America shrieked so loudly that Canada was sure that all the mirrors in France had now shattered. France simply squealed.

Canada held his hands over his ears, his face deadpan. "You know," Canada spoke softly, "the t-two of you have both told me that I needed to get a date sometime. And you," this was directed to America, "told m-me that I needed to confess to Prussia."

"Just because I said that absolutely does not mean that I thought that you would actually DO it," America lamented. He threw himself onto the nearest piece of furniture which just so happened to be France's couch.

France laughed, "I knew Prussia would break eventually."

Canada looked solemnly at them, "I hate you both. So m-much."

"So," America began, "how did it go? You never did tell us what happened? I told you about Russia."

This made Canada finally break into a small smile. "Yeah, because you can hardly go ten minutes without talking about Russia. It's all, 'My boyfriend this, and my boyfriend that.' Prussia on the other hand…" Canada's face flushed. "I like him so much. He brought me flowers and we went out to dinner. Then we walked around the park. I think he was going for a romantic vibe, but he got distracted by this group of kids playing extreme frisbee. We ended up playing frisbee for hours. Until everyone was too tired to stand. I ended up winning and Prussia even had the grace to accept his defeat."

France face-palmed, "Just when I thought I had him properly trained he goes and ruins all of my efforts."

Canada laughed, "Would he really be Prussia if he didn't?"

After a brief pause, "No, I suppose not."

"Sounds like you had fun," said America playfully, "but Prussia has hardly become good enough for my sweet baby brother- even if he HAS played nice. We all know that losing to you is inevitable."

"I'm still older than you," Canada deadpanned.


"Anyway," Canada turned to France, "how is it going with England?"

France's face heated up to a lovely shade of red which reminded Canada of a sunburnt lobster. "We're coming to an understanding, I think. Fighting less- well, no we fight just as much as usual but it's not hate filled."

America nodded decisively, "That's because you both fight like an old married couple."

Canada immediately nodded in agreeance. Suddenly, they all heard Canada's phone buzz from where it sat on the coffee table. Canada moved to grab it, but America launched over him to snatch it first.

"Is it Prussia?" America questioned as he ran in the opposite direction of Canada.

"Give it back!" Canada demanded as he stretched his arm to try to reach where America held it aloft.

"It is! What could he want with our precious pancake?" America began to skim through Prussia's texts. "He wants to know if you like awesome you're busy tonight," America briefly glanced at Canada, "and obviously I know that you have nothing better planned so let's see. How about, 'What did you have in mind,' with a winky face? Yup. Send!"

Canada frantically jumped but he couldn't reach his phone until America causally lowered his arm once the message was sent. "No- oh, what is he going to think? I would never say something like that. And. And." Canada looked at America with a horrified expression.

"You'll be fine. I'm the hero that's gonna get you to date number 2! You would've said no," America protested.

"Boys-" France started to say before he was interrupted by Canada's phone buzzing again.

Canada quickly opened and read the new text, "He wants me to come eat dinner with Germany and Italy."

"What a cockblocker." America peered over Canada's shoulder, "And to himself no less."

Canada felt his cheeks heat up, "S-shut up."

"When is he coming to pick you up?" America questioned.

"Why do you assume that he plans on picking me up?"

"Because I told him it would be extremely uncool to do anything else when he invited you to go anywhere," France stated and laughed.

"Five o'clock," Canada muttered.

"Then we shall waste no time in getting you ready!" France declared.

"W-well, this is nice," Canada said politely, looking at a scene that was very much not nice.

"I am awesome, aren't I?" Prussia preened. "West, wouldn't you agree?"

Germany looked from where he stood, covered head-to-toe in spaghetti. His grim face held no amusement as he stared at Prussia in silence.

Italy bounced around Germany's small kitchen, "Ahh, you look so yummy!"

Germany's stone face turned to look directly at Italy, where it then softened minutely. "Prussia, I am very happy for you. But. The next time you decide to 'liven up' the room by dumping our dinner on me I will not hesitate to demonstrate all forty-seven ways I know to disembowel someone with a rusty spoon."

"Ita, isn't it nice how well they get along?" Italy asked Canada.

Canada quietly chuckled, "Yes, I s-suppose so."

Italy pranced over to Germany and gently grabbed ahold of his shirt with one hand, "Let's take a bath. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Germany looked down at Italy and offered no resistance when Italy proceeded to pull Germany from the room to presumably bathe. Likely together, Canada thought. But when you've been together for as long and with someone as blatantly obvious as Italy and Germany, he supposed that it was to be expected.

Canada crossed the room to Prussia, "That c-could have gone worse."

"Haha! It only proves that I am the awesomest person ever because it went so well!"

Canada fondly shook his head. He leaned lightly against Prussia's side and took his hand. Prussia went beet red but laced their fingers together anyway.

Prussia eyed Canada hesitantly. "Do you- do you think that we can do this forever?"

Canada buried his face into Prussia's warm side, "Eh, I t-think that I would like that very m-much."

"You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people." - Charity Barnum (The Greatest Showman)

A/N: And I live! I hope that this doesn't disappoint. This chapter is a bit shorter than the others but I think that it brings it all to a nice close. :) I had a lot of fun writing this! I haven't been much in the Hetalia fandom in a long while- which is what I think is a big part of my writer's block and my desert of ideas for this fic. This entire fic is prob super OOC tbh but I hope that it was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write! I think this is the last chapter and I am going to mark it as complete. Stay safe, y'all! Thank you so much for reading!