Hey guys~! So, I'm writing a new story. I have quite a bit of it written out so far, but it looks like it's going to be a much longer one than most of my normal stories!I'm nowhere near halfway done and I'm already at 17! I think it's turning out really cute!

Anywho, ahead are some darker moments, some violence, memories of WW2, so if you don't like bloodshed or death, this may not be the story for you.

There will also eventually be lemons, but I don't know when. Chapter 17, and they are barely kissing.

This will NOT be a story where one or the other is beaten into submission! Yay free will!

Anywho, on with the show!

Disclaimer- I do not own Hetalia, the characters or anything else here.

Chapter 1

It had been a long day. Meetings rarely appeared on the whole year's calendar, so why on earth was he stuck in three meetings today? First was a meeting about trade agreements and taxing with China, and though the meeting and agreements were happily made, something about the other man didn't settle right today. He figured it was mainly the bottle of wine that his next meeting had brought, and insisted the other nation take some, and when he arrived five minutes later, just as the meeting was to start, he found the man laughing, completely plastered. "Thanks, Francis!" Canada watched as China wobbled away, laughing about something that he must have found completely hilarious by the way he slammed head first into the floor, and continued to roll over, continuing. "I just got a great deal."

"Of course you did, Mathieu! It's easier to convince if someone is too drunk to respond, oui?"

"You're an asshole." Canada raised an eyebrow as France looked at him and they both burst into laughter.

The meeting with his brother didn't go so well. "But Mattie!"

"What are you, five? Did you honestly think I'd surrender to you?! We're not even at war!"

"But I'll win a free year's worth of hamburgers if you say yes..." Alfred pouted and Mattie reached up, trying to relieve the stress from the current situation.

"Who said that?" Mattie asked, his eyes narrowing and Alfred stared before shaking his head, a wide grin breaking out across his cheeks. Mattie knew there were only two countries who even really remembered him unless there was a meeting scheduled. England was too serious to do something like this, which left the Frenchman. No wonder he'd helped him out earlier with China. "Tell Francis I'll pay him back later." Mattie sat down and Alfred looked at him curiously before frowning, leaning forward, his fist holding up his chin, his elbow resting on his knee.

"You're not being any fun." Alfred looked away in boredom, now that the possibilities of free burgers were gone.

"I never am, right?" Mattie watched as Alfred turned to him, only sighing before switching his eyes back to the window. Disappointment lined his brow as he realized he was being ignored again. Mattie stood up and walked towards the door.

"You're going to the meeting tonight, right?" Alfred asked, surprising the blonde.

"What meeting?"

"G8. In two hours. It's downstairs in your main hall, and you didn't even know about it." Alfred frowned, glaring over at his brother.

"Sorry. It must have slipped my mind." Mattie stated, realizing his boss must have forgotten to tell him about it again.

"Yeah. I know." Alfred stated in a flat tone as he stood and walked past his brother, flowing from the room like the wind. Mattie stood there, staring at his brother's back with a sigh. At least the meeting with Francis had been good, they shared a warm coffee and cheese and cracker tray while chatting happily about the economy. Now he just felt numb. How did Alfred always happen to make him feel so worthless? So uncared about? He wasn't even sure if it was accidental anymore. He knew his bosses forgot to tell him things, but instead of calling to remind him, he'd glare and remind him of why he didn't know instead. Mattie felt a cold chill run down his spine from the way his brother had been, and it brought a sadness he didn't hide very well. Mattie stared at the floor, his brows knit and his hands unconsciously lifted over his stomach, his fingers running circles around each other.

He wondered if the meeting would go very well this time.

It was an hour and a half later when he walked into the room, making sure it was set up for the meeting. He was surprised to find it was actually really well done, a large projector sat in the corner, the chairs sat nicely around the table, and a small snack table off to the side carried everything from blueberry and cream cheese filled crepes to hamburgers and some sort of bun. He didn't have much time to try and figure out the rest of the stuff as the first person made their way towards the room. He heard the voice outside and stilled, listening for a moment to recognize the voice before they walked in, and it didn't take long.

"But... no one wants to join alliance with me. I'm... me." The tone sounded unsure, worried and Mattie wondered if there was a touch of fear in his voice as well. His eyes drifted over as Russia came through the door and looked up with confusion before his hand muffled over the phone. "Это слишком неловко говорить. Я должен идти. До Свидания. " He hung up as a light pink inched over his cheeks and he walked in, his eyes curious on Canada.

"Matvey, It's been a while." Ivan said, his eyes watching as Canada nodded and lifted one of the buns, staring at it.

"I saw you at the meeting last month." Canada glanced over, wondering if Russia had forgotten he was there. It wouldn't be the first time someone forgot he'd been at the meetings.

"I know. It was nice to be talking with you about things. You're very easy to talk to, Matvey, and at these meetings, it's refreshing, Da?" Ivan's eyes shifted down at the other man who nodded with a sigh.

"I do understand enjoying the company of someone who isn't completely insane. It's a pity it doesn't happen more often, eh?" Mattie chuckled as he held the bun up and sniffed at it, trying to figure out what exactly it was. "It smells like meat." His eyes widened and Ivan glanced, taking one and bit into it, his head shifting as he tried the flavor.

"Canadian piroshki is good." Ivan glanced over at the now surprised man who frowned and took a bite.

He didn't know exactly what he was expecting. At first he thought it was a begnet without powdered sugar, but that seems like it's only half done. Then he noticed she savory smell, but he still didn't realize til he bit in. "This isn't normal Canadian food. Good god, it's amazing, though!" Mattie said, holding a quickly grabbed napkin over his mouth as the juice from the meat tried to dribble down his chin. "Piroshki, you said?" Mattie glanced up as Ivan smiled, a slight chuckle hidden in the back of his throat as he took another bite.

They took a few steps over to the table, sitting before Ivan responded. "Da, this isn't exactly how we do it back home, but is still good." Ivan sighed, his eyes shifted back to the food in his hand, but his smile seemed to pull back before he realized his company and quickly slid the smile back up as quickly as he could, hoping the other didn't notice.

Mattie noticed the look, like a sudden heartache before he slid on a smile so fake Mattie wondered if there was any way to describe it besides plastic. He sighed, giving the Russian his comfort back by pretending to have been looking away as he took another bite. At least Russia normally remembered him. He didn't just stare at him for a few seconds before asking who he was.

Now that Mattie really thought about it, had he ever had to reintroduce himself to Ivan? He thought back, a slight frown tugging at the corner of his lip as his mind scrolled through memories.

He didn't remember it ever happening. He glanced over at the other, who was looking at him with a curious eye, watching the corner of Mattie's mouth ever so cautiously. "What?"

"You have an onion." Mattie couldn't hide a chuckle as his hand raised, wiping away the remnant.

"Thanks, Ivan." Mattie glanced up at the other with half a smile, a slight joy shone in his eyes that let Ivan know it wasn't about the onion.

"What for?" Ivan asked, watching as a myriad of emotions ran across the younger nations face before he sighed.

"For seeing me." Mattie said it, and sighed as he looked over to the door as a very excited Englishman ran through the door.

"Russia, I guess I came in second today, hm?" England smiled as he turned to the chalkboard, missing Mattie's sigh and Ivan's eyes shifting down to the blonde.

"No, you were third. Matvey was first." Ivan watched as Arthur turned around and stared for a moment before a slight blush of embarrassment covered his cheeks.

"Ah, Mathew! I must have looked too quickly! I didn't see you around Russia!" He turned back to the board as Mattie just stared at his back, a slight sigh escaping the Canadian's lip. He was surprised to feel a hand softly pat the back of his shoulder and looked up at Ivan, who stared at the Englishman.

"I would gladly switch you places. Well over twenty years, and they still call me Commie Bastard as an... affectionate nickname." Ivan stated after finding the word.

"That's just America, and half of the time I think he believes Japan is communist as well." Mattie rolled his eyes before hearing Ivan giggle. The sound had him chuckling as they let out their frustrations, spending the next ten minutes cracking America jokes.

The table was mostly filled, Canada and Russia, Germany and somehow Romano, while England frowned, glaring down at his watch. "Where the hell is Alfred?"

"Everyone can start! I'm here!" America grinned as he walked through the door. "Who are we missing?"

"I'm right here." Mattie raised his hand and Alfred glanced over, smiling.

"You're fine after all, Mattie! Francis gave me the gift card! Two thousand dollars at McDonalds!" He screeched, jumping up and down like a schoolgirl and Germany frowned.

"How the hell you not gonna die of malnutrition?" Romano roared and Germany glanced over, obviously not used to having the other personification by his side yet. "Are you trying to make America get more fat and lazy?"

England was about to stop the tirade when Alfred stared at him. "You feeling alright, Italy? That's not like you."

"I'm not Veneziano, ya fat bastard!" Romano stood, startling Alfred, who just stared with wide eyes.

"Who's Veneziano?!" He yelped when Germany slapped his hand over his face.

"Al, This is South Italy. His brother usually comes to the meetings but he's-"

"Did anyone hear something?" Alfred asked and Mattie sighed, sitting back down quickly.

"Da. Matvey was talking." Ivan stared at America. He knew the other nations didn't often see or hear Mattie, but he didn't understand it. It didn't make sense to him. How could they not notice a whole person like this?

All eyes in the room shifted to the quiet Canadian, who just sat with his head down, trying to keep from crying in frustration. The silence grew uncomfortable as Mattie stood and walked quickly towards the door. "Please excuse me for a moment." He dashed from the room, down the hall and made his way quickly into his office where a strangled sob erupted from his throat. He heard shifting and glanced up to see Kumajirou staring at him with wide eyes. "Who?"

"Just a ghost." Canada cried, sliding to the floor shaking from his anger.

It was a good half hour til he walked back into the room, the tears gone from his eyes and cheeks, but not feeling any better. He took up his previous spot, having noticed no one's eyes turned to him. He was convinced he was completely forgotten when a small sentence, as soft as could be drifted past his ears. "Matvey is alright, Da?"

"Yeah." He glanced up, thankful he'd been seen, if nothing else. "Thanks."

It was three hours after that the meeting was called to a close. Mattie was wondering what Alfred could want when he walked over, not really sure he wanted to know. It was the only time he was noticed from the other country. "Mattie, where's a good... dating place around here?" His voice was soft and Mattie stared up at him, confused.

"Don't tell me you have a date." Mattie stared in shock at the other, who just grinned.

"Yeah, well, kinda. Arthur..."

"What?" Mattie stared with deadpan eyes at the other country. "Al, he's like your dad. You called him Big Brother for the longest time, and you're dating him? Really?"

"Sorry, I forgot. You're invisible, so you wouldn't know where to take a date." Alfred gnashed his teeth as Mattie stood, slapping his hands down on the table.

"I'll have you know I'm in a relationship! And it's not even with my father!" Mattie belted out, surprising the American for a moment before Arthur came over with curious eyes.

"What... did I just hear?" He stared, paper white between the two.

"I asked Mattie about a dating spot, and he's trying to say he's in a relationship!" Alfred's eyes lit with glee at picking on the other.

Of course Mattie wasn't in a relationship.

They both knew this.

Mattie's cheeks burned red from embarrassment as he kept his eyes trained on his hands. "No one's gonna date you if you're not even there, dumb-ass!" Alfred laughed and Arthur frowned, seeing Mattie's hands shake.

"Alfred, maybe you should go easy on him." Arthur stated, glancing up and smiling softly. From the corner of his eyes he could see one's hands reach for the other and his stomach turned.

"Matvey, can I talk to you for moment?" Mattie looked up, noticing multiple pauses in the words, Ivan's cheeks a touch more pink than normal and he looked away. Mattie glared at the other two, who were currently trying to decide whether their words were a fight or cute and stalked around the table, to Ivan's side. "I heard." Ivan said softly and Mattie's hands clenched tighter. His cheeks grew more red. His eyes closed tight, trying to keep tears from releasing down his cheeks.

"And you want to pick on me too?" Mattie felt a sob try to break through his chest when a soft hand reached up and caressed his cheek. Mattie's eyes shot open in shock as he looked up at Ivan, who held one of the most affectionate glances Mattie had ever seen at him. He gently leaned down and kissed him. Mattie didn't even know what to do, he just stood there in shock, his cheeks burning as soft lips grazed his own before his lips moved by his ear.

"No, Matvey. I help you out, Da?" He leaned back a tad and smiled, showing a softness in his eyes that made Mattie blush even worse. He stood up, oblivious to the sudden silence in the room, every eye on the Russian. His next words were a little louder, so the rest of the room could hear.

"I see you tonight, Matvey. До Свидания." He turned and walked from the room, leaving Mattie just staring after, surprised and blushing like mad. He turned around, seeing every eye on him, a few in sheer shock, a few with frowns, like Alfred.

"Why in the hell are you kissing that commie bastard?"

"He's a socialist, you idiot!" Mattie snapped before turning and walking from the room.

He made it back to his office before his legs started shaking too badly to hold him up.

That's all for now!

See you all tomorrow!

