku enough for him to explode. Some of his body parts began to fly, but he started to pull himself together, and quickly. "Inuyasha?" she asked. "Are you gonna be okay?"

He started to nod, but be coughed up a little blood. "I'll be okay."


"I've got an idea" he said so tired.

"Inuyasha…" A cold feeling filled her heart. She was scared and only wanted to hold him tightly. She didn't want him to continue fighting. She felt like it wasn't safe to. She just wanted to keep him, but she knew that he needed to defeat Naraku. If he didn't then Kikyou could never be avenged, along with Sango's family, her village, and Miroku would die. "I trust you, Inuyasha."

As Inuyasha and Naraku began to recuperate, Sango and Miroku landed on the ground to see Kagura, and Kanna who was holding the baby. "It's over!" Miroku told them. "Today Naraku's life ends!"

"Really monk? You don't have your wind tunnel anymore!" Kagura used her fan and created a whirlwind. "Dance of the Dragon!" The twister flew right to Miroku and Sango, but Kirara acted quickly and flew the two of them out of danger, until it subsided. "You're both pathetic! You can't defeat me!" Kagura didn't know why she was trying to destroy them though. This was her big chance. If they destroyed the baby, they destroyed Naraku's heart, and if that happened, Naraku wouldn't have a chance to destroy her, because Naraku was too busy with Inuyasha at the moment. She could be free. She could do it herself, like Sesshoumaru once told her to. If she did, Naraku wouldn't have time to punish her. Could she pull it off? "Dance of the Dragon!"

Inuyasha got up and lifted his sword. "Naraku…" Naraku had pulled himself together and was ready to fight Inuyasha, who looked like he was foolish enough to try his attack once more. If that was the case, then he would surely die.

"Inuyasha, you're going to be destroyed. You cannot escape death today."

"You're the one going to die!" Inuyasha was going to try it again. This time was different though. He knew what he was doing. "Goodbye, Naraku!" His blade was still red, though he couldn't use his wind scar to break through. He wasn't expecting to, but he believed that he would win. "Wind Scar!"

"You fool!"

"You can do it, Inuyasha!" Though it was hard to believe, she did. She believed that he would win somehow.

The Wind Scar made its way back to Naraku, but unfortunately, it did what everyone believed it would do and it was sent right back at Inuyasha. "Perish, Inuyasha!"

"This is what I want…" He was tired, almost out of energy. The last blow really took a lot out of him. His blood was everywhere and he felt cold. He doubted that he had enough energy to finish the blow, but he was putting everything he had into this. All he had left was going into this final blow. "Now it's time for my Backlash Wave!" The Wind Scar that was meant to come crashing back at Inuyasha did just that, but Inuyasha had a plan and an attack of his own that could do just what Naraku was doing. "Die!"

"What?" As the great tornado of power came against Naraku, it began to easily bend the barrier. Unlike before, Naraku was unsure what was about to happen. Naraku had to hope that Inuyasha wouldn't break through.

"You're doing it!" Shippo cheered on. "You're winning!"

If Naraku was somehow able to bounce it back, Inuyasha would be done, and it wouldn't stop with him. It would wipe out Kagome and Shippo. He had to win this. He was so tired, but he had to use up everything that he had. With all of his strength, all of his will, and all of his might, he let everything go. "Backlash Wave!"

The second blast only added to the first one. "Inuyasha!" Kagome couldn't just stand and wait for Naraku to fall. She got her bow and arrow and fired it straight for Naraku. It only added to the power Inuyasha had with his Backlash Wave. Everyone held their breath as the barrier began to dissolve.

"Noooooooooo!" The Backlash Wave broke through, and it began ripping apart Naraku, piece by piece. There was no escaping this time. It was all over for Naraku.

"We did it!"

Once the backlash wave was gone, Naraku was gone. Inuyasha could no longer see Naraku. It was as if he was completely wiped out. "Is it over?"

Miroku and Sango couldn't believe that they had seen. Kagura had turned on Naraku and destroyed the baby and Kanna with one blow. "And good reddens." Kagura pulled her feather out of her hair and threw it up into the air. "I am the wind, and now I am finally free from his grasp…" She happily jumped on her feather and began to fly away.

"Kagura betrayed Naraku…" Sango couldn't believe what she had just seen. "Kagura destroyed his heart."

Miroku looked at his hand to confirm that Naraku was indeed gone. The wind tunnel was still gone and for the first time in his life, he knew he wouldn't have to live the rest of his life in fear. Even when Naraku removed it temporarily, he felt like it wasn't over. Now it was different. Now he was sure. "I believe it's over, Sango. I think he's gone…"

Naraku's body was indeed gone. Not even a shred of Naraku still existed. "I did it…" Inuyasha lost his footing and fell backwards until he was on the ground.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran to him and only grew fearful as she saw his eyes. They were so distant, so cold. "Inuyasha, don't leave me." She touched his face and stroked his cheek. "Inuyasha, we've done it. Naraku is dead. Naraku is gone!"

A small smirk crept to his face. "He's finally gone. My revenge…"

"Yeah, you did it. Now you just have to get some rest and you'll be better. You'll be okay…"

"I don't know, Kagome. I'm…I'm not so sure." Inuyasha had felt pain before, but this time it was different. He didn't feel pain at all. He just felt cold. "Kagome…I don't know if I can…"

"Don't talk like that!" Kagome could feel tears running down her cheeks and falling off of her face. Her heart was breaking as Inuyasha had begun to slip away. "Inuyasha, if you just hold on a little longer, you'll make it. I believe you can!"

Shippo was crying as well. "Don't leave us Inuyasha! Pull it together! Whose gonna give me nuggies? Whose gonna steal my snacks?"

Inuyasha managed to laugh a little bit. "You guys will be…okay."


"Just tell…" he had no strength. He could barely speak at all. Kagome got closer so she could hear his last request, the last request of her love.

"What is it Inuyasha?"

"Tell Ik-stupid to take care of you, or he'll pay…" He got out a slight chuckle with his last breath and his head fell to the side.

"Inuyasha? Inuyasha?" No matter how many times she called, he wouldn't respond. He was gone, and he wasn't coming back. He was dead. "Inuyasha!"

"We collected the rest of the jewel and burned it with Inuyasha's body, just like how Kaede did with Kikyou's body."

"And the jewel of this time…" Ikuto lifted up his shirt, revealing his chest that was shaped so nicely. "This is about where it is, I guess." He pointed under the left side of his rib cage. "We put it back it, so I wouldn't lose it. Besides, being practically indestructible is kind of cool. And…" Ikuto didn't want her to get upset, but he had to ask. "What of Kikyou?"

Kagome would have been angry, but she couldn't. She was too sad at the moment. "She came back with hatred in her heart for Inuyasha. Before she found out that Naraku caused her demise, she lived to kill Inuyasha, thinking that the two of them should have died together. Then, she lived to kill Naraku. With the both of them gone she didn't have a reason to wander this earth anymore, so she just accepted her death and crossed over, so she could be with Inuyasha, forever." She began to cry once more.

"Don't cry anymore, Kagome. Inuyasha wouldn't want you to cry."

"But it was my entire fault. I keep getting people into danger. Your whole family could have died because of me and if it wasn't for me, Inuyasha would still be alive."

"Inuyasha would also be sleeping on this tree still, and I wouldn't be here either, Kagome. After death, there is life. There's a balance. Everything is alright now. You don't have to be afraid of hurting me. There's no threat. Kikyou thought that you and I were a second chance. She told Inuyasha that it was over between the two of them, but she believed that we could have what they couldn't."

"But what if it ends up like that? What if we're not meant to work out? What if we can never truly be happy? What then Ikuto? I could never forgive myself if I hurt you. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you. What if I hurt you?"

"You'd never, Kagome."

"And I'm sure Kikyou felt the exact same way, Ikuto." Kagome wiped her eyes. "Kikyou loved Inuyasha, but a deep hatred was still able to be forged between the two of them, and she placed Inuyasha under a spell for 50 years. I could hurt you. There's a good chance that I would. I never wanted to accept that history is doomed to repeat itself, but then Inuyasha died, and it was my fault. I couldn't tell you what happened. You would come to me and then…then I would want to be with you, but I know that it can't be. No matter how much we say we love each other, betrayal can always turn us against one another."

He grunted, in the same manner Inuyasha would when he was frustrated. It felt like he was there for a moment. "You can't attempt to protect me, Kagome! I can take care of myself, and I'm not afraid! No matter what happens between the two of us, we can work it out together somehow. Don't be a coward and back off of this so soon. It doesn't make any sense Kagome. I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. We'll make it…for better or for worse."

Once she looked into his eyes, she wanted to give up any doubts and leave with him, but she couldn't. She was surrounded by his loving presence and she could sense that he just wanted to hold her, and she wanted to be held. She wanted to give him anything at that moment, and then she began to feel afraid. So many changes would occur, and she didn't know if she was ready. "Ikuto-"

"Kagome, I-"

"I can't leave my home and go with you, Ikuto."

He didn't mean to, but he felt a bit betrayed once she said something like that. His ears had to be playing tricks on him. "You don't want to go to America with me?"

"This is what I know, and the world outside makes me-"

"Makes you what? You can be with Inuyasha and travel 500 years back into the past and travel all around Japan, but you're scared to go to America with me?"

"Well…" she frowned and put her head down. She was afraid to go, but she was mostly afraid that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. She was afraid she'd do something to him, or something would draw them apart. "Ikuto, it was just a trip down a well, not a flight half way around the world."

"But its still 500 years back in time. It's more than a few hours; you're going through time itself, Kagome."

"Ikuto I…I have to go." She hurried and got herself up within a fragment of a second and ran from him and straight into her house. She just didn't know what to do. She partly didn't know why she was afraid. She didn't mind going to America that much, although she would miss her home in Japan. Being with Ikuto would be taking a big step, but it was one she was willing to make. She just wasn't sure why she was so hesitant about it.

Ikuto was left sitting under the tree, alone and without the woman he had come to claim. 'What should I do?' Ikuto suddenly became overpowered with homesickness and craved to be home to his birth country. 'If she doesn't come, then what am I supposed to do?' Ikuto felt something lightly tap his foot. 'What's that?' He noticed the small wet spot on his shoe and by the time he was able to look up, the rain began to pour on him heavily. "This is insane." What else could he do? "I guess I'll go home."

He went to his brother's house, a place he hadn't been in a long while. He tried to relax, but every thing reminded him of Kagome. He tried fencing, and he thought of how Kagome watched him fence with Suno. He saw pictures on the wall and thought of how he took pictures with Kagome at the festival. He went in the kitchen and thought of Kagome's cooking. Even when he went in his own bed to sleep, all he could think about was the fact that Kagome wasn't there. He wanted to marry her and embrace her the way a husband embraced his wife. He was a man, he had desires. He couldn't help it. "Kagome…"

"Ikuto…" Kagome lied in her bed alone and thought about him. She needed to know him a bit better, but he couldn't stay behind so they could reacquaint themselves. He had too much in America. "I should go, but I…"

"Kagome" Kagome's mother opened the door and came in. "How did things go this morning with Ikuto?"

Kagome sat up in her bed. "He asked me to come with him to America." Her mother looked shocked. "Mom, I couldn't leave you, Souta, and grandpa like that. I know you need me around to help out. I'll-"

"You should go" her mother said quietly.

Kagome couldn't believe her ears. "Mom? You want me to go?"

She sat down on the bed with her daughter. "Honey, you've been doing things for others your whole life. You've been helping me with Souta when you were little, you've helped your grandfather with the shrine, you've helped Inuyasha in the Feudal Era, and so much more. It's about time you did something for yourself." She grabbed her daughter's hands and stared into her eyes. "I want you to be happy, and if you've got to go half way around the world to do that, then that's what I want you to do."

"Mom…" Kagome hugged her mother tightly. "I'm scared though. What if-"

"There are always ifs, Kagome. You can't think about those. You just have to believe in what you have, and you love him. I can see it in your eyes." She kissed Kagome's head. "Just love each other. That's all you can do sometimes."

Kagome nodded. 'Inuyasha wanted me to be happy too. Maybe it's time that I took care of me.' "Thanks mom."

"And you're coming back today?" asked Suno on the other line of the phone.

"Yes, I'm coming back."

"So you've failed?"

"Do you always have to sound like a jerk when you mention my failure? You're supposed to comfort me."

"That's a mother's job. Lick your own wounds."

Ikuto sighed. "Thanks Suno" he said sarcastically. "You've made my day only better." Just before he hung up, Suno said something else, something that was hard for Suno to say.

"Ikuto…if she rejected you…then she doesn't know what she's missing."

Ikuto was a bit shocked for a moment. He almost dropped his cell phone. "Uh…thanks Suno." It actually made him feel a little better...freaked out, but a bit better. "Well, I've got a plane to board."

"Alright then."

The two of them hung up and Ikuto began boarding his private plane. With each step he took, the more depressed he became. He only hoped that this was some sappy love movie and Kagome was going to pull up in her car and run into his arms, telling him "I'll go with you! I love you Ikuto!" But this wasn't a sappy love movie, this was his life, and Kagome wasn't there, and a car wasn't close. "This is it…"


He entered his plane, and his heart stopped as he saw her sitting down in a chair, waiting impatiently. "Kagome?"

"It took you long enough." She couldn't hold it in any longer. She jumped up and ran into his arms. "Ikuto, I've missed you!"

He held her tightly and kissed her, with all of the passion he held deep within his heart for the past two years. "Kagome" he muttered with so much love. "I thought you…"

Their kisses came to an end and she smiled. "There are always ifs Ikuto, but we should just believe in what we have, love."

They kissed again, with everything that they had. They hadn't truly realized how lonely they were until that moment. How did they ever survive without each other? "So, are you ready to go to America? Are you ready to be Mrs. Kazasami?"

She nodded, and though she thought she would be terrified, she had never been so excited before. "I'm ready."

So the two of them sat down and buckled their seat bets as the sign to buckle came on. Kagome hadn't ridden on an airplane before, so she held tightly to the chair handle with one hand, and held on tightly to Ikuto with the other. As they began to take off into the sky, towards their new home, the two of them were uncertain. So much had happened before. Kikyou and Inuyasha had loved each other, and yet their relationship met in such a terrible end. Many things had repeated, the good, the bad, the ugly, everything. Their relationship could end horribly, but the two of them decided that it didn't matter and that it was better to just rely on their love, because it was love that transcends time, not tragedy.

All of Kagome's fears and doubts began to disappear as the plane lifted and journeyed to the sky.

The End!

A/N: Ikuto won! I'm sorry to all of you Inuyasha fans, but the last time I looked at my reviews, mostly everyone wanted it this way. Also, Ikuto was the logical choice. Who would you have chosen? Sure Inuyasha's a great guy, but he can't support Kagome and he lives 500 years in the past. Besides, he had to die if there was an Ikuto. That's just how it had to be. Sorry, but it's true! Ikuto is a great guy, and I don't care if you don't like him. Inuyasha shouldn't have been real competition. It was hard coming up with reasons to why Kagome should be with Inuyasha. That's just the truth. Ikuto has issues, but he's wholesome and loves Kagome more than anything. Besides, his issues aren't even that bad! Inuyasha's got worse problems. Ikuto is just the better choice.

To those who say this story sucks, if you thought that, then you wouldn't be up to this point, reading this last chapter. Don't be angry because Ikuto won. If you're going to leave a flame, then please leave one that has reasons and makes sense. No person has flamed this story that has had good common sense. Lots of people like this story and have defended and I stand by my decision.

Please check out my other stories!






Shippo-Shaun (Little brown-haired boy that Rina danced with in the last chapter)





Ginta and Hikakku-Koashu's friends

Izayoi (Inuyasha's mom)-Isabelle

Inutashio (Inuyasha's dad)-Iryoku



Toutousai- Dr. Tokishima

Saya- Sayaki