A/N: Chapter 12 is here!!!!!!!!! This is the last chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Note: as always, please do forgive any OOCness and spoilers, etc. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I made a wish on the Shikon no Tama, and still I do not own Inuyasha, or anything associated with him. They still belong entirely to Rumiko Takahashi. Oh, well, I tried.

Unnatural Amnesia

Chapter Twelve:

Kagome hadn't been able to get out of working, but she figured that a few more hours would be ok. It'll give me time to think about how to tell him…maybe. I might just kind of end up blurting it…or start crying when I see him…that's a high possibility…I feel so horrible, even though it's not my fault, really…stupid Naraku. I hope he at least stayed dead.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped a good three inches when her cell phone rang. It was Inuyasha's ringtone. Swallowing the lump that instantly formed in her throat, she forced herself to sound as calm as possible, knowing that over the phone was the worst way to give him the news, no matter how good the news itself might be.

"Hey," she said when she flipped it open. She hoped her voice didn't catch.

"Hey," he paused, adding, "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?" She could practically see the shrug as he replied.

"Ok. What are you doin' after work?"

"Nothing much," she replied casually.

"Wanna go somewhere?"

"Oh? Where?"

"Just a little place I know right outside of town. Great for picnics."

Despite herself, an image of Inuyasha dressed in his old fire-rat robes carrying a picnic basket through modern-day Tokyo splashed across her mind, and she had to bite back the laugh. "Picnics? Is that what we're doing today?"

Inuyasha laughed softly on the other end of the phone. "Sounded like a good idea. You interested?"

Kagome smiled, wishing she could tell him the truth right then. "Absolutely. When will you be picking me up?"

"You get off at two, right? So I figured I'd swing by around two-thirty, that way you have time to change and stuff."

"Ok. I'll see you at two-thirty, then."

"Great. Have fun at work."

"Right. Bye."

"Later." And then he hung up, and Kagome did the same.

Kagome spent the rest of her work day thinking about the picnic. She only had two customers all day, and they knew exactly what they wanted and were gone quickly. By the time two o' clock rolled around, she was bursting with excitement and a slight, pointless nervousness beneath that.

She bustled into the house and found her mother sitting on the couch, reading a romance novel. Mrs. Higurashi looked up and smiled at her as she came in. "How was work, dear?"

Kagome shrugged. "The same. Mom, Inuyasha's picking me up in half-an-hour for a picnic, so I'll probably be gone for the rest of the afternoon. Is that ok?"

"Of course it is, dear. Have fun." Mrs. Higurashi replied, smiling sweetly before returning to her book. If she remembered who Inuyasha really was, she gave no indication. Kagome gave a mental sigh and trudged up to her room to change into the outfit she'd picked out earlier.

Inuyasha arrived five minutes early, like he usually did, and knocked casually on the door. Kagome answered with a bright smile and her purse already in hand. "Hey," she said, as he stepped back to give her room to step out and shut the door.

"Hey. You ready to go?"


He grinned and walked her to his Mustang. "Good to hear."

They'd been in the car for no longer than two minutes when Inuyasha realized what it was about her scent that was slightly off. She was nervous about something. And she'd been crying earlier that day. A brief flight of panic overtook him as he considered that she might be considering breaking up with him for some reason. That would not be good. Please, don't let it be that.

"So, how was work?" He asked, forcing himself to sound casual while his mind went into full-blown panic mode. Briefly. He managed to make himself calm down enough to realize that it might not have anything to do with him, and then dwelled on that option.

Kagome shrugged, glancing sideways at him for a moment. "Same old, same old, really. Two customers, both very specific. One good-luck sutra, one shiny black Shikon keychain. Other than that, it was kinda boring."

Inuyasha grinned, not dwelling on the image and associated thoughts the 'shiny black Shikon keychain' created. "Sounds about right."

"I thought so."

They arrived at what Kagome presumed was their intended destination roughly five minutes past the outskirts of Tokyo. Beyond Tokyo, there was a lot of undeveloped country side with beautiful, tall trees and healthy grass. Kagome remembered coming to the public park that was contained on the northern end as a child, but she hadn't been there in years. And this wasn't the park section, anyway. This was the 'wild' public section.

Inuyasha pulled in to a parking lot and walked around to the trunk, extracting an old, well-used wicker basket and a big, comfy-looking blanket. He also extracted an ice chest, which Kagome assumed held their drinks.

"Need any help with that?" She offered, knowing he'd give her a look and say something macho. Which he did.

"Keh, 'course not. C'mon, it's this way." Then he turned and began walking towards a faint path. Kagome followed obediently, mentally comparing the image of Inuyasha in Levi's to that of him in his fire-rat robes.

They walked for another three minutes, deep enough to be away from any and all prying eyes, which, Kagome reflected, was really a rather good thing, considering she'd finally gotten her memory back. Somehow. That was when it dawned on her. The jewel wasn't complete. It was able to grant a wish, but not sustain it. Possibly, if it had been against someone without any spiritual or demonic powers, it might have worked. But my spiritual powers must have managed to override the jewel's ability to permanently erase my memory. That's got to be it.

Inuyasha stopped when the trees gave way to a small clearing. She could hear running water in the distance, and figured that there was a creak nearby. The clearing was a lot like some of the ones they'd slept in on their journey in Feudal Japan. With the faint rumble of eighteen-wheelers passing by on the road behind them. And airplanes flying by overhead. What a difference five hundred years makes.

"This ok with you?" Inuyasha asked, watching her curiously. She smiled and looked over at him.

"It's perfect."

He grinned and walked into the exact center, depositing the two containers and unfolding the blanket. Once he had it ready, he sat down and patted the quilt beside him. "C'mon, Kagome, it won't bite."

Kagome returned his grin with a smile and sat down. "Well, in that case. I'm starved, what'd you bring?"

Inuyasha chuckled and mumbled something about patience, reaching over and grabbing the basket. "I brought sandwiches. Here, you like chicken, right?"

Kagome nodded and he handed her the chicken sandwich. Then he extracted what was obviously a multi-meat sandwich for himself and a bag of potato chips. After that, he leaned forward again and slid over the ice-chest, popping open the lid and digging through the ice.

"I've got soda, juice, and water. Take your pick."

"Water, please." Kagome responded. He nodded, extracted two water bottles, and closed the lid. Then he handed one to her and opened his own, taking a large swallow.

They ate their lunch and, between them, half the bag of potato chips before Kagome finally decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. I can't avoid it forever, after all. With a deep sigh, she put down her water and turned to face him. He was in the process of procuring another water bottle for himself.


"Yeah? You want another one?"

Shaking her head, she gave him a soft smile. "Not right now. I…I need to talk to you about something."

Inuyasha took a long swallow of water and looked over at her as he set the bottle down. "Ok, shoot. What's up?"

She forced herself to meet his faux-violet gaze and felt the tears welling up all over again. He shifted slightly, and she knew it was probably an unconscious reaction to the tears he could undoubtedly smell. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha."

He was quiet a moment, telling himself that it wasn't what it sounded like, and not to overreact. Finally, he said, "Sorry for what?"

She gave him a sad smile, and the first tear fell. He sat up, but refrained from reaching out to wipe it away. She ignored it, and the one that fell after it. "It wasn't my fault, not directly, but I'm so sorry…if I'd known he would…that he could do that…I would've been so much more careful." She paused to take another deep breath, and Inuyasha was wondering who the Hell 'he' was, and if he'd have to beat the crap out of him.

Kagome continued. "Inuyasha…there's no delicate way to say this, so please, forgive me, but you have to know…"

Inuyasha had time to think she was going to say she'd met someone else and fallen for him instead before her next words connected with his brain.

"…I remember."

Inuyasha blinked at her. "Wh-uh? What? What do you remember?" Could she-?

Her smile returned, and more tears fell silently down her cheeks. "Everything. You. Sango. Miroku. Shippo. Naraku. What happened to me. I remember it all."

Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, not sure he'd heard her right. Then he realized he had, and suddenly she was in his arms, pressed against him as he buried his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply.

Kagome wrapped her arms around him in return, crying silent tears and grateful for her returned memories. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha." She mumbled against his chest, knowing he'd hear her.

Inuyasha's voice came out more like a growl than an actual voice. "Don't apologize. It ain't your fault. It was probably Naraku; it's always Naraku."

Kagome pulled back slightly, her eyes searching his. "You don't know what happened?"

"Keh, if I'd known, wench, I could've fixed it."

Kagome shook her head. "No, I don't think you could've. Naraku used his piece of the Sacred Jewel to erase my memory. Mine and everyone else's who remembered you or might have helped me remember you. And to seal the well."

"He used the jewel?!" Inuyasha growled incredulously.

"Yes. I heard him make the wish. The jewel wasn't whole, but apparently it didn't need to be. I think, if it had been…if it had been, I don't think I'd have ever gotten my memories back."

"Damn it all to Hell! I wish he were alive right now, just so I could slaughter him all over again!"

"Yeah, me, too…" she said softly, her eyes downcast. She felt Inuyasha's muscles relax somewhat beneath her palms and only vaguely had time to wonder why before his fingers were tilting her head back up. She looked up at him curiously, and saw a serious expression in his eyes.

"Kagome, I have to ask…where does this leave us?" The hesitation, and underlying fear in his voice (which he'd deny to his death) almost made her heart break. But she gave a half-smile anyway. Then she reached out with both hands and unsnapped his expensive watch, letting it fall to the ground as she looked back up, and into those golden eyes that she loved so much. They wore the same expression as the violet ones he pretended to have every day.

"What do you mean, 'where does this leave us'? You think I'd break up with you simply because I remembered who you really are?"

"Kagome, damnit, I-"

"I love you, Inuyasha. I told you that a long time ago, in Kaguya's castle. And that hasn't changed."

He released the breath he'd been holding, and flashed her a grin, one fang sticking out, before finally indulging. Releasing her chin, he looped that hand around to support the back of her head and covered her lips with his own. She responded instantly, looping her own arms around his neck and kissing him back.

Inuyasha finally allowed himself to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past her lips and exploring her mouth even as her own tongue traced his fangs lightly. He growled possessively against her lips as he pulled her impossibly closer against him. They broke apart a minute later, and his lips began trailing hot kisses down her neck and around to the other side. Between kisses, he spoke. "Is now…a bad time…to tell you that…I've been…in love with you…for over five-hundred and three years?"

Kagome moaned softly as his fangs lightly grazed the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. "I would've…rather you told me…back then, but…now is good…." Inuyasha lightly nipped at her ear lobe, and she gasped, "Now is definitely good."

Knowing he was about two seconds away from losing all rational thought, Inuyasha forced his mouth away from her neck and locked his golden eyes onto her brown ones. "Kagome, I need to ask you something…"

"What?" She asked, smiling at him and leaning her head on his shoulder comfortably.

"I guess it's kinda two-fold, really. What do you know about demons and their mates?"

"Enough, I think. Sango told me about it once, after one of Kouga's visits." She paused, and leaned back up, meeting his gaze. "Why?"

"Kagome, will you…will you be my mate?" He asked softly, forcing himself to keep her gaze.

Kagome's soft gasp of surprise was quickly followed by another passionate kiss, this time started by her. When they broke apart, she murmured, "Yes," before kissing him again. He growled his reply against her throat as he licked, sucked, and nipped before repeating the process on another spot.

A moment, later he slipped his clawed hand under her t-shirt and lifted it over her head, forcing himself not to simply shred it. Her bra, however, was not so fortunate. Kagome gave a half-hearted squeal when she heard the tearing of her bra and saw a piece of it land beside her on the ground. She opened her mouth to complain about his methods when his mouth descended upon one of her anxious nipples. The only sound that managed to come out of her was a gasp, which quickly turned into another moan as she ran her fingers through his hair. That was when they found his ears. Reflexively, she began scratching them. This time, Inuyasha didn't object.

Kagome forced her hands to continue to wander a few moments later, and soon she found herself tracing the muscles on his abdomen, beneath the t-shirt he was wearing. Frowning briefly, she grabbed the material and tugged upwards, though from her position, it wasn't so simple. Inuyasha looked up at her, then smirked and hooked his arms behind her, flipping them over so that she was on her back, and he was straddling her. Then he gently untangled her fingers from his shirt and yanked the offending garment away, tossing it somewhere in the vicinity of her own shirt. As he leaned down to kiss her once more, he detoured and placed his mouth beside her ear.

"Kagome," he whispered huskily, "Don't misunderstand me on this, but you need to be sure, 'cause this ain't exactly reversible."

"Of course I'm sure. I decided a long time ago to spend the rest of my life with you; I just never imagined I'd be lucky enough to be the woman you decided to spend the rest of yours with."

"Yeah? Well, if you're so sure, then I won't worry. Which is good, 'cause if you were really having second thoughts, well, that would be uncomfortable."

Kagome laughed softly and hauled him back up to her face by his ears. "Are you going to kiss me now, or what?"

"That depends, what're my 'what' options?" He asked with a grin that would've made Miroku proud.

Kagome rolled her eyes and leaned up, kissing him instead. He gave in and returned the kiss equally, his hands roaming over her body and hooking in the waistband of her skirt. As he began to tug both the skirt and her underwear down, Kagome broke free of his mouth long enough to manage, "Don't shred them!"

"Keh," he replied, reclaiming her lips eagerly. He obeyed her order, however, and removed the last of her clothing without shredding it. Though he really wanted to. Then he felt her hands fumbling at his waistband and placed one clawed hand gently over hers, removing them from his jeans long enough for him to remove them. Then he began trailing kisses down her neck, over her chest, and down her stomach.

Inuyasha licked absently at the mate mark on Kagome's neck as he woke up later that night. He didn't know, or care, what time it was. All that mattered was that she was his. Officially, and for the rest of his -their- almost immortal lives. Growling softly, he tightened his grasp on her waist and drew her closer, nuzzling her neck.

The slight, comforting, motion roused Kagome from her rather provocative dream…which was when she discovered that it hadn't been a dream at all. She didn't open her eyes until she felt Inuyasha stir beside her, and when she did, the first thing she saw were his beautiful golden eyes. He grinned down at her, and she smiled back. "Hey," she whispered softly, not wanting to disturb the stillness around them.

"Yo," he replied before leaning down and kissing her slowly. When he broke the kiss, she leaned her head against his shoulder to catch her breath. That was when she realized that it was dark outside.

Sitting up a bit, and slightly startling Inuyasha, she asked, "What time is it?"

He gave a half-shrug. "Dunno. Prob'ly almost midnight. Why?"

She paled and let her head thump against his shoulder again. "Midnight? I'm so busted. I don't think my family remembers anything…not yet. I was going to see if I could somehow break the barrier around their memories, but I hadn't actually done it yet…"

"Your family?" He paused, and then his brain kicked back in and he muttered a few choice words. "Crap, I'd better get you home, then. This should be interesting."


Inuyasha got them back to the shrine roughly twenty minutes later. He walked around to her side of the Mustang and opened the door again, and she smiled at him. Together they walked to the house, both dreading what was undoubtedly going to happen when they got there.

Mrs. Higurashi was waiting in the living room, her book beside her. She stood when they entered and clasped her hands in front of her. "Welcome back," she said pointedly. Kagome cringed and Inuyasha took a deep breath. "Please, will you both sit down? I'd like to discuss something with you."

"Um, Mom, there's…there's something I want to talk to you about, too."

"Well, why don't you go first, then, Kagome." Mrs. Higurashi said as they all took their seats. Kagome looked briefly over at Inuyasha, who met her gaze solidly, and then back to her mother.

"Mom, I…uh…that is, you don't…" Kagome sighed, frustrated with herself for not being able to find the right words, and stood up. Inuyasha instantly recognized the determination in both her scent and her stance, but remained seated. Kagome walked over and sat beside her mother, who raised an eyebrow in confusion. Kagome held her hands out to her mother, saying, "Hold my hands, Momma. And pray."

"Pray?" Mrs. Higurashi repeated in confusion as she took her daughter's hands and clasped them tightly. Kagome nodded.

"About anything you like, just pray." Mrs. Higurashi seemed hesitant, but finally surrendered and they both let their eyes drift shut.

It was then that the hair on the back of Inuyasha's neck stood up and he knew the room was filling rapidly with Kagome's spiritual power. And a moment later, Mrs. Higurashi's eyes flew open and Kagome released her hands, meeting her mother's gaze. "Do you remember, Momma?"

Mrs. Higurashi nodded, and she looked over at Inuyasha with tears of sympathy in her eyes. "I'm so very sorry, Inuyasha. That must've been horrible for you."

Inuyasha shrugged it off, like usual. "Keh, doesn't matter now."

"Mom, will you wake Gramps and Souta, please?"

"Of course, dear." Mrs. Higurashi said, getting up and heading towards the stairs. Kagome looked over at Inuyasha and smiled at him.

"One down, two to go."

Inuyasha nodded, and then decided to ask the question that he'd been biting his tongue on for the past few seconds. "Where'd you learn that trick? What made you think it'd work?"

Kagome looked away briefly on reflex, before telling herself that it was pointless and returning her gaze to his. "I wasn't sure it'd work, I just figured it was our best bet." She paused before answering the next part of his question. "I…learned it from Kikyo. When we were trapped in that demon cave that devoured priestesses."

Inuyasha nodded, accepting her answer. Then he stood up and crossed the room, sitting down beside her and wrapping his arms around her. Nuzzling the back of her neck and relishing her scent, he whispered, "I love you, Kagome. And there is nothing that is ever going to change that. Nothing."

Kagome leaned into him, tilting her head so that she could sort of see his face. Kissing his cheek lightly, she replied, "I know. But I love when you say it out loud like that."

"Keh, typical woman," he replied teasingly before shifting her just enough to capture her mouth with his. Everything would be ok. Naraku had failed to kill him after all; and he was finally with the only woman he'd ever need.


A/N: It's over! I hope you liked it! Please let me know! And if you think the ending sucks, just try to say it nicely, ok? Anyway, thanks for reading my story!