Characters of Inuyasha (manga and anime) are owned by Takahashi-san
The Journey Home – Chapter One
There it stood in the clearing of the forest. The old bone eater's well. Only it was hardly recognisable because it had been destroyed. Never again did it provide a link between Sengoku jidai and the modern era. Some people have said it was destroyed by the evil hanyou in a fitted rage, and so, they had banished him from ever entering the forest again. Was the well destroyed by him? Until this day, no one knew for sure. The hanyou was never seen again.
Two figures sat near the edge of the cliff. They were watching the sun set together, their hands had strayed, so that they were now intertwined together. They sat there in quiet contentment. Anyone that happened to come across them would think they were husband and wife. In some ways they were, except they weren't married.
The young woman leaned against the hanyou's shoulder. In return, he wrapped his arm around her, he sighed almost dreamingly. This was where he belonged, with her, with Kagome. It seemed long ago that Inuyasha and Kagome had first met under the Goshinboku tree. It wasn't the most pleasant experience. Firstly a centipede youkai telling her she had a jewel and then trying to eat her because of it, then a strange looking boy telling the same girl she smelt because she looked like some other girl he knew. Kagome started giggling.
"Oi", was the Inuyasha's reply, "what are you laughing for?"
Kagome's seemingly innocent reply was, "Oh, nothing, nothing at all." Silence fell on them again.
Memories were coming back to them, the shattering of the Shikon no Tama, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Kikyou, Miroku, Sango, endless hordes of youkai, and Naraku. He was still on the loose and was in hiding. Inuyasha couldn't help but think that he was a pain the arse. Nevertheless, Naraku was smart, always seemed one step ahead of him, plus he was a good manipulator. It irritated Inuyasha to no end, what was he planning for this time? He wished he would just pop out and have a fair and honourable fight. But then he would just be dreaming. He knew what those sorts of people were like. Irritating, but the most difficult to get rid of.
However, the thoughts of his friends and potential allies gave him comfort. They were strong and reliable and he knew if they stuck together, they would pull through somehow and still be alive to tell the tale. Another thought came up.
"Do you really have to go so soon?" asked the hanyou.
"I'm afraid so. I do have a big exam coming up." Kagome saw Inuyasha's reaction.
"But you know you're always welcome to come over and stay for the night."
Inuyasha's reply sounded hopeful and shy, "You really mean that?"
She smiled softly and held his hand once again.
It was almost dark by the time Inuyasha and Kagome were at the well.
"You promise to come by for dinner tomorrow? My family will be happy to see you."
"I promise Kagome. Only if your mother doesn't serve that curry stuff."
Kagome giggled then kissed him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow then".
She sat down on the side of the well and swung her legs into the mouth of the well. Then she disappeared into the well in a flash of blue light. Inuyasha looked down into well and wondered if he should give her a gift tomorrow. He never got the chance to give it to her.
The years had past.
Well what do you think?
It's my first fiction so any comments will be appreciated