![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Catwoman. Name: You can call me Scarlet Gender: Female Age: 19 Notes: May 26, 2017 - Cat Noctis - Abandoned - Definitely abandoned, had this idea when I was in junior high - around 12 or 13 for my non-Americans - and now can't even think back on it without wondering for my sanity at that time. Maybe I can twist the plot into something workable but it would just be better to break it down and start again. Angelo Caduto - Abandoned - Just like Cat Noctis, this was created around the same time and was a take at a super!Harry of sorts. I honestly don't even want to try and save this mess but like Cat Noctis, maybe i'll deconstruct it and see what I can't save and make out of that. Freedom - Hiatus being Rewritten - I don't know how many times this one has been rewritten but i'm committed now. I really do like this idea but struggle to find a good way to start it, that being the reason it has gone no where since I first published it. What I've Overcome - Complete Warnings: I have a few stories that I have started when I was in junior high I believe, but now, as I read over them, I can't help but to cringe hardcore. So I plan on slowly -and I mean slowly- rewrite them. The reason it would be so slowly would be because I am currently a junior in university and have to start hunting for jobs and keeping up with the upper-level classes. So please bear with me and I hope you like this new writing style that I hopefully have developed. Another warning is that my stories will have lemon but I am an asexual so they may no be accurate in some aspects simply because I do not know about it. Also with fanfictions stricter rules, I am not sure where I will be posting these lemon scenes until I have to write them. When that time comes I will tell y'all the website and pen name I have on there so y'all can look it up. That should be all for now kiddos. Till next time. Saw this on DarkNaruto002 profile and believed it. Please... Take a look... Over the many hours I have devoted to this site one thing has always struck me, the question being 'Why are most Dark Harry Potters of the slash persuasion?' I've given it some thought and this is what I came up with: because it makes the perfect opposite of the 'light Harry Potters'. The orginal Harry Potter, written by the esteemed J.K. Rowling, was the epitude of a foolish lucky stubborn golden boy. He hated to be anything like Voldemort so he denies certain things about himself. His scar for one had me thinking; in the first book before Harry was introduced to magic, all he really liked about himself was his 'cool' lightening bolt scar, right? However, over the years/books his scar transforms from a well liked aspect to a sinister connection to his greatest enemy. The point is this LIGHT Harry denies himself so much, and in doing so, he blinds himself to some very important things. Light Harry doesn't trust easily, if at all, but his explicit faith in Dumbledore is unshakable until the very last book! This makes no sense! But, I digress; the point I'm trying to make is that most authors who seek to give Harry any darkness (or should I say an acceptance of darkness) want Harry to be exactly opposite to the original. The original was blind to all these inconsistances, failures of character, and mostly he ends up falling for an obsessed fan-girl whom loves his fame, not him. So, I for one seek the opposite of that; I don't want a Light Harry, I want dark, I want him to see the world through different eyes. And so, we wind down to slash, thusly ensuring our new DARK Harry cannot be anything like the foolish naive orginal Harry! For those of you able to follow my logic, I applaud you. For those of you seeking to criticize me for writing as I do, I only have one thing to say: "Do your worst!" |