Isia sat at the top of her tree, staring off into the distance. She had been born on this reservation, and had never set foot off of it. Her mother would tell her stories of what the outside world had been like, but Isia's mother hadn't left the reservation for hundreds of years; how would her mother know what it was like now?

Isia blinked back tears. Her mother would never be able to leave the reservation again.

Kagome had calmed down after Aunt Hina and Uncle Ryou left. The whole situation with Kikyo hurt, but she couldn't let it overcome her. Sitting and crying wouldn't get anything done. The question was what exactly did they need to do?

"Inuyasha," she said, "I've been thinking. Naraku was after the jewel right?"

"Yeah," Inuyasha said.

"Now that it's broken, he's still going to be going after it," Kagome said. "What if we go after the jewel too?"

"That's a good idea," Miroku said. "If the jewel really is as dangerous as Inuyasha said it was, we should make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

It wasn't right; it wasn't fair! Isia's mother had faded away in her sleep like so many other of the older yokai had. Isia was convinced that if they could just live out in the open that the older yokai would regain their hearts, and be well again. If they had been living in the open, her mother would never have died.

But no, the great and mighty Sesshomaru said they had to stay locked away on their reservation hiding from the humans. Isia hissed in anger. It was wrong! Sesshomaru was just a coward. The yokai deserved to be free, whether the humans liked it or not. And if they didn't like it? Well, the yokai were more powerful than them. The yokai ought to be the ones in charge.

"I don't know guys," Sango said. "If we go after the shards, that means we're going to run into Naraku again at some point. Our last fight with him didn't go over so well," she added, rubbing her shoulder where Naraku had stabbed her.

"I agree with Sango," Mrs. Higurashi said. "I don't want you kids putting yourselves in danger."

"But Mama," Kagome said. "I've put hundreds, maybe thousands of people in danger by breaking the jewel. I can't just sit back and do nothing while people get hurt because of my mistake!"

"But what about you?" Mrs. Higurashi asked. "I don't want you getting hurt, or even worse, killed!"

"Nothing bad will happen to Kagome," Inuyasha said, putting a hand on his sword. "I'll protect her."

"Inuyasha will keep me safe," Kagome said. "Mama please understand, I have to do this."

Mrs. Higurashi stared at Kagome, tears in her eyes and her lips tightly pressed together.

Isia had some friends that felt the same way she did. Perhaps if she talked to them, she could convince them to act on their feelings. They could leave the reservation; they could pave the way to freedom for all yokai.

But what if Sesshomaru tries to stop us?

Isia shivered with fear at the thought. She had only seen Sesshomaru once, when she was a kitten, but she remembered the feel of his power well. Isia's shoulders sagged. "I could never defeat Sesshomaru. He's too strong for me."

"Perhaps I can be of assistance."

"All right," Mrs. Higurashi said. "I don't like it, but if you feel like this is something you have to do, I'll support you."

Kagome was relieved. "Thank you, Mama."

"I guess this means I have to agree too," Sango said. "You're going to need someone sensible in the group."

"If you're going after yokai," Grandpa said, "you're going to need all the help you can get. Follow me."

They all followed Grandpa out of the house to a storage shed. "This is where I keep weapons that have been passed down from generation to generation," Grandpa said.

"Are they even any good anymore?" Kagome asked.

"Our family has taken meticulously good care of these weapons," Grandpa said, sounding insulted.

He opened the door of the shed. "Chose whatever strikes your fancy."

Miroku went in first, followed by Sango. Kagome didn't bother going in because she still had that magic bow that she'd taken from Kikyo, and obviously Inuyasha had his sword.

Miroku picked up a staff with a metal ring on top that had several metals rings hanging off of that. It jangled softly as he hefted it. "I like the feel of this one."

Sango picked up a simple sword. "Never thought my kendo lessons would come in this handy," she said. "I'll have to practice though. My sword skills are going to be a bit rusty."

"I have a feeling we'll get plenty of practice," Miroku said dryly.

Isia jumped to her feet and spun around to see a man wearing a baboon pelt a few trees away. "Who are you?" she asked suspiciously. "I've never seen you before, and I've met every yokai on this reservation."

"I am a friend who wants the same thing you do," the man replied. "You want the yokai to be free, correct? To take our rightful place above the humans?"

"Yes," Isia said. Grief and anger fueled her determination. "Yes."

"Then take this," the man said extending his hand. In it he held a small fragment of a pink jewel.

"What is it?" Isia asked suspiciously.

"It is a fragment of the Shikon Jewel," the man said. "Sesshomaru lost the jewel and it was shattered. He has hardly proved himself a worthy guardian. I managed to find this one piece, and I'm willing to give it to you for your uses."

"Looks like you guys are getting prepared. That's good."

The group whirled around to see Shippo lounging against the side of the shed. "Shippo!" Kagome said. "What are you doing here?"

"Sesshomaru sent me," Shippo replied. "He's going to be busy with politics for a while. During that time, he wants you to gather the jewel shards. He also ordered me to go with you."

Kagome was relieved. Having a kitsune with them would be useful. "How are things with Sesshomaru?"

"They haven't announced it to the media yet, but the United Nations are going to be gathering to decide what to do about yokai," Shippo replied. "Sesshomaru will try to reason with them, but he's pretty sure they won't be happy about us being real."

"What would be the point in trying to fight yokai?" Souta asked. "If you guys wanted to attack us you'd have done it a long time ago."

"You know that and I know that, but politicians aren't always that reasonable," Shippo said. "We'll have to wait and see what happens."

Isia eyed the jewel fragment. She wanted to take it; she could feel its power calling out to her. But could she really trust this man?

"I won't make this offer twice," the man warned her when she hesitated.

Isia decided then. She snatched the jewel out of his hand and instantly felt power rush through her. Yes. With this, she could do anything and defeat anyone, even Sesshomaru.

I will take yokai to the place they deserve.

Rin stared out her bedroom window which overlooked the front lawn and drive way of Chikao Taisho's mansion. Mr. Taisho was supposed to have been home by now, but he wasn't, and the news had talked about his building collapsing. Mr. Jaken, Mr. Taisho's butler, had insisted that Mr. Taisho was okay, but Rin worried that something horrible had happened to Mr. Taisho.

The door to her bedroom opened, and there stood Mr. Jaken. He was short and stocky, with eyes that were too big and pasty greenish skin, but Rin had taken a liking to the gruff butler. "Rin," Mr. Jaken said, "I need to tell you something."

"Is Mr. Taisho okay?" she whimpered, instantly filled with fear for her benefactor.

"He's fine," Mr. Jaken quickly said. "What I need to tell you about is…is yokai."

Leather gloved hands carefully picked up a small fragment of a jewel. Most people wouldn't have noticed it lying on the ground. Krista Drake was not the average person, however.

"What is it, Krista?" Saito, Krista's Companion, asked.

Krista stared at the jewel shard. "Trouble." She looked up at Saito. "We're going to need back up on this one, Saito."

Saito scowled, his usual expression. "I will call the Hunters."

Kagome stepped out of the front door and looked down the steps of the shrine leading towards the road and beyond. They were about to start a great journey, and despite the dangers, Kagome couldn't help but feel excited.

"You know," Inuyasha said from beside her, "this quest would be a lot easier if you broke the curse on me."

Kagome glanced at him, and felt herself blush slightly. Kagome didn't dislike the idea of being in a relationship with Inuyasha, but…

"I won't marry you for convenience," Kagome said. "But if you stay with me…I might marry you for love."

She looked away from him, not sure she wanted to see his expression to that statement. She felt him take her hand in his. "I'll be here. Always."