Author has written 28 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. Current Status: Attempting to return, but no guarantees of a promising return and upkeep of the stories. Merely attempting to pickup where I can and for however long my inspiration will be intact. --28 stories ready for those to critique and/or enjoy-- Mainly focuses on the novel series done under Stephenie Meyers - The Twilight Saga There is a small handful of stories that delve into crossover territory, specifically J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels. There is even a smaller sample of One-Shots. At the moment, when it comes to stand as what is "completed": there are 3 stories that are dubbed "complete" However, at least 2 of them are being entirely rewritten. The original versions will remain for those that dare to read an author's under-developed writing style. Some of the stories serves as a side-plot to a main story. Upon re-reading old works, I do detest my old writing style thoroughly. So at present, I may vocally bash myself; but, I am my own worst critic. --Thus end to brief fore-warnings of my work. I pray it does not deter readers away. I would love the feedback from any willing reader so I can improve my own style. Brief telling of who I am -- I am currently a community-college grad, working towards furthering my education. All the while trying to find my footing in my future. I started writing fanfiction stories several years ago, long before I entered high school. Believe earliest I ever even posted on here was sometime back in middle school. Since then, I've tried my best at putting whatever lessons of English and writing I had gained in my educational life, to the test here. I enjoy writing freely and that tends to stray to the fictional genre. Even so much as borderline insane and illogical with how crazy some of these old plots were fleshed out. I mainly focus on the Twilight series to use for my stories. It was my obsession to write my own "What-ifs" about the characters. And it has since been hard to try and separate from the series, hard to attempt to find new muses and means of a plot that didn't involve a sparkly vampire, angsty, teeny-boppy romance. I do appreciate the series still to this day nonetheless. --Beyond writing, I've strayed towards improving my own work at the arts. Other past times I enjoy involve video-games mainly, or juggling a social life while being a moderately anti-social person. --I am a mere human, and I'm bound to make mistakes. Grammar, piss-poor spelling, incorrect information, far-fetched theorizing/story-telling/plots, "out-there" characters that venture off into a new path of their own (rather than attempting to stay true to their original makeup.) Finally: As a general note of disclaimer - I do not own the rights to the Twilight Series or Harry Potter series. The characters all belong to their respective creators. Each plot I may develop is for the most part, my own errant thoughts and musings being developed into something that resembles a story. Therefore I hold title to their skeletal plots to an extent. I seek no monetary gain from the usage of the characters my fanfiction stories may borrow. -- Do to inactivity for many years, the links to the two sites that gave visual representations no longer exist. I apologize to any new (or potentially returning) readers who would have wanted a visual reference for any of the many detailed descriptors. One can hope that with how heavily detailed they were, it offers some hope of understanding what the descriptor in question may appear to look like. |