Chapter 4. The meeting.

AN/ Dear readers I appreciate each and every review you give me. ^.^ I hope to see it continue.

Hahei and Duya were getting ready to go to the meeting with Petunia, Vernon had opted out of going, instead wishing to stay home and relax. Duya had put on the Wrist bands and black choker he was to wear. The Cheshire's had a lot of traditions and traditional garb. He slipped into the bright red shirt and pants. Securing the black bands that went around both of his thighs and calves he straightened and went to see his mother.

Hahei had an outfit similar to Duya's except the Bands were crimson cloth instead of black leather. He put on the sleeveless black shirt and the black harem pants. Securing the red bands around his thighs and calves he went to his aunt who said she had the last part of his outfit.

Petunia stood in front of her children with pride. She was wearing a flowing red skirt secured with a black leather belt she had the choker, wristbands, and leg bands like Duya as well as a flowy red shirt. Atop her head and between her ears laid a circlet of gold and silver bells with one red bell in the center. No matter how her head moved the bells stayed securely in place.

"Well boys; this is your first time at a meeting." She said placing the circlets on their heads. Duya's gold, Hahei's silver. (1)

"There we go; like real Cheshire's." She smiled softly at them, they grinned in return. She added bells to Hahei's wristbands so they jingled every time he moved his arms.

"The youngest has to wear more bells then the oldest." She said to Hahei who was watching her with confusion. She motioned it was time for them to leave. They called goodbyes to Vernon and left to the meeting.

As they arrived at the meeting they saw many others already there milling about and talking. Someone with red and orange hair and ears approached them. His tail was nothing but a stump.

"Hey there; I'm Flame: Nice to meet you." He smiled he was younger than he had seemed at first.

"I'm Hahei and this is Duya: It's nice to meet you too." Hahei noted he was wearing a crown of gold and silver. Meaning he was an only child. They stood and talked for a bit. Petunia had gone off to join the other people. Soon enough Hahei and Duya were joined by two other people. Midnight, a girl with long black and white striped hair, and Moonshine a boy with long Silver and gray hair. Whether he was named after the light, or the alcohol it was yet to be known. The two were siblings. Midnight was the older and Moonshine the younger. It wasn't long before everyone had arrived and the meeting got underway.

"Alright everyone quiet down listen up." A pure white Cheshire with blue eyes tapped on a crystal glass. Everyone fell silent and turned to look at him.

"A few of our people have been locked away in mental hospitals that could not be here today..."

"Let's have a little bit of extra mischief for them this year!" shouts of approval and agreement rose from the crowd. A few people began to play music and one began to sing in a high musical voice. Soon a low tenor joined the chorus. Moonshine grabbed Hahei by the hand and pulled him out to the throng of dancers. Midnight did the same with Duya. They soon were caught up in the music and dancing as madly as the others.

After the clouds began to cover the moon the cats lit a large fire and danced and sang around that. The dances continued on for a long time until they stopped to have the annual feast. A lot of food that comes from wonderland was served on these occasions. Certain herbs from wonderland help to keep the Cheshire cat's magic more potent. An old Cheshire woman went around telling people's fortunes. She walked up to Hahei and looked him straight in the eyes.

"This year will be filled with challenges and fears, old and new; you will need courage and strength if you are to pass these tests." She said cryptically before turning to the next person. Hahei pondered her words for a moment before Moonshine swept him into the wild madness.

Petunia, Hahei, and Duya arrived home exhausted. Petunia bid the two good night before stumbling off to bed. Hahei and Duya leaned on each other for support going up the stairs. As they collapsed into their respective beds the words of the old fortune teller were echoing in his ears and through his head. 'This year will be filled with challenges and fears old and new...' As his eyes drifted closed he wondered what meaning those words had.