The typos will be filtered out over time as I look back and reread my work, because I truly want to provide the best writing for those who enjoy this story.

I have plans to release one-shots of this pairing (which can be considered extra scenes for this story) every once in a while. As the main intention of this story was to encourage a positive outlook upon the Ruslat pairing, I wish to continue contributing nice works for the fandom.

"Scary dream I had," Russia said.

Latvia hmmed and looked up as fingertips breezed over his cheek.

He whispered, "What did you dream about?"

"Terrible thing. And I saw it so clearly," Russia murmured. "But I know that it wasn't really a dream. It was one of the memories you were telling me about."

"Was it?"

He watched how part of the beam of light sneaking into the room from the window bathed half of Russia's face. It glowed like nectar; amber on his pale skin. One eye shone as though it was radiating the beautiful light of a celestial, purple star. Latvia watched as he delicately hugged the bundle of cushiony covers to his chest, how the other's lips pulled out into a saddened smile. He sank into its soft feeling and he slowly inhaled the clean smell of the covers, and the familiar relaxing scent of Russia that was sweetly embedded into all the materials.

Russia said, "I was standing on the shore and I watched you hit your head off the ice before you fell in. I remember how slow I felt running across the ice, and when I was in the water, how heavy we felt and how I seemed to be getting nowhere. I threw you out, but the water was so cold and the ice kept breaking, and I felt like giving up so much and just slipping back into the water because I was so tired. But I still remember so well how when I saw you looking at me, I knew that you didn't want me to die. And then I wanted so much to get to you, and carry you to someplace warm."

"It was scary for both of us," Latvia murmured. "But everything turned out alright."

"I can't even imagine how things would have been if you had died that day. I do not want to even be thinking about it."

Russia had been lying up on his side, and now he reached out his arm over Latvia and started caressing his back. Latvia closed his eyes contently as Russia switched to putting his hand up his shirt and rubbing soothing circles over his lean back muscles.

Russia continued, "I am so happy that you are okay, and that you are here right now."

After a few minutes of cuddling and waking up, they went off to do their own things before heading to the kitchen. Russia was made to relax again and draw at the table while Latvia worked on preparing some thin, Russian pancakes. He put a bunch on a plate and set it on the table before putting strawberry jam down beside it. Milk was dropped down as well, and then a bowl of diced cantaloupe was slid into the middle.

"This is so nice of you," Russia smiled at him as he cleared away his area. "Thank you."

Latvia sat down and handed over to him his plate and utensils. Once he was sitting directly across from him and observing him in full profile, Latvia considered his appearance consciously for the first time since he had come out from the operation. Half of his hair was cut right down to a something that neighbored a buzz cut, and this sort of punk-style haircut made him look more intimidating than when he had had ashen-blond hair hanging softly down on both sides of his head.

Russia cocked his head when he noticed Latvia staring at him. Despite the haircut, his continued innocent expression instilled no different feelings into Latvia as he regarded him. He smiled nicely at him and put his attention upon his knife and fork.

After a few pancakes disappeared, Latvia tapped the side of the bowl with his fork and said, "Eat the fruit. You are still recovering and you really need it."

Russia gave him another soft smile and complied, spearing an orange cube and popping it into his mouth. Latvia continued to harass him so that he would keep taking them. Even when half of the bowl was gone and Latvia had only taken a few for himself, he insisted that Russia have more.

"Come on," Latvia said.

Russia sighed and replied, "I already had half. You should be having some too."

"You need it more," he persisted.

Latvia sank his fork into one of the pieces. He then leaned over the table and held it in front of the other's face.

Russia laughed softly, "You are really wanting me to do this?"

When Latvia smiled, Russia leaned forward a bit and slid the fruit off the fork with his teeth. Latvia laughed gleefully and grabbed one piece after the other until only a few were left. That was when Russia decided to lean backwards against his chair and continue to cut his pancakes to leave Latvia with the rest.

"And you called me cute," Latvia giggled with a grin.

A tinge of pink ran across both of Russia's cheeks, but he remained quiet.

Latvia did the dishes while Russia went off presumably to his office. Latvia caught up to him after and saw him there, and he tapped on the door before approaching his desk.

Latvia asked, "Is it okay if we talk quickly?"

"About what?"

"I… I don't want to upset you, but it's just that I've been here for a month. I was thinking that because I haven't talked to my boss at all about this, that I should… you know…"

"I understand," Russia murmured. "You… you have to be going home."

"Yeah…" Latvia breathed.

Russia's eyes went down to his screen. Latvia looked over his figure, and found himself again fixed on his head and at the thick, stitched injury. The first thing he considered was that it looked vastly different than how it had the day before, and that its colour was nearly a normal one. His next thought was that perhaps today or tomorrow he could get the stitches taken out.

"But…" Latvia went on. "It's not that I want to leave you. I really like being with you."

Russia looked back up at him and turned his head slightly while smiling sadly.

"You were never meant to stay with me forever," Russia said. "No one was. I used to feel the regret over this, and I was sad that everyone had left me alone. But it is okay. I started to learn this in the last few days, after I told you to go home although you stayed. It is not my choice anymore, nor will it ever be again. I can't have you, or anyone. It is just something I am learning to accept."

"No…" Latvia whispered. "That doesn't sound right. That sounds so… so…"

"Sad," Russia said. "I know. But this is how life is working, is it not? It is cruel, and passing time is a curse. You will come and go, but when you are here, you are not really here, do you not think so as well? I will blink my eyes, and you will be gone. Like you were just an illusion."

"Your happiness isn't so... evanescent," Latvia choked. "There is so much for us to do. I want to be with you. I will be with you. How could I let you be alone?"

"Latvia," Russia murmured. "It doesn't have to be a sad thing. At least the time apart will keep us from being sick of each other."

"But how could I get sick of you when there is an infinite amount of things to do? All the places to go, the new inventions and events… I want to do all of these things with you. How could you think that after how hard I worked to help you, how after I had stayed beside you despite everything that was thrown at us- that I would get bored of you? I won't!"


"No," Latvia said. "Even if I spend time away from you, it is not like we are taking a break. How could I stop thinking about you,and about how much I just want you to be with me? Of course I want to spend my life with you, because of how we changed together from the people we used to be. After all these years, I feel as though we need each other… And it just feels so wonderful to be with someone who cares about you unconditionally."

"Do you mean that?" Russia whispered. "You are really wanting to be spending your life with me?"

Latvia nodded. "Of course. You. I want to be with you. Despite all those books I've read, I've never believed that I would feel this way myself, with anyone. I don't know if I can feel like this for anyone else. You are amazing; you are so kind and gentle to me. I feel so safe in your arms, and I love to make you happy. Didn't I tell you your real smile is beautiful? All I want is to be with you and see it all the time."

"I really want to be with you," Russia sighed. "I just want to hold you, and I want you to feel happy and safe with me. I want to fall asleep beside you every night and wake up to see your sweet face."

"And we will. So much. I promise that I will see you as often as possible, and even hurry over even if it is only for one day with you."

Russia lifted himself up in his chair.

"Really? You would be doing that? Even if it is one day?"

When Latvia nodded eagerly, Russia beamed and said, "Can I do this too? Can I come over to your house?"

"Whenever you want," he replied. "I'll give you a key too."

Russia gasped and drummed his fingers on the desk excitedly.

"Really? I can come over whenever I am wanting to? You are fine with this?"

"The only person who isn't going to like this is my boss, but I guess he will have to get over it, yes?"

The delight shone brightly in Russia's eyes. Latvia would have approached him, but because he had his things out on his desk, he stayed away out of consideration. He was therefore surprised when Russia, after glancing at something on his screen, beckoned Latvia over. He hesitantly came to his side.

Russia explained, "We should look at this together."

His email account was open and there was a long list of unread emails. One was currently highlighted, sent an hour ago, and it was from none other than Russia's boss. It was untitled.

"Are you sure?" Latvia asked.

"It's going to be about us," he replied.

What they found inside was exactly a follow-up of the discussion from last night. Immediately a list of negotiations, or rather, rules- was set before them. Before they started reading them, both of them felt quite apprehensive, but then as Russia muttered them aloud, their attributes were revealed.

"Assignments will be prioritized. If you are given an assignment, even while he is with you, you must isolate yourself and complete the work before putting any attention back upon him," Russia read.

"But you've already kind of been doing that, right?"

Russia nodded, then continued, "If he is present when I come over to meet you, he must go to another part of the house where he will not hear or have a part in our business."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"Okay, and then… Activities in Russia are permitted, but absolutely no public displays of affection will be allowed." Russia peered over at him. "Do you think that we can do these things in other countries? Is this allowed?"

"You can ask."

"Hmm… we can just assume. If we get in trouble, I can try defending myself with the confusion."

Latvia slipped a hand onto his shoulder and leaned in against him to follow along.

Russia continued, "Latvia must sign a form to prove that this relationship is nonpolitical, and that both parties consent to it. Agreement is required so that this nation is not accused of obligating and taking control of a NATO nation. This form will also be signed by the Latvian president, and then sent back to me."

He scrolled down and then the entirety of the next page was the aforementioned form. They glazed over the terms at the top, which described the previous term in more detail.

Russia asked, "Do you think that your boss will sign this?"

"I think so. This seems fair."

On the next page, were the final words.

"Regarding upcoming vacation times, both weeks 33 and 34 are available for you. Do what you will, but contact me beforehand and let me know your planned location and submit all information on hotels, flights, rentals, etc."

"That's next week!" Latvia gasped.

Russia worriedly asked him, "Can you get it off?"

"I'll do anything to get that off," Latvia smiled.

"Should I be emailing Prussia? Maybe we can set something up."

Latvia nodded enthusiastically before setting his chin on Russia's shoulder. A hand reached up and stroked his cheek before setting itself down on the keyboard and getting to work. Latvia watched him write the inquiry to Prussia and send it off. After this was taken care of, Russia swallowed and said, "So, when was it you were leaving today?"

"Sometime this afternoon. I should be back home for tomorrow morning."

When a look of sadness crossed over the other's face, Latvia eased him into a hug. Russia raised his back off the chair so Latvia's hands could slip onto his back. As the angle still made it difficult to embrace him, Latvia slid over the other's legs and clung to him while seated sideways on his lap. Russia leaned into the hug and held him tightly.

"I'm going to miss you," Russia murmured.

"I know," Latvia whispered. "I will miss you too. But we'll see each other again soon. It's just a few days."

"It will be hard to sleep without you," Russia said. "The pillows aren't as cozy and warm."

Latvia nuzzled his chest and Russia smiled down at him with an exhale that expressed adoration. He pet the back of Latvia's head while holding him close against him. After a few minutes however, Russia dropped his hand.

He sighed, "But I am having assignment to be doing now… He says that I have to do it first, but I just want to hold you… especially because you will be leaving soon."

"But I can stay here, can't I?" Latvia perked. "I can turn my body then and you can type."

"But you will be facing the computer."

"I won't look…." then Latvia considered that it would not be fair to offer this if Russia had no way to know if he had his eyes open or not, so he added, "Actually, give me your scarf. I can have a blindfold."

Russia took it off and wrapped it around Latvia's eyes and tied it for him. When it was comfortably on him, he let the ends of the scarf drop over the side of the chair and lie on the carpet. He smiled contently when Latvia pressed against him and he could rest his arms on Latvia's sides as he reached to the keyboard.

Latvia closed his eyes under the blindfold and relaxed against his body as he listened to the taps of Russia's fingers efficiently striking the keys. Although there was nothing to do to occupy himself, he hardly cared when he felt so fuzzy between Russia's arms and so snug from his warmth. He could feel his diaphragm moving and how his chest expanded, and as he respired slowly his solid bones and muscles rocked Latvia back and forth. He felt the smooth bumps of his ribs when he turned his face to the side and laid it against Russia. Through the fabric of the scarf, he heard the calm thudding of his heart, and the deep, relaxed inhales and exhales that the other took.

Such precious, little things that I never thought about so long ago. But I love them now; I am close to him, and I can feel how he is alive. And how glad I am, that he is here with me right now.

The tapping stopped after a while and Latvia felt the muscles in Russia's arm go taut as he stretched them. When they went slack, they slid around Latvia and momentarily squeezed him into a hug while his hands caressed his sides. This only lasted for a few moments, before Russia put his hands back on the keyboard. After a few seconds however, he bent his back and dropped his head to nestle a kiss through his hair while still typing.

When the noise ceased to continue, Russia promptly set all his attention upon Latvia. He brushed his hands down Latvia's chest and rested them on his waist. He shifted again and leaned forward, tilting his head so he could delicately kiss his cheek. After, he carefully undid the knot and threw the scarf back around his own neck.

"I am done," he smiled as he slipped his arms around the other's body and held him gently.

Latvia continued to be limp in his hold, just lying against him and listening to his breathing and heartbeat. Then, Latvia asked softly, "What do you want to do before I leave?"

"Can we cuddle?"

"Of course."

Russia carried him out of the office and to his bedroom. He carefully laid Latvia onto the mattress before he turned off the light and walked around to hop in and join him. He slid under the blankets with him and adjusted a pillow below his arm for Latvia. Latvia shifted in, put his head down, and slowly sunk into comfort against Russia.

"Ah," Russia sighed. "So warm."

Latvia had stayed over with Russia for longer than the original plan, and now there would be no avoiding the trouble he would get from his boss for being late. Now, it was already night and Latvia was waiting on the platform for his train to arrive. He stood outside in the breezeless, warm night, leaning against a pillar and occupying himself by dragging a foot over a crack on the ground repetitively. Around him, hardly anyone else stood around and waited for the train that departed to Riga. The few people here only fiddled around on their phones by themselves against their own pillars further away.

A thud sounded to his side and he glanced to his right. A man clutched at a garbage can for balance before he trudged away from it and grumbled along. Latvia saw the corner of a ticket poking out from his pocket, but the man did not seem in the mood to stand and wait like the others. This man's wide-eyed stare locked onto him, and then he stumbled over to him with a sway that threw his body in diagonal trajectories.

Latvia stepped back uncomfortably as the man came closer.

Is he actually looking at me? Why is he coming over here?

The man groaned out heavy breaths, and the reek of alcohol reached Latvia's nostrils as he came closer. Although his path was crooked, his objective still did not switch from Latvia.

So he said to the man in polite Russian, "Sir, what are you doing? Could you please not come close to me?"

He slurred, "Twentyeleven minutes is 'nough time. Wanna go back there?"


"Mmm, before the train comes. Maybe we do something before I sleeps…? Let's go in."

The man turned his head towards the public washroom.

"What are you talking about?"

"Small…" he mumbled before gazing over him.

As the eyes scanned him, that was when realization struck Latvia. He was looking at him with those piercing, lustful eyes as those men in California had looked at him before. The man had his focus low, and promptly Latvia threw his bag in front of him and covered that part of his body while yelping, "Hey! Don't look at me like that!"

The man smacked his lips and took a wavering step closer and invaded his space.

"I won't hurtcha, just come back there with me."

"No! Get away!"

"But you look so gooood. Small... you gotta be tight, yes?"

His dirty, meaty hand reached out to touch his face. Latvia looked straight into the man's eyes, and here he saw only animalistic desire that was devoid of all morality and consciousness. He leaped away and walked backwards, throwing his head back briefly to see if the other people saw what was happening on this side of the platform, but he found that no one's attention had been snatched away from their phones.

Yet even as he walked out into the open for all eyes and cameras to see, the thick legs of the man moved forward under his round gut. He practically moved like a zombie, lurching and reaching out a hand towards the item he desired. Latvia narrowed his eyes at the gritty fingernails that reached out for him, and words rushed through his mind.

To win, I have to be just as merciless as the opponent. To survive I have to not only defend myself, but strive to attack and destroy the enemy.

Starting a brawl here at the train station would not fare well on his behalf, so a good second-best that satisfied him was snapping his foot into those fingernails and driving them in, bending them and creating white lines across them all. The man howled in pain, and people jolted to see the filthy, one hundred kilogram man looming over the tiny, 140cm of a person, while he bellowed and clutched at his hand. Latvia retreated into the group of approaching people, who ringed around him like a herd of muskoxen. One person talked to him and assured him while the rest harassed the man until he staggered away and lay alone over the garbage can.

"Honestly, they let the worse kind of people on the trains," someone groaned. "First it's watch dealers, then it's dirty drunkards. God, how he'd even get a ticket?"

Latvia waited with the comfort of the other people until the train arrived in ten minutes. All the while he could not help but feel gratification inside, that the situation had been handled so well.

He taught me how to be strong and stand up for myself even if I look like easy prey. I never expected that helping Russia with his morals would help me so much.

And he smiled to himself as the train picked up speed and he lay back to sleep.

Latvia answered the knock at his door and gasped although the arrival had been expected. Russia was dressed in such unexpected attire; such that Latvia had never seen upon him before. He wore formal clothes, but none of the old-fashioned ones that were known to fill his wardrobe. Today, rather, he had a modern black suit and pair of dress pants, a white shirt and dark tie on him. All his features were sharp, and as Latvia stared at him in awe, Russia gave him a thin, white smile.

"Oh my god…" Latvia breathed. "You look so…"

He trailed off and just grinned up at him. He moved in and hugged him, catching scent of the fresh, new clothes. Footsteps came up from behind Latvia, and he drew away and looked at the man coming up beside him.

Russia furrowed his eyebrows as Latvia's boss immediately swept his eyes analytically over Russia and spoke in Latvian. Latvia's facial expression dropped into one of disgruntlement and he muttered, "Jā. Viņš ir…" before he shook his head and said to him, "Yes. That is him."

Russia watched on unhappily as the president continued to speak in Latvian, flicking his eyes back at Russia occasionally. Latvia cut in and said, "Please speak English. You're being rude."

The other huffed and continued on regardless. Russia turned his attention onto Latvia, who only appeared more and more vexed at the words he was hearing.

"Don't talk about him like that," Latvia distressed. "He's right there and you're just saying such terrible things! He's good- be nice to him!"

His boss snipped something at him, and Latvia exasperated, "Come on, just look at him!"

Russia stiffened as the eyes focused on him.

"Apologies," the president finally spoke in English. "Now, I don't think we have ever been formally introduced to each other…"

The man stepped forward and shook Russia by the hand while giving out his name and title. Russia listened and then he presented himself.

"Yes. I am the Russian Federation. Pleased to meet you."

The other nodded in what seemed to be approval, before he withdrew.

Latvia asked, "Could you give him the form?"

And while the president turned and went to fetch it, Latvia gave him a smile and said, "It took a long time to convince him to sign it."


"Yeah. He said a lot of mean things about you, and we got into an argument about it, actually. He was mostly still unhappy that I ran off and stayed at your place for a month without permission."

"But he really said that you could be going to Germany?"

"I asked after he signed the paper. He was really sick of talking about it, and he mostly gave up on dealing with me."

He went quiet as he heard him coming back. The form was begrudgingly passed over to Russia, who looked over the signatures while pulling one lip out to the side with satisfaction. Latvia's boss sighed and held his briefcase tightly before shoving past Russia and leaving the house.

"I'm sorry," Latvia murmured. "He really doesn't like this."

"But he won't do anything to you, will he?"

"No, it's alright. He just dislikes me right now… a lot. He said that no one else in this country will like it also if they find out. That they'll hate the idea of their nation getting… well, he said some vulgar things. He was horrible."

Russia followed him inside and sat on the couch with him. While he leaned against him, Latvia stroked over his suit and said, "So, wow… you got really dressy."

"We will be having a nice night today. I wanted to wear something that would surprise you and that you would like."

Latvia circled his finger over a button and asked, "Hmm, but now I have to match you, yes? I'll have to see if I have any good suits."

"You don't have to wear one," Russia said as he pulled him in and embraced him. "Actually, I would like it a lot if you were just wearing the clothes that you had at the cultural festival. You looked so sweet."

Latvia agreed to this, and received a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Do you want to go out to dinner right now?" Russia asked.

Latvia nodded, and then was released to get ready.

That night was composed of a dinner at a high-grade restaurant in which Latvia had to honor of paying for them both this time, and then a movie afterwards. As they walked back, his heart felt so light and he happily bounced along Russia's side.

It was so nice that we did this. So nice! Ah, tonight was such a perfect- oh, this was a date. A really great date night.

The entire time they had been out in the city that night, they had remembered to keep their distances from each other as to not draw attention. But Latvia had noticed everything: the murmured words by his ear, the fleeting glances at his hands and eyes, and the grazed touches of his hand of his back- and he knew how much Russia wanted to be close to him. Inside was freedom, and finally Russia's hands could stroke his arms and hold his hands, and he could pet his hair and kiss his neck. He scooped him into his arms, and Latvia snuggled into him, looking up with soft eyes like melted caramel. In the bed, Russia held him and laid him down carefully as he kissed him. Latvia flickered his eyelids as he looked up at him, and he soon pulled Russia's face back to him.

"Ah," Russia sighed as he pulled away and pet his cheeks. "Every time we kiss I feel so tickly inside. So soft and nice."

"Like butterflies?" Latvia offered.

"Yes," he whispered. "A lot of little butterflies with delicate wings. Sometimes I feel like they're there too, when I am just thinking of you."

Latvia made a pleased sound and hugged him.

Russia quietly clicked his tongue once off the roof of his mouth, and he looked down at Latvia and breathed, "Aww."

They sat up and Russia caressed his hands over him. Latvia closed his eyes and let him touch him gently, giving those hands all his trust. Fingers touched under his chin, down the side of his neck and then swept over his chest. His hands met each other behind his back, and he hugged Latvia again while pressing his fingertips into his muscles. Latvia's head rolled and he looked up dreamily as Russia dug in and made little circles on his back. Latvia put his face against his chest and shifted closer as Russia pressed up his back. Latvia sighed softly and rubbed his cheek against Russia's ribs as he squeezed him.

Russia murmured to him, "I love you."

Latvia kissed his sternum and then nuzzled him again.

"I love you too."

His back arched as Russia pressed between his scapulae. He felt as though his tense muscles were liquidizing as his fingers seemed to dig through every fiber, stroking and massaging even his bones. He wrapped his legs around Russia and curled his toes contently.

Russia glided his hands over the silky clothes that were delightfully cool to the touch. The shirt slipped loosely to the side, and Russia happened to look at the clear smooth skin of Latvia's shoulder when it was revealed.

"Latvia," he whispered with a little gasp. "Are your scars gone?"

"Yes," he exhaled.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

Latvia allowed Russia to slip his fingers under his shirt and pull up. Russia watched his face carefully until he pulled the soft clothes over his head. Latvia sat before him with his fingers grazing over the blanket and his toes rubbing the fabric between themselves. Russia gazed over him, but there was nothing malicious or lascivious in his eyes and Latvia's heart only beat placidly. Russia moved closer, and he turned and looked behind him over his back. He looked over its clean purity that was completely unmarked by any white lines.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that," Russia murmured from behind him.

Latvia said nothing and just allowed Russia to run his hands over where the marks used to litter his back. Russia finally sighed after he had felt over him and had found no bumps at all, then he slipped his arms around him and hugged him from behind while dropping his face. He put his lips on the muscle by his neck, and he felt warmth in his heart as he touched his tender skin and inhaled his sweetness.

Russia's voice was a hushed breeze.

"Never again."

Germany was upstairs in the bathroom when he heard the uproar of three of his dogs as they rushed to the knock at the door. He groaned and soon was heading down the stairs just as the noise quieted down. The door had already been opened by Prussia, who greeted the guests energetically, and to his surprise- jumped at Russia's raised greeting hand, spinning before slapping it with a high five. Russia as well seemed surprised, but he promptly broke out into a grin and he looked at Prussia with an energetic rush in his eyes. Germany nearly expected them to tear across the house chasing each other like hyper cats- but instead the attention was lowered to the dogs waiting excitedly behind Prussia, with their tails wagging while they begged to be noticed.

Prussia grinned, "I guess I can give you a formal introduction to these crazy guys!"

He knelt down and rubbed the doberman on his head. He started listing out their names, pointing every time before continuing to scratch Berlitz on the head. When these three were introduced, Prussia added, "But our dalmatian is probably sleeping with the pup right now, but you can see them later. These guys just like to see whenever someone new comes to the door. But we have even more animals hanging around this place: a cat or two, and my awesome bird, of course!"

Latvia emitted a sound of being impressed, before the doberman stood up and padded over to Latvia as he was removing his final shoe. He visibly stiffened as the large dog came up to him, but it stopped and looked at him with soft eyes and ears perked with interest. Latvia hesitantly stroked his head, as though fearing that its eyes would turn demonic and its lips would pull back before it would snap at his arm without warning. He cast a nervous glance over at Russia, but saw that he was on his knees and accepting the large, fluffy dog named Aster into his arms.

He was smiling so contently as he hugged and stroked the dog's fur. Germany as well watched Russia, although his eyebrows were furrowed and the discomfort was plain on his face. He moved down the last few stairs and then he moved to Prussia's side, still with his eyes on Russia, as though he expected him the grab his dog's head and snap his neck at any moment. Prussia seemed absolutely unconcerned, and he was in fact looking over at Latvia and nodding his head encouraging at Berlitz.

Latvia tried to relax as he scratched the dog between the ears. When he rubbed the dog's shoulders, Berlitz moved forward and Latvia inhaled sharply when the dog's muzzle disappeared from his view and neared his neck. However, soon a heavy, warm head dropped onto his shoulder and Latvia calmed before hugging him happily, petting and scratching his back. He saw movement, and noticed how the German Shepherd came over to Russia, sniffed the hands stroking Aster, before walking over to Russia's side to sit down and lean against him.

"Don't look like that, brother!" Prussia exclaimed as he saw the continued look of discontentment on Germany's face. "They got their stamps of approval!"

Germany raised his eyebrows and exhaled, trying his best to eliminate his expression.

"Yes, okay. I'm… sorry."

"So anyway," Prussia perked and spoke to the other two now. "What do you want to do today?"

Russia turned to Latvia expectantly. Latvia said, "Could we walk around here? I haven't been in Berlin in a long time."

"Yeah, sure!" Prussia exclaimed. "I can be your guide. Germany, do you want to join us?"

"Uh- no, that's alright," he said. "Italy said he's going to come over sometime today as well, so I'll have to stay and let him in and make sure he doesn't break anything."

"Whoa, what? Italy's coming over today too? Like, we should make this into a party- call over a bunch of-"

"No. We're not having that."

"Yeah, okay fine," he smirked. "We got enough… but the beer fridge will be raided tonight!"

Germany sighed, and Prussia beckoned his two guests in so they could take care of their bags.

"We got a guest room here for you to use," Prussia said as he opened up a room for them.

They quickly glanced in and threw in their things before following him back to the door. Prussia snatched some keys and he shouted a farewell to Germany before he led the way outside with a skip in his step. Russia went in the back with Latvia as Prussia hopped in the driver's seat and started the car.

Prussia said partway through the drive, "Wow though, your head. That's crazy… what happened to you."

While the stitches had already been taken out, the line was still noticeable on the part of his head where the hair was clipped.

"Mmm. A lot of craziness in the last couple years, wasn't there, Latvia?"

"Ah, yes. Where would we even begin?"

Prussia nodded and checked them over in the rear-view mirror.

"I've been kept updated on everything," he said. "But I can't believe some of those things! I'm sorry that it all happened."

They drew into a silence in which Russia and Latvia looked around and out all of the windows to glimpse the sights around them. They looked at the busy life that spiced up the city with energy, as people hopped in and out of boutiques, restaurants, and cafes. Both Berliners and the tourists that stuck out tackily carried full and heavy bags of multiple colours as they walked past chalkboard signs with elegant German cursive words upon them.

Prussia took them to the Reichstag, and after conversing quickly with a few workers, they were permitted through and he took them into the glass dome of the building that was open to the public. Walkways like silver spirals were flooded in warm light, and they wandered and explored the vast room with the registered guests.

Latvia stopped and appreciated the spectacular view that looked over the city.

"Oh wow," he breathed.

He fiddled with his camera and tried to take a picture. Russia chuckled and said, "I do not think you will be getting good photo through the glass."

Latvia tried anyways, and he shrugged as he looked over the screen. He took some more as they went along and trailed Prussia, and Russia waited beside him every time he stopped.

They then went out onto the open roof terrace, and they all came up to the edge and held onto the metal bar to peek out over what could be seen over the horizon. Past the green yard of the parliament was a blend of grey buildings, trees, and the occasional German flag flapping in the wind.

Russia gazed over the parks, cathedrals, and shops that went out as far as the eye could see, and he said with a cheerful ring in his voice, "You have a nice home, Prussia."

"Yeah, I love it here," he sighed wistfully and set his head on his hand. "So much has happened here, but the strength of the people made it survive through it all and become the place that it is today."

Russia cast his eyes down. He felt that prick of guilt that slid a knife into his chest, and he looked far down below them as he murmured, "Yes. It is a very strong place."

Prussia had not heard him, and he only went on to lean eagerly over the railing to focus his rosy-eyed gaze downwards. Even Latvia had missed it over the sound of his camera snapping a photo, and he was momentarily distracted by the views to notice the grief that had filled Russia's eyes. For a moment, Russia could not see in front of him as he was sucked into his mind and trapped in a stream of memories. The first memory that came to him was the one where he had pulled Prussia away from his brother the day Germany was split between the Allies. Then he remembered the rebellious fury in his eyes the day he had first tried to stand up against him- an anger that lingered even after the blood had speckled the wall and his hair. He remembered so vividly how Prussia had lifted up his head, focused his dazed eyes upon him, and had summoned every ounce of his diminishing energy to murmur to him weakly, "F...Fuck you."

"Hey," Prussia muttered beside him. "Are you alright?"

Latvia heard the question and he looked up at Russia in concern.

Russia replied, "Sorry, I was just thinking of some things."

"Well come on, don't be doing anything like that!" Prussia exclaimed and playfully smacked his side. "Just enjoy the moment!"

A smile cracked his face and the memories drifted away. He nodded and watched Prussia hop away and spread out his arms to indicate the huge world around them all.

"Now, how about we go to the botanical gardens?" Prussia offered.

Prussia took them back to the car, and on the drive through the city, they listened to the radio more closely this time. Latvia and Russia knew some of the songs as they were also popular on the radios in their countries, and soon both were rocking side-to-side to the tune of the more upbeat, modern songs. Latvia tapped his foot on the ground as Russia held his hand and patted this thumb on his.

Again, Prussia negotiated so that all of them were given free admission. He padded into the garden and the two who followed behind him were immediately looking around with awe at the space around them that opened up into expansive magnificence. The lawns that burst with the bright colours of the flowerbeds on either side of the stone path made the whole atmosphere around them fresh and brought them energetic joy. Prussia led the way still with a perked hop in his step, and showed them to the most tasteful structures, some of which were sided by trees of purple blossoms and pines with different shades of green.

Latvia sighed, "Ah, it is so nice here."

He looked up at Russia and was excited at the calm happiness that glowed on his face along with the sunlight that reflected off him. A brilliant smile was spread across Russia's face as he turned his head and looked at everything scattered around them that lay in positions of perfection and exploded with beauty.

Latvia's heart leaped and pounded with exhilaration and he inhaled deeply, pressed up against Russia, and rubbed his face across his arm. Russia made a sound of adoration in his throat before he looked down at the little coziness against his side, and he found his hand and held it with his own as they walked along.

"Stand by the pond!" Prussia exclaimed. "And give me your camera, Latvia. I'll take a picture of you two!"

Both his guests looked delighted, and Russia was quite excited that he was going to get to have more pictures to add to his beloved collection. Russia knelt and hugged Latvia from behind as he looked over his shoulder with the most joyous smile. Afterwards having snapped the picture, Prussia took charge of the camera and preceded to keep capturing photos of whatever affectionate thing they did to each other, and a grin held itself on his face all the while.

On their way to grab lunch, Prussia passed the camera to the back seat and let them look through everything he had taken. There were pictures of flowers blended into the sentimental roll and overall, Latvia could not be happier with what they had received.

Prussia's really nice, he thought. Hyper most of the time, but he must be a very good friend to have if Russia became friends with him.

After lunch, they went to the final destination of the day: the wall of Berlin.

"Why are you wanting to see this?" Russia asked as they walked towards it. "I thought that you hated it and would be wanting to avoid it as much as possible."

"It isn't the same for me anymore," Prussia said. "I started not to think so much about it negatively after it fell. I no longer see it as an object that you had used to repress me, because it lost that meaning so long ago. People have decorated it with graffiti and brought art and beauty to it, so now it is nothing like what it used to be."

They walked along and looked over the colourful images of people, German flags, and other odd creatures that had been spray-painted upon the old stone. It had been so long as well, since Russia had seen the wall, and he as well was eased by the changes that had been done to it.

So he wanted to show me this then, Russia thought. How everything has been painted over; the wall… and his hatred. This is the physical proof then, to show how he has forgiven me by taking me to this place with him.

The sun was beginning to set as they went and drove homewards. The weariness was in their legs after a whole day of travelling by foot and experiencing new things, and so both Russia and Latvia blinked sleepily in the backseat. As a calm dwindled in the car, they finally closed their eyes and Prussia smiled contently as he looked in the rear-view mirror and saw the two flopped against each other while sleeping lightly. He looked back ahead as they passed the streets they had gone by before, and he thought, I think I did an awesome job today. They seemed to have had a great time! Ah, I can't wait until tomorrow.

Russia woke up as he felt the car slow down at a red light. He looked down at Latvia beside him and watched him with a mild expression as he slept. Russia listened to the music and Prussia was surprised to hear him whispering the words under his breath.

"You know this song?" Prussia asked.

"Yes, it is popular right now in my country," Russia murmured back.

Despite the effort to respond quietly, Latvia woke and creaked open his eyes. Russia whispered an apology to him, but Latvia looked outside and replied that they were almost back anyway.

Russia watched with interest as Prussia reached over and increased the volume of the song a smidge. Russia smiled a little and he dipped his head and he leaned himself slightly against Latvia. He began to sing quietly to him, and Latvia tilted up his head and looked at Russia with bliss. His eyes softened and he pulled against his seat belt to hug Russia. The other put his arm around him and held him close as he continued to sing to him.

Russia's hand stroked down the back of his head and Latvia made a happy sound in his throat while he nuzzled him. Latvia purred, "Aww, lapochka," to which Russia smiled at before holding him protectively. Russia looked up as soon, they were pulling into the driveway. Prussia slowed to let the final lines of the song conclude before he turned the car off.

Prussia laughed, "Ah, that was cute!" before he hopped out of the car and grinned back at them through the window.

They unbuckled their seat belts and quickly caught up with Prussia as he sauntered up to his house. Unheard by him, Latvia chuckled as he nudged Russia, "Yeah, your accent was adorable."

Russia inhaled sharply and blushed.

Once inside, they heard clanging and chopping in the kitchen, and Prussia popped his head in to see Italy in the process of cooking a large amount of pasta while Germany feverishly cleaned up every mess he left in his wake.

"Alright, Italy is cooking!" Prussia exclaimed loud enough so that the other two knew what was going on.

While they waited for dinner to be made, Prussia plopped on the couch and beckoned them to come sit and watch some television. Russia and Latvia were close as usual, but the moment Germany came into the room trailed by Italy, Russia moved away so that he was no longer touching him.

Italy looked over at Russia, and although he had been well aware that he was here, Italy was still surprised and admittedly slightly startled. The last experiences he had had around him were only him watching him dance cossack, and then before that he had been across the table from Russia as he stood alone, glaring murderously at America with a darkened voice and a dangerous aura creeping from him.

They were told that the food was ready, and as they got up to follow Italy and Germany, Prussia came to Russia's side and said, "I know you don't feel comfortable showing any affection in front of them, but if Italy sees you being nice to him, it can help him warm up to you and not feel so creeped out around you. No one here will feel uncomfortable, and actually all it would do is make you seem more like a nice guy."

"You are really thinking so?"

"Of course! Those two just got to see how much Latvia trusts you, and then they will as well, and then start acting not so tense."

Latvia nodded in agreement and took Russia's hand. Russia instantly looked nervous and he looked back to Prussia for reassurance. Russia tried to appear calm as they entered the dining room and eyes briefly fell upon them. Germany looked away, but Italy's brown eyes were opened and blinking at them while he tilted his head slightly with curiosity. They parted hands slowly, brushing over each other's fingertips, before sitting down in front of empty plates.

Everyone took their turn serving themselves the amount pasta and sauce that they wanted. Latvia and Russia looked with interest as they dropped the noodles on their plates, not remembering what to expect after having not had Italian-grade pasta in a very long time. However once the warm food was in their mouths, the look of delight on their faces made Italy perk in a happy pride.

Prussia decided to talk about everything they had done today with Italy and Germany, and he took charge in keeping conversations going and settling everyone into a calm and contented mood. After dinner, already Italy was acting like his relaxed and happy self, and Germany was no longer so stiff and unsure in Russia's presence. Even in the kitchen when his German shepherd padded up to Russia, Germany did not feel compelled to guard over his dog as Russia bent down and scratched behind his ears.

It was decided that because his guests still appeared rather sleepy, they would not drink alcohol but would instead just all settle down by the television before going to bed tonight. Italy was the first to decide that it was going to be a comfy event, and he raced away and returned with pyjamas on. After he poked at Germany for a while, he finally sighed and complied before leaving to put on his own. Prussia joined the trend so his brother would not feel so awkward, and then as everyone else did this, Russia and Latvia decided to as well.

Germany was quick back and as was Prussia, who immediately walked out and went into the kitchen to fill up snack bowls and take them back. Italy and Germany had chosen to sit on two armchairs that were side-by-side, and Prussia dropped the bowls on the coffee table before taking the spot at the one end of the couch nearest Italy's side. Russia appeared, looking calm and friendlier once out of his summer day clothes and in some relaxed, soft pyjamas, and he sat on the couch as well.

Everyone glanced over as Latvia was the last to enter the room. Russia, who was at the end of the couch closest to the entrance into the room, sighed and leaned on the couch's arm as he looked over Latvia's clothes. He was wearing his soft loose pyjamas that covered his body in comforting fabric, and it was the same thing he had worn once before to tempt him into stroking his arms. He looked so small and innocent as he came in quietly with his hands in front of him and clasped together.

Russia felt something within him soften and he cooed, "Come here."

Latvia drifted over to the couch. There was something interesting to the onlookers that they recognized, and it has how he came over just as immediately as he had would have when commanded to during the Soviet Era at a World Conference. This time however, it was not out of obedient fear. Now there was absolute unwariness about him, and he approached him with trust in his eyes and no hesitation in his walk. Just by observing him, everyone could understand this tiny Baltic who no longer trembled, truly felt that no harm would come to him if he approached the other, and that he completely believed that he would receive kindness from him. He was indeed welcomed into Russia's arms, pulled onto his lap and hugged tenderly while all eyes were upon them. Yet even though the intention had been clear beforehand, Germany and Italy seemed still impressed and awed that Latvia had demonstrated pure willingness to come to be where he was right now, in the arms of a person they had known before to be unpredictable and dangerous.

Latvia wrapped his arms around his waist hugged him back, squeezing himself against him. Russia stroked his cozy back before shyly glancing over at Prussia, who nodded encouragingly back at him.

When Prussia stopped by the guest room, he looked through the open door into the room that already had its lights turned off. He saw Russia and Latvia already cuddling close to each other, relaxed and quietly breathing. Prussia was about to leave as to not disturb them, but then Russia's eyes flickered open and he gazed at him.

Prussia said, "Sorry to wake you. I just came by to see if you guys needed anything before I settle down too."

"Maybe some water," Russia whispered. "Thank you."

Russia closed his eyes and dozed during the time Prussia was away. He woke again when Prussia came back with a full glass and put it on the side table.

As Prussia left, Germany and Italy passed by the room, and Prussia stopped in the hall as Germany said something to him that was too quiet for Russia to hear.

Prussia replied in German, "They're fine. They aren't going to do anything. I know what they are like, and it's not like that."

Russia reached for the water and sipped it carefully over Latvia before putting it back down. Latvia shifted and wearily murmured to him, "Hmm? What?"

"Nothing, kitten. Go back to sleep."

Germany looked up when he heard Russian being spoken. Everyone else glanced over at the direction he was looking out of curiosity, and they saw how Russia stroked the back of Latvia's head, gently kissed his hair before quieting down and drifting back to sleep.

"See?" Prussia said. "Innocent sweeties. Don't worry about them."

And then Prussia departed and the others left as well after taking one last look at the tranquil expression upon Russia's face.

He saw Latvia sitting alone on the couch reading, assumably waiting for the others to awaken. Russia wandered over to him, and Latvia put his book to the side when he saw him approaching. Russia eased in beside him while wrapping his arm over his shoulders and turning his face to the side, pointing it at Latvia's neck. The air he exhaled through his nose tickled his skin, and Latvia smiled and leaned into him.

A hand crossed over and stroked down the side of Latvia's face, and he reached up and held it there against him. Russia's thumb then strayed away and breezed over his cheek, rubbing his skin gently.

"Do you like it here?" Russia asked him.

Latvia nodded softly and replied, "I do. Everyone is being so nice. I like really like Prussia now too, and Germany isn't being scary either."

"I'm glad," he sighed. "I hope you feel comfortable around them."

"I do," Latvia murmured.

When Russia's fingers shifted, Latvia let go of his hand. It went free and swept down and across his face, the fingertips grazing over his lips. He turned his wrist and then covered Latvia's lips with his palm, and Russia leaned in and kissed his own hand and smiled in amusement as he pulled away. Latvia smiled as well, a light of mirth in his eyes as he pulled away the hand over his mouth. Russia allowed it to be moved, but it continued to explore the textures of his face, and fondly touch him.

Russia sank down a bit until he was closer to him. Latvia closed his eyes and parted his lips expectantly, but Russia only tapped his on his cheek and then pulled away quickly. Before Latvia protested, a stream of kisses were planted up the side of his face before Russia withdrew and looked shyly to the side. He could see no one coming down the stairs, and despite how Prussia had said that no one minded that they demonstrate affection, he still blushed and looked notably sheepish.

While he was turned away, Latvia jumped in and pecked his cheek. The attention was switched back to him, and Latvia was soon found with his face being stroked before delicate, quick kisses were given to him again. Now Latvia could no longer hold back his flashes of smiles and bursts of light laughter as he was giving such teasing, tickling touches.

Finally, a thumb caressed his lip, and then a butterfly's kiss was put there. He was swift to pull away, but Latvia placed his hand over the back of Russia's head. He did not pull him, but rather rested his hand into his smooth and soft hair.

"Please?" Latvia murmured.

He received a nod. Russia cast his eyes at the staircase in the other room before he as well, closed his eyes. He let Latvia pull his head close and then take his lower lip. Russia melted at the touch of the gentle fingers in his hair, and when they drifted apart, he kept his eyes closed as his face hovered by Latvia's.

The footsteps that thumped down the stairs without rhythm indicated the arrival of none other than Prussia. Russia opened his eyes, and Latvia slid his hands down to his shoulders, but none of them truly felt compelled to let go of each other.

"Good morning!" Prussia exclaimed before leaving with a rambunctious laugh. They did not take offense from it however, recognizing that he did not intend to upset them, but was rather just feeling energetic.

When solid footsteps came down next, Russia tried to pull away sharply, but Latvia held onto him and said to him in Russian, "It's alright."

Russia closed his eyes and dipped his head. Latvia listened to the footsteps, and he picked up the sound of lighter and quicker feet coming down simultaneously. He threw away hesitation and rose up to met his lips. Russia inhaled sharply, but he did not dare pull away from Latvia or open his eyes. He recognized Latvia's goal, and he hesitantly put his hands on his back and encouraged him to be close.

Germany and Italy froze at the sight before them. Latvia listened to the silence, knowing that they were watching, so he stroked Russia's scarf until he pulled his face away and sunk down to snuggle against him. Automatically Russia held him and looked at him fondly before he suddenly remembered their audience. He flashed up his eyes and they wavered nervously as he scanned for their reactions. Germany's mouth hung open a crack as though he was about to say something but could not find the right words. His clear blue eyes met Russia's, and finally they saw the concern there, so then Germany closed his eyes and reopened them to reveal a new gaze of neutrality.

"Good morning," he said.

Italy rocked back and forth innocently behind him, a bright eye open and watching them while a calm smile played on his lips.

Russia and Latvia got up and followed everyone into the kitchen. A line of dogs waited with their tails excitedly whipping side-to-side as they waited for their breakfast, and Germany led them to their food bowls. As they heard the sound of kibble dropping into the dishes, Prussia threw open the fridge and started pulling things out. Everyone helped out and took the food to the table, and here they ate with even more of a familiar atmosphere than yesterday as everyone grew more comfortable in each other's presences.

Prussia's bird suddenly made an appearance, landing neatly beside his plate. He cast his eyes down at it and said with a smirk, "Hey, where were you yesterday? You missed all the fun!"

He pulled off some bread and put it at the bird's feet. As it pecked it, Prussia then said to everyone, "So, I came up with this idea of where we can go first this morning, and it's somewhere not far from here."

Germany said, "And where are you thinking?"

"It's a surprise!" he exclaimed.

Before they left, they took out the dogs out for a walk, in which everyone got to take one of them by the leash. Prussia grinned and gave Latvia control over the puppy while everyone else took the dogs that weighed more than him. After taking their time looking like a sort of dog-walking group, they came back and left the dogs with extra food, before Prussia jumped in the driver's seat of the car enthusiastically. Germany took shotgun beside him, and Italy eased into the back beside Latvia, who had taken the middle seat so that Russia would not be uncomfortably crammed against Italy.

Everyone waited expectantly, looking out to window for some kind of indication as to where they were going. Eventually, Germany made a sound of understanding, and then a few minutes later Russia jolted and pressed against the window excitedly.

Latvia whipped his head back and forth and then looked up through the windshield as they continued to drive between the walls of gold on either side of them. Soon, Prussia found a place to park, and Russia leapt outside with a cry of utter joy. He spun around and glanced in every direction, where the fields of sunflowers stretched out so far into the distance.

Latvia met Russia's eyes, and he saw nothing but the purest, most uncontained happiness there. The most beautiful of smiles appeared on Russia's face; a white one that glimmered so brightly under the warm light of the sun that watched above. Latvia's heart pounded excitedly as simultaneously Russia's did as well. No one remembered who was the first to start it, but soon everyone submitted to the joyous urge to dash into the field and be immersed in the world made up of sunlight and fulfilled dreams. Not even Germany could hold back the desire to follow along, as they all sprinted through the rows and had the petals of the sunflowers kiss their arms as they raced by.

Russia eventually stopped in the middle of the field, and he turned and waited for Latvia to catch up to him. Russia sighed as he looked at the sunflowers that bordered the little joy that walked over to him. He extended his hand out to him, and Latvia placed his into it. Russia felt delightful chills as he felt his soft skin touch him, and a fuzziness that contaminated his organs and made them feel like cotton fluff.

Latvia stared up from their hands and into Russia's eyes.

"Here we are," Latvia said. "Did you notice it? After every struggle we have had to face, your pursuit for happiness is finally at an end."

"Ah, I never imagined that I could feel so warm," Russia sighed. "And now I can feel like this no matter where I go, no matter if I am here under this summer heat or at home while a winter storm is going on outside. It is you who gave me this inextinguishable warmth and taught me how to love. I will never stop being thankful for everything you have done for me."

Latvia replied, "No matter what changes are to come, Russia, I will always be by your side. You as well have given me a warmth that I have never known before. There is nothing I want more than to see the world with you, explore everything and share the most amazing memories with you. Even if we can't go to the stars, we can try to find every field of sunflowers, and every mountain and forest. No matter where we go, we can always find happiness with each other."

"Please," Russia whispered as he stepped up to him. "Let us be doing this."

Latvia nodded and he said, "I love you."

Russia embraced him, and as he held him, a few tears dripped off his face and landed upon the soil.

"Thank you," he replied as the tears ended and all he could do now was smile. "Sweet kotik, I will always love you."

Latvia leaned against him and Russia allowed himself to fall backwards. Latvia fell into the arms that surrounded him with such a delicate touch despite the absolute strength they were capable of. As his strong but soothing hands drifted over his skin, he relaxed, feeling nothing but absolute safety. Latvia put his ear over his chest, and through the thin shirt, he could hear it.

Such a warm, strong heartbeat.

The wind breathed out in a calm sigh, and it tickled the petals of the sunflowers and made the plants sway in tune around them. Here, it had found them again, as it had promised that it would on that one, silvery night.

Latvia looked up with Russia at the endless sky above, as though the countless, beautiful possibilities could be seen in the purity of the blue vastness. Around them, the healthy walls of magnificent gold surrounded them; the tall sunflowers that stretched on and on out to the horizon that one day, they would go over together. And here they finally knew that among the blue and gold colours, that like the beauty of the sky and the hope Russia found in these divine flowers, their happiness would be undoubtedly, everlasting.

The End