On one particularly bright and cheerful morning the physical manifestations of the nations of the world were unsurprisingly getting absolutely nothing accomplished at yet another world meeting. The universal knowledge of this fact caused many bored countries to begin their own discussions, though one could easily argue that nothing was getting done because of said countries. To his credit, thought Canada, Germany was still trying to maintain some semblance of order, although he had little luck. Italy was of no help as he bounced by Germany, grinning from ear to ear.

The sun shone brightly through the wide windows. Canada was sure that if he could only walk outside, he would be able hear the birds chirping and the bustle of the locals of Italy. Italy had the pleasure of hosting this meeting, although Canada knew Italy was genuinely happy to host any world meeting because it brought Germany to Italy's home. Only a fool would be unable to see how much Italy cared for the blond. Canada sat silently in this bright room as he listened to insults being flung at his Papa. He hated how false the words rang in his ears like the incessant chirping of a bird. He hated how truly awful the words were. It was common- yet unfortunate- for everyone to fail to be careful of anything they said around Canada. This was mainly because he usually faded into the background so well no one ever realized Canada was even there. Canada could see how pained France became when he heard the cruel, venomous words. Who wouldn't when the people they were supposed to trust acted so cruel? Canada knew how much it distressed France to be falsely named a rapist time and time again by those he cared for- France was known as the country of love, for maple's sake! How could they be so blind that they were entirely unable to see the truth? But perhaps it had more to do with understanding the truth. Anyone could see the truth if they only paid attention. Papa had once told Canada that there was much more to real relationships than mindless sex. Love involved so much more. It involved trust and support and empathy.

Canadians were not renowned for the tempers- just the opposite actually- but as Canada watched France endure the terrible, soul-crushing pain that occurs when you feel like less than the dirt on someone's shoe, he felt his temper flare dangerously. For as long as Canada could remember, everyone would repeat the same demeaning words. He was fed up with it. He abruptly stood, ignoring Kumahiro's protests- although he wasn't against Canada finally standing up to the others, he had just been terribly comfy. Canada felt waves of anger flow off of himself like a dark cloud.

America was the first to notice the dark aura radiating from his brother. He quickly froze and decided it would be much better for his health if he kept his mouth shut and stayed in his chair. Perhaps he could disappear into the cushion. America knew how his brother behaved when he finally snapped. America was in no hurry to be on the receiving end of Canada's anger.

The other nations quieted one by one. The fact that they did so was because they were terrified at this new side of a half-forgotten nation was something Canada chose to ignore. Even Kumataka was quiet, though he did sit back and had pulled out a bag of popcorn. Canada had no idea where he got it from and resolved to ask him when they got home. Food was important, after all.

"All of you are so blind," Canada hissed. "When have any of you actually tried to get to know Papa France? Or are your heads so far up your rear ends you can't see what everything you say does to him?" Although Canada could not, America saw how France's eyes widened at the younger's tantrum. "All of you say such terribly cruel things to him without even blinking!"

Canada glowered at the room, "Papa has never forced himself onto someone. 'Sex is an expression of the deepest love, mon cher, never let someone pressure you into it, or do something you know you will regret, because it will never go away no matter how much you wish it would.' That's what he told me when I was a mere enfant! It's something I will never forget. Never ever do I want to hear any of you say it again."

No one in the room was sure how the normally timid boy accomplished it, but he managed to terrify the whole lot of them- except for Russia and America, that is, although each was calm for different reasons. America knew how Canada did it, but Russia was filled with a newfound curiosity. The nations looked on in stunned silence as France rushed to embrace Canada, whispering words they couldn't hear into the enraged country's ear. Canada nodded to Kumamiji with a strange gleam in his eyes. Canada led France, who now could no longer stop the tears from cascading down, out of the room.

They all turned to look at the small bear sitting in Canada's previously vacated chair. He chuckled, "Haven't seen that in a while."

"What do you mean, bear-san?" Japan inquired.

"I haven't seen him like that in decades," Kumajiro muttered. "Takes a lot to light his fuse," he glanced around the room with a decidedly dangerous glint in his eyes, "I would suggest doing as he asks, else I don't think he'll be able to restrain himself."

Germany frowned, "Is that a threat?"

Kumajiro smirked, "More like a promise."

"Like, what do you like mean?" Poland interrupted, "Like, that was already more than I, like, thought he could do."

America shuddered, "He can be much, much worse- even to a hero like me."

"I thought he could do it, given the right motivation," Russia said thoughtfully.

"The stupid frog shouldn't be so bloody sensitive!" England fumed.

America barely managed to prevent himself from lunging across the table at England, "Listen here," he snapped. "Canada is right. We've never seen how much our words hurt France, and since I'm the hero, I'm gonna fix it! I didn't pay attention and hurt someone I care about, and I won't do it again."

The countries were shocked at America's serious speech. England scoffed, "Like you care about hurting people."

America hollowly laughed, "I did say the people I care about, Bushy Eyebrows." His face hardened, "I'm the hero so I will always try to protect everyone I can, but my loved ones always have been and always will be my top priority."

They were astounded by the change in America- he appeared to be more like a war-hardened veteran than the happy-go-lucky nation they knew. "What about England, ve?" Italy asked, uncharacteristically soft spoken.

"I gave up on him a long time ago. I eventually figured out he simply didn't care for me."

"What do you mean by that!" England demanded.

America fixed his carefully blank gaze on England, "You were never there. You never replied to any letter I sent you. I pleaded with you to stay- to talk to me- but you never did. The only time you ever took the time out of your busy schedule," he mocked, "was to harass my people and extort my land. Then you had the nerve to act self-righteous and hurt when I was only trying to prove that I was worth something. I thought that maybe, just maybe, if I could prove myself you wouldn't ignore me anymore." He brokenly continued while the other countries sat in stunned silence, "Well, I was right. You don't ignore me anymore, but you hate me. But you know what's worse? I can't hate you. I hate that I can't hate you. Now, I'm gonna go find my brother and France so I can apologize. The rest of you should as well." He spared them one last glance before leaving without another word.

America felt his cheeks become wet with tears and cringed. He wiped his eyes and rushed off. He found Canada and France a few hallways away. He embraced France, "I'm sorry. So, so sorry," he cried, "do you think you could ever forgive me? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't."

"Mon cher, I already have. There's nothing left to forgive."

America shook his head but cracked a smile, "No, there's a lot I have to make up for. A hero would never let the people he cared about suffer at his own hands."

Kumajiro, who had followed America, climbed onto Canada, "All's well that ends well, eh?"

"Yeah, Kumahashi," Canada agreed. Then he noticed that America's eyes were swollen and puffy- more so than they should have been. "America?"


"Have you been crying?" Canada questioned.

"It was England," Kumatoto supplied with an evil grin.

"You have unleashed a devil," France bluntly told Kumajiro. Canada's eyes darkened as he clenched his fists. He raced back to the conference room despite America's protests. America may have been acting stupid to Canada's Papa, but he was Canada's stupid brother, and no one was going to get away with making him cry either.

Canada was only gone for five minutes, but the next day when France, America, and Canada would arrive at the continuation of the world meeting- for the nations had not managed to settle anything after Canada's tantrum- England wouldn't be there and many of the nations would try to steer clear of Canada, although he and Russia did have a newfound camaraderie. Many of the nations would also apologize- most of the apologies were even sincere- to France. When America would muse as to England's location, Canada would darkly chuckle. America would then realize that he would really rather not know for his own sanity. He would then swiftly change the subject.

You see, as the world had recently found out, that little family had no intention of letting harm come to the ones they loved. They smiled so brightly, so beautifully, that you could not help but stop and stare when it happened.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it had gone through to achieve that beauty." - Maya Angelou

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! How do y'all think I did with the characters? I hope they're not too OOC ^^'. This is pretty heavily based on different headcanons fyi. I plan on having at least one more chapter. Ooh before I forget! I did purposely misspell Kumajiro's name, and please don't hate me for making England seem so horrible!

Disclaimer: Okay, we all know I don't own it but I'll stick it here anyway :).

Updated 8/20/18