Reviews for Protecting Harry
Guest chapter 18 . 3/13/2019
team twilight definitely
Someone chapter 18 . 6/22/2016
I'm either Team Twilight or Team Harry Potter or Team PJO! I luv PJO, (Percy Jackson), my friend is getting me a 'blue food' notebook for Christmas. I CANT WAIT! And then I love HO, and I recently finaihed Twilight so I'm in that stage at the mo
My phobia chapter 14 . 6/22/2016
Spiders. Point blank. I freeze up when I see a daddy long legs. Or scream when I see so,etching bigger, then get as far away as possible before freezin up and most likely crying.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/14/2016
Please make Hermione or someone find out they are vampires!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/14/2016
You shouldn't worry about review write because u want to not of how many reviews u get!
HPTwifan chapter 25 . 3/30/2015
i would like the ability to change my appearence at will. like tonks from harry potter
Skendo chapter 29 . 6/4/2014
MORE ... please :)
Cullen Cousin chapter 29 . 4/3/2014
I know it has been three years since you updated and I just waned you to know that I have enjoyed what you have posted. I just wish, that you could have finished it. I understand how real life loves to interfere with our writing! I guess I'll just have to imagine how the story ends. You have done a wonderful job of writing. Wishing you luck in your current endeavors.

ROSE212 chapter 29 . 4/2/2014
Amazing story! but you havent update in like 3 years why!? i want to know how this ends! please update soon! :)
Alice Gone Madd chapter 29 . 1/27/2013
awwww I wanted more :( plz update
o0Melantha0o chapter 29 . 12/1/2012
Renesmee is kinda acting like a spoiled brat in my opinion.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/9/2012
I like this chapter. It's a good human interest piece.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/9/2012
Good story, but Bella's shield would protect her from the dementor's power, plus a vampire definitely has the strength to rip a dementor's body apart.
anonymous chapter 4 . 10/7/2012
Bella can't get lost, she could have run at full speed and searched every possible route there could be within less than a minute.

Just pointing out inconsistencies. Good story.
anonymous chapter 2 . 9/30/2012
I think Nessie should be able to see thestrals, because in Breaking Dawn I think she saw Irina die.
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