Steven woke up in a cold sweat, the remnants of his nightmare dissipating in his mind. Willing himself, he trudged out of bed to knock on the temple door, praying that the one he wanted was listening.

" 'nother nightmare Steven?" Amethyst yawned as her door came apart to reveal the boy who seemed to look even younger as he clutched his blanket. With a sad nod, courtesy of Steven, Amethyst led the boy back to his loft and they both jumped into the bed. Like all the other times Amethyst had slept with him, Steven had the best, most realistic dreams he ever had.


Amethyst cracked open her eyes as she felt her form being picked up by two muscular arms and moved ever so carefully.

"You know I can walk to your room if you're having bad dream," Amethyst muttered as she watched them leave her own room, only to enter the dark red temple like room a few moments later.

"I know," Garnet stated as she slipped into her own bed to cuddle with her 'nightmare repellent' teddy bear.


"No, Rose!" Pearl sobbed as the woman with pink hair dissipated in her arms. Pearl did not have the time to mourn for long as the giant skull lashed out with one of it's hair tentacles, almost slicing the gem in half.

It was then that a purple light blinded Pearl's vision, the dream changing to a soft meadow field littered with pastel flowers. Once Pearl was done gapping over the scene, a big, white ball came right at her.

"Hey Pearl, come on in, the water's fine, and I need a partner, they're beating me," Amethyst yelled from a crystal like lake. Off to the side was Garnet, sunbathing in her red and black bikini as Steven, Amethyst and Rose was playing in the water with a net between them. Rose wore a modest white bathing suit as Steven wore one with a Cookie Cat design.

"Thank you, Amethyst," Pearl responded as her outfit turned into a frilled one piece. Amethyst just smiled as Pearl came in the water, her lilac hair being pinned up in a ponytail as a charcoal bathingsuit graced her features.

"Hey, no one likes nightmares," Amethyst responded, the game restarting to accompany the new player.

"How would you know? You've never had a nightmare," Pearl shot back with a teasing tone. By the time Pearl had to wake up, she did not want to. Once the fight was won by consciousness, Pearl felt ten times more happy than she had been in a while.

"Pearl, we have to get up," Amethyst chuckled from her captivity in Pearl's arms, not minding it too much.

"Maybe later, it's been awhile since we have gotten along so well for an extended amount of time," Pearl responded, squeezing Amethyst a bit more.

"Alright, but stop squeezing so hard, I'm not going anywhere," Amethyst shot back with a chuckle, wrapping her own arms around Pearl's waste.

Sometimes Amethyst thought it was annoying how often she was pulled from her own bed to ward off the nightmares of others, but other times, it was her favorite pastime. Those moments would be much more frequent if Steven would stop kicking her in her sleep.